1、【经典资料,文档,可编辑修改】【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,文档,可修改】第一部分:词汇选项1. Why can't you stop your (enternal) complaining?A. longB. everlastingC. temporaryD. boring2. Hundreds of buildings were (wrecked) by the earthquake.A. shakenB. damagedC. fallenD. jumped3. These paintings are considered by many to be (authentic).
2、A. faithfulB. royalC. genuineD. sincere4. Many economists have given in to the fatal (lure) of mathematics.A. attractionB. simplicityC. powerD. rigor5. Ten years after the event, her death still remains a (puzzle).A. mistB. togC. mysteryD. secret6. irritated答案: A. annoyed7. duplicated答案: D. copied8.
3、 spurred答案: B. encouraged9. ample答案: D. enough10. marvels答案: B. miracles11. perpetual答案: B. endless 12.D. unfair13. adhere toA. followB. orderC. proveD. handle14. barren答案: C. bare15. specifications答案: C. instructions 第二部分:阅读判断Keep on FightingTurning once again to the question of invasion, I would o
4、bserve that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast when anabsoluteguaranteeagainstinvasion,stilllessagainstseriousraids,could havebeen given to our people. In the days of Napoleon the same wind which would have carried his transports across the Channel might have
5、 driven away the blockadingfleet. There was always the chance, and it is that chance which has excited and befooled the imaginations of many continental tyrants. Many are the tales thatare told. We are assured that novel methods will be adopted, and when we see theoriginality of malice, the ingenuit
6、y of aggression, which our enemy displays,we may certainly prepare ourselves for every kind of novel stratagem and every kind of brutal and treacherous manoeuvre. I think that no idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered and viewed with a searching, but at the same time, I hope, with a
7、steady eye.Wemust never forget the solid assurances of sea power and those which belong to air power if it can be locally exercised. I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements aremade, as theyare beingmade, we shallprove ourselves
8、once again able todefend our islandhome, to rideout the storm of war, and to outlivethe menace of tyranny, ifnecessaryforyears,ifnecessaryalone.At any rate,thatiswhat we are going to tryto do. That isthe resolveof His Majesty'sgovernment - every man of them. That is the willof parliament andthe
9、nation.The British empireand the French republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to thedeath their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost oftheir strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fal
10、l into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength inthe air, we shall defend our island, whatever
11、the cost may be, we shall fighton the beaches,we shallfighton the landinggrounds,we shallfightin the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, andeven if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of itwere subjugatedand starving,then ou
12、r empire beyond theseas,armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time,the new world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.16. ThroughoutBritain'shistory,therehas been no guaranteethatan invasion
13、 would not? happen.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Napoleon and his army once crossed the English Channel and Conquered Britain.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. The enemy will use every means conceivable to destroy Britain.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Churchill is confident that he wil
14、l live longer than Hitler.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. The Royal airForce willlaunchmassive airstrikesagainsttheGermans.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The British Empire is so strong that it does not have to take Hitler's menace seriously.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. Although
15、many countries have been overrun by the Germans, the British people will never give in.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned 第三部分:概括大意与完成句子McGrady's art is a spectacle1. When Tracy McGradyishealthy, hisplay can beso beautiful that even his own teammates on the court cannot help but admire it - in the
16、 middle of a game.2. "It's hard for me, because I'm a fan of basketball," Houston point guard Rafer Alston told the Houston Chronicle newspaper after McGrady's 44-point performance against Utah on January 5. "When he's shooting the ball like that,a lotof timesI'mst
17、andingtherewatchingand, allof a sudden, theotherteam'sgettingthe balland going on a fastbreak,and I'm gettingyelledat by the coach."Indeed, McGrady's body control, his energy, his shooting - watching these are like watching an artist at work, blending colours, constructing sentences
18、, or playing music.3. Unfortunately, McGrady, 27, hasn't always been on the job. Already this season, he's missed seven games with back spasms. After Yao Ming was injured onDec. 23, itappeared Houston would be withoutboth of itsstars.McGrady, however,returnedthreedays laterand has been playi
19、ngwellever since,scoringmore than30 points in each of the last six games, as of Tuesday. Houston can't seem toget on withouthim.WhenMcGrady was injured,theRocketswon two and lost five.4. "Listen,thereare only fouror fivepeopleon the entireplanet that cando the thingshe can do withthe basket
20、ball,"forwardShane Battiersaid of McGrady. "From a fan'sperspective- and we'refans even though we'replayers- it'sreally fun to watch him do that. "From a player's perspective, his game can affect theentire team. No question. We see him, and we get excited, and that
