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1、 .Test for Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing (7AM1)(本卷满分100分,时间40分钟)Part One Listening (第一部分 听力)(共13分)I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问句,选出最恰当的答案。) (8分)( ) 1. A. the Summer PalaceB. the Great Wall C. the Palace Museum D. Beihai Park( ) 2. A. a mother

2、B. a classmateC. a shop assistantD. a teacher ( ) 3. A. 4 :45B. 4 :55 C. 5 :05 D. 5:15 ( ) 4. A. On the planeB. At the airport C. In the supermarket D. On the ship( ) 5. A. To do the homework B. To play computer games C. To send an e-mail D. To find some information( ) 6. A. 4 hoursB.

3、 6 hours C. 8 hoursD. 10 hours( ) 7. A. Playing volleyballB. playing the guitar C. talking to a teacher D. Reading a book( ) 8. A. By bikeB. By bus C. On foot D. By car II. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示。)

4、(5分)( ) 9. Tourists can take a boat trip in the morning.( ) 10. Things in large department stores are not always cheap.( ) 11. There are some small shops near the train station.( ) 12. There is a lot of special food in Guangzhou.( ) 13. People can enjoy eating cheap and tasty food in Guangzhou. Part

5、 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部份 词汇与语法)(共34分)I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。) (10分)( ) 14. Tiananmen Square is in _ centre of Beijing. It is _ open area.A. the, the B. /, an C. the, an D. a, the( ) 15. The Palace Museum is an interesting place _many ancient buildings. Id like to visit it.A. with

6、 B. has C. for D. of ( ) 16. My plane will arrive at the airport _ the morning of May 15th.A. in B. at C. on D. for( ) 17. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of _ cities in the world.A. big B. much bigger C. biggest D. the biggest ( ) 18. You can see the children _ happily on the People Square.A.

7、 play B. playing C. are playing D. to play ( ) 19. Thank you for _ me with the housework.A. helping B. help C. helps D. helped ( ) 20. It took me more than two hours _ my homework yesterday.A. finish B. will finish C. finished D. to finish ( ) 21. - _ did the ticket for the book show cost? - Fifty y

8、uan each. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How often ( ) 22. - How are you going to Beijing? - Im going to _ a plane. Its faster than a train.A. by B. on C. take D. have( ) 23. - I will take a trip to London next week. - _A. I sorry to hear that.B. Why? C. Have a good time! D. Youre welcome. I

9、I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空。) (7分)24. I got an _from my friend yesterday. (invite)25. This year, more _will go to Shanghai for traveling. (tour) 26. We visited a lot of _places in Shanghai. (interest)27. People like to go traveling by train bec

10、ause its _ and more exciting. (cheap)28. The sun and beach can make a _ holiday. (wonder)29. The Qingming Festival has already become a _ holiday in China. (nation)30. Tony would like to be a travel _ when he grows up. (agency)III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs. (时态填空)

11、(5分)31. We (not visit) the Great Wall before.32. There (be) a concert (音乐会) at the beach this evening.33. Tim (just see) the film “Tiny Time” (小时代).34. It (cost) me two hundred yuan to buy my favourite books yesterday.35. your friend always (spend) hours playing games?IV. Rewrite the sentences as re

12、quired. ( 按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词。)(共12分)36. The computer book cost me 10 yuan. (改为否定句)The computer book _ _ me 10 yuan.37. Hes already seen his grandparents. (改为一般疑问句) _ he seen his grandparents _?38. I weigh 50kg. My sister weighs 52kg. (保持句意不变) My sister is _ _ I.39. My trip to Xiamen was so wonderful. (

13、划线提问) _ _ your trip to Xiamen?40. Mrs. Green has lived in this small village for about twenty years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ has Mrs. Green lived in this small village?41. I see him every morning. He is watering flowers in his garden. (两句并一句) I see _ _ flowers in his garden every morning. Part 3 Reading and W

14、riting(第三部分 阅读和写话)(共53分)I. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解) (共38分)A. Choose the best answer. (阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案。) (10分) Ive just got home after a three-holiday in New York with my family. It was really great and I want to remember everything, so Im putting it all in this diary(日记). Day 1 We arrived at the a

15、irport and took a yellow cab to our hotel. It was expensive but it was fast, and the drive in the cab was very friendly. Everything there was amazing(有趣的)! People call New York “The city that never sleeps”. Another popular name for it is “The Big Apple”. Dont ask me why! The population (人口) is over

16、8,270 and 46 million people visit New York every year! Day 2 First we went to the Empire State Building, which is 381 metres high. We went up to the top and looked out across New York. It had a fantastic (令人惊讶的) view! After that I had the biggest hamburger I have never eaten! After lunch we went sho

17、pping. Although it is a big city, you wont get lost easily because most of the streets have numbers. For example, if youre at the Thirty-fourth Street, its easy to find the Thirty-ninth Street. Day 3 - the last day Its Saturday. Central Park is the place to go at weekends. Its full of people walking

18、, playing, jogging and skating. There are musicians, artists and tourists like me. Theres a great zoo in the park with lots of interesting animals. In the evening we went to the cinema. The Americans call it a “movie theatre”.( ) 42. The writer stayed in New York _.A. for three weeksB. for a weekC.

