1、学习好资料欢迎下载1. l1, l2 and l3 are three lines in spaceThe number of points atThe number of points atwhich lines l1 and l2 intersect which lines l2 and l3 intersect1。三條任意直線, L1 和 L2 的交點的個數與 L2 和 L3 的交點的個數沒關。2. The number of 1/4-inch lengths in 1 a 4-inch length2,是問 4 英尺中有多少個 1/4 英尺,應該是 16 個,所以是 A3. The m
2、aximun number of solid cubes4having edges of length 1/2 meter that can be placed inside a cubical box having inside edges of length 1 meter3 邊長為 1 的立方體裡最多能放下幾個邊長為1/2 的立方體,當然是 8 個咯4. Cube C has volume 8 cubic centimetersThe area of one of the faces of cube C3 square centimeters4 立方體體積是 8 ,那一個面的面積當然是
3、4 咯5. Ms.Smith got an 8 percent cost-of-living raise of $20 per weekMs.Smith's new weekly salary$2605 x*0.08=20 ,那 x+20=270>2606. On a certain number live, if -7 is a distance of 4 from n and 7 is a distance of 18 from n then n=A.25 B.11 C.3 D.-3 E-116 應該是 -117. For all real numbers a and b.
4、if a?b=a(a+b), then a?(a?b)=A. a2+ab B a2+ab+a C a2+a+b D a3+a2b E a3+a2b+a2 注: a2 表示 a 平方, a3 表示 a 立方7 新定義的運算 a?b=a(a+b), 那 a?(a?b)=a?(aa+ab)=a(a+aa+ab)=aa+aaa+aab8. secretary typed 6 letters,each of which had either 1 or 2 pages.If the secretary typed 10 pages in all, how many of the letters had 2
5、 pages?A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5答案是 D ,題目我都看不懂,是啥意思呢?這是說秘書打六封信,沒一封信要 1 頁或者兩頁。如果秘書總共打了 10 頁,那麼有多少封 信是兩頁?解答:設有 x 封,則 2x+(6-x)=10, 解得 x=4.9 how many of the five numbers above are each equal to the product of an integer and an odd integer that greater than 1?這五個數是 :2 6 8 14 16a. none b.one c.two d.there e.fou
6、r 我覺得這道題除了 2 不可能 , 其它四個數都有可能 .可答案是 c,想問大家為什麼 ? 題目意思是這 5 個數哪些可以是 2 個>1 的數的積 ,一個是奇數 ,一個是整數 ,只有 6 和 14 的 因數中有奇數 , 所以 C.10 這句話大家看該怎樣列式子呢?這是一道圖表題 .what was the approximate percent increase in personal income from 1965 to 1970?是這樣 (1970-1965)/1965 還是 (1970-1965)/1970 這樣 ?是這樣 :(1970-1965)/19651 the sum
7、of two numbers, x and y, equals twice their products. if x=3, what is the value of y? 這道題沒大看懂 ?請問大家是這樣麼 ?x+y=2(x+y) x+y=2xy, 求 y.2 if x is an integer and x2(x 的平方 )<37,what is the greatest possible value of x minus the least possible value of x?我覺得這道題 x 的最大值為 6,最小值為 0,所以選 6.a.5 b.6 c.10 d.12 e.36
8、 選 D,最大為 6 ,最小為 -6.3 三角形 ABC,角 BX度, X>90 度,比較三角形的周長與 3倍 AC的長度的大小,答案是 B AC 是最大邊 ,所以 AB+BC+AC<AC+AC+AC(3AC).2.0<p<1比較 the greatest value of p(1-p) 與 12 的大小,答案是 C 答案錯了 ,選 B p+(1-p)>=2p(1-p)1/2 =>p(1-p)<=1/4 < 1/24 for the line with equation y=ax+b,the x-intercept os twice the y-
