



1、八上英语阅读理解AIVIr. Lee Went to the forest With his family and friends One Weekend. They IiVed in a Vinage near the forest. Mr. Lee,s Iittle SOn Sam met a dog in the Village and gave it SOme bread. The dog WaS VCry happy. ThC two became good friends The next day. Mr. Lee Went into the forest With his fri

2、ends When they got back, the dog ran to N4匚 Lee and IiCked his ShOeS One Of N4r. LCe friends SaW blood in the dog s InOUth and ShOUtCd. HiS friends thought the dog bit SanI They Were SO angr>r that they beat it. HCaring the dog s Cryr MrS. Lee Came OUt quickly. She Said that a WOlf WaS going to b

3、ite Sanl but the dog Came and SaVed SanfS life.()1 and the dog became good friends.A. SamB. Mr. LeeC.NIr. LeeS friends()2. When Mr. Lee Came back, the dogA. ran to himB. ran into the forestC. Played With his ShOeS()3. Mr. Lee,s friends Wereafter SeCing the blood in the dog,s mouth.A. afraidB. angryC

4、. thankful()4. Why did Mr. Lee feel SOrry for the dog?A. BeCaUSe MrS LeC disliked the dog.B. BeCaUSe the dog got IOSt in the forest.C. BeCaUSe his friends beat the dog wrongly.Bm Candy. I Went On a trip to PariS this SUmme匚 I Stayed there for two WeekS With my SiSter. GOing to PariS WaS Very SPeCial

5、 to me because it WaS my first time On a Plane My SiSter made all the PIanS We didn,t book a hotel. HOteI are Very expensive in PariS. We Stayed at Iny aunfs house ThC Weather WaS hot but I didn,t mind. because there Were SO many things to do. I IOVCd it from the first day I arrived. It WaS great to

6、 Walk in Paris. The City WaS Iike a big museumFirSt We ViSited SOme Very famous PlaCeS Iike the ChamPS-ElySeeS and the Eiffel Tower. Then We Went to theLOUVre MUSeUnI. WC SaW One Of the most famous PaintingS in the WOrld- the c4Mona Lisa,. At IaSt We took the train to ViSit DiSneyIand-1 had a WOnder

7、fUl time in PariS and I IOVed everything about this city. I Will go there again next SUnlIner.)5. Candy Went to PariSA. by trainB. With her SiSterC. two WeekS ago)6. What does the UnderIinCd WOrld Sbook'' in ParagraPh 1 InCan in Chinese?A.预定B设计C.评价)7. After ViSiting the LOUVre MUSeUnl Candy

8、Went toC. DiSneylandA. the Champs-elysee B. the Eiffel TOWer)& What do We know about Candy?A. She Iiked the hot weather.C. She Iiked Walking in Paris.B. She disliked Inaking plans.RCCently I had a trip to Sydney With my parents. We ViSited the WildIife Park.There are more than 500 animals there,

9、 including kangars, koalas and CrOCOdileS They are kept in their natural environment. I Iike the WiIdIife Park better than a ZOO .In zoos, most Of the animals are in CageS We first SPent SOme time With the kangaroos. We COUld touch and feed them. It WaS VCry exciting to be SO ClOSe to them. There We

10、re koalas there, too. They IOOked Very CUddly(令人想拥抱的) AIthOUgh We COUIdn,t Carry koalas. I COUlel take a PhOtO With One .It is a WOnderfUl SOUVCnir(纟己念丘) Of my holiday in Sydney The Wildlife Park has Plenty Of freshwater and SaItWatCr CrOCOdiIeS SOnle Of them are Very big and SCary With huge teeth!

