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1、三年级第二学期数学补充练习7 姓名 第一次:(打*要验算)(1)466÷23 (2)449÷42 (3) * 878÷89(4)(13680-680)×19 (5) 5150÷(450÷18)(6)一个数的3倍是537,这个数是多少?(7)小朋友去秋游,五年级192人,三、四年级有224人,每辆客车坐52人,一共要几辆客车?第二次:(打*要验算)(1)368÷78= (2) 684÷69= (3) *484÷56=(4)875+125×68 (5)(812-716)×46 (6)两个9

2、相加的结果比100少多少?(7)某电视机厂原计划12天生产彩色电视机1260台,实际提前2天完成任务,实际每天生产彩色电视机多少台?第三次:(打*要验算) (1)25×94= (2)*3572÷34= (3)728×45= (4)2440625= (5)7140÷35×(409-406)(6)9乘以471减去193的差,积是多少?(7)同学们做操,每行20人,正好排12行。如果要改成每行15人,需要排多少行?第四次: (1)384÷24×105 (2)(18539829)÷35 (3)29601086+379 (4

3、) 728×54÷50 (5)42440÷8×27(6) 1872÷(144÷12)(7)小王和小陈各看一本同样的书,小王每天看15页,小陈每天比小王多看3页。照这样计算,小陈看完这本180页的书需要几天?第五次:(打*要验算)(1)35×209= (2) *5628÷14= (3)172×(28+43) (4)(9000350)÷25 (5)88×64÷22 (6)某商场销售一种传真机,第一天上午卖出15台,下午卖出17台,第二天上午卖出14台,下午卖出16台,第三天卖出2

4、8台,这几天平均每天卖出多少台?(7)三年级有40人参加植树活动,每人种2棵树苗,还有18棵树苗没种,一共要种多少棵树苗?第六次:(打*要验算)(1)3763+1438= (2) 50002896=(3)282×36= (4)*8832÷12= (5)72加上34乘以5的积,和是多少?(6)汽车厂第一车间有150人,第二车间比第一车间多12人,第三车间的人数是第一车间的一半,平均每个车间有多少人?(7)三(1)班有48个学生,每人借了3本图书后,还剩下25本。三(1)班一共有图书多少本?第七次:(打*要验算)(1)568×75= (2) 4050×690

5、0= (3)* 94476÷47= (4)62×(368÷16) (5)28×72+28×28(6)上海内环线全长47660米,它比南北高架的5倍还多5410米,南北高架全长多少米?(7)一本英语词典15元,四盒英语磁带共28元,一盒英语磁带比一本英语词典便宜多少元?三年级第二学期数学补充练习8 姓名 第一次:(打*要验算)(1)29×47= (2)*7028÷70=(3)203×380= (4)10050÷15=(5)电脑学习班有300人,比写作班的16倍多12人,写作班有多少人?书法班比写作班多15人

6、,书法班有多少人?(6)红星小学三年级学生有190人,四年级有男生102人,女生84人。三年级学生比四年级学生多多少人?第二次: (1)92×506 (2)3165+7456= (3)77×972 (4)805÷23×28 (5) (324-118)×15(6)512减去304的差除以8,商是多少?(7)学校组织同学听报告,五年级3个班去了138人,三、四年级6个班去的人数比五年级的2倍还多18人,平均每班去多少人?第三次: (1)56×65= (2)405×78= (3) 9600×145= (4) 900323

7、45 (5)(502298)÷12 (6) 125×16÷25(7)一套连环画的价钱18元,李老师买了4套,他付给营业员一张100元钞票,应找回多少元?第四次:(打*要验算)(1)86÷22= (2) 6040×3700= (3)* 416÷43= (4)28426×103 (5) 900÷(288÷16) (6)王老师带一些钱去买办公用品,圆珠笔每支4元,他买了35支,又买了25只文件夹,每只9元,这样王老师带去的钱正好用完。王老师带了多少元钱?(7)每只乒乓球2元,学校买来9盒,每盒10只,买这些乒乓

