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1、Unit 2 Neighbours一、知识点详解A:词汇及词组名词(n.)neighbour(neighbor)邻居visitor访问者community社区skill技能problem问题engineer工程师college学院fire火manager经理office办公室policeman警察postman邮递员station局,所,站police station警察局post邮政post office邮局person人job工作future未来artist艺术家notice布告,通知information信息group组动词(v.)fix修理check检查情态动词(modal v.)wi

2、ll将,将会shall将,将会联系动词(linking v.)sound听起来形容词(adj.)helpful愿意帮忙的,有用的broken损坏了的lucky幸运的elder年纪较长的sick生病的better更好,较好介词(prep.)like像,类似;.怎么样不定代词(pron.)something某事,某物anything任何事someone某人anyone任何人副词(adv.)below下面词组1. in your neighbourhood在你们社区/邻里2. a community centre一个社区中心3. share their different skills分享

3、他们的一技之长4. help sb. with sth.帮助某人(做)某事5. be ready to do sth.准备好做某事6. do some shopping购物7. wait for ones call等某人的电话8. the day after tomorrow后天9. plan a day out计划一日出行10. make a fire生火11. her elder brother/ sister她的哥哥/姐姐12. in the future在将来13. help sick people帮助病人14. look at the information below看下面的信息1

4、5. make you feel better让你感觉身体更好16. worry about担心17. all our group members我们组的所有成员18. give sb. some ideas给某人出些主意19. by train/bus/ship/bike乘火车/公共汽车/船/骑自行车20. know a lot about非常了解 C:词汇精讲及几句一、词汇精讲1. likelike 作介词,意为“像;与相似”,对应的反义词为unlike。短语look like表示“看起来像”。例如:Draw it like this! 照这样画! She looks like her m

5、other. 她长得像她妈妈。【拓展】like与aslike与as作介词,都有“像”的意思。但有一定区别。(1)like意为“像一样”。用于相似关系,即两者在形态上或性质上有相似之处,但并不等于。(2)as意为“作为;以身份”。用于说明同一关系,即两者实为一体。例如:She talks to me like my mother. 她像我妈妈那样跟我说话。(她不是我妈妈) She talks to me as a mother. 她以妈妈的身份跟我说话。(她是我妈妈)2. most ofmost of意为“中的大多数”,后面接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;也可接不可数名词,此时谓语动

6、词用单数形式。例如:Most of them are going off to Guangzhou next week.他们中的多数人都准备下星期去广州。 Most of the water is clean. 大部分水是干净的。【注意】most of 后的名词是单数时,谓语动词也用单数形式。例如:Most of the apple is red. 这个苹果大部分是红的。 3. something与anythingsomething作不定代词,意为“某事,某物”,多用于肯定句中。在疑问句和否定句中常用anything;否定句中常用nothing。作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。anything还有

7、“任何事物”的意思。例如:Something happens. 有事发生了。 Id like something to eat. 我想吃点东西。 Is there anything wrong with your bike? 你自行车是不是出问题了? Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。【注意】(1)在很有礼貌的问某人要吃什么和喝什么时,应该使用something。这是一种特殊的用法。例如:I feel a bit hungry. 我感觉有点儿饿。 Why dont you have some bread? 吃些面包怎么样? Would you like somethin

8、g to drink? 想喝点什么吗? (2)在表示请求、建议或征求意见的疑问句中常用some或something。在表达“任何”这一含义时肯定句中常用any或anything。例如:You can get it in any department store. 这东西你在哪个百货商店都买得到。 I believe anything he says. 我相信他所说的任何话。4. be ready to do sth.be ready to do sth.意为“准备做某事/愿意做某事”。例如:He is always ready to help others. 他随时准备帮助他人。 Ill be

9、 ready to leave. 我准备离开。【拓展】be/get ready for意为“为做准备”。例如:They are ready for the party. 他们为聚会做好了准备。 All the students are getting ready for the sports meeting. 所有学生都在为运动会做准备。 5. do some shopping动词do后跟动名词形式构成短语,动名词作do的宾语,具有名词性质,可以用some或the 修饰。例如:do some reading 阅读 do some washing 洗涮 do some cooking 做饭 do

10、 some swimming 游泳 do some reading 练习阅读 do some listening 练习听力6. make a firefire作不可数名词,意为“火”。make a fire是固定短语,意为“生火”。例如:Keep away with fire. 切勿近火。 We can make a fire to keep the room warm. 我们可以生火让房间温暖起来。【拓展】由make构成的词组有:make noise发出噪音 make friends交朋友make tea沏茶 make money赚钱make a living谋生 make trouble