9、intercept 比較 the slope of the line 與 1 2 的大小,答案是 D ,但算出來是 12 呀 還有截距為零的情況 ,所以 D.5 a certain moneymarket account that had a balance of $48000 during all of last monthearned $360 in interest for the month. at what simple annual interestrate did the account earn interest last month?答案是 9%, 題目沒看懂意思是一個貨幣市
10、場上個月共結餘 48000 ,用它賺了 360 的利息,問以年單利計算每年利 率是多少?360*12/48000=9%6 Of the positive integers that are multiples of 30 and are less than or equal to 360,what fraction are multiples of 12?a.1/6 b.1/5 c.1/3 d.2/5 e.1/2 首先這道題我是對 multilples of 不大明白 ,這是什麼意思啊 ?其次這道題怎麼解呢 ?在小於 360 的 30 的公倍數中 ,也是 12 的公倍數的占多少 ?30N 36
11、0, 得 N12, 所以共有 12 個數滿足題幹 .又 12 與 30 的最小公倍數為 60, 其實此題是求是 60 的倍數又小於等於 360 所占比例 , 同理求 出為 6所以 ,6/12= 答案 E7 A certain teacher has a total ofat least 110 students enrolled in her classes.if the teachers has anaverage (arithmetic mean) of exactly 27 students enrolled per class.what is the least possible nu
12、mber of classes that the teacher couldhave?a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6 e.7 我覺得這道題就是用 110 除以 27 就好了 , 可是答案是選 c 的 是呀, 110/27=4.04, 如果是 4個班,那麼總人數為 108 ,還剩 2個。當然是 5 個班了。8 a delivery service charges $0.02 per ounce for the first 16 ounces ofa shipment and $0.15 for each additional ounce of theshipment,(1pound=16ounc
13、e)the delivery charges for x shipments weighing a combimed total of the poundsvs 567.00這道題答案選的是 D,不明白怎麼會無法確定呢 ?我是這樣算的 :16×0.2+(25*16-16) × 0.15.這樣對麼 ?因為 x 是個未知數,所以你無法確定它的值。9 the cost per gram of carrots if 3 cans of carrots cost $0.90 the costper gram of onions if 5 cans of onions cost $1.
14、50無法確定,沒有告訴 1can 有多少克?10 X is an integer , and the remainder when 2X is divided by 4 is 0.The remainder when X is divided by 40選 D,當 x=2 ,-2 時,餘數為 2,-2 ,其它情況為 01 LetX=3, if X is an odd integer;letX=6, if X is an even integer .r and s are integers, 3r is odd and 5+s is odd.rs3r 是奇數說明 r為奇數,所以 r 等於 3,5
15、+s 為奇數,說明 s為偶數,所以 s=62 the value of the units' digit in 647(6的 47 次方 )the value of the units' digit in 577(5的 77 次方 )比較兩個數的個位, 6 不管多少次方個位都為 6,5 不管多少次方個位都為 5.3 for all numbers r and s, where s/=(不等於 )0, r#s=10r/s.0.01#0.01 10.01#0.01=10*0.01/0.01=10, 大於 1.4 1<n<5,n is an integer .the su
16、m of the first n odd integers that are greater than zeron2(n 平方 )-1說的是 n 個大於零的奇數和。當 n=2 , 1+3=4 ;n2-1=3;當 n=3 , 1+3+5=9;n2-1=8;當 n=4 , 1+3+5+7=16 ; n2-1=15 所以選 A5 a7+a15 a8+a14注是 a的 7次方,類推呵呵 比較大小題 後-前=a7(a-1)+a14(1-a)=(a7-a14)(a-1)然後討論 ,最後結果是後 - 前的差 <0, 但當 a=1 時,相等。所以選 D.6 A total of $480 is ina
