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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2013新版人教新目标八年级英语下单词表及练习词汇运用Unit 1matter/'mæt/ n. 问题; 事情What' s the matter? 怎么了? 出什么事了?sore/s:/ adj. 疼痛的; 酸痛的have a cold 感冒stomachache(合成词) n. 胃痛; 腹痛have a stomachache 胃痛stomach/'stmk/ n. 胃; 腹部throat/rt/ n. 咽喉; 喉咙fever/'fi:v/ n. 发烧cough n.& v. 咳嗽toothache(合成词)/&#

2、39;tu:ek/ n. 牙痛headache(合成词)/'hedek/ n. 头痛have a fever 发烧nosebleed(合成词)/'nozbli:d/ n. 鼻出血-Whats the m _ you? 你怎么了?-I have _ _. 我感冒了。-I have _ _. 我胃痛。-I have _ _. 我头痛。-I have _ _. 我牙痛-I have _ _. 我发烧了。-I have _ _. 我有点咳嗽。-I have _ _. 我鼻出血了。-I have _ _ _. 我喉咙痛。foot/ft/ n. 脚; 足Most animals have

3、four _(脚).neck/nek/ n. 颈; 脖子Look,there is a ring around the dogs n_.lie/la/ v. (lay) 躺; 平躺lie down 躺下rest v.&n. 放松; 休息We are tired.So we are going to l_ down and have a r_(n.).He walked to the bed and _(躺) down.My mother asked us to stop walking to r_(v.) for a while.X-ray n. X射线; X光get an X-ray

4、 照X光The lady got _ X-ray and she showed _ X-ray to the doctor.A.a;the B.an;the C.a;a D.an;antake one' s temperature 量体温I _(量体温) and found that I had a high fever.break/brek/ n. 间歇; 休息take breaks (take a break) 休息hurt/h:t/ v. (hurt) (使)疼痛; 受伤My neck _(痛) and I cant carry anything.He _(受伤)himself

5、in P.E. class.passenger/'pæsnd/ n. 乘客; 旅客How many _(乘客) are there in the bus?to one' s surprise 使.惊讶的; 出乎.意料_ my surprise,Lily didt go to Toms birthday party.A. At B. In C. To D. Withonto/'nt/ prep. 向; 朝Some passengers helped Mr.Wang to move the man _ the bus.trouble/'trbl/ n. 问

6、题; 苦恼I have great _ in learning math and I am so worried.A.trouble B.interest C.funhit/ht/ v. (hit) (用手或器具)击; 打She _(打) him on the head with a book and he cried.right away 立即; 马上(=right now=at once=immediately)herself/h:'self/ pron.(she的反身代词) 她自己ourselves/'a'selvz/ pron. (we的反身代词) 我们自己We

7、 enjoyed _(us) playing in the water.-Who taught you Japanese?-Nobody.I learned it by _.A. Myself B.my C.me-Ill have a tennis game tomorrow.Im a little bit nervous.-Believe in _.You are the best in our club.A.herself B.myself C.yourself D.himselfbandage/'bændd/ n. 绷带v. 用绷带包扎My father _ (用绷带包

8、扎)my hand yesterday.My father put a _(绷带)on my hand yesterday.sick/sk/ adj. 生病的; 有病的 (与ill同义) be sick of sth./sb./doing sth.厌倦;厌烦Everyone will be sick of _(have) the same food for several days. 几天连续吃同样的食物,任何人都会腻烦。knee/ni:/ n. 膝; 膝盖“On your _!” the king shouted.breathe/bri:ð/ v. 呼吸 (breath n. 呼吸

9、)Lets go out and _ the fresh air.Lets go out and take a _ of the fresh air.sunburned adj. 晒伤的Apply some sun cream,or youll get s_.climber n. 登山者; 攀登者Aron is a mountain _(climb).be used to 习惯于.; 适应于. Now Im used _ up early. Getting up early is a good habit.A.get B.getting C.to getting D.to getrisk n.

