1、12013版英语轮精品复习学案:Unit3 Under the sea(新人教版选修7)【咼考新动向】臺别IBj .-L ! 11 r u;rf-J 1 f l ! |i 3pLa n l - 1 hi -T:1* - rtl自然;侮寂的动物1和塑物J 1 /和TM % ! N,hq *1川大海传奇IRtid rIFT; |;dini责 备与抱霑瞄法Rcvii- th- lvmvfl仏r扛所宿蛭 *.inniiLlI v iti.: r:j可地$ 彎度炖-.iiinix- rir;ha(p f i件.对閒5 购年纪念(ir/1.1111时彊H1反的1虬SHIMELM】1w 血诙弃脊1血育*-n
2、lnrirl irimlLIJJ1.词4. pl 11透对;诜典i K陀偉;巴织反曲TL(-LIT, 逝离1 H A1-1 , i7P 说利的;上i百的 ncru 5毬乍及7. rlrag * Tf.、拖1J5山卜j识riL |iih 1珥,棵熄;抿处1 !), f .-Jrt;i,恐吓(蜕受療吓*杠prd (HM/恐鰹沢”苗,Xl. 催促力主张诩啟的:害悟茁r“r 1山引起恐慌網11!肚比电5 E建“目标点谨批序的对望J L ,-afcA - -. :!.- |a使人戟更的:令人関懊的i-iA 1 C 14展1 1. vt d adj, i主动茁,聲明的,聲袍的匪的敬播便艮惧*溝心5(久可愉
3、| 乙| lLg丨nil Pa1口川制鑒齐的;勾称的度的+讯箱茁* .chilly 峪吃的詐可口的如十分地甫1 . A 1 !:irn宦于;心阴面施哉期同,与It同时4tA(M人摆锐用境威怎議上卜创转 7.- -r* ill吓就了,.in tlin Tnmrr rmi ?Hhrl |KhiiilH* wn nut分臺誓艸HwIn nil Mit m doEHW5. bp.aW-RTI “JV-轨电屈门俺识到11K gielh吨r tf i券近1, llR1:ITILI-WIMn Ihi- killer whxhj- nr ki|K rs ri11w y wi ni tK n llk:iL hi
4、-l!p!d ihr wfixImMrh vhrW iLi |k * II;JEMrt : H I1111 1 f .4tl Hl Idf.llfiUEL.点那亍囚期虎KE吗Gift称为聶帝助l人良倔年项電iM吋liis顷寧*甸 二.T In * V-i - Lhi iJ11 I li.It 41 Ellll IlJIk 4 d lilE TiIL| i. H3l 1 LfeIM WIMIC亦皿这是立古捕焯行动马上就蓦开始的呼声S13i Ml啊i Wa fi Hlgn 11ri.IT ,1 fti i |F W-F- ! I f ! b 1 1 t l i訂甘仏lh. h讪+邯天海jg上凤大浪
5、為.银/挣妣墉- is1 ImniEiln *! MTn11 j rn nn! rm wiTTirpniiK ;i ri. mRdwm,鱼Lmf-tT介世我4它心中游沐【考纲全景透析】【重点单词】1 accommodation n. 住所;住宿,食宿供应(pl.)提供便利的设备(或用具)用心爱心专心用心爱心专心21 )mnkr arrctntnodflliorui (or为提供直宿book rninioclfi I ion it a hoti.向. 提哄ft tt(或宿);容轨招待住宿供应供Sh梗适fibttifi合*詞节0側KndMt; lo - adapt*4to俺适炖4cVitririi
6、(iiiai:(cunMHm tUpt cf Mu适1.通j-VAOCom mod Jit c舅1几wit ti-oiitiplv 1算wnh+. +网V人覺供1Guest artists have to pay for their own accommodati ons and meals.客座艺术家们只好自掏腰包支付食宿费用。2The hotel accommodati on is scarce.旅馆房间不足。3Some an imals have to accommodate to cha nges in climate.“幽ii* lri;1i门i wthuH订TJK;ipl1,、ly
7、 (1pr vidf( rinb(X【解析M D,甸右凡牛箱齋公寓+1可慕餡2i | $人堀it supply和“rmb沟民亍;捷 tt*rr麻h fft R Lit为人聋法人有门科歼事语逹住求2 urge vt.催促,极力主张;驱策。irrgi nh*、h* un僅促菜柯菜人舸进iirgrlo do sili*催促某人做篆事mrgrMI.ml o d(Mng sh催促菜人做荣爭2 hiq(r dvit+极办主强罠隅从勾谓语形式为hmilrU十动词瓯形Tt) tgrgi d ihflC * *唯按養求从甸清语砸式为1-动词原花.1He urged all the students to tak
8、e part in this activity .他要求所有学生参加这次活动。I urged that he (should) do his best .我强调他要尽自己最大的努力。 It was urged that he should be punished ._有人极力主张他应受到惩罚。有些动物不得不适应气候的变化。Y 即境O用:帀d帕(liiniTiiK丹in wspap r用心爱心专心3nBI cii |*1 21 1 Bxl Iliiruir* Hticl Air鸠1和门口in tU门甲y.扎oniiTi d KI:pnMiiiiti tK u rgrd【解析】速J印住:4 取司宇
9、卫占计论报敦止一盖峙叮T5;: / 1ii-TI.IikinK椁磴欤小uit thr辞职 1 J 1 it 111 hI 11 -*- I ! : = - . i 1: iIT弋jiriri rsi.*F这换子談父母逾篩了.:SU- HhNwIimcd】“、W Irspmr.地陷人望之中2 i rn -Vb丹tin - hiirnm L ip,水手们离I了燃饶百曲船p|i H-Hrtd39 1(3thh . whrm正蓦干.这时2)brtodi炭示均定的川划中的或械职夷,丈爭.疊求 要发生的动怖.X屮府呵H I。 “宾示打联汁如决宦肚欧的申或将耍 发生的h还可臥表示说诸人报据已有的事霧或谡集
10、认为茱事闻梅发生*1The sun is about to sink in the west .太阳将要西下。2I was about to go to bed when he came in .我正要上床睡觉的时候,他进来了。3We are to meet at 8 o clock tomorrow.我们明天八点见面。Y 即境他用严士门先忙们* 碍上就雯乜5 J请篥好安全帝.潮许=1卫|旷丸a/iid gf tinlir tTwn. th*r pliiiiic疔”bw io Exk* Fh界1科7【111丫1啊1厂iith討T*【热点难点全析】动名词的被动形式1)当一个动名词逻辑上的主语所表
11、示的是这个动作的对象时,这个动名词一般要用被动形式So be ing killed by sharks was a common occurren ce.因此那时给鲨鱼吃掉是常有的事。He could no bear being made fun of like that.人家这样开他的玩笑他受不了2)在 want, need, deserve, require 等动词后,尽管表示的是被动的意思,我们却用动名词的主动形式。My pen needs filli ng.我的笔该上墨水了The point deserves men tioning.这一点值得提一下【拓展延伸】现在分词的被动形式在表示
12、一个被动动作时,如果这个动作是现在正在进行的,或是与谓语表示的动作同时发生的,我们可以用现在分词的被动这种形式可以用来:(1)作定语That buildi ng being repaired is our library.正在翻修的那座楼是我们的图书馆用心爱心专心9He asked who was the man being operated on.(2) 构成复合结构You II find the topic being discussed everywhere.He often watched the boated being uni oaded.(3) 作状语Being as ked t