17、certain cash register . All of the money is in one-dollar and five-dollar bills, and there are 30 more one-dollar bills than five-dollar bills.The sum of 30 and the number of five-dollar bills in the cash register105let x be the number of one-dollar billy be the number of five-dollar billx+5y=4801x=
18、y+302subsitute 2 in to 16y = 450so y=7530+75=1057 If N is an integer , then the units digit of N平方 cannot bea 0b 2c 4 d 5 e 6 誰能把題目翻譯以下?謝謝 就是 N2 的個位數不能為幾,應該選 B 吧8 the value of the units' digit in 6的 47 次方the value of the units' digit in 5的 77 次方哪個大呀?這種題怎麼做呀? 還有,黃皮書的答案是全對的嗎?怎麼有些明顯好怪的,望指點哈 這是比
19、較 6 的 47 次方的個位數與 5 的 77 次方的個位數的大小。6 的多少次方個位數都為 6, 5 的多少次方個位數都為 5.所以前面大於後面。選 A。9 two successive discounts of 20percent and 40percent are equavilent tp a single discount of X percent.X 52 同問此題,不明白題目說什莫 我理解的阿:打折 20%後再打折 40% ,結果等於打一個 X折,比較 X和52 的關係 (100-20)*(100-40) = 48X = 100 - 48 = 5210. 已知: y=x2-16x
20、+64比較 "the least value of y" 和 "0" 的大小答案是 C, y 沒有最小直呀? y=(x-8)2, 所以 y 的最小值為 0.1 比較 "The remainder when a positive odd integer divided by 2"和 "The remainder when a positive eveninteger is divided by 2" 答案是 A, 我覺得應該是 B 呀? 奇數除 2 餘數必為 1,偶數除 2 餘數必為零,選 A2 If x,y,and
21、 z are consecutive positive integers, with x<y<z and x+y+z an even number, which of thefollowing could be the value of z?A.1 B.2 C.4 D.5 E.8答案是 D,如果是 D 的話,那麼 3+4+5 也不是奇數呀?我覺得 C 和 E 怎麼都對呀?even 是偶數的意思,三個連續的整數相加為偶數,則中間的書必為偶數,兩邊的就為奇數 了。所以選 D。3 In a group of 80 students,24 are enrolled in geometry
22、, 40 in biology, and 20 in both. If a student were randomly selected from the 80 students, What is the probability that the strdent selected would NOT be enrolled in either course?我沒頭緒 沒學過概率,怎麼辦呢?這裡 24 個學幾何, 40 個學生物, 20 個全學。問兩個都沒學占多少比例。單學幾何的有 24-20=4 個,單學生物的有 40-20=20 個,所以學了這兩門的任何一門的有: 20+4+20=44 個。
23、所以沒學的就是 80-44=36 個。所以概率為: 36/80=9/20.4 triangular garden ABC is redesigned by increasing the length of AC by 20 percent to point C' and decreasing the length of AB by 20 percent to B'.the area of the original garden ABCthe area of the redesigned garden AB'C'三角形 ABC的面積: AC 的長度乘以 AB的長度
24、。三角形 AB'C' 的面積: 1.2AC 的長度乘以 0.8AB 的長度 =0.96 三角形 ABC 的面積 所以選 A5 一個三角形的三邊分別是 11, 5, 13,怎麼判斷 13 的邊所對的角是鈍角? 假設 11 , 5 是兩條直角邊,斜邊的平方等於 146 小於 13 的平方,所以 13 對的邊是鈍角 Rectangle R has an area of 60 square units and a perimeter of 64 units. The length of the shortest side of R is x and the length of the
25、longest side of R is y.問 x/y 大還是 1/15 大? 這種題怎麼算呀,答案是一樣大 xy=60x+y=32. 得出: x=30,y=2 和 x=2,y=30. 因為 y 大於 x,所以 x=2,y=306 Each of the following numbers has two digits blotted out.Which of the numbers could be the numbers of hours in x days, Where x is an integer?a.25*,*06b. 50*,*26c. 56*,*02d. 62*,*50e.
