1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A的单词拼读Dad and Cat、 Dad has a black cat . Dad has a black hat. Dad has a black bag. The cat is in the bag. The bag is in his hand. hat, a bag, a cat!Word bank单词银行: Dad cat rat bag hand Sad fan bat pan hat一、Lets chant.Ten red pens.Ten red pens. Eight pens, nine pens.Ten red pens on the be
2、d.二、Lets read(和你的搭档分角色读一读、演一演吧!) Hello! Im Crab. Im from the UK. I have ten red legs. This is my new friend, Hen.Hi! Im Hen. Im from China. Look! I have an egg. Here you are. Cool! I like it! Look! Whats this? Wow! Its a red pen. Here you are.Thanks!3、 Lets spell. (请大声拼读以下单词。) bag bad dad sad sat ca
3、t mat fat map nap lap sweater cap clap rab crab black hand head red bed leg weather 你还能想出更多的单词吗?Lets chantMy name is Jake.My name is Jake.I can make a cake.My name is Dave.My name is Dave.I touch my face.Lets read(请大声下面的单词,并写出记住中文意思。)sad happy man name make cake take lake hate face apple plane plate
4、 grape black flag wave cap map table date panda Canada and grandfather grandma family maths fan candyjacket have has cabbage carrot can cant anteraser crayon tasty trash bin nature park village elephant welcome seven yellow pencil box pen pencil eggplant best experiment get up February tell twelve t
5、welfth when set the table E的单词拼读一、Lets chant.Ten red pens.Ten red pens. Eight pens, nine pens.Ten red pens on the bed.二、Lets read(和你的搭档分角色读一读、演一演吧!) Hello! Im Crab. Im from the UK. I have ten red legs. This is my new friend, Hen.Hi! Im Hen. Im from China. Look! I have an egg. Here you are. Cool! I l
6、ike it! Look! Whats this? Wow! Its a red pen. Here you are.Thanks!4、 Lets spell. (请大声拼读以下单词。) bag bad dad sad sat cat mat fat map nap lap cap clap rab crab black hand head red bed leg weather sweater elephant, welcome, seven, yellow, pencil box, pen, pencil 你还能想出更多的单词吗?一、Listen to the words and find
7、 the letters.(听单词发音,找字母) e, k, n, y t, p, e, l b, f, e, d t, h, s, e, b二、Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。)leg pen teacher red boy ten 1. How old are you? Im years old. 2. Look at me. This is my 3. Whats that? Its a (红色)4. My bag is 3、 请大声拼读以下单词,并注上中文。red ten leg yellow egg elephant yes welcome s
8、even pencil box pen pencil eggplant best experiment get up February tell twelve twelfth when set the table I 的单词拼读请大胆拼读这些单词,想一想i的发音,读准,读到位,然后写出中文意思,把这些学过的单词牢记在心!三四年级所学含有i的单词:nine nineteen ninety like kite nice ice fine bite site dive mine side time wide it is in bit thin this fish Miss Mike rice Tim
