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1、leading cadres 'a warene ssof righti n place, studyt he partyConstituti on a nd partyrule s,serie s ofspeeches canmake propereffect.Party cadres t o"two"lead by example, t o lead byexample we m ustchange ourmi nd, recog nizi ng that "two" is im majorityconse nsus of partymemb

2、ers,theimportant magic w eaponofthe partywiththe resona ncefrequency. Finall y,theConstituti on ofthe Communist Party, party rules,lear ning le arning series im portant spee ch cansta nd crow ds,General Sehecarrie d out"learnConstitution PartyrulePartyrule s,learni ng lear ningseries important

3、spee"the old waydi dn'tw ork,har d wayca nnot,the newapproas, andle arnseri esspeech,doqualified members"learning ers and cachby Ge neralSe cretarycan enhancethe ory. Withthe "thirdrevolution"therichw oul dnot" phe nome non,sometimes due to amass ofpartymembers anse ofra

4、pi da dres nd change s in our life are feeli ng,the Communists shoul d adhere to t he the oryofconfi dence will continueto le arn fromthe v oices ofthetime s,the ti mes,intur n, will havenew requirements forleadi ng party cadres. "Two" isthems not understa ndi ng,does not meet. Infact,the

5、mass"convincing"and"identity" Behi nd arelikely t o be party members a nd lea dingca dres themselves i gnoring beliefs held,re sultingi n lack ofpersuasi onand se nse ofidentit y.ctice ,is pr omoted "threestrictthree real"topiceducatintrated educatiostba sic meaning ofm

6、embersallmastering the coret heorya nd t hemosta dvanced weaponsthe ory,compl ementthe spirit ofcal cium.Se condl y,the CommunistParty Constitution Party rules, learni nglearni ng seri esimporta ntspe ech by General Se cretary be ablet ofirmly buil dthe i"Two" isin fact guaranteed partyca

7、dresw ork, an important prerequisite for convincnig themasses. Baconsaid itwell :"practicalmen ca n ha ndle individualmatters, butlooking at thew hol e operation gl oball y,butonlyman ca n doto knowledge."Giving up" two"effective, must first raise awareon to reg ulareducati on ex

8、tends ofimportantinitiatives.deologi calfoundati on.Underthe impactofmultiness ofleading cadre s ofparty members,aplevalues,the "two" is tohelp cultivate i ndepe ndentjudgment in numer ous miscell aneousmultipl econcepts, sothatthesparty m ember s learn real re sponsibility"to know&qu

9、ot;to"music","good "change s,in parallelwitht he ground,do notforget小学四年级奥数举一反三第1 讲至第 40 讲(全精品)目录1讲2讲3讲4讲5讲6讲7讲8讲9讲10讲理> >> 律(一) 律(二) 推理 规规单找找简应算算最优化问题 巧妙求和(一) 变化规律(一)变化规律,二 二 ,二 ,二 ,二 ,二 ,二 ,二 ,二 ,二 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 二一 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 1234567890 111 11 11112 npnpnp

10、ynp ynp ynp ynp ynp ynp ynp 贯贯贯贯贯贯贯贯贯贯错中求解 简单列举 和倍问题 植树问题 图形问题 巧妙求和 数数图形 数数图形 应用题 速算与巧算第二十一周 速算与巧算(二) 第二十二周 平均数问题 第二十三周 定义新运算 第二十四周 差倍问题 第二十五周 和差问题 第二十六周 巧算年龄 第二十七周 较复杂的和差倍问题 第二十八周 周期问题 第二十九周 行程问题(一) 第三十周 用假设法解题 第三十一周 还原问题 第三十二周 逻辑推理 第三十三周 速算与巧算(三) 第三十四周 行程问题(二) 第三十五周 容斥原理 第三十六周 二进制 第三十七周 应用题(三) 第三十

11、八周 应用题(四) 第三十九周 盈亏问题 第四十周 数学开放题andvitality,purity and naturallymuchlening"and "done"markers. Strengthenissadvanced.Partycadres onlyopiningtheoreticalstons, Foundati on, ConstitutionParty rul es,seriedrestos to betteraTheoryis an action gui de, only theoreticalknowledge itheGeneralrule

12、s.Studying and impleme nting thepartyConstitndsolemn re sponsi bilit y.These importantconte nt,foreach party, mustknowwould believe willdo both.WeGe neral Secretary ofthe partyConstit ution,aserie sof remarks with,and hold,grasp thereal "learning"thatbasis, base donthe Constitutionspeak to

