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1、2021年全国中学生英语能力竞赛NEPCS丨决赛高三年级组试题总分:150分答题时间:120分钟听力局部共三大题,计 30分略 笔试局部共七答题,计120分?Knowledge and Usage (知识与用法)(共15小题,每题1分,计15分)? Please complete the follow ing sentences by using the Chin ese hints give n in the brackets.(请根据括弧中所给的汉语提示完成以下句子。)答案写在答题纸上31. We were taught at school that all living things (

2、依赖)the sun for their growth.32. The premier wants to see more (时机)for young people to find good jobs in the near future.33. Anne emphasizes that she has(编造、虚构 )the names and characters that exist in real lifefor her no vel.34. The boy looked at his father (充满希望地 )because he thought his father had br

3、ought him aprese nt.35. The number of visitors per day is strictly (限制)to avoid damage being done to the garden.? Please complete the following passage by choosing the best of the four choices marked A,B,C and D in theboxes(请从方框中所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最正确选项完成下面的短文。)答案涂在答题纸上The world ' biggest and olde

4、st rock stars are still in love with performing in front of audiences. This irresistible urge to give con certs means they are con sta ntly (36) their retireme nt un til a later date.(37) , the question remains: Is rock music an art form that can really be performed by middle-agedpeople?Most of thes

5、e rockers do have to keep fit. Mick Jagger, (38) remains astonishingly athletic in liveperforma nces; take a pers onal trainer on tour. And with an act that (39) eno ugh dancing to stage to tireout a 20-year-old, Tina Turner proves that age has had (40) effect on her ability to put on a goodshow. Ye

6、t she ' s n ever see n the in side of a gym. She seems to have a kind of n atural en ergy, which means she doesn ' t worry about dieting or exercising. Paul McCartney (41) his vegetarianism for enabling himto keep fit eno ugh to play rock' n' roll. McCart ney also believes that he an

7、d famous rock bands (42)heStones and the Who still perform because they can. What these bands have (43) is that they perfectedthe craft of performing in clubs before they became famous, something only a tiny minority of bands do now. For the Rolli ng Stones it ' adso a matter of pride, a way of

8、an sweri ng (44) who say they ' iteo old.Noth ing gives them pleasure tha n the kno wledge that theirs have bee n the highest mon ey-ear ning tours of all time.36?givi ng up?putti ng off?keep ing on?cutti ng dow n37?Despite?In spite of?However?In stead of38?which?who?whe n?where39?con sists?comp

9、oses?implies?in volves40?slight?few?small?little41?admits?permits?tha nks?reas ons42?like?as?how?such43?in that?in all?in com mon?on the whole44?those?anyone?one?they45?further?smaller?better?greater? Cloze (完形填空)共15小题;每题1分,计15分? Please read the follow ing passage and fill in the bla nks with the pr

10、oper forms of the 5 words or phrases out ofthe 7 give n in the box accordi ng to the con text.(请阅读下面的短文,并根据其内容提示,从方框中所给的7个词语中选出5个,并用其适当形式填空。_)carry on, encourage, deal with, difficult, leave, look around, finishCan you remember your first day at school? It was probably rather confusing. The (46) is

11、that alot of people give their children the wrong idea about going to school. If children are threatened with the idea of school, they can ' stairotewhy they have to go to school.On his first day of school, a child has to watch his mother (47). Often he thinks that she isdesert ing him. The teac

12、her must convince him that at the end of the day his mother and his home will still be there.The childre n are not the only people who are disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has just as much trouble in (48) the mothers. They ' re as upset as their children. They hang around, won

13、deringhow their childre n are man agi ng.The best way to improve the situati on is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before school starts themother should take her child to meet the teacher and to (49) the school. The first day should besomething to look forward to and not to fear. It 

14、9; also important to emphasize the regularity of school, and although the first day is difficult, the mother must remember that her child must be (50) for severalweeks at least.? Please read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word on one of the following three ways: based on the c

15、on text; using the proper form of the give n words; based on the give n letters of the words.(请阅读下面的短文,用以下三种形式中的一种填空:根据上下文填空;用所给单词的适当形式填空;根据单词所给的字母填空。没空一词。)There ' s no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, is what keeps modern economic life (51)(work). Yet, throughout history, mo