26、65*,*20P.S. * 代表 blotted digit咋做呀這是求下麵哪個數能被 24 整除。當尾數為 2,6 時,倒數第二個數應該為奇數 。當尾數為 0, 4, 8 時,倒數第二個數為偶數。所以選E。7 Three solid cubes of lead, each with edges 10 centimeters long, are melted together in a level, rectangular-shaped pan.The base of the pan has inisde dimesions of 20 centimeters by 30 centimeter
27、s, and the pan is 15 centimeters deep.If the volume of thesolid lead is approximately the sameas thevolume of the melted lead,approximately how many centimeters deep is the melted lead in the pan? 這道題實在沒大看懂 ,盼望牛人解釋 .三個鉛塊 ,每個邊長 10cm, 熔了之後放在一矩形平底鍋內 .鍋的底面積 20×30,高 15. 問這三個 熔了的鉛塊倒進鍋了有多深 ?8 On Elm S
28、treet are 6 houses on oneside of the street and 4 houses on the other.Each pair of houses onElm Street is connected by exactly onetelephone line.The total number of each lines that connect houses on opposite sides of Elm Street12這道題我是思 ÷這麼想的 :(6-1)+(4-1)=8 而答案選的是 A.你理解錯了 ,題目求連接街道兩面的電話線有幾根? 24個?
29、,因為有一邊就 4棟房子啊 ,4×6.9 100x<y 1000x<2y問 :1100xy這道題我是沒有什麼思路 ,請大家幫忙 .由上兩式知道 x<y/500, 所以 1100x<2.2y; 但是不一定小於 y. 所以無法確定。選 D10 三角形 RST is isosceles and 角 RST=40問 the sum of the measures of the two angles of三角形 RST that have equal measure 和 120 ,哪個大?(題目講啥?)答案是不能比較題目告訴了你等腰三角形有一個角是40 ,問你相等的兩個
30、角的和和120 比大小如果 40 是頂角,那麼兩個相等角的和是 140 大於 120,如果是底角,那麼兩個相等角的和 是 80 小於 120 ,所以不能比較1 d=5.03894,and e is the decimal expression for d rounded to the nearest thousandth.問 the number of decimal places where d and e differ,和 4 比較 ,哪個大?(這個也不曉得題目在講啥)答案是 4 大這道題是問你在哪一位小數位 d 和 e 不同, e=5.039 ,所以是在第三位不同,所以小於四2 n is
31、 an odd integer , and S is the finite sequence of consecutive integers1,2,3,4,.,nThe number of terms of S that are oddThe number of terms of S thatare evenn 為奇數時, S 序列中奇數數量多於偶數。3 ab>0(a2+b2)/a+b a+b(a2+b2)/a+b=a+b-2ab/a+b當 a,b 都大於零時,前者小於後者;當 a,b 都小於零時,前者大於後者。4 圖畫不出來。一個三角型, 2 條邊為 X,一條邊為 Y,邊 Y 上的高把
32、三角形分成兩半,問一半的面積和 xy/4 ,哪個大?( 答案是 xy/4 大)設 Y 上的高為 h ,一半的面積為: 1/2*1/2*y*h=y/4*h. 所以比較的就是 h 和 x 的大小。因 為 h 是這個三角形的直角邊,而 x 是斜邊。所以 h 小於 x ,所以 xy/4 大。5 The water level in a tank is lowered by 6 inches, then raised by 8 inches, and then lowered by4 inches. If the water level was x inches before the changes i
33、n level, which of the following represents the water level, in inches, after the changes?a. X-1.5 B.X+1.5 C.X-6.5D. X+6.5E. X-18.5答案選 A題目沒有說明 x的大小。有可能 X<6 .而除 A外,其他答案都是不可能的。6 If the cube of n is 180 greater than the square of n, then n=?A. 10 B.9 C.8 D.7 E. 6答案選 En 三次方值比 n 平方值大 180 ,如果解不出來,一個個帶入就
