1、21st Teens for Senior 3for Senior 32015-2016学年度第3期总第561期Mapping dark matter (P5)Escaping to Europe (P2)More than talent (P6)21st Teens for Senior 321st Teens for Senior 3Discuss the following questions with your partner. This tragic photo has been shared widely on social media around the world recen
2、tly. Do you know what happened to this little boy? Why did the boy and his family want to go to the West? Why did the photo draw so much attention?21st Teens for Senior 3 Read the article and answer the following questions.1. How many people drowned during their journey from Turkey to Greece at the
3、beginning of this September?2. Why did the Kurdis risk their lives to travel to Greece?3. Why did Abdullah refuse the offers to give him a new home in the West after the death of his wife and sons?Alan Kurdi, 3, drowned along with at least 12 Syrians including his 5-year-old brother and his mother.B
4、ecause they wanted to flee their war-torn country and find a safe home in the West.Because he thought he had nothing left to live for.21st Teens for Senior 34. What did Alan Kurdis family tragedy reflect according to The Guardian?5. Whats the difference between refugees and migrants?This family trag
5、edy showed “the extraordinary risks refugees are taking to reach the West.Refugees are people fleeing armed conflict, while a migrant may leave his or her country for many reasons. They want to be reunited with family members, seek employment, or wish to study in another country.21st Teens for Senio
6、r 36. What is Germany and Frances attitude toward refugees?7. Why have some other countries been unwilling to take a share of the refugees?Germany and France are opening their doors to more asylum seekers. On Sept 8, Germanys vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said his country could take in 500,000 refu
7、gees annually for the next several years. And on Sept 7 France said it would take 24,000 refugees over two years.Because of a variety of reasons including a slow economy and safety concerns.21st Teens for Senior 31. The Kurdis wanted what anyone does what hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have be
8、en fleeing the war-torn country want a safe home.2. More than 366,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe this year, _over 2,800 have died during the journey, CNN reported on Sept 7.本句的主干为:本句的主干为:The Kurdis wanted what anyone does。句中第一个句中第一个what引导宾语从句;第二个引导宾语从句;第二个what
9、引导的从句用引导的从句用作插入语,进一步说明作插入语,进一步说明Kurdis一家所渴望拥有的东西也正是一家所渴望拥有的东西也正是成千上万逃离该国战乱的的叙利亚人所渴望拥有的成千上万逃离该国战乱的的叙利亚人所渴望拥有的;a safe home用作用作what anyone does的同位语的同位语,指明他们渴望拥,指明他们渴望拥有的是什么。有的是什么。句中句中of whom引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词more than 366,000 refugees and migrants。ofwhom21st Teens for Senior 33. European
10、countries are taking different approaches to deal with what The Sydney Morning Herald called “a humanitarian crisis (人人权危机权危机) and the biggest human exodus (外流外流) since World War II”.本句中本句中what引导的从句作引导的从句作deal with的宾语。句意为:欧洲的宾语。句意为:欧洲国家正在采取不同的措施,以应对被悉尼先驱晨报称为国家正在采取不同的措施,以应对被悉尼先驱晨报称为人权危机以及二战以来最大的移民危机。
11、人权危机以及二战以来最大的移民危机。Sentence 1: European countries are taking different approaches to deal with _ andand the biggest human exodus since World War II”.Sentence 2: The Sydney Morning Herald called “a humanitarian crisis Call sb sth-call me your teacher/call oneself 21st Teens for Senior 3Discuss the fol
12、lowing question with your partner.1) Why are many Western countries making it so difficult for refugees to come?2) What do you think about the refugee crisis? 3) Is there anything you can do to help refugees? If so, what do you think you can do to help?21st Teens for Senior 321st Teens for Senior 3D
13、iscuss the following questions with your partner. Are you a fan of sci-fi stories? Have you ever read Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixins novel The Three-Body Problem? Do you know what dark matter is? How much of the universe does dark matter make up?21st Teens for Senior 3刘慈欣刘慈欣:男,汉族,男,汉族,1963年年6月出生,月
14、出生,1985年年10月参加工作,山月参加工作,山西阳泉人,本科学历,高级工程师。西阳泉人,本科学历,高级工程师。2015年年8月月23日,他凭借日,他凭借作品作品三体(三体(TheThree-BodyProblem)获第获第73届世界科届世界科幻大会颁发的雨果奖最佳长篇小说奖,此乃是亚洲人首获这项幻大会颁发的雨果奖最佳长篇小说奖,此乃是亚洲人首获这项“科幻诺贝尔科幻诺贝尔”殊荣。殊荣。Award-winningnovels21st Teens for Senior 3Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the fol
15、lowing questions.1. The author mentions aliens invasion of Earth at the beginning of the article mainly to _.A. show that its a familiar scenario in Hollywood movies and video gamesB. tell the reader what Liu Cixins novel The Three-Body Problem is aboutC. lead up to the reasons why this scenario cou
16、ld just be imaginative D. get the reader to take an interest in the universe and basic physicslead up to渐渐引到某个话题渐渐引到某个话题1. C。作者在开篇提到外星人侵略地球,第三段作者在开篇提到外星人侵略地球,第三段“Yet the truth is that there is a high chance that aliens would not even notice us.”话锋一转,表明这样的场景很可能不是真话锋一转,表明这样的场景很可能不是真实的,因为宇宙之大,即使有外星人他们也
17、很可能都不会注意到实的,因为宇宙之大,即使有外星人他们也很可能都不会注意到我们,所以答案为。我们,所以答案为。21st Teens for Senior 32. What did Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky find out in 1933?A. Atoms are the basis of all matter in the universe.B. Atoms have been scattered into all corners of the universe.C. The galaxies are spinning so fast that they h
