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1、2013 年软考程序员章节常考知识点复习笔记第八章查看汇总2013 年软考程序员章节常考知识点复习笔记汇总12、C+操作符优先级:记忆方法:去掉一个最高的,去掉一个最低的,剩下的是一、二、三、赋值;双目运 算符中,顺序为算术、关系和逻辑,移位和逻辑位插入其中。-摘自C 语言程序设计实用问答问题:如何记住运算符的 15 种优先级和结合性?解答:C 语言中运算符种类比较繁多,优先级有 15 种,结合性有两种。如何记忆两种结合性和 15 种优先级?下面讲述一种记忆方法。结合性有两种,一种是自左至右,另一种是自右至左,大部分运算符的结 合性是自左至右,只有单目运算符、三目运算符的赋值运算符的结合性自右

2、至 左。优先级有 15 种,记忆方法如下:记住一个最高的:构造类型的元素或成员以及小括号。记住一个最低的:逗号运算符。剩余的是一、二、三、赋值一一意思是单目、双目、三目和赋值运算符。在诸多运算符中,又分为:算术、关系、逻辑。两种位操作运算符中,移位运算符在算术运算符后边,逻辑位运算符在逻 辑运算符的前面。再细分如下:算术运算符*,/,%高于+,-。关系运算符中: ,=,和 =高于=,!=。逻辑运算符中,除了逻辑求反(!)是单目外,逻辑与(&高于逻辑或(II)。逻辑位运算符中,除了逻辑按位求反()外,按位与(&高于按位半加(A),高于按位或(|)。PrecedenceOperat

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4、Member accessfrom an objectobj.age = 34 ;no+ +Post-i ncreme ntfor (int i = 0; i 10 ;i + + ) cout i ;yesPost-decreme nt0; i- ) cout i ;yesdyn amic_castRun time-checked type conversi onstatic_castUn checked typecon versi onrein terpret_castRei nterpreti ngtype con versi oncon st_castCast away/Addconst

5、n esstypeidGet type informatio n(x );no(x );noint con st* p=rein terpret_cast(0 x1234);noint* q = con st_cast(p);nostd : type_infoconst& t = typeid(x);no3!Logical n egati onnotAlternate spelli ngfor !Bitwisecompleme ntcomplAlternate spelli ngfor + +Pre-i ncreme nt:if (! done) .yesright to leftfl

6、ags =flags ;yesfor (i = 0 ; i 10 ; +i ) cout i ;yes-Pre-decreme ntUnary minus+Unary plus*Derefere nee&Address ofSize (of the0; -i ) eout *Member poin terselectorptr-*var = 24 ;yesleft to right4*Member objectselectorobj.*var = 24 ;no*Multiplicati onint i = 2 * 4 ;yes5/Divisio nfloat f= 10.0 /3.0

7、;yesleft to right%Modulusint rem = 4 %3;yes+Additio nint i = 2 + 3 ;yesleft to right6Subtracti onint i = 5 - 1;yesBitwise shift leftint flags= 33Bitwise shift right 1 ;yes8Comparis onless-tha nif (i 42 ).yesleft to rightComparis onless-tha n-or-if (i Comparis ongreater-tha nif (i 42 ).yes=Comparis o

8、ngreater-tha n-or-equal-toif (i =42).yes9Comparis onequal-toif (i 一42).yesleft to righteqAlternatespelli ng for!=Comparis onno t-equal-toif ( i !=42).yesnot_eqAlternatespelli ng for !=&Bitwise ANDflags = flags & 42;left to right10bita ndAlternatespelli ng for &yes11ABitwise exclusiveOR (

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10、left to rightAlternateorspelli ng for II15?:Ternary con ditional (if-the n-else )b ? a : b ;noright to leftAssig nmentoperatorint a = b ;yes16+ =In creme nt andassig na += 3 ;yesright to leftDecreme nt andassig nb - = 4 ;yes* 一Multiply and assigna * 一 5 ;yes/ 一Divide and assig na / 一 2 ;yes%一Modulo

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