13、o give a performanee, she couldn有人请她表演一个节目,她不好拒绝Being protected by a thick wall, they felt they were quite safe.有一堵厚墙掩护着,他们感到很安全有时还有完成被动形式:Having bee n give n such a good cha nee, how could se let it slip away?人家给了她这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放过?The decision having been made, the next problem was how to make a go
14、od plan.决议既已做出,下个问题就是如何制定一个好的规划了【语法专练】1.in a famous uni versity is what most stude nts wish for.A. To educate B. Educated C. Bei ng educatedD. Educat ing 世纪金榜世纪2. The little girl sat on the ground,_.A. cried B. cry C. crying D. cries3. Victor apologized for_to inform me of the cha nge in the pla n.A
15、. his being not ableB. his not being ableC. him not to beD. him to be not able4. _ her picture book_ ope n on the chair, Mary went out for lun ch.A. Leavi ng, lay B. Left, lyingC. Left, laid D. Leavi ng, I ying5. - Where were you yesterday? I didn t find you_the concert!-I had n ot bee n in formed o
16、f_ a con cert.A. atte nd; there to beB. atte nding; there beingC. atte nded; there beD. to atte nd; there bee n答案:15 CCBDB他问这时动手术的人是谁你会听到到处都在讨论这个问题他常常看轮船卸货t very well refuse.用心爱心专心10【高考零距离】1 (2012?安徽卷? T2 4) 24.1 remembered the door before I left the office, but forgot toturn off the lights.A. locki
17、 ng B. to lock C. havi ng locked D. to have locked【解析】选 D= Remembei 后面既可以接不定式,也可以接动名词,如果选择A,这与后面的 before I leftthe office 是相矛盾的,只能选择答案A. C 和 D 都是完成时,他们表示比主句动词发生的时间更早,没有必要。2(2012?江苏卷? T 31) 31.an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regretit sooner or later.A. Based B. Basing C
18、. Base D. To base【解析】选 B。非谓语动词一动词现在分词做状语,动词base 与逻辑主语 you 之间构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词作状语,故选B 项。3.( 2011 ?福建卷?T26) The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major of global climate cha nge.A. result B. cause C. warningD. reflect ion【解析】选 B。考查名词词义辨析。句意为:公众环保习惯的缺乏被认为是全球气候变化的一个主要原因。cause
19、着重指产生或造成某事发生的原因,往往指造成不好的影响;result 结果;warning 警告;reflection反射。由句意知选 Bo4.(2010 湖北卷 T22) After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was toprovide _ meless families.A. accommodati on B. occupati onC. equipme nt D. furn iture.【解析】选 Ao 5.12 的汶川地震,414 玉树地震。天灾earthquake ”相信是很多考生都准备过的一个话题
20、。由下文中的homeless 可知accommodation ”表示住处”应该是正确答案。occupation 表示占用”或者工作,职业”;“furniture ”表示家具”;equipment ”表示设备,器材”。5.(2010 湖北卷 T28) Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friendswith whom he spe nds his time, his househis pers on ality.A. resemblesB. stre ngthe nsC. reflects D. shapes
21、【解析】选 G 考查动词词义辨析。“就好像一个人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人的住房也是如此。”要选一个表示“反映”的词,就是 reflect. “ resemble ” = look like;用心爱心专心11“ strengthen ”表示“加强,巩固”;“ shape”作动词表示“塑形”6.(2010 全国卷T7) Tom was about to close the window_his attention was caught by a bird.用心 爱心 专心12A.when B.if C.and D.till【解析】选 A。考查固定句型。Be a
22、bout to do,.when,表示就要做某事时,突然”7. (2009 北京卷 T5) _ twice, the postma n refused to deliver our letters uni ess we cha inedour dog.A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten【解析】选 A。 考查现在分词作状语,此处表原因,并且 the postman 和 bite 的关系为被动。8. (2009 四川卷 T24) _many times, he finally understood it.A. Tol
23、d B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told【解析】 选 D 考查非谓语的用法。 tell 与主语之间的关系是被动和完成的关系, 所以用 having been done 来表示被动和完成。【考点提升训练】一、听力(略)二、单项选择21【 2012 届保定市高三第一次模拟】 25. He is_stupid. In fact he is quite smart.A. anything but B. nothing but C. more than D. no more than22. In recent years _ global warmi
24、ng is becoming _ concern for people all over the world.A. the; the B. /; aC. /; / D. the; /23. _ the plan means we must start from the very beginningA .Abandoned B. Abandoning C. Being abandoned D. Having abandoned24. Many people are not _ the danger of their children s bad habits, which lead to fai