18、ave a strong gravitational pull.D. There must be something invisible with a very strong gravitational pull in the universe.2. D。由第四段的由第四段的“But in 1933, Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky spotted something entirely different He realized there must be something else there, something that he could not direc
19、tly observe, but that had a strong enough gravitational pull to hold everything together.”可知可知D为正确答案。为正确答案。21st Teens for Senior 33. How can scientists find clouds of dark matter, according to the article?A. By studying the universes spinning.B. By observing the universe through telescopes.C. By fin
20、ding clues from the “gravitational lensing” effect.D. By picking up the light that passes through it.3. C。由倒数第二段的由倒数第二段的“It bends the light that passes through it, just like light shining through a swimming pool. The effect is called “gravitational lensing” and can be used to find out where clouds o
21、f dark matter are. Using this technique, scientists are creating maps of the universes dark matter.”可知可知D为正确答案。为正确答案。21st Teens for Senior 34. What can we conclude from the article about the maps of dark matter?A. Currently, scientists are trying to figure out the shapes of the dark matter. B. Scien
22、tists still have a long way to go to work out detailed maps of dark matter.C. The team working on the maps has already mapped out one-eighth of the universe.D. Gary Prezeau is pessimistic about getting enough detail for the maps.4. B。由最后两段可知,科学家们希望将来某天他们能在暗物质由最后两段可知,科学家们希望将来某天他们能在暗物质地图上标出宇宙八分之一的空间,到
23、目前为止仅仅完成一小部分地图上标出宇宙八分之一的空间,到目前为止仅仅完成一小部分这方面工作,而且这些地图上还只有目前已发现的暗物质的大致这方面工作,而且这些地图上还只有目前已发现的暗物质的大致位置,仍缺乏细节,但文中位置,仍缺乏细节,但文中Gary Prezeau并没有表示出任何悲并没有表示出任何悲观态度,故为正确答案,观态度,故为正确答案,C、D都不对。都不对。A项文中没有提及。项文中没有提及。21st Teens for Senior 3Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. make up in one sense give awa
24、y short of 1. Dont_ my secret.2. Women officers_ 13 percent of the police force.3. Her fathers illness left the family_ money.4._, cancer is a side effect of evolution.giveawaymake upshortofInonesense21st Teens for Senior 3Everything comes with _ price;there is no such _ thing as a free lunch in the
25、 world.Aa;aBthe;/Cthe;aDa;/To be offered a place at _ good university is quite an achievement.A. such a B. suchC. a suchD. sono在意义上相当于在意义上相当于notany,nota,notone等,等,所以当它后面修饰单数可数名词时不能再用不定冠所以当它后面修饰单数可数名词时不能再用不定冠词词.Such前有前有no,one,this,that,these等修饰时等修饰时名词时不能再用不定冠名词时不能再用不定冠21st Teens for Senior 31.Yetthet
26、ruthisthatthereisahighchancethatalienswouldnotevennoticeus.2.Herealizedtheremustbesomethingelsethere,somethingthathecouldnotdirectlyobserve,butthathadastrongenoughgravitational(引力的引力的)pulltoholdeverythingtogether.3.Itturnedoutthatdarkmatterdoesdoonethingtogiveitselfaway.21st Teens for Senior 321st T
27、eens for Senior 3Discuss the following questions with your partner. Have you ever read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad? Who is the author of the book? What is the book mainly about?Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 2000 book written by American businessman, author and investor Robert Kiyosaki. It advocates financia
28、l independence and building wealth through investing, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, and increasing ones financial intelligence to improve ones business and financial aptitude. In the book, Kiyosaki stresses the ownership of high value assets that produce cash flow, rather th
29、an being an employee.21st Teens for Senior 3Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.1. The author mentions the mechanic at the beginning of the article in order to _. A. show respect for talented peopleB. say that everyone has talent in some fieldC. attract th
30、e readers interest in his following ideaD. give his opinion that sometimes we all need professional help 1. C。本段第一句说明这世界上有很多有天才,有能力的人,但是结尾句说明光一种能力不够,不足以活得富足。下一段的最后两句,尤其是最后一句说道大多数人知道的在钱财方面的唯一技能就是努力干活,却不知道用钱来挣钱。之后两段也都是在证明这一论点,所以C正确。D错在把这个论点变窄了,就是通过找专业理财的人来帮忙。21st Teens for Senior 32. According to the
31、business consultant, why cant some people get rich? A. They dont work hard.B. They lack professional skills.C. They dont know how to manage money.D. They dont seek help from business consultants.2. C。本题和上题的线索一样,是第二段的最后两句话,所以正确答案为 C。21st Teens for Senior 33. The underlined word “resigned” in Paragrap
32、h 3 is closest in meaning to “_ ”. A. dismissed B. quit C. refused D. quarreled3. B。从这个词后面的“joined the Marine Corps to learn how to fly”可知,作者离开了那个公司,所以是辞职。21st Teens for Senior 34. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. Job security leads you away from wealth.B. Talented people do not ne
33、ed to struggle to make money.C. People get rich simply by doing what they are capable of.D. Even talented people need to learn how to make a fortune. 4. D。倒数第二段作者说受过良好教育的父亲希望我工作稳定,而富爸爸认为学习商业很重要,我在大学期间就从商的经历让我成长很快。最后一段通过我上课给学生关于麦当劳汉堡包的提问和回答,点明做事情做得再好,还是得要了解一些商业体系的道理(并运用于生活),才可能致富,所以D正确,而且因此可以否定BC。而A单从文章看不出,或者说,工作稳定不是唯一条件,只要你懂得理财,也同样可以致富
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