10、 & v. 危险; 风险; 冒险take risks (take a risk) 冒险Aron loves mountain climbing and doesnt mind _ _(冒险).accident/'æksdnt/ n. (交通)事故; 意外遭遇There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of _(事故).situation/'stj'en/ n. 情况; 状况The _(情况)will get better and better.kilo (=kilogram)

11、 n. 千克; 公斤【kg千克 km=kilometer千米】My mother went to the supermarket and bought three _(千克) of rice.rock/rk/ n. 岩石There is a big _(石头) on the way to the park.knife/naf/ n.(pl. knives) 刀There are several _(刀) on the shelf.blood/bld/ n. 血The girl cried when he saw the _(血)。mean/mi:n/ v. (meant) 意思是; 打算; 意

12、欲 (meaning n.意思)The French work bonjour _(意思是) hello in English.Do you know the _(mean) of the new word.off adv.& prep. 离开(某处); 不工作; 从.去掉get off 下车He _ _ the bus and walked home.get into 陷入; 参与 get into trouble 陷入麻烦get out of 离开; 从.出来 get out of trouble 摆脱麻烦cut off 切除He used his knife to _ half

13、his right arm.run out (of) 用尽; 耗尽My pocket money _,so I wanted to find a part-time job to get more money.A. ran out B.went out C.got out D.ran awayAron _ _ _(用尽) water after three days.give up 放弃; 投降If you dont _, your dream can come true one day.A. give away B.give up C.give out D.give offimportanc

14、e/m'p:tns/ n. 重要性; 重要 (important adj. 重要的)I didnt realize the i_ of learning English,but now I think its very i_ for us to learn English.decision/d'sn/ n. 决定; 抉择 (decide v. 决定;抉择)She _ _(决定 v.) leave her job.She _ _ _(做决定) that she would leave her job.My mother always _ _(做决定) for me.The chi

15、ldren decide _ their schoolyard this Friday afternoon.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleanedcontrol v. 限制; 约束; 管理; 控制be in control of 掌管; 管理我叔叔掌管着一家小公司My uncle _ a small company.My uncle _ _ _ _ a small company. spirit/'sprt/ n. 勇气; 意志; 精神; 酒精Lei Feng _ is the spirit of serving the people whole

16、heartedly心有余而力不足 The _ is willing,but the flesh is weak.death/de/ n. 死; 死亡 (die v. 死亡 dead adj.死亡的 )We felt very sad for the old mans _(die).nurse/n:s/ n. 护士agree to do sth. 同意做某事Lily and I agree _ the English club because we all like English.A. join B.joining C.to join D.joinedgo to a doctor 看医生 He

17、 should _(看医生) at once.主将从现It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _ to bed too late.A. go B.went C.will go D.have goneWell go for a picnic if it _ tomorrow.A. wont rain B.doesnt rain C.rainssee sb. doing/do sth.I saw Li Ming _ near the river on my way home.A. plays B.playing C.to play

18、 D.played同.一样 the same as 同.不一样 be different from 同.相似 be similar toShe wears the same dress _ I do.A. for B.from C.with D.asTheir house is similar _ ours,but ours has a bigger garden.A.with B.to C.for D.atkeep on doing sth.持续做某事He was badly ill,but he kept on _ until 2:00 a.m.A. work B.working C.wo

19、rked D.to workso.that 太.以至于.The problem is _ difficult that nobody can work it out.Its _ a difficult problem that nobody can work it out.A. such B.very C.so D.prettybe interested in sth. 对.感兴趣 be interested in doing sth. 对做.感兴趣Not only the young but also the old are getting interested _ Wechat(微信).A

20、.by B.about C.in D.forUnit 2clean up 打扫(或清楚)干净Your room is dirty,You must _ _ _.The room is too dirty.It should be _ _.cheer/t/ v. 欢呼; 喝彩cheer up (使)变得更高兴; 振奋起来My younger sister looks very sad.Lets go and _ _ _.give out 分发; 散发The students are _ the leaflets to people over there to ask them to protec

21、t our earth.A.printing out B.giving out C.selling out D.putting outvolunteer/'vln't/ v. 义务做; 自愿做n. 志愿者She wants to be a _ in the hospital.He _ at an animal hospital every Saturday morning._ here is a dream come ture for e up with 想出; 提出(主意、计划、回答等)We need to _ _ _ a plan for the City Pa

22、rk Clean-Up Day.put off 推迟Can we _ _ the meeting till next Monday morning?-What bad weather! Its raining again!-Yeah.We have to _ out sports meeting again.A.think out B.put away C.put off D.think ofsign/san/ n. 标志; 信号We saw a _ which says “No Parking”.So we couldnt park the car there.-How do you kno

23、w the store wants shop assistants?-It _many signs in the neighborhood.A.put down B.put on C.put out D.put upnotice/'nts/ n. 通知; 通告; 注意v. 注意到; 意识到Lets make some _(通知).hand out 分发Would you please _ _ the exam papers.call up 打电话给(某人); 征召We could each _ _ 10 students and ask them to come.used to 曾经.