25、lingto make their dreams come true.A. well aware toB. very aware ofC. aware thatD. well aware of25. What you said_ me to death.A. scared B. were scared C. was scared D. surprised26.She became_something_A. aware of, was burntB. awared of, was burntC. aware that ,was burning D. awared that, was burnin
26、g27.We _ there when it _ to rain.A. would get; beganB. were getting; would begin用心爱心专心13C. were about to get; bega nD. had got; had begu n28.lt is useless to attempt to_from every dan ger, and some risks must be take n.A. fleeB. fly C. disappear D. flash29. In the traffic accide nt, his father came
27、close to_ .A. be killed B. bei ng killed C. kill D. killi ng30. We should be_ a lot of ani mals are beco ming endan gered.A. preserved that B. aware of C. aware that D. sure that31. With the price of oil_, the economy of that country is slow ing dow n.A. bringing up B. getting up C. going up D. rais
28、ing up32.I felt somewhat disappo in tedand was about to leave _someth ing occurred that attractedmy atte nti on.A. unl essB. un tilC. whe nD. while33.You ve done so much work you re_pass the exam.A. addicted toB. bound toC. due toD. accustomed to34.【2012 届河北省邯郸市高三第一次模拟考试】24. I appreciated theopportu
29、nity to study abroad twoyears ago.A. to have give n B. to have bee n give nC. havi ng give nD. havi ng bee n give n35. -Guess what? Ive got the job offer!A. Con tributi ons. B. Celebrati onsC. Con gratulati ons D. Con clusi ons三、完形填空Last ni ght, I was about to pull out of the park ing lot whe n I no
30、 ticed a hitchhiker (搭便车的人).I know that picking up a hitchhiker can be 36 , but I want a try, as they may have a sincere n eed to reach their 37 . I rolleddow n my window and called the man to my car. I asked him where he was用心爱心专心1438and he told me that he n eeded a ride to his doctors office which
31、would 39 in 15minu tes.40 he got in he told me that the person who was supposed to drive him there didnt appear. He continued to tell me that he isa 41 and goes out to sea for weeks at a time. He needs to take42 for his nerves, 43 which, he told me, it would be impossible for him to work.With some 4
32、4 drivi ng we man aged to get there in about ten minu tes. I told him I wouldwait and bring him back. He 45 me and said he should be back only in fiftee n minu tes.Shortly after, he came back to tell me that the doctor was still with other 46 and it_was going to take a while 47 . I told him that I w
33、as going to grab a coffee while I 48 ._But it en ded up tak ing about forty-five minu tes, 49 we had a bit more time tha n 50 ._Afterwards he got back in my car and tried his hardest to 51 for keep ing me waitingso Ion g. I tried my best to make him feel at 52 and drove him back to where I had picke
34、dhim up. Aga in he 53 his tha nks and we said our good-byes.I feel that the uni verse or God always 54 us with what we n eed. Maybe God did put himin my path. In his case it was a 55 , in mine the opportu nity to help some one else.36. A. pleas ingB. helpfulC. dangerousD. surpris ing37. A. homeB. de
35、sti nati onC. officeD. cli nic38. A. comi ngB. leav ingC. livi ngD. headi ng39. A. closeB.openC. endD. stay40. A. OnceB. Si neeC. BeforeD. While41. A. doctorB. salesma nC. fisherma nD. postma n42. A. restB. medici neC. temperatureD. advice43. A. withoutB. withC. ofD. for44. A. carefulB. excit ingC.
36、quickD. relaxi ng45. A. praisedB. tha nkedC. en couragedD. refused46. A. relativesB. patie ntsC. guestsD. nu rses47. A. laterB.soonerC. fasterD. Ion ger48. A. waitedB. visitedC. exam inedD. drove49. A. turning upB. tak ing outC. making upD. turni ng out50. A. promisedB. suggestedC. limitedD. expecte