19、for three daysD. for two days( ) 43. The writer visited _ on the second day. A. the airportB. the sleepless cityC. Central ParkD. the Empire State Building( ) 44. Its not easy to lose the way in New York because _. A. tourists can see the view of the cityB. most of the streets have numbersC. everyth

20、ing in New York is bigD. its full of people in the city ( ) 45. The underlined word “cab” in Paragraph 2 means “_”. A. busB. taxiC. trainD. plane( ) 46. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Tourists can go to Central Park only at weekends.B. You can find a lot of tourists

21、in Central Park.C. Theres a zoo with interesting animals in Central Park.D. Cinemas are called “movie theatre” in the USA.B. Read the passage and answer the following questions. ( 阅读短文,完整回答下面问题。) (10分)Today is May Day. It was a fine day. All my family went to the Great Wall.We got on the bus at 8 oc

22、lock in the morning. The bus was very big. There were a lot of people in it: men and women, old and young. They were from different places and countries. And they spoke different languages: Chinese, English, French and so on. Although their languages are different, they smiled to each other in a fri

23、endly manner. All the people on the bus looked very happy. All of them wanted to have wonderful time on the Great Wall.“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Happy May Day!” The guide began her explanation about the Great Wall to the tourists. Wow! Her English was very good. She talked about the histo

24、ry of the Great Wall. She said, “There is an old saying: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” All the tourists wanted to see it very much.47. When did the writers family go to the Great Wall? 48. How did the family go to the Great Wall? 49. Are all the tourists Chinese? 50. Ho

25、w did all the people look on the bus? 51. What language (语言) did the guide speak? C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或短语, 完成短文。) (共6分)Mr. Jones went to the sea for a holiday one summer and he stayed in a cheap hotel 52 he was not a rich man. At 7 oclock on the first

26、 morning, a woman came in and said, “Please get up.” Mr. Jones 53 getting up early, so he said, “I dont want to get up yet. Im still very tired.” The woman went away, but at 8 oclock, 54 one came and said to Mr. Jones, “Mr. Jones. Please get up. We need the sheets (床单) from your bed.” Mr. Jones stil

27、l wanted to sleep, so he answered 55 , “Why?” “Because 56 is starting,” answered the woman, “and we need to put them on our 57 . They are our table-cloth, too.”( ) 52. A. becauseB. and C. when D. if ( ) 53. A. likedB. enjoyed C. hated D. made ( ) 54. A. sameB. different C. another D. some ( ) 55. A.

28、 happilyB. angrily C. hungrily D. luckily ( ) 56. A. dinnerB. lunch C. supper D. breakfast ( ) 57. A. chairsB. tables C. cupboards D. shelves D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 首字母已给。) ( 12分) Dear Kitty,Hows everything going on with you? May

29、Day is coming. We are making plans for travelling. Well go on a trip to Hainan for our holidays. Its a good place to s 58 holidays. My aunt lives there. I hope to travel with her. My parents work h 59 to make money for this holiday. I study hard to make my parents happy. I hear Sanya is a b 60 city

30、in Hainan. Its hot around May. If you go there, you can see flowers everywhere. Girls can wear skirts there. You can see the sea there and s 61 in the sea. Ill take a camera and take a lot of p 62 . We also want to visit some o 63 interesting places. Oh, I hear the food there is different from ours.

31、 It must be very delicious. Its really wonderful!What about your holiday plan? Please write to me soon.Yours,Alice58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. II. Writing (写作) (15分)A. 连词成句 (6分)64. his party, invited, to, this weekend, has, the Lis, Jack 65. havent, they, about, the interesting places, any information, f

32、ound, in Beijing, yet 66. visit, want to know, you, Shanghai Museum, if, the history of Shanghai, can, you 67. the train, the plane, is, than, faster 68. see, you, the children, in the playground, can, playing games 69. by plane, to Garden City, it, does, How long, from Beijing, take, to travel B. 段

33、落或短文(9分)70. Write about 60 words on the topic “My favourite city”, using the following questions below for reference. 1. Which is your favourite city?2. Why do you like it?3. What can we do in the city?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6

34、0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( words)Key to Test for Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing (7AM1):I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.1. A: National Day is coming. Would you like to visit the Summer Palace or the Palace Museum in Beijing? B: What about the Palac

35、e Museum? A: Great! Q: Which place are they going to? (C)2. M: I sorry Im late. W: You are always coming late. You mustnt be late for class any more. Q: Who is the woman? (D)3. M: What time is it now? W: Let me see. Oh, its a quarter to five. M: The train will leave in ten minutes. Lets hurry. Q: Wh

36、at time will the train leave? (B)4. M: How funny! The houses, cars and other things are so small and like toys. W: Is this the first time you have traveled by air? M: Yes. Q: Where does the dialogue take place? (A)5. M: May I use your computer? W: Sure. Will you play computer games? M: No. Ill send

37、an e-mail to my friend. Q: What will the boy use the computer to do? (C) 6. W: Where do you work? M: I work as a baker in a bakery. W: How long do you work every day? M: From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Q: How many hours does the boy work every day? (B)7. M: Is the boy playing volleyball Ted? W: No. its Jim.

38、M: Is Ted playing the guitar over there? W: No, he isnt. Look, he is talking to his teacher. Q: What is Jim doing? (A) 8. W: Whats the matter with you, Tom? M: Im going to Dans party. But my bike cant move now. And theres no bus here. W: Dont worry. Get into my car and Ill drive you there. M: Thats

39、very kind of you. Q: How will Tom go to Dans party? (D) II. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false. Guangzhou is a wonderful place. You can take a walk around the big lake and enjoy the fresh air. In the evening you can take a boat trip and enjoy the beautif

40、ul lights of the city. Tourists enjoy shopping in those large department stores because the things are quite cheap. You will also find some small shops near the train station. You can buy old things like coins, stamps and vases from the shops. People in Guangzhou love eating. You can try a lot of sp

41、ecial food at the restaurants. At night, you will see many food stalls in the streets. Tourists enjoy eating at these places because the food is cheap and tasty. F F T T T Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部份 词汇与语法)(共34分)I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。) (10分) 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. C II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空。)24. invitation 25. tourists 26. interesting 27. cheaper 28. wonderful 29. national 30. agent III.


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