24、; 过去.My brother _ play basketball.But now he likes playing baseball.A.use to B.is used to C.is used for D.was used tolonely/'lnl/ adj. 孤独的; 寂寞的alone/'ln/ adv. 独自; 单独The old man lived _ after his wife died.He felt very _.care for 照顾; 非常喜欢Can you _ _ my pet while I am away.Can you _ _ my pet w

25、hile I am away.Can you _ _ _ my pet while I am away.several/'sevrl/ pron. 几个; 数个; 一些There are s_ girls in the room.They are talking about the vacation plans.strong/str/ adj. 强烈的; 强壮的My father exercises every day because he wants to be s_.feeling/'fi:l/ n. 感觉; 感触I didnt have breakfast.Now I h

26、ave a f_ of hunger.satisfaction/'sæts'fækn/ n. 满足; 满意 (satisfy v. 满足 satisfied adj. 感到满足的)They have a strong feeling of _(满足).They strongly feel _(满足的).Its hard to _(满足) them.joy/d/ n. 高兴; 愉快I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look

27、of j_On their owners faces.owner/'n/ n. 物主; 主人My uncle has a large house and he is the _ of the house.try out 参加.选拔; 试用She decided t o_ _ for a volunteer after-school reading program.journey/'d:n/ n. (尤指长途)旅行; 行程Theyre going on a different j_ with each new book.raise/'rez/ v. 募集; 征集你们是怎样

28、为慈善机构募集钱的?How did you _ _ for charity.repair/r'pe/ v. 修理; 修补-My alarm clock doesnt work.Who can help me _ it. fix/fks/ v. 修理; 安装fix up 修理; 装饰Jimmy likes _ _ broken bicycle parts.give away 赠送; 捐赠Miss Diana _ lots of money to the children in the poor areas.A. hang out B.gave away C.put off D.take

29、outTom,your things are everywhere.Please _.A.put them away B.put away them C.put it away D.put away ittake after (外貌或行为)像 Jimmy _ _ his mother.broken/'brkn/ adj. 破损的; 残缺的 break v. 打破My bike was _(break),so I walked to school this morning.wheel/wi:l/ n. 车轮; 轮子The car has four _(车轮).letter/'le

30、t/ n. 信; 函I wrote some _(信) to you,but I didnt hear from you. Miss/ms/ n. 女士; 小姐set up 建立; 设立The university where my father works was _ in 1901.A. set off B.set up C.look up D.look out我确定你知道这个团体是为帮助像我一样的残疾人而设立的。Im sure you know that this group _ _ _ to help disabled people.disabled/ds'ebld/ adj.

31、 丧失能力的; 有残疾的 disable v.使失去能力;使残废;使无资格Everybody should try to help the _(disable).make a difference 影响; 有作用哪位教授对我的生活产生了影响。The professor _ _ _ to my life.blind/bland/ adj. 瞎的; 失明的He cant see anything.He is a b_ man.deaf/def/ adj. 聋的Theres something wrong with his ears.He is a d_ man.imagine/'m

32、0;dn/ v. 想象; 设想Its hard to _ living in a place where there are no telephones or cars.A. know B.realize C.imagine D.thinkI cant _(想象) what the future life is like.difficulty/'dfklt/ n. 困难; 难题 difficult adj.困难的She had _(difficult) finding the way to the museum.open/'pn/ v. 开; 打开Please o_ the w

33、indow and let the fresh air in.door/d:/ n. 门carry/'kær/ v. 拿; 提; 扛The box is too heavy for me.I dont think I can c_ it.train/tren/ v. 训练; 培训excited adj. (自身感到)激动的; 兴奋的 exciting adj.(令人)激动的; 兴奋的Everybody felt _ when they heard of the _ news.training/'tren/ n. 训练; 培训 train v.训练;培训-When is

34、 the tennis _(train)?-It is at four oclock in the afternoon.kindness/'kandns/ n. 仁慈; 善良 kind adj. 仁慈的;善良的I will never forget your _(kind).clever/'klev/ adj. 聪明的; 聪颖的My brother is c_ and he can work out all the math problems.understand/'nd'stænd/ v. (understood) 理解; 领会I _(underst

35、and) what the customer said.So I asked him to take his order.change v. &n. 变化; 改变Im going to find a job in that city.Nothing can c_ my erest/'ntrst/ n. 兴趣; 关注;v. 使感兴趣; 使关注What are your _(兴趣) and hobbies?sir/s:/ n. 先生(用于正式信函中对不知名的男性收信人的称呼时, 写为Sir)madam/'mædm/ n. 夫人; 女士(用于正式信函

36、中对不知名的女性收信人的称呼时, 写为Madam)Mario/'mereo/ 马里奥 (男名)Jimmy/'dm/ 吉米 (男名)我希望能出去工作。I _ _ work outside.I hope I can pass the exam.I _ _ _ the exam.他正在张贴演唱会的海报。He is _ _ the posters of the concert.The writer became famous when he was twenty-four years old.The writer became famous _ _ _ of twenty-four.P