11、I did not Want to get too ClOSe to them.There WaS also a bird ShOW. I SaW an Old parrot. It COUId "talk" and made a great impression On meI enjoyed the trip Very much. There WaS SO much to See()9. The WildIife Park isA. in SydneyB. in CairOC. in AthenSD. in ROnle)10. What is a WOnderfUl SO

12、UVenir Of the Writer holiday?A. A ParrOt that COUld talk.B. A ChanCe to feed a koala.C. A PhOtO With a koalaD. FOOd for the kangaroos)11. Why didn,t the Wnter Want to get Very ClOSe to the crocodiles?A. They IiVed in Wate匚B. The Writer WaS afraid Of themC. The Writer did not Want to feed them.D. The

13、 Writer did not Iike the Smell Of SaltWater.)12. WhiCh Of the following is true?A. The kangaroos are kept in CageS in the WildIife ParkB. The Writer traveled to the WiIdlife Park alone.C. The Writer Went to See koalas first.D. The Writer WatChed a bird show.)13. After ViSiting the WildIife Park, the

14、 Writer felt.A. boredB. ImhaPPyC. excitedD. hopelessDHaVe you tried to run Or Walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you ShOUld tryr a new kind Of exercise: aquatic(水 rP 的)exercise AqUatiC exercise is Iike exercise On Iand. but you do it in a SWinlming POOL MOre and more PCOPle ar

15、e trying aquatic exerciseAqUatiC exercise SeemS easier than exercise On Iand. Why? YOU Weigh about 90% IeSS in the pool. It is better for your knees than nning Or Walking. Water is about LOOO times thicker and heavier than air. TO move through the WateE your body has to WOrk four times as hard. AS a

16、 result, you Can burn InOre CaIoleiCS(卡£各里)In fact, InOSt PeOPIe Say they feel more relaxed in Ihe waler. They StOP thinking about the things Ihat make them WOrried. They feel in COntrOI Of their bodies ThC COOL quiet environment makes them feel goodBut What if you are afraid Of the water? NO p

17、roblem! There is nothing to WOrr>r about. AqUatiC exercise is Sage and easy to Iearn.1( doesn,t require any SPeCial SkilIS YOU don,t even need to know how to SWinI. AqUatiC exercise is for CVCryonC()14. What is ParagraPh 2 mainly about?A. DifferenCe between air water.B. Weight Change Of one's

18、 body.C. The advantages Of aquatic exerciseD. The WayS to do aquatic exercise()15 What do most PeOPle think Of aquatic exercise?A. RelaXingB. WolTying.C. Challenging.D. BOring()16 ACCOrding to the text, aquatic exercise is.A. done in groupsB. fit for everyoneC. difficult to IearnD. done With SPeCial

19、 SkilIS()17 In WhiCh Part Of a magazine Can We read the text?A. Culture.B. HealthC. NatUreD. TraVelEIn almost CVCry UniVerSity in the United States, ftball is a POPUlar SPOrtAnleriCan football is not Iike SOCCer. PlayerS SOmetimeS kick the ball. but they also throw the ball and n With it. They try t

20、o take it to the Other end Of the field; they have four ChanCeS to move the ball ten yards They Can carr>r it Or throw it. If they InOVe it across the OPPOSing team s goal line, they Can receive SiX points. ThiS is CallCd a touchdown(达阵)IfS difficult to move the ball EIeVen men On the Other team

21、Iry to StOP the Inan WhO has the ball If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the OthCr teamThOUSandS Of PCOPIe COnle to WatCh it When there is a football game. They all yell for their favorite team. They dance and jump While they are yelling. EaCh team PIayS ten Or e

22、leven games each SeaSOn. The football SeaSOn USUany begins in SePtember and ends in NOVenlber. If a team is Very good, it Inay PIay another game after the SeaSOn ends The best teams Play again On JanUary 1st. Many PeOPIe go to See these games and Inany OtherS WatCh them On TV.()18 In AmCriCa, footba

23、ll PlayerS Can.A. On kick the ballB. OnIy throw the ballC. OnIy Carry the ballD. kick, throw and Carryr the ball()19. There arePIayerS On each team in a gameA. tenB. elevenC. twelveD. thirteen()20. If the Inan does not move the ball ten yards, his team has toA. go homeB. carr>r the ball ten yards

