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1、2017-2018学年第一学期宁波七中初三英语第一次月考试卷二、完形(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Johnny,a lizard (蜥蜴),lived between some rocks in the country, where he liked lying in the sun every morning. One day,he was so1that he didnt notice some boys coming up behind him. The boys caught Johnny. Luckily

2、,he escape from their hands in the end. But he lost his2. The children watched the tail moving about,but they soon threw the tail away and left. After a while,Johnny came back to3 his tail, but couldnt find it. Feeling so sad, he decided to4doing everything else in his life and spending _5_ his time

3、 finding his tail. Days and months passed,and Johnny kept looking, asking everyone he met if they had seen his tail. However,there was6no news about it. One day, he asked a boy and the boy answered insurprise, “Why do you need _7_tails?” After hearing this, Johnny turned back and saw that he had _8_

4、 a new, stronger tail. He suddenly realized that he didnt need the old tail anymore,and he found it silly to _9_ so much time in looking for it. So Johnny stopped and went back home._10_ the way,he suddenly found his old tail on the road. Although it looked terrible, Johnny was still _11_to have it

5、back. He picked it up. Just at that moment, an idea hit him that he shouldnt look at the past and worry about it since it was not useful for12 anymore.Finally,he decided to drop his,13_ tail there, leaving all his past worries with it. As he went on his journey, all he took with him were thoughts of

6、 the present and the dreams of the14. As we know, its not good to look at the past _15_ it helps in the future. The past is past,move on and live for the present and the future! Let the past go with the wind.1. A. relaxed B. lonely C. worried D. nervous2. A. hand B.tail C.head D.eyes3. A. look after

7、 B.look out C. look at D.look for4. A. stop B. keep C. begin D. finish5. A. no B.little C. all D. both6. A. usually B.still C. only D.hardly7. A.one B.two C. three D. four8. A. got B. found C. grown D.changed9. A. waste B. make C. pay D. take10. A.At B. By C. On D. In11. A. excited B. bored C. aston

8、ished D. unhappy12. A. them B. you C.her D. him13. A. new B. old C. long D. short14. A.past B. now C. present D.future15. A.if B. unless C. and D. so三、阅读理解(本题you15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AVanguard shopping coupons(购物券)6 Hours Free ParkingIf you spend ¥100 or more in our superm

9、arket,you will receive six hours of free parking. Take this coupon to the service desk to stamp!Buy one,get one freeBuy one T-shirt or one pair of trousers in our supermarket,and get another T-shirt or another pair of trousers of the same value free.Heres a shopping receipt(收据)of Cindy.Vanguard 50 R

10、inxin Road Haishu Disteict,3150016/09/2017 15:17PMItem(物品) Number Product Price/eachPair of trousers 2 44 ¥150.00Pair of socks 3 79 ¥10.00T-shirt 4 11 ¥100.00WELCOME NEXT TIME!16.If you spend ¥100 or more in the supermarket,you can_.A.get six yuan B.get 6 hours of free parkingC.get some stamps free

11、D.get a movie ticket17.How many kinds of things did Cindy buyA.Three B.Five C.Six D.Nine18.How much money did Cindy spend on them A.¥260. B. ¥360. C. ¥380. D. ¥730.BIn the United States there are many kids who want to be millionaires. They dream of being a famous sports star,a pop singer,or the Pres

12、ident!When I was a young boy,I dreamed of being rich,too. I wanted a red race car called a Lamborghini. I wanted a big house with a big swimming pool. During the summers,I dreamed of going to my vacation home with a view of the ocean,I didnt know what I was going to do to get rich. But,I knew I was

13、going to be a millionaire.Although some of my dream as a young boy were not realistic,I still dream today. I dont dream of being a baseball player or the President of the US,I dream of more attainable(可实现的)dreams like getting a doctors degree,or starting my own business to become a millionaire.There