37、lease tell me how I can use the camera.Please tell me _ _ _ the camera-Thank you for helping me.-_.A. Thats right B.No,no thanks C.With pleasure D.My pleasure.-Alice,could you help me _ the meat? I want to make some dumpings for dinner.-OK.Ill do it right away.A. put up B.give up C.use up D.cut up-M

38、y dream is to be a successful person.-Sounds good.I hope it will _.A. come on B.come in C.come true. D.come outGive away set up take after give out stay upThe old man is generous and he is going to _all his money to charity.The teacher asked me to _ the papers to the students.I was glad to help them

39、.Dont _ too late.If you dont go to bed early,you may feel sleepy the next day.Lily _ her mother.But she is a little taller than her mother.They _ a small company last year.谢谢你帮我做家务。_ _ _ _ me with housework.莉莉说她有能力自己完成这项工作。Lily said that she _ _ _ finish the work by herself.他有很多业余爱好,比如,画画。He has man

40、y hobbies ,_ _,painting.我的能力将会使我实现梦想成为可能。My ability will _ _ _ to realize my dream.他是一个很友善的人,以至于人人都喜欢他。He is _ _ good man _ everybody likes him.他们同时到达了终点线。They arrived at the finishing line _ _ _ _.总有一天,我会回来的。I will be back _ _.Unit 3rubbish/'rb/ n. 垃圾; 废弃物take out the rubbish 倒垃圾Here are some b

41、ooks.Could you please _?A. take out them B.take them out C.take out it D.take it out Jims father asked Jim to _ the trash.A. bring out B.take out C.find out D.get outfold/fld/ v. 折叠; 对折I could _ my bed and _ my clothes.A.make;fold B.make;do C.fold;do D.fold;washsweep/swi:p/ v. (swept) 扫; 打扫floor/fl:

42、/ n. 地板他每天起床后扫地。He _ _ _ after he gets up every day. mess/mes/ n. 杂乱; 不整洁What a _(杂乱)!You should clean up your bedroom at once.throw/r/ v. (threw) 扔; 掷We should _(仍) away the rubbish into the dustbin.-Where are my toys,mom? -I _(冷) them away yesterday.all the time 频繁; 反复My father is busy _ _ _(一直).H

43、e spent _ _ (一整天)cleaning the room.neither/'nað, 'ni:ð/ adv. 也不;两者都不-She didnt do any housework. -She did some housework.-I didnt either. -I did too.-She didnt do any housework. -She did some housework.-Neither did I. -So did I.-The teachers in that school speak either English or F

44、rench,or even _.-Thats so cool!A. all B.both C.neither D.none.-Which of the two subjects do you like,art or music?-_. They are really boring.A.Neither B.Both C.None D.All shirt/:t/ n. 衬衫I bought three _ (衬衫)last week.as soon as 一.就.; 尽快同义句转换The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over._

45、 _ _ I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.pass/p:s/ v. 给; 递; 走过; 通过请把盐递给我。Please _ me the salt.Please _ the salt _ me.borrow/'br/ v. 借; 借用Could I _ ten yuan from you?A. borrow B.give C.send D.helplend/lend/ v. (lent)借给; 借出-May I _ your Chinese-English dictionary?-Sorry,I _ it to Jack.A

46、.borrow;borrowed B.lend;borrowed C.borrow;lent D.lend;lentfinger/'fg/ n. 手指 -Could you help me do the dishes?-No,I cant.I cut my f_ and Im trying not to get it wet.hate/het/ v. 厌恶; 讨厌我讨厌问别人借钱。I _ _ money _ others.chore/t:/ n. 杂务; 乏味无聊的工作Tom讨厌做家务,他觉得做家务很无聊。Tom _ _ _,he thinks its boring.星期天你在家能帮你

47、妈妈做家务吗?_ you help your mother _ _ at home on Sundays. while/wal/ conj. 与.同时; 当.的时候; 而; 然而W_ I was doing my homework,the telephone rang.snack/snæk/ n. 点心; 小吃; 快餐Lets go out to buy some drinks and s_.stress/stres/ n. 精神压力; 心理负担Nowadays most people have too much _(精神压力).waste/west/ n. 浪费; 垃圾v. 浪费; 滥用I dont think doing housework its a w_ of time.Dont w_ your time on playing computer games.Dont w_ money to buy something useless.in order to 目的是; 为了同义句转换I arrived at the theatre early so that I could get a good seat.I arrived at


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