



1、人教版高中英语选修9Australia教案 人教版高中英语选修9Australia教案 教学准备 教学目标 Teaching aims: (教学目标) 1. To comprehend the passage and improve the reading skills. 2. To express different views of an argument. 3. To learn about how advertisements work and avoid being controlled by ads. 教学重难点 Important points:(重点、难点) 1. Compre

2、hension of the text. 2. Knowledge accumulation of advertising. 3. Useful words and expressions. 教学过程 I. Warming up Please enjoy a video and some pictures and answer some questions. 1. Can you remember the names of any products that were being advertised? If so, why does this ad appeal to you more? 2

3、. What are the features(特征) of ads? 3. Where can you see ads? 设计意图:通过给学生展示一些广告视频和图片,激发学生对广告运作的兴趣,同时激发学生对相关词汇的回忆,进而为学习课文打好铺垫。 II. Fast reading 1. The purpose of the passage is to _. A. inform us of the fact that there are many advertisements in or daily life. B. help us understand how ads work and av

4、oid being controlled by them. C. tell us how effective ads are D. show us how effective ads can be made 2. Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text. Sum up the main idea of each section 设计意图:快速阅读技能训练。通过寻读,训练学生有目的、有选择地快速观览,寻找所需要的信息的能力。通过回答主旨问题,学生对文章的内容、结构和作者的写作意图有

5、了一个整体印象。通过让学生分段并总结段落大意,培养学生归纳主旨和概括能力 III. Detail reading Read part 1 and answer questions. Task 1 Answer the question. Where do they advertise? Task 2 Translate the sentence Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. Read par

6、t 2 and answer questions. Task1 1. All of the following facts about an ad in Paragraph 2 are mentioned except its _. A. definition B. means C. advertisers D. target audience 2. Who advertises? 3. Why do they advertise? Task2 Fill in the table. Read part 3 and answer questions. Task1 Answer the quest

7、ion. 1. The example of the adolescent boys in the third paragraph shows us _. A. which group is the target of the computer games B. it is important for the advertisers to identify the target audience C. that young people are more likely to buy computer games D. it makes sense to make computer games

8、ad that appeal to adolescent boys 2. How do they decide where to advertise? Task2 Fill in the table. Task3 Translatethe sentences 1. Some advertisements appeal to peoplesdesire to save money.Others are more likely to be noticed ifthey are funny. 2. As well as reaching the rightaudience with the righ

9、t technique,advertisers must also placetheir ads in the right medium. Task4 Retellthis part by using the information given. How doadvertisers make effective ads? 1) Identifythe target (payfor, be wasted, reach, in other words, having identified, asmuch as possible, fit into, form the basis for) 2) A

10、ppeal tothe target (in order to, appeal to, some, desire, others, are more likely to,conscience, worthy citizen.) 3) Use asuitable medium (as well as, audience, technique, medium, play a big part in,television ads, a big corporation, afford, on the other hand) Read part4 and answer questions. Task1 Answerthe question. 1. Doesadvertising work? Task2 Fill in the table. Task3 Translatethe following sentences. On the other hand,being constantly exposed to advertisements call help to c


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