24、C. run With itD. kick the ball to the Other team()21. The best teams Play againA. at ChriStmaSB. after the SeaSOn endsC. On NeW YearS DayD. On SUnday()22. The UnderIined WOrd YyCII'' in the PaSSage means ""A. ShOUt IOUdlyB. jumpC. talk IOUdIyD. SingFEVeryOne WantS to be healthy. Th

25、Cn do you know how to keep in good health? YOU may say, "Having a balanced diet and doing exercise Can help USrl agree With you. In fact, good SleeP is also Veryr important.®LOtS Of PeOPle in the WOrld have SIeeP PrOblemS. They can,t SIeeP Well at night. The next day they are t tired to WO

26、rk WCIL ThCV arc ImhaPPYand SUcSSCd OUL ThCn they may have SOme Other health problems.®HOW Can PeOPle SleeP Well at night? Here are SOme good ideas.® SleeP in q quiet room. DO SOme exercise before going to bed. It,ll make you sleepy. WaSh your feet in Warm Water before you go to bed. HaVe

27、a glass Of milk. ITs Pretty good for SleePing. Don,t think about boring things. Try to be relaxed()23 ThC Writer thinks PeOPle ShOUIdto Stay healthy.A. eat WellB. SIeeP WellC. do exerciseD. A. B and C()24. We Can PUt "For example, they Can easily get heart disease and headaches." inA. (DBC

28、D()25. What,s the InCaning Of the UnderIined sentence?A. AIthOlIgh they are VCry tired the next day, they Can WOrk WellB. They are too tired and can,t WOrk Well the next day.C. They doft go to WOrk the next day because they,re too tired.D. The next day they are SO tired that they WOrk Well()26. WhiC

29、h Of the following CANNOT help PeOPle SleeP well?A. DOing exerciseB. WaShing feet in Warm Water before sleep.C. Drinking milkD. Thinking about boring things()27. What ,s the Inain idea Of the passage?A. Gd SIeeP at night is Very important to your health.B. Bad SleeP brings SOnlC health PrOblemSC. A

30、balanced diet is important to your healthD. DOing exercise is good for your healthGIf you have a brother Or SiSteE you already know you are different. YOIl IiVe in the Same house and With theSame parents, but you have Clifferent personalities. Why is this? One reason may be the Way your ParentS thin

31、k Of you.FirStbOrn Children get more IOVe from their parents. MOSt families have twice more PhOtOS Of a firstborn than any Other ChiId. ParentS USUally give firstborn Children more responsibility and ask them to IOOk after younger brothers and SiSterS AS a result, firstborn ChildrCn are Often respon

32、sible, hard-working and jcalous(妒忌的) they Often Want to do Well at schl and WOliGWhen a SeCOnd Child arrives, ParentS are more relaxed The SeCOnd Child has to COnIPCte With the firstborn for ParentS and IOVe TheSe Children Often have different habits and interests to do Well in SChOOl and work, but

33、they InUSt have a new Way to get their family5s Care They are Often friendly and cool.DO you think so?28.The UnderIinCd WOrd"personalities"means ""inChineSeA.长相B.性格C.体质D.资质29 The SeCOnd-born Children are OftenA. hard-working and jealousB. hard-working and friendlyC. friendly and

34、COOlD. jealous and COOl30. The PaSSage mainly tells US.A. brother and SiSterS are always differentB. ChiIdren from the Same family don,t IOOk the SameC. Why ChildrCn from the Same family aren't the Same in PerSOnalitieSD. What the SeCOnd-born Children ShOUld do to get their family,s CareDear Mik

35、e,NiCe to meet you! My name is Jeff and m fifteen. I IiVe in LOndOn With my ParentSt my Iittle SiSter RaChel and my dog, COOkie We IiVe in a Small house in GreenWiCh.I IiVe near my SChOOL SO I Walk to SChOOl every day. I Iike SChOOl and my favorite SUbjeCtS are math and SCienCe What about you? What

36、SUbjeCtS do you like? I enjoy Playing basketball and n On the schl basketball team YeSterday afternoon We had a basketball game With another SChOOL We won!My favorite TV ShOWS arc news and talk shows. YbU may think they arc boring BUt I IOVe them because WeCan always expect to Iearn a IOt from them.