37、d51. A. expla inB. excuseC. apologizeD. forgive用心爱心专心1116四、阅读理解Last autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought stronglyagainst it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up
38、.You cant say its not a great university, just because Papa went there.Thats not it at all. And it is a top university. She was still holding the pieces in her hand. But we cant afford to send you tocollege.I wouldnt dream of asking you for money. Do you want me to get a job to help supportyou and P
39、apa? Things arent that bad, are they?No, she said. I dont expect you to help support us.Father borrowed moneyform his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop. His chief customers were his old college friends. Toget new customers, my mother had to help. She picked up a long-forgotten membership
40、in the local league of women, so that shecould get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my parents hadto wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资 ) could show returns. Whatsmore, they had not wanted enough to be ric
41、h and successful; otherwise they could not possibly have managed their lives so badly.I was torn between the desire to help them and change their lives, and the determination not to repeat their mistakes. I had astrong belief in my power to go what I wanted. After months of hard study I won a full c
42、ollege scholarship( 奖学金 ) . My father couldhardly contain his pride in me, and my mother eventually gave in before my success.56. The author was not allowed to go to Cornell University mainly because _.A. his father graduated from the universityB. his mother did not thinks it a great university52. A
43、. restB. safetyC. easeD. sorrow53. A. expressedB. suppliedC. announcedD. exchanged54. A. offersB. providesC. combinesD. connects55. A. carB. treatmentC. giftD. rideC. his pare nts n eeded him to help support the familyD. his pare nts did not have eno ugh money for him57. The father started his small
44、 shop with the money from_ .A. a local leagueB. his university C. his relativesD.his college friends58. Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?A. To help with her husba nds bus in essB. To raise money for her sonC. To meet her Ion g-forgotte n friendsD. To better man age her life59. A
45、ccording to the text, what was the author determined to do in that autumn?A. To get a well-paid job for himself B. To improve relati ons with his motherC. To carry on with his fathers bus in ess D. To go to his dream uni versityBThere are differe nt ways in which people try to deal with the problem
46、of en ergy. One wayis the greater product ionof com monenergy sources(能源),such as coal, oil and gas. The troublewith these sources, however, is that they are not ren ewable.Another way is energy conservation(节能),which means using energy more efficiently(有效地).In some very cold countries people build
47、special houses to save energy. They place materials betwee n the in sideand the outside of the walls of the house to keep the cold out and the warmth in. The house is heated by the lights, thebody heat of the people and the other equipme nt init.Fin ally,ren ewable en ergy sources are used even thou
48、gh they are ofte n expe nsive to develop.One form of these is geothermal energy. In certain parts of the world the temperature of theearth in creases thirty degrees cen tigrade with each kilometre dow n. At six kilometres, therefore, it rises to nearly twohundred degrees. To get the heat, water is p
