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1、-WORD格式一专业资料-可编辑-八 年 级下册学 科:英语班 级: _备课人:Unit 1 What's the matter?Period 1 Section A 1a-1cTeaching aims:1)Ss can use the following words: head , ear, eye, mouth, nose, throat , neck, back, hand,arm, leg, tooth-teeth, foot-feet , matter, have a cold, stomachache, , backache, headache, toothache2)S

2、s can use the following sentence patterns:What's the matter? I have a stomach./I have a sore back./I have a cold.He/She has a sore throat.Ability aims: Learn how to talk about health problemsImportant & difficult points:Learn how to talk about health, use have to talk about health problemsTe

3、aching aids: recorder, computerTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-upSing an English song: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.Step 2 Word study1.Greeting2 . Teach the parts of the body one by one by touching it. While teaching one, let themtouch or show it.3 .Present a picture of a b

4、aby and Yao Ming. let the Ss say the parts of the body.4 .Work on Section A 1a5 . Play a game: Touch the parts of your body1)Let the whole class touch the parts of their body when teacher say: Touch your2)Ask eight Ss to come to the front and do as the teacher tells them: Touch your? if onedoes wron

5、g, let him or her go back, the last one who in the front is the winner.Step 3 Presentation and practicePresent other pictures, talk about health problems of the persons in the pictures.What's the matter? He/ She has a headache/ toothache /a sore back/ a sore throat/a cold and a cough.3. Let the

6、Ss practice in pairs4. Make a model dialogue with two Ss.T: Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry to hearthat. Let the Ss practice in pairs.Step 4 ChantHead, head, I have a headache. I have a headache,Stomach, stomach, I have a stomachache. I have a stomachache,Ear, ear, I have an earache. I have an

7、 earache, Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache. I have a toothache. Back, back, I have a sore back. I have a sore back, Throat, throat, I have a sore throat. I have a sore throat.Oh, dear! Do more exercise, please and keep healthy!Step 5 listen and sayWork on Section A 1b.Listen and number the names 1-5

8、.-WORD格式一专业资料-可编辑-Talk about the health problems of the persons in the picture.Step6 SummaryStep 7 Quiz一.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空foot,sore,cough,matter,hurt1. Nancy all night,so she looked tired this morning.2. I saw many reporters walking around your house.What's the?3. You can touch the cat's back,

9、but don't touch its.4. The boy fell off the tree and his left foot.5. Miss Yang has a throat,so she can't talk more.二.单项选择()1.I'm afraid you have to get X ray,young man.B. anC. theD. /)2.I have to see the doctor because my stomach( badly.A . hurt B. hurtsC. breaks D. broke)3. Tom's h

10、ead feels very hot now.一 Maybe he.Please take him to go to a doctor.has aA . has a sore throat B . has a toothacheC . has a fever D.stomachache)4.Mike often goes to school without breakfast.A . haveB. hasC. to have D. having)5. _一I have a bad cold.What'sA . What are you doingB. How are you C . W

11、hat's it D.the matterStep 8 Blackboard designUnit 1 What's the matterThe First Periodmout ears hTooth teeth(pl)foot-feet(pl)Toothache stomachachenosEyesePeriod 2 Section A 2a-2dTeaching AimsKnowledge aims:1. Review the names of each part of the body and the names of the illness.2. Continue t

12、o learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache.Ability aims:1. Learn some advice to keep healthy.2. Learn to give others some advice according to their matters.Emotion aims:1. Learn to live in a healthy way.2. Learn to take care of others and themselves.二. Teaching Key Points &

13、Difficult Points:1. How to teach the Ss to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache.2. How to give others some advice according to their matters.3. Learn how to take care of themselves and others.Step1. Warming upEnjoy and sing an English song: Head and shoulders knees and toesH

14、ead and shoulder knees and toesKnees and toes, knees and toes,Head and shoulder knees and toesEyes, ears, mouth, nose(Repeat 4 times)Step2. Greeting and revision1 .Greet the whole class as usual.payT: What's the date today?/ What day is it today?/ How's the weather?/ How was your weekend?/Wh

15、at do you usually do on weekends?/ Do you like exercising?/ How often do you exercise?/ That's great! To do exercise can keep us healthy, but if we don't attention to our health, there will be something wrong with our body. Now , look at these people.2 . RevisionT: (Show pictures) How is he/