11、制造麻烦make a sentence造句 make the bed铺床make a decision决定 make a speech演讲7.job与workwork和job作名词是同义词,都有“工作、职业”的意思。不过,它们之间还是有些区别的。(1)job是可数名词,指特定工作。work是不可数名词,泛指工作。我们可以说a job,不能说a work。例如:Peter has a good job in a bank. 彼得在一家银行有份很好的工作。 Tom changed jobs many times. 汤姆换了很多工作。 Looking after three cats is not

12、easy work. 照顾三只猫咪可不是件容易事。(2)上班用英文讲是go to work。这是一个固定搭配,我们不能说go to a job。例如:My father goes to work at 8 am. 我爸爸八点上班。(3)job只能用作名词,work还可以用作动词,不仅有“上班、工作”的意思,还可以作“努力”或“从事”来讲。例如:Both of my parents work. 我父母都工作。 If you work hard, you will speak English well. 只要你努力,你的英语就会讲得很好。 8. elder与olderelder为形容词old的比较

13、级形式,意为“年长的”。同时old还对应有一个比较级形式older,注意二者之间的区别。【拓展】older, elder的区别:(1)older 通常用于比较两个人的年龄大小或者两个物体之间的新旧程度。例如:He is older than his brother. 他比他的兄弟年长。 This book is older than that one. 这本书比那一本旧一些。(2)elder专用于同一个家庭成员之间的长幼对比,也有时指职位、身份较高的人,且只能用于形容人。例如:Tom is my elder brother汤姆是我的哥哥。 You are all elder statesmen

14、你们都是政治元老/资深政客。 9. by train/bus/ship/bike结构为“by + 交通工具名称”构成表示交通方式的短语,意为“乘坐”。例如:by bike 骑自行车 by taxi 坐出租车 by train 坐火车【拓展】表示交通方式的其它几种表达(1)用“by + 交通工具名词”表示交通方式。例如:by ca r乘小汽车 by bus 乘公共汽车(2) 用“by + 交通路线的位置”来表示交通方式。例如:by wate 由水路 by land 从陆路 by sea 从海路 by air 乘飞机(3) 用“in/on + 冠词/形容词性物主代词/指示代词 + 交通工具名词”表

15、示交通方式。其中,in多用在car等交通工具之前,而on多用在bike/horse/bus/train/ship等交通工具之前,它们的用法与“by + 交通工具名词”的用法相同。例如:She often goes to school on a/her bike.= She often goes to school by bike. 她经常骑自行车上学。 They went there on a bus.= They went there by bus. 他们乘公共汽车去那里。(4)用“take + a/the + 交通工具名词”表示交通方式。例如:take a train 乘火车 take a

16、 bus 乘公共汽车 take a ship 乘船 take a plane 乘飞机【注意】“骑自行车”要翻译为“ride a bike”。10. worry about(1)worry可用作不及物动词或及物动词。作及物动词时,意为“使烦恼,使担忧”。作不及 物动词时,意为“发愁,担心,烦恼”,常与介词about连用。例如:Whats worrying you? 什么事使你烦恼? Dont worry about me. 不要为我担心。 Your parent is coming, dont worry. 你的家长就要来了,不要担心。(2)worry about sb./sth. 意为“为某人

17、/某事而焦虑、烦恼、担心,担心某人/某事”。例如:Dont worry about me. 不要为我担心。 She worries about little things. 他为一些小事而烦恼。【拓展】worry about与be worried aboutworry about强调“担心”的动作,worry为动词;be worried about侧重“担心”的状态,worried为形容词。例如:Your mother will worry about you. 你妈妈会担心你。 Mrs. Brown is always worried about her son. 布朗夫人总是为她的儿子担心

18、。二、句式精讲1. Where are you going?(现在进行时表将来)be going此处为“现在进行时表将来”。现在进行时表将来主要用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。go, come, leave等表示位移的动词,都可以用于现在进行时表将来。例如:He is going. 他要走了。 Im coming. 我要来了。 Tom is leaving. 汤姆要走了。 2. “be going to+动词原形”表将来be going to意为“计划,打算”,后接动词原形,用于表将来。例如:Im going t

19、o wash the car if I have time. 若有时间我想洗洗车。 Where are we going to stay tonight? 我们今晚住哪里? 3. help sb. with sth.help sb with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。例如:I have to help my parents with the housework. 我得帮助我的父母做家务。 Can you help me with the work? 你能帮助我做这项工作吗?【拓展】与help相关的固定用法:(1)help sb (to) do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”。例如:So

20、metimes I help my mother do the cooking. 有时候我帮我母亲做饭。(2)help oneself (to)意为“自用(食物)等”。例如:Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼。(3)with the help of意为“在的帮助下”。此处help作名词。例如:With the help of her, he found his lost child. 在她的帮助下,他找到了他失踪的孩子。4. There is something wrong with sth.句型There is something wrong with st