34、行了。7 一個邊長為 3 feet 的立方體頂面 ABCD 由對角線 AC 將立方體分開兩個相等的部分,問分開的一部分每 個面的總面積和 36 square feet 之間的大小?答案為:,但是我算出來應該是相等?5 個面, 應該是大於 36 , 有一邊是 3sqrt(2)8 A certain five-number committee must be assembled form a pool of 5 women-A,B,C,D,E, and three men X,Y,Z, what is the probability that the committee will include
35、B,C,E,Y and Z?A.1/30 B. 1/25 C.2/35D. 1/15E.3/32理解成 3: 2 的組合,就選 A 總體幾率應該是 1/559 Diane completed each of her exercise in 25 seconds and rested for 55 seconds between the exercise sets.What is the ratio of the amount of time it took her to complete an exercise set to the amount of time she rested betw
36、een the sets?(A) 5:6(B) 5:11(C) 6:11(D) 11:5(E) 11:6 答案是 B 25/55=5/11 10 Which of the following CANNOT be a factor of2i*3j wherei and jare positive integers?(A) 6(B) 8(C) 27(D) 42(E) 54 答案是 C 這個數必須是個偶數,所以選C。1.5 is 1/5 of x 比較 x 與 1 大小 ?答案是 A 5 是 X 的 1/5, 所以 X=5X5=25 大於 12. 一個圓上有一點 (Z,y) ,半徑是 5The ci
37、rcle above with center O has a radius of 5 圓上的點 (Z,y)的 y 與 20 開根號比較 答案是 A,因為無論 Y 在哪裡都坐落於圓上 ,既它到 O 的距離為 5>根號 20 3 which of the following points ( x,y ) is not on the graph of y<2x?A.(-3,-7) B.(3,3) C.(2,-9) D.(2,2) E.(2,5) 首先是要問大家這是一個什麼樣子的 graph 呢 ?然後是對折刀題沒有什麼思路 .這道題是說 x,y 哪個不滿足 y<2x 。這裡只有 E
38、 符合。4 A bicycle registration costs $2.5 in city x and $3.0in city y.At these rate, the cost of 4 registration in city x is k percent of the cost of 3 registration in city yk 90 這道題我是這樣想的 ,4 ×2.5=k*3*3.0, 課答案選的是 A.對呀你這樣算出來的 k=1.1, 人家問的是 k percent, 所以要乘以 100,得 110.所以選 A。 5 In a rectangular coordi
39、nate system, line k has x-intercept 4 and slope -2 the y-intercept of k2這道題是因為我不能理解 x(y)-intercept 的意思 .可以列出方程式: y=-2(x-4)=-2x+8, 當 x=0 時, y=8, 即在 y 軸的截距為 8.選 A.6 When it was found that 150 more tickets for the school play were sold than the seating capacity of the auditorium.It was decided to have
40、two performances.If the total number of tickets sold was equal to the total number who attended and if the auditorium was 2/3 full for each of the two performances, what is the seating capacity of the auditorium?A.100 B.200 C. 225 D.300 E.450 這道題我沒什麼思路 ,請牛人給出解釋 . 主要是讀題時頭都大了 . 這道題的意思是:當學校演出所賣的票比劇院的容量
41、多150 個時,需要演兩場。如果賣票數等於參加的人數,那麼每場演出的人數為劇院容量的2/3. 問劇院的容量?設劇院容量為 x,得:(x+150)/2=2/3 *x, 得出 x=450 ,選 E.7 the total area of 18 nonoverlapping circular regions,each having a diameter of 2 inches36 square inches 答案選 我怎麼覺得是呢? 題目到底是什麼意思? 這句話是說: 18 個不重疊的圓的總面積為多少?每個圓的直徑為 2.所以 18 個圓的面積為: 18 派,大於 36 ,所以選 A8 the sc
42、ores reported for a certain mutip;e-choice test were derived by subtracting 1/3 of the number of wrong answers from the number of right answers .On a 40 question test,if none of the questions was omitted and the score reported was 20. how many wrong answers was there?5 10 15 25 30選 c設錯了 X個題,則對了 40-X
