



1、IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATIONTO:开证行Date:申请开证日期( )Issue by airmail ( )With brief advice by teletransmissionCredit No.( )Issue by express delivery不填(开证行填写)(V) (which shall be the operative instrument)Date and place of expiry 信用证有效期和到期地点(受益人所在国)ApplicantBeneficiary (Full name and address)开

2、证申请人受益人Advising BankAmount通知行(议付行;卖方所在地银行) 金额小写(大写)Credit available withPartial shipments 分批规定Transshipment 转船规定议付行( )allowed ( )not allowed()allowed ()not allowedByLoading on board/dispatch/taking in charge at/from装运港()payment()acceptance 承兑 (v)negotiationnot later than 最迟装运期against the documents d

3、etailed hereinFor transportation to: 目的港and beneficiarys draft(s) for 100% of invoice value( )FOB ( )CFR ( )CIFAt sightoor other terms drawn on 开证行Documents required: (marked with X)1. ( X ) Signed commercial invoice in 13 copies 2. (X ) Full set of clean on board Bills of Lading made out to order a

4、nd blank endorsed, marked freight to collect / prepaid showing freight amount FOB运费到付 CFR CIF运费预付notifying APPLICANT . () Airway bills/cargo receipt/copy of railway bills issued by showing “freight to collect/ prepaid indicating freight amount and consigned to_.3. (X ) Insurance Policy/Certificate i

5、n 3 copies for 110 % of the invoice value showing claims payable in 赔付地点(买方所在地) in currency FOB:买方租船订舱、买方投保 CFR:卖方租船订舱、买方投保 CIF:卖方租船订舱、卖方投保of the draft, blank endorsed, covering All Risks, War Risks and 4. (X ) Packing List/Weight Memo in MONTREAL 3 copies 5. () Certificate of Quantity/Weight in cop

6、ies issued by _.6. () Certificate of Quality in copies issued by manufacturer/ public recognized surveyor_.7. (X ) Certificate of Origin in 2 copies .8. ( X ) Beneficiarys certified copy of fax装船通知 / telex dispatched to the applicant within 2 days after shipment advising L/C No., name of vessel, dat

7、e of shipment, name, quantity, weight and value of goods.Other documents, if any其他单据EXPORT LICENCECertificate of Origin FORM ADescription of goods:货描QUANTITY数量2550PREGESPRICE TERM: Additional instructions:1. (X ) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiarys account.2. (X ) Docum

8、ents must be presented within 21 days after date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of this credit.3. (X ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable, Short Form/Blank back B/L is not acceptable.4. ( ) Both quantity and credit amount _ _ % more or less are allowed.5. (X ) All documents must


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