13、 issue, in a ccorda ncewit hthe series changedthe problem. Se cond, discipli ned i n line,t obe comelaw -abiding model. Is not norule s.If therei sno iron discipli ne, partymembers andcadreswill be come amess,it will l oseitsfighti ng strengtho kee pthe "-ddressoutsideibottom line", notthe

14、 more "red li-.I - - " II -n shape,"two" thines",consci ously practice the"thres isState,leadi ng byexample,to lead by example to bee Suns"and consciously aL I-I.qualifie d partymembersictaccordi ngtothe Constituti-II - - - 一- I.g o e onsuon,nthe processofdoing ton

15、, partyruleL . I-s, remains apoliticalforce,to perfor一 - L Ihede ep andsolid, highera ndmor estringent.Jobswitm partyoath,a treeIIof itsow n image.ThrI- - h new skills. To be aqualified partymembeee isthe loyal, dareto-I- - Ir,most basind cadres,partyConstitution,partyI一Ibased on thejob, do the peop

16、lein thereis nota sl ogan, but aimstoshi p, learn,learn,learngqualifie d party membersleading cadres 'a warene ss ofrighti n place, studyt he partyConstituti onand partyrule s, serie sofspeeches can make proper effect.Partycadresto"two"leadbyexample,toleadbyexamplewem ust change ourmi

17、nd, re cognizing that "two" is im portant. First,lear nthe Communist PartyConstitutionPartyrules, learni ng lear ningseries important speech by GeneralSe cretarycan enhance the ory. With the"third revolution" therise ofrapi d change s in our life arefeeli ng,the Communists should

18、 adhere to t he the oryofconfi dence will continueto le arnfrom thev oices ofthetime s, theti mes, intur n,will havenew requirementsforleadi ng partyc adres."Two" is the mostbasic mea ning ofmembers all masteri ng the coret heorya nd themosta dvanced weaponsthe ory, compl ementthe spirit o

19、fcal cium. Se condl y, theCommunistParty ConstitutionPartyrules,learni nglearni ngseri es importa ntspe ech byGeneralSe cretary be ablet ofirmly buil dthe i de ologi calfoundati on.Underthe impactofmultiplevalues,the "two"is tohelp cultiv atei ndepe nde ntjudgment in numer ous miscell ane

20、ousmultipl e concepts, sot hatthemajority conse nsus ofpartymember s,theimportant magic weaponofthe partywith the resona ncefrequency. Finall y,theConstituti on ofthe CommunistParty, partyrules,learningle arning series im portant spee ch cansta ndcrow ds,GeneralSe cretary position.Now,somegrass-root

21、sw ork in the "the oldwaydi dn'tw ork,har d wayca nnot,thenewapproa ch w oul dnot" phe nomenon,sometimes due toa mass ofpartymembers and cadres not understa ndi ng,does not meet.In fact,the mass "convincing" and"identity"Behind arelikely t o be partymembers a nd lea

22、 dingca dresthemselves i gnoring beliefsheld,re sultingi n lack ofpersuasi on a nd sense ofidentit y. "Two" is infact guaranteedpartycadreswork,an important prerequisiteforconvi nci ng the masses. Baconsaid itwell :"practicalmen ca nhandle individualmatters, butlooking at thew hol e o

23、peration gl oball y,but onlyman ca n dot o knowledge."Giving up"two "effective, must first raise awarenessofleading cadres ofparty members,as party member slearn realre sponsibility"to know"to"music","good"change s, in parallelwitht heground, do notforget

24、toalso a nswerthe antenna, drawcatches onmeteorology,whi ch sit betwee n heaven and Earthw hich melds toget herthe dreams ofpra cticing Communist.M embers cadres shouldi n "twolear na do" in t he ba sed post do contri buti on in a llmembers int hecarrie d out"learnConstitution Partyru

25、le s, andle arnseri es speech,do qualified members"learning e ducation,thisi s followi ng partyofmass li needucati on practice activities a nd"three strictthree real"topiceducationzhi hou,deepe ning partyeducationofand once importantpractice,ispromoted "threestri ct threereal&quo

26、t;topic educationfrom"keyminority"toallmembers expand,and fromconcentratededucation to reg ulareducati on extends ofimportant initiatives.Vastnumbersofparty membersand ca dres inthe courseoftwo,shouldbe第 1 讲 找 规 律(一)一、知识要点观察是解决问题的根据。通过观察,得以揭示出事物的发展和变化规律,在一般情况下,我们可以从以下几个方面来找规律:1根据每组相邻两个数之间的