8、球一共要付多少元?第五次: (1)46×2626×54 (2)250×(576÷64) (3) 25×12÷75(4)333÷(5114) (5)(615372)÷27 (6)粮店卖出18袋大米,每袋25千克,卖出面粉425千克,一共卖出大米和面粉多少千克?(7)五(1)班同学植树30棵,是四(1)班植树的2倍,三(1)班植树是四(1)班3倍,三(1)班植树几棵?第六次:(打*要验算)(1)305×48= (2)*5616÷78= (3)99´587=(4)4500345655 (5)

9、9045÷9×47 (6)576÷(72÷8) (7)菜场运来萝卜1350千克,运来的青菜比萝卜的4倍还少200千克,青菜多少千克?第七次:(打*要验算)(1)5070´2400= (2)3304¸87= (3) *20240¸24= (4)2395+30150÷45 (5) 7416÷(1728÷48) (6)幼儿园小朋友做纸花,红花做了30朵,黄花比红花的3倍多15朵,绿花是黄花的2倍,绿花做了多少朵?(7)菜场里有土豆720千克,是西红柿重量的6倍,土豆比西红柿多多少千克?第八次:(1)3

10、4398176 (2)604(163348)(3) 680485÷5 (4)(378726)÷6 (5) 624÷4×120 (6)(1072692)×30(7)3辆卡车4次共运送苹果96吨,每辆卡车每次运送苹果多少吨?三年级第二学期数学补充练习9 姓名 第一次:(1)296×306= (2) 170×5400= (3)405×2900(4)4260¸60´104 (5) 1268+227+473+132 (6) 147´15¸21 (7)李师傅计划8天完成加工360个零件的

11、任务,实际提前2天完成任务。实际每天加工多少个零件?第二次: (1)6688÷32×17 (2)4612-306-94 (3) 6460÷(96-77) (4) 7200÷(25×12) (5)助动车每小时行18千米,自行车3小时行36千米,自行车每小时比助动车慢多少千米?(6)菜场里运来萝卜1350千克,运来青菜的重量是萝卜的4倍,青菜比萝卜多多少千克?第三次:(打*要验算)(1)702×38= (2) 860×54= (3) 3144÷29= (4) *16192÷32= (5)菜场运来萝卜1350千

12、克,运来的青菜比萝卜的4倍还多200千克,青菜有多少千克?(6)食品店有白砂糖和绵砂糖共185千克,卖出白砂糖57千克,卖出绵砂糖38千克,还剩下多少千克?第四次:(打*要验算)(1)9072÷90= (2)230×56= (3)* 6400÷32= (4)(802+210)÷23 (5)2242÷(711673)(6)书架第一层有86本书,比第二层多放15本书,两层一共放了多少本书?(7)食堂有1350千克大米,每天吃40千克,吃了8天,还剩多少千克?第五次:(打*要验算)(1)460×350= (2)* 7320÷27=

13、 (3)48×53+53×52 (4) 104×24÷52 (5)一根电线,用去的比剩下的短20米,用去60米,这根电线长多少米?(6)菜场里有西红柿192千克,是土豆重量的16倍,西红柿和土豆共有多少千克?第六次:(打*要验算)(1)25×2525×75 (2)* 30350÷35= (3)807÷89= (4) 153÷17×26 (5)5292÷(32+17) (6) 6104÷56×120 (7)一个果园,有桃树153棵,是梨树的3倍,苹果树与梨树同样多,这

14、个果园种桃树、梨树、苹果树共几棵?第七次: (1)314-3060÷12 (2) 84×38÷76 (3)189038844 (4)1278+217+483+122 (5) 345×15-45×15 (6)一批货物有98吨,一辆卡车一次装货7吨,运了4次后,还剩下货物多少吨?(7)织布厂要织布43万米,已经织好了21万米,剩下的要在11天内完成,平均每天要织布多少万米?第八次:(打*要验算)(1)158+13500÷50 (2) * 80723÷89=(3)20000106×58 (4) (1741+2489)&#