49、umped(压;扌由)down into therocks and back up to the surface. Heat from the earth is already used in certain countries.60 How many ways of deali ng with the en ergy problem are discussed in the text?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five.61._The writer tells about the special housesbecause they_A serve as an exam
50、ple of en ergy con servati on用心爱心专心13B. show the excellent skills of the buildersC. are heated by different sources of energyD. are warmer than other types of houses62._ The underlined words“ geothermal energy ” in the third paragraph mean_A. renewable source B. underground sourceC. heat inside the
51、earth D. temperature of the earth63. At a place where the surfa ce temperature is 15C, how deep do you have to dig so as to geta temperature of 75C?A. One km.B. Two km.C. Three km.D. Four km.CHere is some information about several famous local bakeries(面包烤房 ) in Indiana, the US.They serve as a socia
52、l gathering place for locals.Maple Lane BakeryAt 8260 S. State Rd. Claypool, IN. (574) 566-2917, it offers a variety of cooked pies, cookies, and bread. With 20years experience Maple Lane Bakery has specialized in the making of pies. The menu includes peach pie $7.19, berrypie $7.70, apple pie $7.19
53、 and banana pie $6.99. Feel free to place an order at least 24 hours in advance.Betty s Cakes & Candy ShopAt 816 E. Winona Avenue Warsaw, IN. (574) 269-1231, it specializes in cakes and offers cookies and candies.The chocolate cookies are sold at $8.99 a dozen. Betty s Cakes & Candy Shop, st
54、arted half a century ago, specializesin wedding cakes and birthday cakes. Buying a cake from Betty s will not disappoint you as they are always excellent.Crepes Quality BakeryAt 217 S. Cavin Street Ligonier, IN. (260) 894-3024, this third generation bakery is located downtown Ligonier. Itoffers cook
55、ies and cupcakes, and specializes in rolls and bread. If you plan to buy cookies for the office or work area,you had better get there early as the building workers arrive just before 5:00 am waiting for the doors to open.Olympia Candy KitchenAt 136 N. Main Street Goshen, IN. (574) 533-5040, it has b
56、een welcoming visitors for almost用心 爱心 专心14a century in its unchanged location in downtown Goshen, Indiana. Its tradition began in 1912 whe n Greek Nicholasbega n making his own chocolates. Today this family-ow ned operati on offers all kinds can dies and boxed can dies.If you need an order, you sho
57、uld call ahead of time to see if they can meet your request.64. Which of the following pies is the most expensive?A. Peach pie.B. Banana pie.C. Apple pie.D. Berry pie.65. If you want to order a birthday cake, you are advised to call_.A. (574) 533-5040B. (574) 269-1231C. (260) 894-3024 D. (574) 566-2
58、91766. Which of the follow ing bakeries has the shortest history?A. Crepes Quality BakeryB. Betty s Cakes & Candy ShopC. Olympia Ca ndy Kitche nD. Maple La ne Bakery67. The author wrote this passage main ly to_ .A. tell readers some travel in formati onB. persuade more people to eat piesC. make
59、the bakeries better known to readersD. warn customers to order bakeries in adva neeDMany people have bee n talk ing about the way in which theworld will come to an end in 2012. Everybody wants to find outif December 21, 2012 is the last day of the earth. The rumor has already beenspreading for a ver
60、y long time. The Mayan s prediction can account for therumor. According to the rumor,the earth will experience dramatic changes in 2012 and the cha nges will bedisastrous to all of the livi ng creatures on earth. It is widely assumed thata Planet X will return to orbitthe solar system. The return of Planet X w
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