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1、精编外研版必修一module4重点知识与练习. 单词荟萃1. _ n. 四邻, 街坊 neighbor n. 邻居2. _ adj. 有吸引力的 attract vt.吸引,引起的好感 _n吸引, 吸引力3fortunate adj.幸运的 _ adv. 幸运地 _ n运气, 财富 _ adj.不幸的 _ adv. 不幸地4tourist n. 游客 tour n. &v. 旅游, 巡回演出 _ n. 旅游业5. _ vi. 饿死 starvation n. 挨饿 _ adj. 饥饿的6. _ adj.失业的 _ v. 雇用employee n雇工 employer n. 雇主 employm

2、ent n. 就业, 工作, 职业7. _ adj.专业的 profession n. 职业 _ n教授8. _ adj. 迷人的 fascinate v迷住 _ adj. 着迷的9. _ vi. 幸存, 死里逃生 _ n幸存 survivor n幸存者.短语检测91一座五层的公寓大楼 2建造;张贴 3到目前为止 4的意思是 5摆脱, 离开, 去度假 6许多;大量 7做成某事;取得成功 8上升 9赚钱 10没有钱做某事 a fivestory(ed) apartment block put up so far/up to now/till now mean by get away (from)

3、 a large number of/a great many make it go up make money cant afford to do sth. .佳句再现1. _we last saw each other.自从我们上次见面到现在已经有六年了。2This is the first time _your hometown.这是我第一次参观你的家乡。3Ive seen quite a lot of China and _some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places _. 我经常来中国, 去过

4、很多美丽的城市, 但这里是我去过的最有吸引力的城市之一。4The price of homes _and people from the area _a house there.房价不断上升, 这个地区的人们在那里买不起房子了。5. _I need to get out into the countryside and _ the noise, the dirt and the people.有时候,我需要进入乡村,远离(城市的)噪音、肮脏和人群。四、词汇学习1prettyadv. (fairly or more than a little, very) 相当, 非常 adj. 漂亮的【易混辨

5、析】fairly, quite, rather和pretty(1)只有rather一词能和比较级及too连用, 如:rather warmer, rather too cold。(2)注意这几个程度副词与名词的搭配顺序:可以说a rather/fairly/pretty/quite long road, 也可说rather/quite a long road;quite还可以直接修饰名词, 如:quite a while 相当长的一段时间, quite a lot 相当多。(3)一些“没有程度差别”的词, 如:perfect, impossible, 不能与fairly, rather, pr

6、etty连用, 但可以和quite连用, 表示completely或absolutely的意思。如:quite right完全正确, quite possible完全可能。【活学活用】(1)This hotel is _ more expensive than that. 这家旅馆的收费比那家贵得多。(2)What a _girl. 好漂亮的女孩子。(3)He told us _ a sad story. 他给我们讲了个相当令人难过的故事。(4)It is not _impossible for people to live on the moon. 人们住在月球不是完全不可能的事。(5)It

7、 will take me_a time to get used to the life here.要适应这里的生活得花我相当长的一段时间。2soundlink v. 听起来 v. (使)发出声音 n. 声音adj. 完好的, 健康的;(睡眠等)充分的 adv. (睡眠等)充分地(1)sound OK/good/tired etc.听起来还行/很好/很疲倦等(2)sound like 听起来像 sound (to sb.) as if/as though 听起来似乎(3)be sound asleep 熟睡safe and sound 安然无恙【温馨提示】(1)sound作系动词时, 后面常加

8、形容词, 此时要注意sound没有被动语态。(2)sound as if/as though后面加句子, 而sound like中like为介词, 后面一般加名词或动名词, 但在非正式语言中sound like后面有时也会加句子。如:I hope I dont sound as if/as though Im criticizing you.You sounded just like your father when you said that. 【活学活用】(1)The price _. 这个价格听起来很合理。(2)Please _in case of fire. 万一起火, 请拉响警报。(

9、3)Rescuers brought the climbers back _. 救援人员把登山的人都平安地救了回来3botherv. (to make the effort to do sth.)麻烦, 费心;(to make sb. feel slightly worried, upset, or annoyed)烦扰, 打扰, 使烦恼n. 麻烦, 烦扰u bother sb. about/with sth.打扰或烦扰某人;给某人添麻烦u bother to do/doing sth. 费工夫做某事(常用于否定和疑问句)【经典句式】It bothers me that让我烦心。What bo