9、 nice white Zip big write pig six sixteen sixty five fifteen fifty child children sister China Chinese pig tiger window light picture right 五年级所学含有i的单词:Friday city village river behind living room knife chicken driver little active strict quiet kitchen mirror air-conditioner ill do the dishes intere
10、sting insects swim listen to write fifth ninth which visit dinner morning evening shopping piano spring go hiking 我们一起来读一读这个有趣的故事吧。Im a big pig. Im six. I like milk.My names Mike. I go to the park by bike.I see a white kite . Look, whats on the kite?Its a big number . Its very fine.I see five mice ,
11、too. They are looking for rice. They are so nice.O的单词拼读练习一、This is a story about love and cooperation. At night, small animals take the bird back to the nest. (这是一个关于“爱与合作”的故事。在深夜,小动物们悄悄在树下叠罗汉,把熟睡的小鸟送回了树上的家。)Whats Going On? 二、请大声拼读下面的单词,并注上中文。hot not sorry Tom frog box orange on dog home pose close
12、rose hope rope Coke note noseclock holiday tomorrow do hold on over there Octoberplay the piano often go shopping tofu potato tomato how oldmonkey body some go to school go home phone jobchopsticks sofa toy lost storybook doctor shoes come Whats his name?His name is Mr. Jones.He has a big nose.He li
13、kes Coke.But dont drink too much Coke.U的单词拼读练习一、请大声拼读以下单词,并注上中文。duck fun funny run umbrella cut bus cute excuse get up mum use music lunch hurry study butunder just July June pick up uncle aunt us usually summer Where is the mummy duck?Under the sun.二、读一读以下短文,注意U的发音。Sun, sun, sun.Under the sun.Baby
14、duck, baby duckRun ,run, run.Mummy duck, mummy duckFun, fun, fun.One cute cat uses two balls.Two cute cats use three balls.Three cute cats use four balls.Four cute cats use five balls.Five cute cats use six balls.One, two, three, four, five, six.Five cute cats are playing tricks.元音字母a,e,i,o,u在单词中的两种
15、发音a-e name名字 cake蛋糕 face脸 make制作 date日期plane飞机plate盘子 table桌子 特例:baby婴儿a cat猫 dad爸爸 hat帽子 bag包 schoolbag书包 fat胖的 fan风扇 hand手happy高兴的 map地图cap帽子can能够that那个maths数学 black黑色blackboard黑板 candy糖果bathroom浴室 特例:apple苹果ant蚂蚁i-e like喜欢 kite风筝 five五nine九 fine 好的nice 美好的rice米饭 time时间 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 white白色kn
16、ife刀 drive开车driver司机 特例:Chinese语文 light点灯right对的i big大的 pig猪dig挖six六 it它 is是 in在.里面 thin瘦的 this这个 fish鱼 sit坐 his他的window 窗户picture图画 English英语 dinner晚餐 特例:little小的fridge冰箱o-eMr Jones琼斯老师 Coke可乐 note笔记notebook笔记本 nose 鼻子hope 希望home家 rose玫瑰close关上phone电话特例:no不是OK好的 so如此 sofa沙发o dog 狗mom 妈妈not不hot热的 bo
17、x盒子fox狐狸lot很多lost丢失orange橙色 storybook 故事书doctor医生job工作u-e use使用 cute可爱的 excuse原谅 mule骡 tube管子特例:UK英国 USA美国 student 学生pupil学生u duck鸭子cut切割 up向上 fun有趣的人或事funny有趣的 bus 公交车but 但是much非常mum妈妈 uncle叔叔舅舅under在.下面 umbrella雨伞 study书房puppy小狗run跑jump跳-e he他 she她 me我 we我们 be是-e-pen钢笔 pencil铅笔red红色 bed床bedroom卧室d