27、关系,找出规律,推断出所要填的数;2根据相隔的每两个数的关系,找出规律,推断出所要填的数;3要善于从整体上把握数据之间的联系,从而很快找出规律;4数之间的联系往往可以从不同的角度来理解,只要言之有理,所得出的规律都可以认为是正确的。二、精讲精练【例题 1】 先找出下列数排列的规律,并根据规律在括号里填上适当的数。1, 4, 7,10,(),16,19【思路导航】在这列数中,相邻的两个数的差都是3,即每一个数加上3 都等于后面的数。根据这一规律,括号里应填的数为:10+3=13或163=13。像上面按照一定的顺序排列的一串数叫做数列。练习 1 : 先找出下列各列数的排列规律,然后在括号里填上适当

28、的数。(1) 2,6,10,14,(),22,26(2) 3,6,9,12,(),18,21(3) 33,28,23,(),13,(),3(4) 55,49,43,(),31,(),19(5) 3,6,12,(),48,(),192(6) 2,6,18,(),162,()(7) 128,64,32,(),8,(),2(8) 19,3,17,3,15,3,(),(),11, 3.【例题2】先找出下列数排列的规律,然后在括号里填上适当的数。1,2,4, 7,(),16,22【思路导航】在这列数中,前4 个数每相邻的两个数的差依次是1, 2,3。由此可以推算 7 比括号里的数少4,括号里应填:7+4

29、=11。经验证,所填的数是正确的。应填的数为:7+4=11 或 16-5=11 。练习 2: 先找出下列数排列的规律,然后在括号里填上适当的数。(1) 10,11,13,16,20,(),31(2) 1,4,9,16,25,(),49,64(3) 3,2,5,2,7,2,(),(),11, 2(4) 53,44,36,29,(),18,(),11, 9, 8(5) 81,64,49,36,(),16,(),4,1, 0(6) 28,1,26,1,24,1,(),(),20,1(7) 30,2,26,2,22,2,(),(),14,2(8) 1,6,4,8,7,10,(),(),13,14【例题

30、3】先找出规律,然后在括号里填上适当的数。23,4,20,6,17, 8,(),(),11, 12asedon theira ctual,strivingt obe"lear ning" a nd "done" markers.Strengtheningthe oretical study,beli ef andfait h.Theoryis ana ctiongui de,only theoreti cal knowle dge in pla ce,to unity,a ction ca nconsci ously. Constit utionis t

31、hefundamentallawofthe party,partyrulesare partymustfollowtheGe neralr ules.St udyingand impleme ntingt he party Constituti on Party rule s anda seri esofimportant spee ch,Ge neralSecr etary,isa g uidet opersisti ng anddev eloping soci alism with Chinesecharacteri stics,is a basi cwork of strengt hen

32、ingthe party's construction,butalsoeachandever yCommuni stParty M ember's obligati ons andsolemn re sponsi bility.T hese im porta ntconte nt,forea ch party,mustk now would believewi lldoboth. WeGeneralSe cretaryoft heparty Constituti on,a series ofremarkswit h,and hold,graspt he real"le

33、ar ning"thatbasi s, based on the Constituti on speaktoissue ,in a ccorda ncewith t he serie sc hang ed thepr oblem.Se cond,discipl ine din li ne,t obecomela w-a biding model. Isnotnorules.Ifthereisno irondi sci pline ,party member s and cadreswillbecome amess,itwilllose itsfightingstrength a nd

34、vitality,purity and naturally much less adva nced.By "two" education,partymembersandcadres to ke ep the"bottom li ne",not t he more"red li nes",consci ously practi ce the"three Suns" and consciously actaccordi ngto theConstituti on, partyrule s, remains apol i

35、ticalfor ce, toperformparty oath, atreeof itsown image.Threeis thel oyal,dar etoplay a nd play to partymembers.Learningisthe Foundati on,isthe key to devel opme nt isthe g oal."Two" main obje ctive ist o letthemajority ofthe playt otheexemplaryr ole of partymembers andcadres,party Constit

36、ution,party rules t oexamine.T o usene wcriteriato g uide our behavi or.T hrougheducation,the idealand conviction,keepinmindt hat membership,learn,learn,lear n go playavang uarda nd exemplary role, thecouraget oplay as,and always maintainthe pioneer, pioneeri ngand enter prising spirit, andconstantl

37、yimproveourowncapacityandlevelofservice,according to positionsand make contributions. Hearts change,leadmorestrict "beganin t heknow,k now a s Luke Skywalker", "two" activities,bequalifiedpartymembers bot holmeaajdoinrigtyconcseadres nasuswoafrepnaretyssmoefmribgehrtinps,lathcee,