10、thers me is that让我烦心的是It is no bother. 没关系, 不费事。【活学活用】(1) _hed forgotten my birthday. 他把我的生日忘了, 这让我心里很不痛快。(2)Since you are not interested, why _既然你不感兴趣, 为什么还要费口舌问呢(3)Thanks for your help. It was _. “谢谢你的帮助。”“没什么。”4approach n. 接近;通路;(a method of doing sth. or dealing with a problem)方法v. (to come near

11、 or nearer in space or time)接近, 靠近(1)approachable adj. 可接近的,可到达的;和蔼可亲的(2)at the approach of 在快到的时候adopt/take an approach采用某种方法approach to (doing) sth.做某事的方法【活学活用】(1)They are trying a new approach _a second language. 他们正尝试新的方法学习第二外语。(2)Winter is _. 冬天就要来临了。5exchangen. & v. (giving one thing or person

12、 in return for another)交换; 调换;交流(1)exchangeable adj. 可交换的;可兑换的(2)in exchange for 作为的交换 exchange A for B用A和B交换/交易【活学活用】(1)We _about the event at the meeting. 在会上, 我们就此事交换了意见。(2)I have offered to paint the kitchen _a weeks accommodation. 我提出愿意粉刷厨房, 条件是让我免费住宿一周。6afford vt. (to have enough money or time

13、 for sth. or to do sth.) 花费得起, 抽得出(时间), 担负得起 (损失、后果等) (常与can, could, be able to 连用);(to provide or give sth.)提供, 给予(1) afford (to do) sth.花费得起;担负得起(2) afford sb. sth./afford sth. to sb. 提供给某人某物【活学活用】(1)I _such a big house. 我买不起这么大的房子。(2)I cant _though I really need a holiday. 尽管我的确需要休假, 但抽不出时间来。(3)W

14、e _any longer or well miss the plane. 我们不能再等了, 否则会误了飞机。7contactn. & vt. (communication;to write to or telephone sb.)联系, 联络;接触, 触碰(1)make contact with sb.和某人取得联系lose contact with sb. 和某人失去联系keep in contact with sb. 和某人保持联系(2)get in touch with sb. 和某人取得联系lose touch with sb. 和某人失去联系keep in touch with s

15、b. 和某人保持联系【活学活用】I finally _her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。 五、短语学习1make it取得成功;赶上, 及时赶到(make it to);出席, 到场【活学活用】(1)We have only just 20 minutes to get to the station. “我们只有20分钟的时间去车站。” All right. _.好吧, 我认为我们能赶到。” (2)I dont know _in science.不知我能否在科学方面有所建树。(3) With blood pouring from his leg, he _a nearby

16、 house. 腿上流着血, 他挣扎着来到了附近的一所房子里。2a number of/a great many许多【相关拓展】(1)修饰可数名词的复数形式;作主语时, 谓语动词用复数的短语有:a good/great manya large/great/good number ofquite a few (2)修饰不可数名词;作主语时, 谓语动词用单数的短语有:a great/good deal ofa great/large amount of (3)既能修饰可数名词的复数, 又能修饰不可数名词;作主语时, 谓语动词根据名词确定, 这样的短语有:a lot oflots of plenty

17、 of (4)many a/an可数名词的单数形式;作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。(5)large quantities of可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词;作主语时, 谓语动词用复数。 【活学活用】There are _ tourists visiting the temple. Aa great number of Ba great many of Ca great deal of Da plenty of 【解析】 Aa great number of, a great many, plenty of修饰可数名词,B、D本身是错误的,a great deal of 修饰不可数名词,因此A正

18、确。3mean by 的意思是(1)mean to do sth. 打算做某事mean doing 意味着, 意思是be meant for 意图是给, 本意用来(2)mean no harm 并非有意伤害mean it/what one says 说话算话mean sth. (a lot/nothing etc.)(to sb.) (对某人)(不)重要, (对某人)(没)有价值(3)by all means (表示同意)当然可以, 没问题by means of sth. 用某种办法;借助于by no means 绝不; 一点都不【活学活用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子(1)What do yo