18、esk桌子let让 ten十 get 获得vest背心help帮助 them 他们特例:egg蛋 elephant大象简单的音节拼读h-a h-a ha ha ha hat f-a f-a fa fa fa fat c-a c-a ca ca ca catb-e b-e be be be bet t-e t-e te te te ted l-o l-o lo lo lo log lot lopp-i p-i pi pi pi pig s-i s-i si si si six sit j-u j-u ju ju ju jump f-u f-u fu fu fu fun(一)练习拼读:1元音 +
19、辅音 /e/+/m/- /em/2辅音 + 元音 /b/ + /i:/- /bi:/3辅音 +元音 + 辅音 /z/ + /e/ + /d/ - /zed/4多元多辅 /l/+/ai/+/b/+/r/+/+ /r/+/i/ - /laibrri/给下列有空缺的单词补充完整。请认真拼读26个英文字母相对应的音标。音素分类 音标书写 音位音长元音声带振动单音口形不变前元音 i: e æ 扁唇形,舌尖抵下齿,依次张大中元音 : 圆唇,舌悬空中高,依次张大后元音u:扁圆唇,舌后缩底高,依次张大双元音口形变合口双元音e a前长后短,前重后轻,首音长三分之二,次音三分之一,从首音滑向次音,一到即
20、止。合口双元音 a集中双元音 e辅音声带振动或无振动腔阻成音爆破音清 p t k 1.双唇闭,气冲成音2.舌尖抵上齿龈,弹舌成音3.舌后部抵软鄂,咳气成音浊 b d g 摩擦音清 s f 1. 双唇微张,舌尖平近上齿,气流缓出舌齿间,2. 双唇微张,舌尖平抵上齿龈冲舌成音3. 圆唇微突出,舌尖微上卷近上齿龈,送气成音4. 上齿轻咬下唇,气出唇齿,摩擦成音.浊 z ð z 破擦音清 tr t ts口舌摆好首音音位,尽力发出次音,即可成音浊 dr d dz 半元音 w j 1. W稍圆突唇舌后抬起,嘴唇滑向两边,振动2. j扁唇微笑,舌尖抵下齿,舌面贴上鄂,振动,3. 两音长很短,一出即
21、滑至后音似摩音 l h r 1.l舌抵上齿龈,稍弯,气出舌两边成音,振动2.h 嘴唇自然张开,呵气成音,声带不振动3.r舌关上卷悬中,圆唇稍突,冲舌成音,振动鼻音m n m 双唇紧闭,舌尖平悬,气出鼻腔振动n 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气出鼻腔,振动 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后自然升顶,气出鼻腔。语流音变浊化两清辅音相连,后清变浊,sp sb st sd sk sg str sdrspeak spy study star sky school screen street失爆两爆相连,爆擦相连,前音失爆Blackboard bookcase bedside cardboard footbridg
22、e Come back tomorrow. I dont think so.连读前词辅音尾,后词元音头,连读成一词Not at all. There is, on it, in an office ,in English, Get out, all over, first of all,英语国际音标新旧对照表Vowels元音20个新 i:eæ:u:旧i:ieæ:u:u:新a:eaae旧:eiaiiuauiuConsonants辅音28个无变化pbtdkgfvszTðmnlrhwjtdtrdrtsdz英语国际音标四线三格书写规范长元音 i: u: : : :短元音
23、e æ 双元音/e/a/e/a/轻辅音/p / t / k / f/ / s /浊辅音/b /d/ g / v / / z / ð /轻辅音/ ts/ t/ tr/ h/浊辅音/ dz/d/dr/ r/鼻音/m/ n / /半元音/ j /w/舌侧音/ /含糊音/ /运用音标拼读单词1元音 + 辅音 /e/+/m/- /em/2辅音 + 元音 /b/ + /i:/- /bi:/3辅音 +元音 + 辅音 /z/ + /e/ + /d/ - /zed/4多元多辅 /l/+/ai/+/b/+/r/+/+ /
24、r/+/i/ - /laibrri/b/-/i:/=/bi:/ bee /d/-/ /-/g/=/dg/ dog /k/ /æ/ /t/=/kæt/cat/h/ /e/ /n/=/hen/ hen /p/ /i/ /g/=/pig/ pig /h/ /: / /s/=/h:s/ horse/f/ /i/ /=/fi/ fish / /i:/ /p/=/ i:p/ sheep /d/ /e/ /s/ /k/ =/desk/desk/s/ /i:/=/si:/ sea /p/ /:/ /k/=/p:k/ park /k/ /:/=/k:/ car/z/ /u:/=/zu:/ z
25、oo /s/ /t/ /a:/=/st:/ star /d/ /: /=/d: / door/b/ /u/ /k/=/buk/ book /f/ /: / /k/=/f: k/ fork /z/ / /p/=/zp/zip/sw/ /:/ /d/=/sw:d/ sword /p/t/=/pt/ pot /ai/=/ai/eye/k/ei/k/=/keik/ cake /p/ /l/ /ei/ /n/=/plein/ plane/s/ /n/ /ei/ /k/=/sneik/ snake /b/ /ai/ /k/=/baik/ bike/t/ /ai/=/tai/ tie /b/ / /=/b/