43、 個,總分為 40-X(對的題數) -1/3X (錯的 1/3 ) =20 解出來 X=159 The tenths digit of 是指十位數嗎 ?The tenths digit of 為十分位,即小數點後第一位。10 Olive oil, vinegar , and water were combined to make 10 cups of salad dressing. The oil and vinegar were mixed in the ratio of 2 parts oil to 3 parts vinegar.10. The number of cups5of wat
44、er used in the salad dressing 這題什麼意思 ?我的理解是, oil 和 vinegar 的比例是 2: 3,即放 2 份的 oil 要放 3 份的 vinegar ,但由於並 沒有涉及水的比率也並不知道配製 1 杯 sd 需要多少 oil 或 vinegar 或水 ,所以無法判斷配製 10 杯 sd 需要多少杯水 。1 A candy assortment consists of seven flavors of chocolate-coveredcreams packed in two-layered boxes with 27 creams in each l
45、ayer . Theflavors are always packed in rows so that the flavor varies with eachpiece in the following order , vanilla, orange, cherry, vanilla,raspberry, lime, pecan, cherry, lemon. How many chocolate-coveredvanilla creams are needed to pack 200 boxes of the assortment?(A) 600(B) 1,200(C) 1,800(D) 2
46、,400(E) 3,600 這題看著暈的要命 ,不知道怎麼回事 ?我的理解是,一塊 box 有兩層,每層有 27creams ,題中說口味是 packedinrows ,又給出了 一個 9 個 flavors 的排列 ,我認為這一層是 3 行這樣的排列 ,按此計算 ,每層有 3*2 個 vanila, 一塊 box 有 2*3*2 個 vanila ,所以 200boxes 有 200*2*3*2=2400 個 vanila 的 creams 。2 一個八邊形 ,內角相等 , 橫邊得豎邊長都為 1,斜邊長為根號 2,面積是多少 . 答案是 7 八邊形的面積分解成一個正方形 +4 個矩形 +4
47、個等邊直角三角形 ,此題那個正方形的面積為 為豎邊與橫邊的乘積為 1,斜邊為根號 2,所以直角三角形的兩條直角邊為1 ,這樣 4 個三 角形的面積為 1*1/2*4=2 。4 個矩形面積為 1*1*2+1*1*2=4, 所以總面積為 7 。3 X 是大於 1 的整數 , 下麵哪個大 .3x+1 ; 4x. ( 注 , 答案是無法比較大小 )3x+1-4x=1-x ,說明 x<1 時答案為 A, x=1 時答案為 C, x>1 時答案為 B 所以選 B,答案錯誤!4X>1, Y>1下麵哪個大: 1/(1/x+1/y); 1/x+1/y( 注,答案是無法比較大小 )第一項太
48、麻煩,化簡為 xy/(x+y) ,而第二項合併為 (x+y)/xy ,由於未知 x+y 與 xy 的大小關 係,無法比較原題中二者的大小。5 S is the set of all fractions of the form n/n+1, where n is a positive integer less than 20.The product of all the 1/20 fractions that are in S這是說 1/2*2/3*3/4*n/n+1, 這裡 n 小於 20.所以乘完以後為 :1/n+1=1/20. 所以相等。6 A retail business has de
49、termined that its net income, in terms of x, the number of items sold, is given by the expression x2+x-380.(第一項是 x 的平方)The number of items 10 that must be sold for the net income to be zero這是求 x2+x-380=0, 求得 x=20. 所以選擇 A7 w, x, y, and z are consecutive positive integers and w<x<y<z.The rema
50、inder when (w+x)(x+y)(y+z) 1答案是 C , 不理解。題也不理解, 答案也不理解啊! 這道題的解法為: x=w+1,y=w+2,z=w+3. 所以 (w+x)(x+y)(y+z)=(2w+1)(2w+3)(2w+5), 這三個數都為奇數,三個奇數相乘還為奇數。所以除 2 必餘 1.8 新東方數學黃皮書的 section65 中的第 9 題the three small rectangles have the same dimensions, ps/rs是否 大於 1/2 ?2/3 ,大於 1/2 小矩形設短邊長為 1,則小矩形的長邊長為 2; 所以大矩形的短邊長 PS