15、184;90(5)美术老师用288元钱去买水彩笔,每盒售价12元,每包装6盒,一共可买多少包?(6)一个运输队往工地运送水泥,第一天运送108吨,第二天上午运送51吨,下午运送47吨。平均每天运送几吨?Class:                  Name:              &

16、#160;    (     )1. Good morning!                     !A.Morning !        B.Hello !      C.Hi !( 

17、0;   )2. Nice to see you again !                      .A.How are you ?        B.Nice to see you , too .   C.How do you do ?(  

18、0;  )3.Good night,mom !                  A.Night !       B.Good night !     C.Good evening .(     )4.How do you do ?    

19、                   A.How are you ?     B.Fine,thanks .     C.How do you do ?(     )5.How many story books do you have ?     &

20、#160;              A.I have 10.      B.I can see 10.      C.Thirty yuan.(     )6.Do you have new teachers?          

21、;        A.Yes,we do .     B.Yes,we dont.     C.Yes,we have .(     )7.Whos your art teacher ?                  

22、0;     A.Mr Zhu.       B.Miss Zhu.        C.Hes tall.(     )8.Whats he like?                   A.Hes tall

23、 and strong .  B.Yes,he is.  C.Mr Zhu.(     )9.Is your English teacher young?                A.No,she isnt.     B.Yes,she is .    C.No,she is.(   

24、;  )10.                ?    Her name is Chen Jie.A.Whats your name ?  B.Whats she name ?  C.Whats her name ?(     )11.         

25、60;      ? I like Chinese,math and English.A.What classes do you like?   B.What do you like?  C.What are you like ?(     )12.                ? We have English and P.

26、E. A.What do you have on Mondays ?       B.What do you have ? C.What do you have on Monday?(     )13.                ? Its Monday.A.What is it today ? B.What day is

27、it today ?  C.What day is today ?(     )14.                ? I watch TV and do my homework.A.What do you do ?   B.What do you do in Mondays?  C.What do you do on Sundays ?(  &

28、#160;  )15.May I have a look ?                   A.Sure.Here you are .   B.Look !     C.Here you are .(     )16.Our math teacher is    

29、             Canada.A.from    B.in     C.at  (     )17.I              three new teachers.A.has   

30、60; B.am   C.have(     )18.Whats        Chinese teacher like ?A.you     B.your    C.youre(     )19.My P.E.teacher is          thin.A.to

31、o      B.so    C.very (     )20.There are            days in a week.A.six     B.seven    C.eight (     )21.There are  &#

32、160;         month(月)in a year(年).A.ten     B.eleven      C.twelve(     )22.I often watch TV               Saturday .A.on

33、0;      B.in       C.at (     )23.I like P.E.          I dont lime music.A.but     B.and     C.so(     )24.This is 

34、           apple.   It is          red apple.A.a , a       B.an,an          C.an, a(     )25.What

35、60;              do you like ?A.classes        B.class       C.classs六年级英语测试题Class:              

36、60;   Name:                   (     )1. How are you ?                    A.Fine,thank

37、s.      B.Yes,it is.        C.How are you ?(     )2. Nice to meet you !                    A.Fine,thank you.   

38、; B.OK.      C.Nice to meet you ,too !(     )3. How do you go to school ?                   A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike.  C.What about y

39、ou ?(     )4. How do you go to the USA ?                       A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship.  C.I go by plane.(    

40、 )5.                      ?   My home is near the post office.A. Where is your home ? B.OK.   C.See you then!(     )6. See you at 2 oclock.  

41、0;               A.See you then !    B.The fifth floor.   C.Its easy.(     )7.                  

42、; ?   You can go by the No.15 bus.A.Its not far.    B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?   C.Sure.(     )8. Where is the hospital?                   A.Next

43、 to the cinema.   B.Thank you .     C.Youre welcome.(     )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?                   A.Yes,there is .    B.No

44、,its not far.    C.Its near the post office.(     )10.?                   ?   Its near the post office.A.Yes,there is .    B.No,its not far. 