14、 is no “formula(准则)”to guarantee(确保)that you will be a millionaire. Beside,you dont have to become a millionaire to live a happy life!Millionaires often say that their lives change little even when they get rich. They continue to live their lives the same as before. Whats more,they learn as much kno

15、wledge as they can at school!I think the best piece of advice for boys and girls is to work hard at school,learn the necessary skill,never give up on your dreams,and try your best. And if,at first,you dont succeed ,try again. I wish you good luck and keep dreaming!19.In American,many young boys drea

16、m to _.A. be a doctor B.be a rich man C.have a race car D.be a baseball player20.“Lamborghini”is a _ name.A. boys B.shops C.girls D.cars21.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passageA. The writer wants to be a baseball player. B. Millionaires continue to live their lives the same as befo

17、re. Their lives change little when they get rich. C. The writer has become a millionaire. D. If a person becomes a millionaire,his life must change much.22.From the passage,we know the writer thinks _.A. only a millionaire can live a happy life. B. a young person shouldnt have unrealistic dreamsC. a

18、 person should never give up his or her dreamsD.everyones dream must be attainable(可实现的)CLook at the center circles of Diagram (图) A and Diagram B. Which of the centre circles looks larger?Take a first look and you probably think that the centre circle in Diagram A is smaller than that in Diagram B.

19、 In fact ,they are exactly the same size.Then look at the picture on the right. What do you see A vase Or two facesDoes the picture change quickly from one to the other again and again Maybe or maybe not, but you can never see them at the same time.Whats happening Is something wrong with my eyes You

20、 may wonder at what you see. Dont worry. Here is how it goes:When we look at things,our eyes send messages to our brains and then our brains interpret (解读) the information. However, sometimes our brains interpret the received information in a wrong way. It seems that our eyes are playing a joke on u

21、s. This often happens and we call it Visual illusion (视觉错误).Movie makers often make use of illusions.They make the objects around actors much smaller or bigger than usual. This makes us believe that the actors are much larger or smaller than they usually are. The movies Jurassic Park and Honey I shr

22、unk the kids just make use of illusions.23.The centre circle in Diagram A looks smaller than that in Diagram B. Thats because.A. something is wrong with our eyesB. the two circles are not the same sizeC. our brains interpret the information in a wrong wayD. the two pictures change quickly from one t

23、o the other24.Whats the right order according to the passage?a. We look at things with our eyes. b. Our brains interpret the messages.c. Our brains tell us what we have seen.d. Our eyes send messages to our brains.Aadbc Bcabd Cacdb Dbcad25.Movie makers make use of visual illusions to_.Ahelp the acto

24、rs look betterBmake the actors much braverChelp the actors become strongerDmake the actors seem different in size26 .In the picture on the right, it seems that Line AB is shorter than Line CD, but in fact Line AB is as long as Line CD. Which paragraph can explain what has happened to our eyes_A.The

25、second one. B.The third one.C.The fifth one. D.The sixth one.DIt was Mollys job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he went to work.One morning, Molly handed him his usual lunch bag with another paper bag. “Why two bags”her father asked.“The other is something else,” Mol

26、ly answered. “Whats in it”“Just some stuff(东西). Take it with you.”Not wanting to discuss the matter,he took both bags with him,kissed Molly and rushed off. At noon, he opened Mollys bag and took out the following things: two hair hands, three small stones,a plastic fish, a tiny sea shell, a small do

27、ll, and.The busy father smiled, finished eating,and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket,including Mollys things.That evening, Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper. “Wheres my bag”“What bag”“The one I gave you this morning.”“I left it at the office. Why”“I forgot to put this note in it,

28、”she said.“Daddy,the things in the bag are the things I really likeI thought you might like to play with them. You didnt lose the bag, did you, Daddy”“Oh, no,”he said, lying. “I just forgot it home. Ill bring it tomorrow.”Then he unfolded the note that read:“I love you, Daddy.”Molly had given him he