16、she? ( He / She is not fine.) www-2-1-cnjy- com What's the matter?He /She has a cold (flu) / stomachache/ sore back.Step3. PresentationGuessing gameT shows some part of the pictures to the Ss and let them guess .T: What's the matter with him/her?S: Does he/she have a ? ?T: Yes, he/she has a

17、sore throat (Teach the new word) Can you give him/ her some advice? What should he /she do? (Teach the new word)21世纪教育网版权所有S: He /She should drink hot tea with honey/ shouldn't speak more/ go to see a doctor (Ss can give different advice as they like)T: What's the matter with him/her?S: Does

18、 he/she have a ? ?T: Yes, he / she has a / an toothache /fever / headache/ earache? (Teach the newwords) What should he /she do?S: He /She should go to see a dentist / shouldn't eat ice cream/shouldn't drink cold water /lie down and rest / shouldn't play basketball/ should drink a lot of

19、 water./should see a doctor ?Step4. PracticeDo 2a. Listen. Match the problems with the advice.Play the tape for the Ss and let them do it by themselves. Then check the answer.Do 2b. Listen again . Fill in the blanks.Play the tape for the Ss. At the first time, let them do it by themselves. Then play

20、 it again and checkthe answer.Do 2c. Pair work. Role play the conversations in 2b. Let the Ss read the conversations in 2c first.Work in pairs, make a new conversation according to 2b.Show more pictures and let the Ss make more conversations.ProblemsShouldShouldn tSee a doctor/TakeEat ice cream.A co

21、ldsome pills/Drink aDrink cold water.A feverlot of waterLie down and rest/Go swimming.Watch TV late.A headacheA stomachacheGo to bed early. Drink some hot teaSpeak loudly. Eat some hot food.A sore throatA sore backwith honeyEat sweet food.A toothacheDo some exercisesSee a dentistStep5. Work on 2dWor

22、k in groups and discuss howto keep ourselves healthy.Should Shouldn'treport: To keep healthy, we shouStep6 Summaryd ? we shouldn't ?Step7 Quiz用括号内所给单词的适当彩习t填空。At that time,Rose saw her de(lie) on the floor.2.My father didn't agree(take) a vacation on the beach.3.The young man stopped his

23、car and helped the girl without(think) about.4.Helen hurt herself(play) basketball with her classmates.5.Lisa could dress(she) when she was 5 years old.m .单项选择。)1.When he saw the oldwoman fall down,he took her to the hospitalthinking. A . across Bthrough C . without D . with )2. Why is the cat on th

24、etable? She jumped it from the floor.A. outside B . inside C . into D. onto()3.her husband,she now becomes a famous film star.A . Thanks to B. Because C . Thanks for D. With the help()4. Let's at the next stop,Jack. The shopping center is just there.一No problem.A . get on B. get off C . take off

25、 D . put off()15.My father agreed me a new bike.A. to buyB. buying C. buy D. boughtStep8 Blackboard designUnitl What's the matter?The Second Period problems advicePeriod 3 Section A Grammar FocusTeaching AimsKnowledge aims:1. Review the names of the matters: cold, headache, toothache, stomachach

26、e, sore throat and so on.2. Learn the words"ago, illness, advice, so ” .3. Continue to learn how to give advice to others.4. Continue to learn the knowledge of keeping healthy.Ability aims:1. Learn to use the sentences:"-When did it start?-About ? ago. ”“Yes , I think so. ” “I hope you fee

27、l better soon ” .“-Do you have a /an ? ? -Yes, I do./ No, I don't. "2. Continue to learn how to give others advice.Emotion aims:1. Continue to learn how to live in a healthy way.2. Learn to be kind to others and give others more cares.2. Teaching Key Points & Difficult Points:How to lea

28、rn the new words and master the words that have learnt.How to master these sentences to communicate with others fluently.How to make the Ss live in a healthy way and help each other when they are in trouble.3. Teaching proceduresStep1. Warming upChant: I have a headache Head, head, I have a headache

29、.I have a headache, my eyes hurt!Stomach, I have a stomachache .I have a stomachache,And I have the flu! Ear, ear, I have an earache. I have an earache,And I have a fever! Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache.I have a toothache,And a sore throat! back, back, I have a backache.I have a backache, And my k