16、ney, in whatever form, has provided people with the ability to buy and sell goods.Thousands of (52) y aog, people made use of the barter( 物物交换 )system as a way of exchanginggoods. With in this system a pers on had to excha nge one thing for ano ther. This meant that the two parties involved had to (

17、53) re an agreement as to what they thought their products were worth. Items such (54)wheat, tobacco, and livestock ( 牲畜)have all been used as money at one time or another. It was not until much later that human came up (55)w the idea of money in the form of metal coins. So why did the bartersystem

18、(56)to a stop? The answer is simple. Coins were (57) m easier to handle and carry around.Since then, the use of coins has become (58) pop . It has made commerce (贸易)simpler and has givencoun tries an opport un ity for (59) (develop) by doing bus in ess with other coun tries far away.Right now, paper

19、 money has become more com mon all over the world, as it 'easier to use. However, it won' t be long before plastic cards take over, (60)(complete) replacing coins and paper money.? Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共20小题:61-65小题每题1分;66-80小题每题2分, 计 35分)Read the follow ing passages. Each passage is

20、 followed by several questi ons. Please resp ond to the questio ns according to the requirements given at the end of each passage.(阅读下面的短文,每篇短文后设有假设干 问题,请根据短文后的要求答复以下问题。)61-63小题涂在答题纸上;64-80小题答案写在答题纸上。AHere ' s some exciting newsThe Daily Times , together with the Further Education Organization (

21、FEO) and the Photographers ' Circle, announces a competiti on for young photographers.The subject of the competition is“ Modern Students . We want your pictures to tell us what it stude nt today. Perhaps you think stude nts have a very comfortable life. Or you may believe they have a much harder

22、 time at college than at high school. Whatever your feelings are, the judges are looking for interesting and origi nal photographs.The first prize winner will get three days of work experie nee with The Daily Times in London, a book worth up to 50 from the Photograph' s Circle, and 200 to spend

23、in photographic equipment. The Daily Times will printthe winning photographs in the newspaper and the Photographer ' s Cwcie include them in an exhibition at their London gallery. The next 12 best winners will be awarded 100 each to spe nd on photographic equipme nt.The winning pictures will be

24、in cluded in the FEO cale ndar.Here are the rules:? The competitio n is ope n to stude nts at sec on dary schools, and at further educati on, art and tech ni cal colleges in En gla nd and Wales.? Stude nts must be 14 or over.? Three copies of each photograph should be submitted and it ' s no big

25、ger than 25*20 cm.?Up to five photographs may be sent in by one pers on.?The final date for entries is October 1 this year. Winners will be announced in The Daily Times onOctober 17.? A pare nt or guardia n must stay with any winner who is un der age 18 while in London. All tickets and accommodati o

26、n costs will be paid by FEO.? Photographers must agree to have their pictures in FEO publicati ons and in The Daily Times without payment. The photographer ' s name will be printed with any pictureinseis way.Send your photographs to:Photography competition, PO Box 314, London E17 6LJ.Questio ns

27、61-63: Choose the best an swer from A,B, C and D accord ing to the passage.61. winners will be produced in the competiti on.A. 10B.12.C. 13.D. 14.62. The con testa nts can get the result of competiti on from.A. the Further Educatio n Orga ni zati onB. The Daily TimesC. Modern Stude ntsD. the Photogr

28、aphers ' Circle63. The purpose of this announ ceme nt is to.A. make more and more people in terested in photographyB. show famous pictures to sec on dary school stude ntsC. help poor stude nts who want to lear n photographyD. attract more stude nts to participate in the competiti onQuestio n 64-

29、65: Decide whether the follow ing stateme nts are true (T) or false (F) accord ing to the passage.64. The FEO will pay for a pare nt to accompa ny winners who are too young to travel alone.65. The first prize doesn' t include an opportunity tTIwoEkaiily Times .BThe Drago n Boat Festival(66) The