29、r treasures.Love in a paper bag, and he missed itnot only missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket. So he went back to the office and found the wastebasket.He took out the special bag and carried it home carefully. The bag didnt look so good, but the things were all there.After dinner, he ask

30、ed Molly to tell him about the things in the bag. It took a long time to tell. Everything had a story or a memory.Life is like a long journey. The journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.27.Why did Molly give her father a se

31、cond bag?A. She didnt want to keep the things in the bag.B. She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.C. She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.D. She enjoyed playing with her father.28.How did Father deal with the bag after he opened it?A. He kept it in th

32、e drawer. B. He took it back home.C. He threw it into the wastebasket. D. He put it on his table.29.After father heard what his daughter said,he felt _.zxxkA. sorry B. surprised C. sad D. satisfied30.Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage zxxkA. An important journey B. Two

33、bagsC. Father and daughter D. Love in a paper bag四、词汇应用(本题由15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)A.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。31. The _(表情)on their faces helped me to get the meaning 32. Good learners often_(联系)what they need to learn with something interesting33.Everything you learn becomes a part of you and ch

34、anges you, so learn_(明智地)and learn well.34.HouYi quicky_(摆放) out Changs favorite desserts in the garden,and wished that she could come back.35.After this, people started the tradition of _(欣赏)the moon on Mid-Autumn Day.36. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was_(惩罚) after he died.37. Christm

35、as is not only about gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. Behind all these things _ (存在) the true meaning of Christmas.38. He now_(传播) love and joy everywhere he goes.39. These are similar_(请求) for directions.40. We also need to learn how to be_(礼貌) when we ask for help. tie if spend anything two

36、B.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。TherearetwospecialdaysforparentsinAmerica.OneismothersDayonthe_41_Sunday of May,and the other is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June. On these two days,American children often give gifts to their parents. Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirtsor

37、_42_forfathers.Iheardthatitsbecomingmorepopular tocelebratethese two daysinChina.Iwonder_43_childrentherealsogivesimilargiftstotheirparents.Ithinktherearemanywaystoshowourlove.Actually,wedonthaveto_44_alotofmoney.Itsalsoagoodideatohelpparentstodo_45_instead.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语

38、法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个恰当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Youmusthavereador_46_(hear)ofthesadlovestory betweenJiaBaoyuandLinDaiyu.ButcanyouimaginethemsingingoperasinEnglishinstead_47_speakingpoeticChinese?JiaandLinaretwocharactersfromtheclassicChinesenovelADreamofRedMansions(红楼梦),_48_ (write)byCaoXueqin(1715-1763).N

39、owthebookhasbeenmadeinto_49_Englishopera.TheoperawasfirstperformedlastSeptemberinSanFrancisco,US.Thismonthitcomesto China Manyoftheoperascreatorshavebackgrounds(背景)in_50_ChineseandAmericanculturesTheir_51_(understand)ofthecultureshelpedthemtochangeaChineseclassicintoaforeign-languageopera.Thebook,wh

40、ichcoverstheriseandfalloftheJiafamily,has120chaptersand_52_(hundred)ofcharacters._53_,operawriterDavidHenryHuangcutdownthenumberofcharacterstojustseven.HuangfocusedonthelovestorybetweenJiaandLin and_54_(try)towriteaheartbrokentragedythateveryonewouldunderstand.Thecreators considerit tobea_55_(meanin

41、g)jobtointroduceaChineseclassictoWesternaudiences.六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)随着科技的发展,各种手机app层出不穷,功能应有尽有。请你根据71-74最匹配的app图片并回答第75小题。六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)随着科技的发展,各种手机app层出不穷,功能应有尽有。请你根据以下描述选择与56-59最匹配的app图片并回答第75小题。56. This is an English dubbing app. This app makes it possible to practice speaking English while having fun. You can dub different types of movies or cartoons. And you can also share the videos with our We Chat friends.57. This app is a platform for demonstrating cooking skills. You can record recipes on it.Beginners who are not good at cooking can also benefit from


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