



1、第1页,共 8 页2018-20佃年天津市静海区子牙镇子牙小学三年级上册英语复习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.This is Su Hai._ my sister.A.Hes B.Shes2.Look_the mess!A . in B. at C. on3.你想说那只狗很有趣,你会说: _A. A funny dog!B. A funny cat!4.晚上要上床睡觉时,你可以和父母说: _A . Good evening.B . Good ni ght.C . Goodbye.5. Good_ , Miss Li. Good afternoo n, Mike.A . morni ngB

2、 . after noon6 . -Have some juice.A . Tha nk you.B . Me too. C . I like juice.7 . Tom : _ , LiLei.LiLei : Nice to meet you, too.A. How are you.B. Whats your name?C. Nice to meet you.D. How old are you?8. Oh, it s lovely.A . I m fine, thank you. B . Nice to meet you. C . Thank you .9 . A: Let s paint

3、 !B:_ .A. Great.B. Lets paint. C. Sure, here you are.10 .你想告诉大家你有一辆新自行车,你应说什么?()A. I have a new bike.B. This is a new bike.11.当你向朋友们介绍 Tom 时,应说: _A、 My names Tom.B、 See you, Tom.C、 This is Tom.12 . -_is your dress?-Its red.A. WhereB. WhatC. What colour第2页,共 8 页13 .下午你见到王太太,你对她说: _第3页,共 8 页A . Good e

4、vening. Miss Wang. B. Good after noon, Mrs Wang.14.上课时,老师要让_Sam 指着门,应该说:A、 Point to the window, Sam.B、 Point to the door, Sam.15.初次相识的朋友对你说_ “ Nice to meet you,你应该说:A. Nice to meet you, too.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16. Whats this?A . Happy birthday to you!B. Thank you!C. Great!D. Let s eat the birthday cake!E.

5、 Nice to meet you, too.F. Today is my birthday.G. Nice to meet you.18. 根据课文和情景提示补充对话。Jenny 和 Li Mi ng 出生在不同的国家,Li Mi ng 想认识新朋友,他该怎么说呢?Li Ming: Hello, my name is Li Ming._?Jenny: Hi, my n ame is Jenny.Li Mi ng: I live in_ .Jenny: I_ Can ada.19. 想一想,选择与图片相符的单词,将其填入题前括号里。win ter summer spri ngautu mn1(

6、)2. ()3. ()4 A 17.给下面的对话排列顺序。B. How are you?第4页,共 8 页20.看图,写序数词。4.第5页,共 8 页1.2._ .3.4, _ 5,_21. Read and classify.(读一读,为下列单词分类)bread egg juice milk食品:_饮料:_22. 补全课文。M:Come on!M:_M:Hi, Lulu. IM:m Mocky.A: Run, Mocky! ItM:s a tiger.A.Oh, on! It s not Lulu!B. Look! That is Lulu Leopard!C. Help! It s a t

7、iger!23.看图选择正确的句子填空。2.3.第6页,共 8 页27.英汉对应连线。医牛1.bus driverA2.workerB警察3.teacherC工人4.doctorD公车司机5.policema nE教师28.连线搭配绿色redThat is cold. This is warm. That is cool.Ouch! It is hot.24. Are these my rulers? Yes,_ (they/it) are.25. 给下列单词归类。26. Look, read and match. 看一看,读一读,连线。第7页,共 8 页蓝 色黄 色红 色颜色colorgre

8、e nyellowblue29 给下列图片选择合适的单词。1.A doctor2.B nurse3.C teacher4.D policema n5.E farmer6.30.连线。1表演得像猫一样。2我有一只兔子。像大象一样走路。F driverA. I have rabbit.B. Walk like an elepha nt.C. Act like a cat.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 翻译句子1.他是谁?2.她是谁?3.她是我的姐姐。第8页,共 8 页第9页,共 8 页4.他是我的弟弟。5.它是一只兔子。32 根据中文,写出英文。1. 妈妈,早上好。_2. 爸爸,晚上好。_3.

9、爷爷,下午好。_4. 奶奶,晚安。_5. 你好吗? _6. 我很好。_33.I have_ (6) cards.34.单词拼写(1) 家庭_(2) 爸爸_(3) 妈妈_(4) 哥哥;弟弟_(5) 祖父;外祖父_(6) 祖母;外祖母_35短语翻译1. 蓝色的尺子_2. 红色的钢笔_3. 绿色的铅笔_4. 黄色的尺子_5. 粉色的铅笔_五、我是小法官(判断题)36阅读理解。My name s John. I minike animals (动物).I like cats . They are lovelylike eating . too. I like apples and banan as.T

10、oday I eat two apples They(甜的 )weet根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。()1. John is five .()2. John likes cats.()3. The cats arc beautiful.()4. John likes apples and bananas.()5. John eats two bananas.37.读一读,辨一辨。划线部分发音是“、否“X 相同。)l. A. do B. hot()2. A. have B. any第10页,共 8 页()3. A. comeB.for()4. A. cnB. an()5. A. mad

11、eB.taste()6. A. willB.it()7. A. lkeB . in()8. A. makeB.nail()9. A. foodB.cook()10. A.waterB. carrot38 仔细读下面的对话并判断正误,正确的打“vf错误的打“X。()1. Good morning, Mr Li .Good after noon , Alice()2.- How much are they?- Four yuan , please.()3.- How are you?- I m fineThank you .()4.- Is he Joe?- Yes, she is.()5.Wha

12、t is it?- It s a mouse.39.看图,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(正确的在括号前打对勾,错误的打叉)have apples.()(3)Jenny can have rice cream.()(4)Jenny can have bread.()(5)Li Mi ng and Jenny both (两者都)can have ice cream and cake六、阅读理解40.阅读短文,判断句子是否正确。(正确打“V”错误打“X”)Hello , I am Alice. I am a girl. Im eight years old. Today is my birthday

13、. I have a birthday party. I eat birthday cake withmy good friends. I have two gifts. One gift is a pencil box. The other (另一个)is a book. I like them very much. I am veryhappy. I love my good frien ds.(1) Alice is nine years old.()f * A4IK FLi Mi nga、a、Jenny念()Licantwo(2 )Ming can notLi(吃) a(1 Ming havesweets.(第11页,共 8 页(2) Alice is a boy.()(3) Today is Alices b


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