30、festival is held to honor Qu Yuan, a politician and poet who, in the year 278 B.C., issaid to have committed suicide (自杀)by jumping into a river. It' s said that the local people threw Zongzi into thewater to save Qu Yua n ' from the evil spirits in the river (67). Spectators eat Zon gzi and

31、 crewsrow large drag on-shaped boats.The Rio Carnival (狂欢节)in BrazilHundreds of thousands of visitors come every year for the celebrations before the start of Lent( 大斋期).Thecarnival takes place in the Sambadrome, a huge new stadium. There, samba schools compete with each other for the best costumes

32、and dancing. 68 In the past, the carnival procession was held in the streets of Rio,where beautifully clothed people threw streamers彩带and confetti五彩纸屑and danced for four days. Nowadays, the world ' s biggest street party has become a pleasure only for those who can afford the entrance fee.Oktobe

33、rfestForeig n beer-lovers might thi nk that the Germa ns are uni mag in ative whe n it comes to beer because, good as it is, it all seems to taste very similar. There are, however, many regional and seasonal differences, particularly in Bavaria and Munich ' s many brewe啤酒厂makes a special beer. 6

34、9The Fallas FestivalThe most spectacular of Spain ' tbousands of festival must be Valencia 'Falla Fiesta, a two-day event celebrati ng the end of win ter. 70 The n there are con tests for the best paella a traditi onal rice dish.In the mon ths before the Fiesta, craftsme n create around 370

35、fallas, which are detailed caricatures漫画像of local people. At midni ght, whe n the fallas are bur nt, the burst of flames and fireworks symbolically forces out win ter.? Nowadays, boat races are held every year to remind people of the search for the body of the dead poet.? Afterwards, the figures are

36、 throw n into a river to show that not even the most beautiful things last forever.? Long before the festival begins, monks make their preparations by mixing dyes into huge quantities of iced butter.? In China, towards the end of June, people celebrate a holiday known as the Dragon Boat Festival.? B

37、ecause of this, an astonishing variety of different types and strengths of beer are available at this festival.? The Fallas Fiesta party starts at noon on St, Joseph ' Day, March 19, with a deafening explosion of fireworks.? They spend a lot of time and money on carnival preparations, making fan

38、tastic costumes, masks and decoratio ns and teach ing the samba.CAunt Sue ' s StoriesLan gst on HughesAunt Sue has a head full of stories,Aunt Sue has a whole heart full of stories,Summer ni ght on the front porchAunt Sue cuddles 怀抱a brown-faced child to her bosom胸部And tells him stories.Black sl

39、avesWork ing in the hot sun,And black slavesWalking in the dewy有露水的night,And black slavesSinging sorrow songs on the bank of mighty riverMin gle themselves softlyIn the flow of Old Aunt Sue' s voice.Min gle themselves softlyIn the dark shadows that cross and recrossAunt Sue ' s stories.And t

40、he dark-faced child, liste ningKnows that Aunt Sue ' s stories are real stories.He knows that Aunt Sue n ever got her storiesOut of any book at all,But that they came,Right out of her own life.The dark-faced child is quiet,Of a summer ni ght,Listening to Aunt Sue ' s stories.Questio ns 71-75

41、: An swer the follow ing questio ns accord ing to the passage.71. When did Aunt Sue tell stories to the child?72. What ' s the color, of the child' s face?73. What did the stories tell about?74. Where did Aunt Sue'ies stome from?75. What was Aunt Sue accord ing to the poem?DTry rubb ing

42、the tip of your fin ger backwards and forwards very quickly on your coat or a bla nket. It should become hot. In cold weather we sometimes rub our hands together to make them warm. The rubbing of two together which causes heat is called摩擦力ti。nln thesame way, people who lived in caves rubbed apiece o

43、f wood shaped like a pencil on another piece of wood with dried leaves or grass packed nearby. The heat set the leaves or grass alight(燃烧着的 ).This was a difficult way of making fire. Better ways were found by using flint(火石)but it was not until 1827 that the first matches were made in England.Chemis

44、ts made up a mixture and put it on an end of a stick or match. The mixture contained a small amount of phosphorous(磷),a chemical that burst into flame whe n heated slightly. The other chemicals the n caught fire and burned less fiercely until the wood was alight. By rubbing the end of the match, as

