1、选修六unit3-are-you-at-riskThe three biggest killers in the world Heart disease Cancer AIDSHIV/AIDS: ARE YOU AT RISK?What is AIDS?艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)。这是一种慢性致死性传染病,由人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)引起。 incurable diseaseAIDS is _ disease in the world at pres
2、ent.AIDS is a(n) _ disease.An AIDS suffererthe most terribledeadlyincurable People suffer from AIDS儿子死于艾滋病,留下一个孙子也是艾滋病毒携带者 Henan AIDS village小姑娘的双手因为艾滋病感染变得红肿不堪 惨不忍睹 AfricaAIDS is a disease that can be _ passed from one person to anotheran infect_ diseaseiousYou may get infected through_.bloodunprot
3、ected sexbirthSome facts: By the end of 2003, an estimated 42 million around the world were living with HIV/AIDS. During the year, 5 million people became infected and an estimated 3 million people died. About one-third of people living with HIV/AIDS are 15-24 years of age. More than 7 million peopl
4、e in Asia and the Pacific are living with HIV/AIDS.HIV infection has taken root in South Asia and poses a threat to development and poverty alleviation efforts in the region. virus disease flu weaken immune system survive survival spread fluid inject injection 病毒病毒 疾病疾病 流感流感 减弱减弱 免疫系统免疫系统 幸存幸存 (V) 幸
5、存幸存 (n) 传播传播 液体液体 注射注射 (v) 注射注射 (n) a cure for. needle spill condom become infected homosexual slightly prejudice mosquito evidence .的治疗方法的治疗方法 针筒针筒 洒,溢出洒,溢出 安全套安全套 被感染被感染 同性恋同性恋 轻微地轻微地 偏见偏见 蚊子蚊子 证据证据染上病毒、艾滋病染上病毒、艾滋病 get HIV/AIDS have HIV/AIDS become infected (with HIV/AIDS)染上病毒、艾滋病的人染上病毒、艾滋病的人 peop
6、le with HIV people carrying HIV A person infected with HIV/AIDS AIDS patients AIDS sufferers HIV carriers How many parts can the passage be divided into? part1: Background information about what HIV/AIDS is. Part2: How is HIV/AIDS spread and ways to protect yourself Part3: Some untrue statements HIV
7、/AIDS: ARE YOU AT RISK?in dangerPart 1:(para1)Background informationHIV=AIDS? yes or no?What is HIV?HIV is a _ that _ and eventually_ after_.If you are infected with HIV, youll always develop AIDS eventually.What is AIDS?When your body can no longer fight disease, thestage of the illness caused by H
8、IV.virusweakensdamages your immune systemstaying in your body for a long time HIV is a _, which _ and eventually _ a persons immune system. It takes a long time for an HIV carrier to become an AIDS _. If you _ AIDS, your chances of _ are very small, for the _ for AIDS has not been found yet. viruswe
9、akenssuffererdevelopsurvivalcuredamagesWhile readingWhile reading According to the text, decide whether it is safe or not to be together with the AIDS victims in the following municatingtalking with themsafekissing themsafehugging themsafe2010-12-01shaking handssafe2010-12-012010-12-01sneezingsafeco
10、ughingsafesharing the needlesdangerous与他人共用注射器吸毒与他人共用注射器吸毒与学生谈与学生谈 AIDSTherefore,knowing what is safe and what is risky is very important.Part2: How is HIV/AIDS spread and the ways to protect yourself(1)How is HIV spread? through blood and sexual fluid(2) How can blood and sexual fluid with HIV get
11、inside our body? through broken skin or by injection(3) How can you stay safe?Inject drugs:do not share anything else.do not share your needle with.; have sex:use a condom HIV is a _, which _ a persons immune system. It takes a long time for an HIV carrier to become an AIDS _. If you _ AIDS, your ch
12、ances of _ are very small, for the _ for AIDS has not been found yet. You may get _ with HIV by _, or during _. Therefore, to stay safe, you shouldnt share _ or anything else that has been used while _ drugs. Whats more, do not have sex without a _. virusweakenssuffererdevelopsurvivalcureinfectedinj
13、ectionneedlesinjectingcondomsexTrue or false1. A person cannot get HIV the first time they have sex. 2. You can tell by looking at someone whether or not they have HIV. 3. Only homosexuals get AIDS. If one has unprotected sex with an HIV If one has unprotected sex with an HIV carrier, he will get in
14、fected.carrier, he will get infected.Many HIV carriers look perfectly healthy.Many HIV carriers look perfectly healthy.Anyone who has unprotected sex will be at risk.Anyone who has unprotected sex will be at risk.4. If you hug, touch or kiss someone with AIDS or visit them in their home, you will ge
15、t HIV/AIDS.5. You can get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes.HIV is spread through blood and sexual fluid.HIV is spread through blood and sexual fluid.There is no evidence of this.There is no evidence of this. Misunderstandings may lead to p_ against HIV carriers and AIDS sufferers. On April 3rd,1987, the fir
16、st case of AIDS was reported in China. It is reported that the number of the people affected with AIDS has reached 34000,000.NEWS on AIDS Why is AIDS spread so rapidly?have no knowledge oflack the awareness of protectingmany wrong ideas about AIDSStep 5 Decide the following statements are true or fa
17、lse.1. You can only get HIV from injecting drugs.2. It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV.3. If you look healthy, you cannot have HIV.FTF HIV/AIDS is only spread through direct contact with infected blood or sexual fluids.You can have HIV and look and behave as if you a
18、re perfectly healthy. It is only in the last stages of AIDS that a person looks sick. 4. It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom.5. Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will give you HIV too.6. If you have HIV, you will always get AIDS eventually.FTTYou can
19、get HIV/AIDS from unprotected sex with an infected person.HIV/AIDS is only spread through direct contact with infected blood or sexual fluids John was very nervous these days. Last month, he went to an orphanage (孤儿院孤儿院) to do some voluntary work. He hugged the orphans and even kissed some of them.