38、imsptourdtayntt magihcewpartyConestaiptuotniofthoenpaartynwidthtpartyrule hs,esreersieonsaofspneceecfhreesquency.cFainnamllakety rby example,tules,learoleandingblyeexaamrnplinegwesmeriourmi nd, recog nizi ng that "two" is imee ch cansta nd crow ds,General Seretaproyrtpaonsti.tion.FNiroswt,

39、 lseoarme gnratshes-rCommunistParotoytCsownstoirtkutiinonthePartyr u"the old waydies important speennot,the newapproachbycGhewounledranloSte"phcreetaryncoamneennohn,ansocemtehteimesory.duWeittohathmeasthsirdrevoolfutpioarntytmheemribers and ca se ofradrpiesdnocthuanndgeerstas innodurilnifg

40、e,adroeefseelinotmneg,ett.hIenfact,Cthoemmmausnsis"tcsonvinshcionugl"andda"dihdeernetittoy"the theoryofcoBnfeihinddaernecleikweillyl tcoontbineueptaortley memabrenrsfraomthe vnd leaoicdeingscoaftdhreestitmheemselsv,etshietimegsn,oirnintugrbelni,efwsillheld,rheavenewsurletqinugiri

41、emnenltackofspfeorrslueaasdiionngpanardtysecadresn.seTowfoideisnttihtemy."Two"isoinsteantcoret phreeorreyqauinsidtetfor choenvmiosta dvnacnnicgedthemaswseesa.ponstheBacoonrys,aciodmitpwl ell ement:th"peracticsaplimriten coafcaltuting at thewonhPolarteyorpuleersat,ion gllearnioballngyl

42、eral"SGeiving upc"rtewtaory"ebffeectiavbel,emtust fiorsfitrrmailsyebauiwlare dthe ittofymmueltmibers, apslpeavratlyumese,mthbeertwosisletoarnreal rehelpspcounltsiivbailtietyi"toknndoewp"eto"nmdeusntijudgmenticn","good "ncuhmaenrgeous miscse,lilnapnaeraoll

43、uelswmituhlttiplheegcroonuncedp,tdso,notforsgoetthatthequalified members"四年级数学奥数培训资料姓名: 【思路导航】在这列数中,第一个数减去3 的差是第三个数,第二个数加上2 的和是第四个数,第三个数减去3的差是第五个数,第四个数加上 2的和是第六个数依此规律, 8 后面的一个数为:17-3=14, 11 前面的数为:8+2=10练习3: 先找出规律,然后在括号里填上适当的数。( 1) 1, 6, 5, 10, 9, 14, 13,(),()( 2) 13, 2, 15, 4, 17, 6,(),()( 3) 3

44、,29,4,28,6,26,9,23,(),(),18,14( 4) 21, 2, 19, 5, 17, 8,(),()( 5) 32, 20, 29, 18, 26, 16,(),(),20, 12( 6) 2,9,6,10,18,11,54,(),(),13,486( 7) 1,5,2,8,4,11,8,14,(),()( 8) 320,1, 160,3,80,9,40,27,(),()【例题4】在数列1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, () , 34, 55中,括号里应填什么数?【思路导航】经仔细观察、分析,不难发现:从第三个数开始,每一个数都等于它前8+13=21 或 34 1

45、3=21上面这个数列叫做斐波那切(意大利古代著名数学家)数列,也叫做“兔子数列”。练习4: 先找出规律,然后在括号里填上适当的数。1) 2, 2, 4, 6, 10, 16,(),()2) 34, 21, 13, 8, 5,(),2,()3) 0, 1, 3, 8, 21,(),1444) 3, 7, 15, 31, 63,(),()5) 33, 17, 9, 5, 3,()6) 0, 1, 4, 15, 56,()7) 1,3,6,8,16,18,(),(),76,788) 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 20,()【例题5】下面每个括号里的两个数都是按一定的规律组合的,在口里填上适当

46、的数。(8, 4) (5, 7) (10, 2) (, 9)【思路导航】经仔细观察、分析,不难发现:每个括号里的两个数相加的和都是12。根据这一规律,口里所填的数应为:12- 9=3练习5:下面括号里的两个数是按一定的规律组合的,在口里填上适当的数。(1) (6, 9) (7, 8) (10, 5) (口,)(2) (1, 24) (2, 12) (3, 8) (4, 口)(3) (18, 17) (14,10)(10,1)(, 5)(4) (2, 3) (5, 9)(7,13)(9,口)(5) (2, 3) (5, 7)(7,10)(10, 口)(6) (64, 62) (48,46)(29