30、nee hurts!I have a headache, I have an earache, a toothache, a backache,And a sore throat.My eyes hurt, my knee hurts, I have a stomach ache.I have a fever, And I have the flu! Oh, dear. Next, please!Step2. Greeting and revisionGreet the whole class as usual.RevisionT: Oh! They all have matters. Wha

31、t about you ? What's the matter with you ? S1: I have a ?T: Maybe you should ? but you shouldn't ?51: That's a good idea. (Turn to S2) What's the matter with you?52: I have a/an ?51: Maybe you should /shouldn't ?52: That's a good idea. ( Turn to S3)?Step3. PresentationT: Oh!

32、I'm not feeling well, too. I have a sore back. It starts two days ago . What should I do ? Ss: You should ? /You shouldn't ?T: Yes, I think so. And I hope we feel better soon. ( Teach the new words and the sentences)Step4. Practice1. Do 3a.T: OK! Now, look at the picture. Can you describe th

33、e picture? What are they doing? (Ask the Ss to describe the two people in the picture)Fill in the blanks in the conversation.2. Read the conversation.3. Practice the conversation of 3a.4. Do 3b.T: Now look at the picture of 3b. There are a lot of patients in the doctor's room. Are they feeling w

34、ell? What's the matter with them? What advice should the doctor give them? Use the picture below to make new conversations. You can make the conversations according to the conversaton in 3a. Give the Ss some minutes to prepare and then ask some pairs to act it out.教 21 育网Step5. GameAsk some of t

35、he Ss to come to the blackboard to act like patients and the others aredoctors. The patients mimes an illness one by one. And the doctors guess: what s thematter with him/her? And then give them some advice. Have a competition between thegroups. Ask like this:A: What's the matter ? Do you have a

36、 ? ?B: No, I don't.C: Do you have a ? ?B: Yes, I do.C: You should ? /You shouldn't ?NameIllnessAdviceLiu Pengheadache Lie down and restStep6. SummaryStep7 Quiz一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. You should(lie) down and rest.-WORD格式一专业资料-可编辑-2. He shouldn't(eat) too much meat.3. Should I(take) my tempe

37、rature?4. He cut his foot. What should he(does)?5. The old man had problems breathing. What should we do(help) him? 二、用 should 或 shouldn't 填空。-WORD格式一专业资料-可编辑-6. He's ill. He take some medicine.7. You're stressed out. You listen to some music.8. She has a sore throat. She eat too much ho

38、t food.9. They are tired. They stop working.10. You have a toothache. You see a dentist.三、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。11. He should drink hot tea with honey.(改为否定句)He hot tea with honey.12. She should put some medicine on the cut改.(为般疑问句 )she medicine on the cut?13. You should see a dentist .(对画线部分提问) I?14. Sam

39、should meet his friend at the train station .(对画线部分提问) Sam his_friend?15. You should get to the park at_8:00_a.m.(对画线部分提问)we get to the park?Step8 Blackboard designUnit1 What's the matter?The Third PeriodWhat's the matter ?He has a toothache.A sore back asore throata stomachache1. talk about

40、 health problems2. give advice3. have a fever /cough4. have a (bad) cold /flu5. have a toothache/ headache6. have a sore throat / back7. have a stomachache8. talk too much9. drink enough water10. act quickly11. lie down and rest12. drink hot tea with honey13. see a dentistPeriod 4 Review Section A谈论

41、健康问题提建议发烧/咳嗽患(重)感冒牙疼/患头疼患嗓子疼/背疼胃疼说得太多喝足够的水迅速行动躺下来休息喝加蜂蜜的热茶看牙医拍X光片15. take one' s temperature 量体温16. put some medicine on the cut在伤口上面敷药17. get out of从? ?出来18. cut oneself19. feel very hot20. the driver of bus No.621. sound like22. sit in the same way23. take breaks24. go to / see a doctor25. sav

42、e an old man26. go along / down27. on the side of the road28. shout for help39. without thinking twice30. get off31. have a heart problem32. to one' s surprise33. thanks to34. in time/on time/at times35. save a life36. hit an old man37. get into trouble38. right away=at once39. because of+n