26、 boy /t/ /=/t/ toy英语单词直接拼读法规则及练习1. au,aw 读/:/,如 cause, because launch, sauce, draw, saw. /k:z/ /bi'k:z/ /l:nt/ /s:s/ /dr:/ /s:/ al, our, or oor 读/:/ 如 ball. wall, small, /b:l/ /w:l/ /sm:l/four court horse short forty floor/f:/ /k:t/ /h:s/ /:t/ /'f:ti/ /fl:/2. ,ew(iew)读/ju:/,如 new, view, revi
27、ew'. /nju:/ /vju:/ /ri'vju:/3. ou, ow 读/au/,如 house , loud , mouse, mouth /hauz/ /laud/ /mauz/ /mau/how, now, down, cow , brown , flower towel/hau/ /nau/ /daun/ /kau/ /braun/ /flau/ /'taul/ ow 读 /u/ window grow flow snow /'windu/ /gru/ /flu/ /snu/4. ai, ay 读/ei/,如 wait, aid train; /w
28、eit/ /eid/ /trein/day, may play today Monday./dei/ /mei/ /plei/ /t'dei/ /'mndi/a, ea ey读/ei/, cake game break they grey /keik/ /geim/ /break/ /ðei/ /grei/5. a, ar ,au 读/a:/ ask, fast , car farm farmer park star /:sk/ /fa:st/ /ka:/ /fa:m/ /'f:m/ /pa:k/ /sta:/ laugh aunt /l:f/ /:nt/6.
29、 oi,oy 读/i/,如 choice, oil boil point; boy, toy enjoy. /tis/ /il/ /bil/ /pint/ /bi/ /ti/ /in'di/7. ea,ee 读/ i:/,如 eat, ,read, clean , cheap teach teacher sea; /i:t/ /ri:d/ /kli:n/ /ti:p/ /ti:t/ /'ti:t/ /si:/deep, need bee see sleep sheep ./di:p/ /ni:d/ /bi:/ /si:/ /sli:p/ /i:p/ ea读/e/ head br
30、ead dead /hed/ /bred/ /ded/8. ie,(c)ei 读/i:/,如 field, believe' thief; receive', ceil'ing. /fi:ld/ /bi'li:v/ /i:f/ /ri'zi:v/ /'si:li/9. oa 读/u/,如 road, soap, boat coat goat . /rud/ /sup/ /but/ /kut/ /gut/10. ue 读/ju:/,如 Tuesday, val'ue, pursue'. /tju:zdi/ /'væ
31、lju:/ /p'sju:/11. air,ear 读/e/,如 air, hair fair; pear , bear. /e/ /he/ /fe/ /pe/ /be/ere ,eir 读/e/,如 there, their /ðe/ /ðe/12. ere , ear, eer 读/i/如 here, ear, clear, dear near; /hi/ /i/ /kli/ /di/ /ni/ beer, deer , cheer. /bi/ /di/ /ti/13. our 读/au/如 our, sour, hour /au/ /sau/ /au/14.
32、oo 1.读/u/: 在字母k前(book,look,took)和在good,foot,stood,wood,wool 2.读/u:/: 在其余情况下读/u:/,如: cool, food, loose, room, zoo. /ku:l/ /fu:d/ /lu:s/ /ru:m/ /zu:/ 3.读/ /: 在flood,blood及其派生词(flood'ing,blood'less等)中读/ /.15. igh 读/ai/,如 high, light, might, night. /hai/ /lait/ /mait/ /nait/16. augh,ough 读/:/,如
33、daugh'ter, caught, taught;ought, fought, thought。 /'d:t/ /k:t/ /t:t/ /:t/ /f:t/ /:t/17. a, ar, er, or 读/ again, agree, letter, river, brother, sister, /'gein/ /'gri:/ /'let/ /'riv/ /brð/ /'sist/ dollar sugar actor doctor /dl/ /ug/ /'ækt/ /'dkt/二、辅音字母的读音规
34、则1. c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如cell, city, cinema; /sel/ /'siti/ /'sinim/ 其余情况下读/K/,如cat, club, cap candy cook computer /kæt/ /klb/ /kæp/ /'kændi/ /kuk/ /km'pju:t/class classroom cousin clean./kl:s/ /'kl:srum/ /'kzn/ /kli:n/2. g 在字母e,i,y前读/,如 gene, gin, gym; /di:n/ /dIn/