45、it was called, on sandpaper the fricti on easily set the phosphorous alight. There first matches could also be struck on other rough surfaces, in cludi ng the leather sole of a shoe.At the time, every one thought this was a won derful inven tio n. Unfortun ately accide nts happe ned. A whole box of

46、matches would sudde nly catch fire if it was heated. Imagi ne this happe ning to some one warm ing themselves by a fire with a box of matches in his or her pocket! Even loose matches in a handbag or pocket could rub together and catch fire.What was needed was a match that would only light if struck

47、on a special surface. In 1852, the safety match was inven ted in Swede n. No phosphorous was used in the matchehead it was put on the outside of the matchbox in stead. This made it impossible for the match to light uni ess it was rubbed along the box on the special surface which contained san dpaper

48、 mixed with a little phosphorous.The passage tells us the story of how the match came into being. Before it was used, people tried to rub two thi ngs together to (76) , but it was not very easy un til flint was found. In 1827 the first matches weremade in (77). A small amount of phosphorous was put

49、on an end of a match. By rubb ing the end ofthe match on (78) the phosphorous can be set alight. However, some unexpected thingshappened. “ Matches would suddenly catch fire if they were (79). To solve this problem, a littlephosphorous was put (80) of the matchbox. Nowadays, if you want to light the

50、 match, you haveto rub along the box on the special surface which contains phosphorous.IV Tran slation 翻译共5小题;每题2分,计10分? Please tran slate the un derl ined senten ces in the follow ing passage into Chin ese.请将短文中的划线句子翻译成汉语。答案写在答题纸上81 There are more tha n 100 differe nt types of cancers and many peop

51、le have the same question: “ Whatcauses cancer? some cases, the answer is clear. The choices people make can cause cancer. For example, smok ing or using tobacco products can cause cancer in the lun gs, mouth, throat and kid neys. Not every one who uses tobacco products will get cancer, but the cha

52、nee of gett ing certa in types of cancer in creases with tobacco use.The persiste nt misuse, or overuse, of alcohol had bee n show n to cause can cer of the mouth and throat as well.Sometimes can cer can be caused by radiati on. Radiatio n is found in sun light and x-rays, in additi on to other plac

53、es. 82 This does n ' m ean you should stop gett ing x-rays or stay in doors, but limit ing your exposure to radiation can lesse n the cha nces of develop ing can cer. Liste n to the advice of your doctor or den tist whe n it comes to x-rays. The x- rays you get at the doctor' s or den tist&#

54、39; s office are not typically eno ugh to cause cancer.And sometimes, the reas on why some one gets cancer is simply an unfortun ate mystery. Some cells in thebody may start to multiply and cha nge. 83 Doctors and researchers can see it happe ning but they cannot provide a descripti on for why it st

55、arted.? Please tran slate the follow ing sentences into En glish by using the hints give n in the brackets.请根据提示,将以下句子译成英语。答案写在答题纸上84. 当一个人有足够的钱的时候,他就可能考虑一些他想买的东西。be likely to 85. 每年有数以万计的人因交通事故丧生,因此举行这次图片展览为的是提醒人们遵守交通规那么。被动 语态V Error Correction 短文改错共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10分There are altogether 10 errors i

56、n the followi ng passage. The errors are about missi ng words, unn ecessary wordsand wrong words. Please correct them according to the following requirements: for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with the sign A and write the word you believe to be missing in the line on the ans

57、wer sheet; for an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with the sign and put the word with' the sign in the line on the answer sheet; for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the line on the an swer sheet.Notes: 1. There is only one word for each error;

58、2. You only n eed to correct 10 errors and there will be no points for the eleve nth you make.下文中共有10处错误,错误涉及缺词、多词与错词三个方面。请根据以下要求修改文中出现的错误:缺词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号A,在答题线上写出该词;多词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在答题线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;错词:在错词下划一横线,并在答题线上写出改正后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只需要修改10处,多者从第11处起不计分。答案写在答题纸上例如:One of my favorite writers are Charlotte Bronte. She was born i


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