21、h.意为“某物坏(失灵)了”。相当于Something is not working well.,还可以用Something is broken.替换。例如:There is something wrong with my watch. 我的手表坏了。 Here is something wrong with my eyes. 我的眼睛出毛病了。【拓展】There is nothing wrong with sth.“某物没有坏/出毛病”。 Is there anything wrong with sth.“某物出故障了吗?”例如: There is nothing wrong with yo

22、ur computer. 你的电脑没问题。 Is there anything wrong with my legs? 我的腿有毛病吗? 5. Youre welcome.Youre welcome.意为“不用谢”。是对别人致谢时的答语。与其用法相同的还有:Thats all right. /That s OK./Not at all.等。例如:Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Youre welcome. 不用谢。【拓展】welcome也可作动词,表示“欢迎”。例如:They welcomed him with flowers. 他们用鲜花欢迎他的到来。D:语法(一)

23、、基本概念表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用。例如:I am going to / will watch a football match on TV this evening 今天晚上我将在电视上看一场足球比赛。 (二)、基本结构一般将来时的结构一般由“助动词will+动词原形”或“be going to+动词原形”构成。will是助动词,不能独立使用,前面的主语不管是什么人称,其后总用will。在名词或代词后常简缩为ll,并与主语连写在一起。will的否定形式是will not,缩略形式是wont。 (三)、时间状语一般将来时常用的时间状语:tomor

24、row, tonight, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year ), this afternoon, evening , soon, in the year 2010, in + 时间段等。例如:Tom will come back in two days汤姆两天后回来。 Ill be more careful from now on从现在起我会更加小心的。 (四)、基本句型(1)肯定句1)主语+will+动词原形+其他 He will come here at once他马上来这儿。2)主语+be going to+动词原形+其他We

25、 are going to climb the hill this afternoon我们打算今天下午去爬山。(2)否定句1)主语+ will + not + 动词原形+其他He will not(wont)go to the party他不去参加聚会。2)主语+be + not + going to+动词原形+其他He isnt going to do morning exercises tomorrow明天他不去做早操。(3)一般疑问句1)Will+主语+动词原形+其他?Will he help you with your English? 他会帮助你学习英语吗?2)Be动词(Am,Is,

26、Are)+主语+going to+动词原形+其他?Are you going to play computer games tomorrow afternoon?你打算明天下午玩电脑游戏吗?(4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?What will the students have for lunch today? 学生们今天午饭吃什么?They will have bread他们将吃面包。 (五)、注意的问题(1)主语是第一人称I; we 时,常用助动词 shall + 动词原形。否定形式是shall 后加not构成,shall not可缩写成shant。例如:We shall be ver

27、y happy if you accept it. 如果你接受了它,我们将会很高兴。 I shall write you a letter next month. 下个月我会给你写信。 We shant be in the same room all day. 我们不会整天待在同一房间里。(2)在问对方是否愿意, 或表示客气的邀请时,常用 will。例如:Will you go to the zoo with me? 你愿意和我去动物园吗? Will you please open the door? 请打开门好吗?(3)在表示建议或征求对方意见时,用 shall。例如:Shall we go

28、 at ten? 我们在10:00走好吗? (六)、There be句型与含有will和be going to的一般将来时(1)There be句型与含有will的一般将来时基本结构:There will be +名词+其他成分例如:There will be only one country in the future. 未来会只有一个国家。(2)There be句型与含有be going to的一般将来时基本结构:There is / are going to be +名词+其他成分(注意句型中going to 后面的be不能改为have。) 常用来表示将有某事发生。例如:There is

29、 going to be a football match next Saturday in our school. 下周六我们学校将有一场足球比赛。 注意:无论后面加单数名词或名词的复数形式,be都必须用原形。 (七)、be going to与will 的区别(1)be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些。例如:He is going to write a letter tonight. 今晚他打算写一封信。 He will write a book one day. 有一天他会写一本书。(2)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发

30、生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。例如:I think our team is going to win the game. 我认为我们队会赢得比赛。 He will be twenty years old next year. 明年他就20岁了。(3)be going to含有“计划,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思。例如:Im going to spend my holiday in a village. 我打算在一个小村子里度假。 He will be here in half an hour. 他一小时后到达这里。(4)在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be goin

31、g to, 而多用will。例如:Well have a picnic if my father is free. 如果我父亲有空,我们会去野餐。(5)be going to 表示根据目前迹象推断将要发生的事情,而在没有迹象表明的情况下进行的猜测用“will和be going to”皆可。例如:Look at the clouds. Its going to rain. 你看天上的云。快下雨了。 My God! We are going to crash. 天哪!我们快撞车了。 I think the weather will be nice. I think the weather is g

32、oing to be nice.我想天会变晴朗的。二、课后练习A:单项选择( )1. Im busy today. I have lots of things_. A. do B. to do C. does D. doing( )2. I have_ money in my pocket. A. any B. not C. none D. no( )3. How many girls are there in the classroom?_. A. Not any B. None C. No D. Anybody( )4. I went to the park_ yesterday. A.