47、,27) ( 15,口) (100, 50) (86, 43) (64, 32) (口, 21)(8) (8, 6) (16, 3) (24, 2) (12, 口)ase dontheiract ual,strivi ngtobe"lear ning"and "done" markers.Strengthening the oretical study,beliefa nd faith.T heory i sanactiong uide,only theor eticalknowle dgein place,tounity,acti on can con

48、sci ously.Constit ution isthefundame ntallaw oftheparty, partyrulesarepartymustfoll ow theGeneralrule s.Studyingand impleme nting thepartyConstit utionParty rule sand aserie sof importa ntspe ech, Ge neralSecr etary,is agui deto persisti ng and devel opi ng sociali sm withChine secharacteri stics, i

49、sa ba sicw orkofstre ngtheningthe party's constructi on, butalsoea ch and every Communist PartyMem ber's obligationsa ndsolemn re sponsibility.T hese im porta nt content,for ea ch party,mustk now w oul d beli eve willdoboth. WeGe neral Se cretary of the partyConstituti on,a series ofremarksw

50、ith,a nd hol d, graspt he real"learni ng"thatba sis,base don theConstit ution spe to issue,in a ccorda ncewit hthe series cha nged theproblem.Se cond, disciplinedi n line,t obecomelaw -abidi ng model. Isnotnorules. Ifthere isno iron di sci pline ,partymembers a nd cadr eswillbecomea mess,

51、itwillloseitsfighti ngstrength a ndvitality,purity and naturally much less a dvance d.By"two" education, partymembers and cadres to kee p the"bottomline",notthem ore "red lines",consciously practice the"threeS uns"a nd consci ously act accor dingtot heConstitu

52、tion,partyrules,remai ns a politicalfor ce, toperformparty oat h,a treeof its ownimage. Threei sthe loy al, daret o playa nd pl aytoparty member s.Le arning i sthe Foundation,isthe keytodevelopmentis thegoal."Two"mainobjective i stoletthe majorityofthe playtotheexemplaryroleofparty members

53、and cadres, partyConstit uti on,party rules t oexamine.T o usenew criteriatog uide our behavi or.Thr oug heducati on,t heidea land convicti on, keep in mi nd thatmembershi p,lear n, lear n,learng oplay ava nguard andexemplaryrol e,the cour agetoplay a s, andalways mai ntainthe pi oneer ,pioneeri nga

54、nd enter prising spiri t,and constantlyimprove ourow ncapacitya nd level ofservice,a ccordi ng topositi ons andmake contributions. Heart schange,l eadmore strict "bega n in thek now,knowas Luke Skywalker","two" activities, bequalified partymembers botha starting pointand endingpo

55、i nt.Partycadres onlyopini ons,Foundation,Constit ution Partyrule s,serie s tobettera ddre ssoutsi dein shape,"two" thisi sState,leadi ng by exampl e,to lea dbyexampl e to be qualifie dparty member s in the processof doi ngthe dee p and solid,hig herand mo restringent.J obsw ith nesicel em

56、entis al waysadva nced re quireme ntsthemselves,usnigtheir powerto pushforwar dthe causeofthe party,the pe opl e andthe nation. Istotheleading ca dres ofparty member s, first ofall isbasedon thejob,do thepeople in t he heart.There i s nota slogan, butaims to betterservethe people,targete d efforts t

57、o increa se the capa city7 -四年级数学奥数培训资料leadng res ' a waee of rghti n pac, S_y t he party CcnS“ onad “y ue s seesof seecescan make prper fec. Paycades to"tw" ead by eampe, t o _d by example m us change ou mi nd, re cgnizing that "two" s m10rtat. Fis, ear I the CcmmunSt Pay C.

58、nSiUinParty rues eani I g earnig senes important seech by Genera Secetay canenhance Ie ory Wth Ie "tird revouin" Ie rise of rai d cages in I ur lie eel ng teCcmmunSS Sould adhere tot he Ie oy of cnfi de wl cntiue to le arnfrom Ie v oics of Ie time s the I mesi tu n, Wl sen requements for l

59、 ing party c ades "Two" s Ie most base mea nig of membes al mastei ng Ie cre t heory a nd the most a dvance.weapons theI ry cmpl emet the spii of cim.Se cnd y the C.mmus Pay C.nalui Paly rUle,earning ea>ing series imporant spe ec by Genera Se cetay be ae t ofimy bui d the i de olg cal foundat I n. Unde Ie impact of multiple vales the "tw" s tohelp culv ae i ndepe nd nt judgment i nume ous miselae ous muil e


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