19、u mean _ 你那样说是什么意思?(2)The book _children. 这本书是给孩子们看的。(3)Being late _another hour. 迟到意味着再等一个小时。(4)Money _me. 钱对我来说没什么用处。(5) The broken car was lifted _a crane. 借助于起重机把那辆破损的汽车吊了起来。2. 单项填空Can I use your car Mine is being repaired. _ , but youd better get it back before 5 oclock. ABy no means BBy all me

20、ans CCertainly not DGo on 【解析】 B根据语境判断应是同意借车,by all means“当然可以”,表示同意。by no means“决不”;go on“继续”,如果同意借车,可以用go ahead回答。 六、句型学习1Its been six years since we last saw each other. 我们有六年没见面了。句型公式It has been/is时间段since表示“自从以来已经”。【温馨提示】本句型中since从句的动词若是延续性动词, 则表示“有多长时间没做某事了”。如:It is years since I worked here.

21、我已经好几年没在这儿工作了。【活学活用】(1) _he graduated from school. 他毕业已经10年了。(2)It has been years since _in the village. 我已多年不在那个村子住了。2 And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 这是我第一次到你的家乡来。句型公式 表示“这是某人第一/次做某事”:This is the first/time that现在完成时 This was the first/time that过去完成时【相关拓展】for the first time“初

22、次, 首次”, 用作时间状语。the first time可引导时间状语从句, 表示“当第一次做时”。【活学活用】(1) _that I had flown kites with Grandpa. 那是我第一次同祖父一起放风筝。(2) _I saw the West Lake, I was struck by its beauty. 第一次见到西湖, 我就被它的美丽迷住了。 (3)When I traveled in Paris, I saw the Eiffel Tower _. 到巴黎旅游时, 我第一次见到了埃菲尔铁塔。.单词拼写1My hometown is an _ (吸引人的) to

23、wn. 2The lawyer helped _ (组织) a group of parents who took action for their children. 3Just eight passengers _ (幸存) the plane crash. 4I dont want to b _ her with my problems at the moment. 5He was held up by heavy t _. .选词填空put up, so far, get away, go up, make it1Were hoping to _for a few days at Ea

24、ster.2Unemployment in the country has _by a million.3I believe I have the talent to _.4Many highrise buildings have _in the business district by them. 5He has had five books published _. .单项填空12010湖北卷 It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favors to them.A. in prefere

25、nce to B. in place ofC. in agreement with D. in exchange for【解析】 D考查介词短语辨析。句意:对公务员来说,以给人们好处来索要礼物或金钱是违法的。in exchange for在这里表示“交换”。in preference to 而不是;in place of代替;in agreement with符合,一致。22010江苏卷 Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?_. Ours is much

26、stronger than theirs.A. Of course B. It dependsC. Dont mention it D. By no means 【解析】 D考查情景对话。根据Ours is much stronger than theirs可知By no means“绝不可能、决不会”符合语境。而Of course表示“当然可以”;It depends表示“看情况而定”;Dont mention it表示“不用谢”,均不符合语境,故排除。3Whats happened to my money Why does it seem that I have nothing left

27、to _ .Aput down Bput off Cput up Dput away 【解析】 D根据语境后句应是:为什么好像没剩下什么钱可以攒起来呢?put down写下,记下;put off推迟,延期; put up建造,张贴,安排过夜,提出;put away收起来,储存。4This is the first time we _ a film in the cinema together as a family. Asee Bhad seen Csaw Dhave seen【解析】 D考查特定句型公式中时态的运用。句型公式:It/That/This is the first (second

28、,third) timethat从句(现在完成时)。5So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. Asaw Bsee Chad Dhave seen【解析】 D考查动词的现在完成时态。so far作为时间状语,句子使用现在完成时。6Did you go to see the play last night Unluckily, I couldnt _ it. But I am going to see it soon. Ado Bget Cmake Dtake 【解析】 C考查固定用法。make it 意思是“成功做到”,此处指“没能看成”。72011天津卷 I need to advertise for a


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