33、on a bicycle B. by the bicycle C. in a bicycle D. by bicycles( )5.The bicycle_ me 300 yuan. A. spent B. took C. left D. cost( )6. They didnt leave_ 10 oclock last night. A. when B. to C. until D. after( )7. _ of them_ in the city. A. No one, are B. None, is C. No, is D. No one, is( )8._ pieces of br

34、ead_ in the box. A. How many, is there B. How much, is there C. How many, are there D. How much, are there( )9. He is still hungry, he wants to have_ milk. A. one more B. another one C. some more D. many more( )10. We cant wait_ our teacher from the USA. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. for seeing( )11

35、. It took me two hours_ to the hospital yesterday. A. walked B. walking C. walks D. to walk( )12. The shop that is_ to my home is often_ at 9:30 p.m. A. close, close B. closed, closed C. close, closed D. close, closes( )13._ is very difficult. A. Lesson fifth B. The lesson fifth C. Five lesson D. Th

36、e fifth lesson( )14. John, hurry up! You are_ over the phone. A. asked B. hoped C. answered D. wanted( )15. The computer doesnt work. Im afraid you_ use it today. A. may B. cant C. neednt D. mustnt( )16. Happy birthday, Tom. _. A. With pleasure B. Thanks a lot C. You too D. The same to you( )17. Whi

37、ch would you like to drink, tea or coffee?_. Id like to have some juice. A. None B. Neither C. Both D. All( )18. Its a good school_. A. to study B. to study in it C. to study in D. studying in( )19. I like sleeping late_ every Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. /( )20.Excuse me, could you tell me_

38、 get to No.1 Hospital, please. A. where is B. which is to C. how can I D. how to( )21.Lets go to the cinema,_? A. shall we B. will you C. are you D. do you( )22.There is _ food in the fridge. A. none B. no C. not D. no any( )23. He was very surprised. He couldnt open the car of_. A. his owns B. he o

39、wn C. he owns D. his own( )24. When shall we meet, this evening or this afternoon? I dont mind._ time is OK. A. Both B. Every C. All D. Either( )25. Of the three men, one is a worker, _ two are masters. A. the others B. the other C. others D. Other ( )26.How much these tomatoes? Two yuan. A. is B. a

40、re C. be D. will be( )27.We have eggs in the fridge. A. none B. much C. three kilos D. no( )28.My father usually me the park on Saturday. A. brings, with. B. takes, with C. takes, t o D. takes with( )29.There is “h” and “u” in the word “house”. A. a, a B. an, a C. an, an D .a, an( )30.How many books

41、 can you buy the money? A. with B. about C. on D. about( )31.This is not _ book ,Its _. A.you, herB. your , her C. your , hers D. yours ,hers( )32.Jim got a full mark in the exam. That great! A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. listen to( )33.He is a guider. He is going to show us this big factory. A.

42、in B. at C. around D. off( )34.Kate often helps her mother some cooking. A. do B. does C. doing D. is doing( )35.My mother is busy today. There are many clothes after work. A. washes B. washing C. to wash D. wash( )36.Why dont you _our local theatre? A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visits ( )37.

43、 We shall _at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there. A. be there B. there C. is there D. are there( )38. sheep there on the farm? A. How many; is B. How many; are C. How much; is D. How much; are( )39. Miss Green teaches English. A. us B. our C. we D. ours( )40. We often have _homework to do on Sunday. A

44、. too many B. many too C. much too D. too much( )41.He has books, but I have . A. many, no B. much, none C. many, none D. much, no( )42. bags of beef do you need? A. What B. How many C. How much D. Which( )43.China is Japan, Korea and Russia. A. close B. far C. close to D. next( )44.They held party

45、last Sunday. Party was lots of fun. A. a, The, a B. the , the, a C. a, the,/ D. a, The, the( )45.Would you like to go swimming with me? . A. Yes, I like to B. Yes, I'd love to C. Yes, I will D. Yes, I would likeB:词形变换 1. What about_(go) camping with us?2. Would you like_(eat) some bread for brea

46、kfast?3. Jim is a_(wait) of a restaurant.4. Please ask him_(call) me this evening.5. When summer comes, they like going_(swim) in the river.6. There are a lot of clothes_(wash) in the house.7. Im_(friend) to my students.8. Why not_(buy) some souvenirs here?9. He lives on the_(twenty) floor.10. In he

47、r_(fifty), she wrote a lot of books.11. I dont think its a wonderful place_(play).12. All the children looked_(happy) at the fashion show.13. There is always a lot of homework for me_(do) at weekends.14. It often takes me 40 minutes_(ride) back home.15. Nick with his family usually_(play) football in the school.16. Lots of animals lost their_(live) area because of the serious population.17. People think he is one of the greatest_(i


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