45、0;  C. Where is the library? (     )11.                   ?  Its next to the hospital. A. Where is the cinema ,please ?   B.Is it far ?      C.Go

46、 straight.(     )12. How can I get to the hospital ?                  A.Its next to the hospital.  B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.(     )13.Thank you . 

47、             A.Thank you .     B.OK.      C.Youre welcome.(     )14. How can I get to the museum?             

48、   A.Go straight.Then turn left.  B.Thank you .  C.Its east of the cinema .(     )15. Where is the post office ?                     A.Go straight.Then turn lef

49、t.  B.Thank you .  C.Its east of the cinema .(     )16. What are you going to do this evening ?                 A.Im going to the cinema .  B.I go to school on foot.  C.Yes,it is.(

50、     )17. Is it far ?                      A.No,it is .         B.Yes , it is .          C

51、.Yes,it isnt.(     )18.         do you go to school ?A.What          B.Where           C.How(     )19. I go to school &#

52、160;         bike.A.on        B. by         C.get(     )20. Can I go       foot ?A.by        &#

53、160; B.at           C.on(     )21.How can I         to the post office ?A.near         B. get          C.

54、for(     )22.          me.A. Excuse         B. How         C.next (     )23.          

55、; birthday to you !A. After         B.Happy       C.First(     )24. The hospital is            the left.A. at        B.i

56、n          C.on (     )25.         is the bookstore ?A.Where        B.How           C.When 四年级英语测试题Class: 

57、;                 Name:                   (     )1.Good afternoon !       &

58、#160;       A.Hello!          B.Hi !          C.Afternoon !(     )2.Nice to see you again !           

59、60;   A.How are you ?   B.Hello !       C.Nice to see you , too.(     )3.Good night,moom !              A.Good evening !        B.

60、Good night !     C.Night !(     )4.How are you ?             A.Fine,thank you .    B.I am 10.    C.Nine .(     )5.How do you do ?   

61、60;              A.Fine ,Thank you .   B.How are you ?     C.How do you do ?(     )6.How old are you ?              

62、;  A.How are you ?       B.I am 11.         C.I have 11.(     )7.                    ? I have 23.A.How many bo

63、oks do you have ?  B.How many books can you see?C.How many book do you have ?(     )8.                 ?  I can see 6.A.How many lights do you have ?  B.How many lights can you see ?C.H

64、ow many light can you see ?(     )9.May I have a look ?                  A.Sure.Here you are .      B.Look!     C.Sure.Here are you .(  

65、0;  )10.                ? 50 yuan. A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ?C.How much are this schoolbag ?(     )11.Wheres my seat ?        

66、;             A.Its near the door.    B.Its on the door.    C.Its under the door.(     )12.Lets clean the desks and chairs.           &

67、#160;  A.All right !         B.Hello !           C.Its nice .(     )13.Whats this ?                A.There is

68、a board .    B.Its a bee.    C.Its bee.(     )14.            ? My name is Mike.A.Here are you ?          B.Whats your name ?    C.How d

69、o you do ?(     )15.Whos the inventor of paper ?              A.Chinese people.       B.Oh! Great !          C.Hello!(   

70、0; )16.I             a student. You              a teacher.A.am  ,am             B.are, are   &

71、#160;        C.am, are (     )17.This           a boy.His name               Zhang Peng.A.is, is     

72、;   B.am   , is        C.is ,  are (     )18.Let          clean the fish bowl.A.I           B. me     C.m

73、y (     )19.This is       apple.It is          red apple .A.an ,an       B.a,   a           C.an,  a( 

74、60;   )20.We         a new classroom.A.are          B.have            C.has(     )21.There      

75、0;   a bee in our classroom.A. is        B.are       C.am(     )22.         have a new schoolbag.        schoolbag is heavy.A.I ,

76、my           B.I ,My          C.My , I (     )23.Put your English book              your head.A.at      B.in       C.on (     )24.There           many books in the desk.A.am      


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