35、 /dIm/ 其余情况下读/g/,如 beg, golf, game green grape /beg/ /glf/ /geim/ /gri:n/ /greip/ grandpa glasses go home get up grass /'rændp:/ /'gla:siz/ /gu/hum/ /get/p/ /gr:s/3. s 多数情况下读/s/,如 six, desk, yes season spring summer /siks/ /desk/ /jes/ /'si:zn/ /spri/ /'sm/ snow snowman swim swi
36、ng sleep skate speak some; /snu/ /'snmæn/ /swim/ /swi/ /sli:p/ /skeit/ /spi:k/ /sm/ 有时读/z/,如is,his,vis'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。4. x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如exist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如six, next, excuse'. /siks/ /nekst/ /iks'kju:z/q 读/k/ 常与字母u用在一起, qu 读/kw/, 如 quick, ques'tion./kwik/
37、/'kwestn/三、 辅音字母组合的读音规则1. ch, tch 读/,如 Chi'na, Chinese cheap much;catch, match /tain/ /'tai'ni:z/ /ti:p/ /mt/ /kt/ /mæt/2. ph, gh 读 /f/,如 pho'to, phone laugh /'futu/ /fun/ /l:f/3. sh读 /,如shape, she, short, fish sheep ship shop show should /eip/ /i:/ /:t/ /fi/ /i:p/ /ip/
38、/p/ /u/ /ud/4. th 多数情况下读/,如 three, third /ri:/ /:d/ 但有时读/ð/ ,如 that, than, with.(读/ð/时可下画一线). /ðæt/ /ðæn/ /wið/5. wh在字母o前读/h/,如 who, whom, whose(其中的字母o读/u:/) ; /hu:/ /hu:m/ /hu:z/ 其余情况下读/w/,如 which,when, why. /wit/ /wen/ /wai/6. dg, dj 读/,如 judge,lodg'ing;adjus
39、t', ad'jective. /dd/ /'ldi/ /'dst/ /'ædiktiv/7. n在和字母g构成字母组合时,及处于读/g/或/k/的字母前读/。如 long, thing, length;un'cle; an'gry, fin'ger; drink, think, thank. /l/ /i/ /le/ /'kl/ /'ægri/ /'fig/ /drik/ /ik/ /æk/8. gu 在元音前读/g/,如guess, guide, guest; /ges/
40、/gaid/ /gest/在字母n后读/gw/,如 lan'guage,distin'guish,lin'guist. /'lægwid/ /dis'tigwi/ /'ligwist/9. 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如 lit'tle, miss, hill, hob'by;clock , neck, black; /'litl/ /mis/ /hil/ /'hbi/ /klk/ /nek/ /blæk/scene, sci'ence, excite', except
41、'; accord'ing, accuse', occur'. /si:n/ /'sains/ /ik'sait/ /ik'sept/ /'k:di/ /'kju:z/ /'k:/10. c, k, ck, 读/k/ car, cake, kite, kick, duck, clock, chicken cock truck check/kik/ /dk/ /klk/ /'tikin/ /kuk/ /trk/ /tek/特别要注意这几个容易混淆的发音/ts/ cats shorts shirts pots
42、lets whats its kites/dz/ birds kids hands feeds/tr/ tree try train/dr/ driver drink draw drop bedroom children/t/ chair catch teacher China Chinese child children choose/d/ orange change bridge fridge “th”唯一的咬舌音,发/或/ð/,看到它们要咬舌。the thanks this that those these tooth they them there three thirteen thirty thin thirsty birthday month than father mother brother 实用的重要发音规则归纳:长元音足够长,短元音短促有力,双元音饱满到位。(根据发音规则,请大声读准每个单词的发音,大胆写一写他们的音标吧)1 短元音发音时,短促有力。big ship hill pen beg well apple hand run jump hop box hot egg bed good cook foot bag cat fat map 除了/外,它永不重读 teacher doctor actor fa
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