51、=小矩形的長邊長 =2 ,大矩形的長邊長 RS=小矩形短邊長 +小矩形 長邊長 =3 ;因此 PS/RS=2/3>1/29When 9 students took a zoology quiz with a possible score of 0 to 10,inclusive, there average (arithmetic mean) score was 7.5. If a tenthstudent takes the same quiz, what will be the least possible averagescore on the quiz for all 10 st
52、udents?(A) 6.5(B) 6.75(C) 7.0(D) 7.25(E) 7.5KEY:題目是 the least( possible average), 是問十個人最低能考到的分數 , 而不是問選項中哪 個分數出現的幾率最低 ,如果理解為後者那麼選 a, 因為 a 的幾率為 0,但是題目的本意是前者 所以 7.5*9/10=6.75, 選 B.10 d=561.165比較 the tenths digit of 100d ,和 the tenths digit of d/100 ,答案是一樣大。不懂 the tenths digit 是否指得是十位元上的數字?the tenths d
53、igit 是第十分位的數, 100d=56116.5,d/100=5.61165 ,第一個的十分位為 5, 第二個的十分位為 6。所以選 B。1 If one number is chosen at random from the first 1,000postiveintegers, what is the probability that the number chosen ismultiple ofboth 2 and 8?從 1 到 1000 中選出的同時是 2 與 8 的乘積的數概率是多少 ? 答案是 1/125我的解法是這樣的 : 只有滿足 8*2 8*48*124 可以滿足 ,也
54、就是只有 62 個 ,概率就應該是62/1000. 錯在哪兒呢 ?在 1 至 1000 中, 8 的倍數有 125 個,因為 2 和 8 的最小公倍數為 8,則該數是 2 和 8 的倍 數的概率為: 125/1000=1/8.2. How many 3-digit positeve integers are odd and do not contain the digit " 5" ?How many positive 4-digit integers begin (on the left) with an odd digit and end with an even di
55、git? 一個三位元正整數它是奇數 ,並且沒有 5:首先第一位有 8 個數適用 ,第二位有 9 個數適用, 最後一位有 4 個數適用。所以總共有 9*8*4=288 個,一個四位元正整數開始的是奇數,末 位是偶數 “:第一位有 5 個數適用,第二和第三位有 10 個數適用,第四位有 5 個數適用, 所以總共有 5*10*10*5=2500 ,所以後者大於前者。3.A printer numbered consecutively the pages of a book ,beginning with1on the first page .In numbering the pages,he pri
56、nted a total of189digits.與 100 比較?什麼意思呀? 看不懂啊,鬱悶!這道題是說:一個列印者數連續的頁數,從第一頁的1 開始 .數這些頁數,它總共打了 189個數。首先: 1-9 的單位數一共有 9 個,所以 189-9=180 為兩位數, 180/2=90 ,說明一共有 90 個兩位數,從 10 到 99. 所以比 100 小。4 certain integer n is a multiple of both 5 and 9.Which of the following must be true ?I. n is an odd integer . II. n is
57、 equal to 45.III. n is a multiple of 15答案 是 只有 第三個 對 , 第二個 為什麼不對呢? 這是問的是 n 是 5 和 9 的乘積,但並沒有說是幾個 5 和 9 的乘積,而且還有可能還有其它 的數,所以不一定是 45.5 the number of prime numbersthe number of prime numbers greater than 10greater than 40 and less than 50and less than 2040 到 50 的質數有: 41,43,47. 10 到 20的質數有: 11,13,17,19.所
58、以後者大於前者。Ms.Smith got an 8 percent cost-of-living raise of 20$ per week.$260(n2)-13,所以和為 1+3=4(n2)-1=33、 5,所以和為 1+3+5=9 (n2)-1=83、5、 7,所以和為 1+3+5+7=16(n2)-1=156 Ms.Smith's new weekly salary20/0.08=250, 小於 260. 選 B。71<n<5,n is an integerThe sum of the first n odd integers that are greater than zeron=2, 前 2 個大於 0 的奇數為 1 、 n=3, 前 3 個大於 0 的奇數為 1 、 n=4, 前 4 個大於 0 的奇數為 1 、 所以前者大於後者。8 M 35*53N=2*35*53the value of th
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