43、.40. What's the matter with=What's the problem with割伤某人自己感到很热6路公交车的司机听起来像以同样方式坐着休息看医生拯救一位老人沿着? ?走在马路边大声呼救没有多想下车有心脏病使某人惊讶多亏了;由于及时/准时/有时候挽救生命撞了一位老人惹麻烦立刻;马上由于? ?? =What's the trouble with? =What's wrong with41 .You need to take break away from the computer.on42 . The driver saw an old m

44、an lying on the side of the road. (on both sides of eith of ?)43 .But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.44 .Thanks to the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time45 . He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus 46. My head feels very hot.47.I sat

45、 in the same way for too long without moving.48. I'm sorry to hear that.-WORD格式一专业资料一可编辑-Period 5 Section B 1a-1d-WORD格式一专业资料-可编辑-Teaching aims and demandsKnowledge objectskey vocabulary/ reading practice/ oral practice.Ability objectsListening skill/ reading skill/ writing skill/ practice skill

46、Moral objectsAsk for help when you have problems.Teaching key pointsKey vocabularyReading practice .Teaching difficultyOral practiceTeaching proceduresStep1. Warming upEnjoy a song named " Head, shoulders, knees and toes.”The content: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head, should

47、ers, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders, knees and toes. knees and toes.Step2. RevisionT: What do you usually do onweekends? Do you like watching TV?How often do you usually watchTV? What day is it today?What's the date today?How is the weathertoday?

48、How are youtoday?Are you happy today?(If the student says no, we can ask her: What's the matter with you? And then reply with: I am sorry to hear that.)What about your father? How is your father? Is he fine? Is he happy?T: Look! This is my friend Helen. Is she happy?What's the matter with he

49、r?S: She has aheadache/stomachache/to/toothache/cold/sore throat. (Tshows them some pictures and get Ss to say them one byone.)Step3. Play a guessing gameT: Look at this boy. Does he have a cold? Can you give him some advice?S: He should ?He shouldn't ?Then T give them some pictures which they c

50、an only see in a limited time. Play a guessing game. e.g. Does he/she have .He/She should .He/She shouldn't ?Step4. PresentationT: Does she have acold/fever? What's thematter with her?S: She is hungry/stressed out/thirsty/tired.T: So what should she do?S: She should eat ?She shouldn't ?T

51、 get the Ss to give the advice, then show them some advice.Step5. Work on 1a,Finish the exercises and then check themStep6. Listening comprehension Now there are four students. They are Gina, Tony, Julie and Alan. All of them have some problems. Please listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(2) L

52、isten and repeat.(3) Choose one of the students to make up dialogues according to the form.A:What's the matter with Gina?(4) Report one or two of the students e.g. I have a friend. Her name is Gina.She is tired now.I think she should go to bed early.She shouldn't go to the party tonight.Step

53、7. TaskT: You know, there are lots of problems in our life. If you are a doctor, please tell us how to solve the problem. I will divide you into 9 groups. Please work in groups. And then choose one of you to report your ideas.The following are theproblems: I have atoothache.I am hungry.I have a sore

54、 throat.I am stressed out. I have a sore back.I am tired.I can't sleep.I have a cold.I have a headache.Report:If you have a headache, you should go to bed early.You should see the doctor. You should eat some medicine.You shouldn't wash your face with cold water.You shouldn't sleep late.Y

55、ou shouldn't swim. ?.T encourages the students to give advice as much as possible.Step 8 SummaryStep9 Quiz 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Mary(hit) him on the head with a book.2. He(hurt) his leg and couldn't move.3. Mike(fall) down on his way to the supermarket.4. My mother told me(put) these books o

56、n the desk.5. You shouldn't(hang) out today,because we can't finish the housework without you.二、单项选择。()1. I cut my finger.一You should.A. put a bandage on itB . get an X rayC . put some medicine on it D . A and C)2.If you,you should put your head back and clean your ( face.A . have a feverB.

57、have a nosebleedC . have a cold D. have a sore back )3.Sam,your (temperature.A . take B . takes C . took D . to take()14.Bill got hit head.A . on B. in C . on the D. at( )15.Please tell him for a few days.A . toC . restinrestB. rest gD. restedStep10 Blackboard design What's theUnit1 matter ?The Fourth Periodshould do ?


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