20、When he was having dinner with the orphans he was stung (叮,咬叮,咬) by a mosquito. Some days later, he was told one of the orphans was an HIV carrier. John was more and more worried, suspecting he would be infected with HIV/AIDS. Is it likely that John will be infected with HIV/AIDS? Why or why not? HI
21、V is a _, a very small living thing that causes_. It gets inside the body through broken _ or by injection. HIV _a persons immune system. And it _ ones immune system so much that ones body no longer _ disease. The _of illness is called AIDS. So far, almost everyone who has _ AIDS has died. People of
22、ten become _through blood transfusion and the body fluid.AIDS is a disease difficult to _by now.virusdiseaseskinweakensdamagesfightsstagedeveloped infectedcure/treat Misunderstandings may lead to p_ against HIV carriers and AIDS sufferers. prejudiceWill you make friends with a HIV carrier?Will you h
23、ave a dinner with an AIDS patient?After readingAfter reading In your opinion, how will the people with AIDS feel?In my opinion, they will feel becauselonely, unconfident, desperate, ashamedhelpless, hopeless,. dont look down upon them. show love and care to them. help them fight fear, shame and inju
24、stice (unfairness).support them physically and mentally Discuss what can we do to help thoes who have HIV/AIDS? How should we act towards people who have HIV/AIDS? What can we do to help them? We should:show love and care to them.help them fight fear, shame and injustice(unfair).We shouldnt:. look d
25、own upon themhave prejudice against In a word, peoples attitude will change their life.Enjoy yourselfred ribbon20世纪世纪80年代末,美国的一些艺术家用年代末,美国的一些艺术家用红红丝带丝带来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴们。来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴们。在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。一条长长的一条长长的红丝带红丝带被抛在会场的上空,支被抛在会场的上空,支持者们将其剪成
26、小段,并用别针将折叠好持者们将其剪成小段,并用别针将折叠好的红丝带标志别在胸前。的红丝带标志别在胸前。 后来,许多关注艾滋病的爱心组织、医疗后来,许多关注艾滋病的爱心组织、医疗机构、咨询电话纷纷以机构、咨询电话纷纷以“红丝带红丝带”命名。命名。红丝带红丝带逐渐成为呼唤全社会关注艾滋病的逐渐成为呼唤全社会关注艾滋病的防治问题,理解、关爱艾滋病病毒感染者防治问题,理解、关爱艾滋病病毒感染者及艾滋病病人的及艾滋病病人的国际性标志国际性标志。 It is the symbol of red ribbon World AIDS Day:December,1st 2010-12-0123rdsymbol
27、red ribbonimage ambassador1. Try to make a poster to tell others and help others so as to make more people know about HIV/ AIDS.Step4: HomeworkStep4: Homework1. 使人体免疫系统减使人体免疫系统减弱弱2. 找到治疗找到治疗.的方法的方法3. 和和.共用、共用、 分享分享4. 从一个人身上传到从一个人身上传到另一人另一人5. 感染了感染了.6. 冒险做冒险做.7. 更有可能做更有可能做8. 由于偏见由于偏见9. 由于相同的原因由于相同的原因
28、10. 没有没有.的证据的证据weaken ones immune systemfind a cure for AIDSshare sth with sb pass from one person to anotherget infected with risk doing / take the risk of doingbe more likely to dobecause of / due to prejudicefor the same reasonThere is no evidence of risk vt risk doing sth 冒险做冒险做. risk ones life to do sth 冒着生命危险去做冒着生命危险去做. 他冒着生命危险去救被大火困住的两个孩子。他冒着生命危险去救被大火困住的两个孩子。
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