37、 I hope to be a TV reporter When I grow up!My best friend is JOe and we,re in the Same CIaSS.Joe is Very kind All OUr teachers and ClaSSmateS Iike him. After SChOOL JOe and I IOVe to do OUr homework together. Joc WOrkS hard and always gets better grades than I do! He SOmetimeS gives me Very USefUl a

38、dvice On Iny studies!On the weekend, I Iike going Skating in the Park With Iny sister. n good at Skating and I Can go VCry fast!I IOOk forward to your Ietter about yourself, your friends and your family!BeSt wishes!Yours.Jeff31 FrOm the material, We Can know that Jeff IiVeSA. in LOndOnB. far from SC

39、hOOlC. in a VCry big house32. When he grows up, Jeff WantS to be aA. movie actorC. math teacher33. What does Jeff think Of his friend Joe? Filnny®POPIIlar Kind©Hard-workingA.B.®34. WhiCh Of the following is TRUE about Jeff?A. He is SiXteen years OldB. He IOVeS math and SCienCeC. He is

40、 Iearning to Skate these daysD. He is On the SChOOl baseball team.35. Jeff WriteS this Ietter to.A. ask Mike for helpD. With his grandparentsB. TV reporterD. basketball PlayerC. ©D. ®(4)B. Say "hello" to MikeD. Say "Thank you" to MikeC. give advice to MikeHere are SOme

41、students5 NeW Year,s resolutions Of 202O.Hi. my name is SeIina .I'm going to do my best at SChOOL m going to finish my homework On time. If i need SOme help With a subject, m going to ask my teacher for help.My name is DaVe. I'm going to eat fit and VegetableS every day. m going to drink mor

42、e Water and milk. m also going to brush my teeth after meals every dayMy name is Tina m going to Ineet more PeOPle and InakC more friends this year. m also going to be friendly to Other kids in my ClaSS m going to be friendly to kids WhO need friendS-Iike SOmeOne WhO is Shy Or new.m Tony. ll never g

43、ive OUt PerSOnal information SUCh as Iny name, home address, SChOOl name and telephone number On the Internet. Also, ll never Send a PiCtUre Of InySelf to SOnICOne Or talk With SOmeOne OnlinC36. HOW many StUdentS made their NeW Year's resolutions here?A. TWo.B. Three.C. Four.37. WhO Inade New Ye

44、ar,s resolutions about study?A. SeIina.B. Dave.C. Tina.38. What isn,t DaVe going to do to keep healthy?A. Eat fruit and VegetableS CVCry dayB. Drink IeSS Water and milkC. BrUSh teeth after meals every day.39. What is Tina going to do?A. She is going to finish homework On timeB. She is going to Inake

45、 friends Online.C. She is going to be friendly to Other kids40. What do you think Of Tony?A. He IOVeS StUdying.B. He isn't healthy.C. He IOVeS USing the InternetJTiangOing-2 is China,s SeCOnd SPaCe Iab. It Went into SPaCe in SCPtenlber.2016. HOWeVeL a "delivery man" Caned TianZhOU-I ViSited TiangOing-2 it brought many "goods" to the SPaCe Iab.In fact, TianZhOU-I is China's first CargO SPaCeCraft(货运飞船) It Went into SPaCe On APril 20,2017. TWO days later, TianZhOU-1 SUCCeSSfUlly docked(成功对接)with TiangOng-2.TianZhOU


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