21、 pumps us up. He keeps making shots, and suddenly it seems to become easier for everybody."5. But itwon't,really.Houston has justbegun an importantstretchon their schedule. Four of the next seven games will be played away from Houston - andwithoutYao. Six of the gameswillbe againstteams wit
22、hwinningrecords.Opponentswill double-team McGrady in an attempt to dull the impact of his art. Instead of watching, McGrady's teammates will need to create a little art of their own.23. Paragraph 2 C24. Paragraph 3 D25. Paragraph 4 B26. Paragraph 5 AA. Necessity for the Teammates to Improve Thei
23、r Own SkillsB. Evaluation from Two Different PerspectivesC. Spectacular Performance on the CourtD. Players Houston Can't Do WithoutE. Yao Ming's PerformanceF. McGrady's Injury27. McGrady plays basketball so well A28. Yao Ming missed several games D29. There are very few people on the Ear
24、th C30. Everyone will have to contribute EA. that his temmates cannot help admiring himB. that he is often yelled at by the coachC. who can play basketball so wellD. because he had been injuredE. if Houston hopes to winF. since he returned第四部分:阅读理解第一篇Youth Emancipation in SpainThe Spanish Government
25、 is so worried about the number of young adults still living with their parents that it has decided to help them leave the nest.Around 55 per cent of people aged 18-34 in Spain stillsleepin theirparents' homes, says the latest report from the country's state-run Institute of Youth.To coax( 劝
26、 诱 )young people from their homes, the institute started a "Youth Emancipation(解放) programme thismonth. The programme offersguidance in finding rooms and jobs.Economists blame young people's family dependence on the precarious(不稳定的) labour market and increasing housing prices. Housing price
27、s have risen 17per cent a year since 2000.Cultural reasons also contribute to the problem, say sociologists. Family ties in south Europe - Italy, Portugal and Greece - are stronger than those inmiddleand northEurope,saidSpanish sociologistAlmudena Moreno Minguez inher report "The Late Emancipat
28、ion of Spanish Youth: Keys for Understanding"."In general, young people in Spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized," said Minguez.In Spain - especially in the countryside, it is not uncommon to find entiregroups of aunts, uncles
29、, cousins, nieces and nephews(外甥/ 侄子) all living on the same street. They regularly get together for Sunday dinner.Parents' tolerance(宽容) is another factor. Spanish parents accept late-night partying and are wary of setting bedtime rules."A childcan arrivehome at whatever timehe wants.Ifpar
30、entscomplainhe'll put up a bigfightand callthe fathera Fascist,"saidJose AntonioGomezYanez, a sociologist at Carlos III University in Madrid.Mothers'willingnessto do children'shouseholdchoresworsens the problem.Dioni-sio Masso, a 60-year-old in Madrid, has three children in their 20
31、s. The eldest, 28, has a girlfriend and a job. But life with mum is good."His mum does the wash and cooks for him; in the end, he lives well," Massosaid.31. The "Youth Emancipation" programme aims at helping young peopleA. fight for freedomB. live in an independent wayC. fight ag
32、ainst social injusticeD. get rid of family responsibilities32. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than inA. FinlandB. GreeceC. SpainD. Italy33. Young people's family dependence can be attributed to all the following factors EXCEPTA. parent's toleran
33、ceB. housing problemsC. cultural traditionsD. unwillingness to get married34. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Dinoisio Masso?A. She is 60 years old.B. She has a boyfriend.C. She has three children.D. She lives in Madrid.35. The phrase "wary of" in paragraph 8 could be best
34、 replaced byA. tired ofB. afraid ofC. cautious aboutD. worried about第二篇 ? Road Trip VacationsIt's summer. In the United States, it's the season of swimming pools, barbeques, camping and road trips.Road trip vacations where the car journey is part of the fun are especially popular with colleg
35、e students, who like to explore the country on wheels. Thesebudget tripsare idealforstudentswho oftenhave plentyof freetimebut littlemoney."Ever since I went to college, I've been traveling around a lot, exploringthe country," said Austin Hawkins, a 19-year-old college student from New
36、 York.This summer, Hawkins and his friendshave spent weekends travelingin NewEngland.The bestpartabout cartrips,saidHawkins, isthatyou can be spontaneous. "On a road trip, if you get interested in things you see along the way you canstop and explore."Matt Roberts,a 20-year-oldstudentfrom O
37、hio who drove to Montreal,Canada, agrees."Withroad tripsyou don'thave to plan inadvance,you can justget into a car and drive."Even with high gas prices, driving with friends is cheaper than flying.Roberts paid about 40 dollars for gas, but a round trip plane ticket would have cost near
38、ly 400 dollars.Driving trips first became popular in the 1920s. Newly paved roads and improved, cars made it possible to travel longer distances. Motels started appearing outside cities.By the 1950s, car ownershipbecame the norm. Constructionof the USinterstate highway system began in1956 and motel
39、and restaurantchainspopped up everywhere making long distance trips easier.Today, the US has the highestcar ownershiprateinthe world.Only 8 percent of American homes have no car, according to the most recent US census.Though many college students don't own a car, most have access to one. On many
40、 of Hawkins' trips, they used a borrowed van.Hawkins' most memorable road trip took place over spring break. He and twofriendsdrove from NewYork to NewOrleansto volunteer,helpingrebuildthe city after Hurricane Katrina hit it last July. They crossed the country in two daysand slept in their c
41、ar in church parking lots.Roberts'road tripto Canada lastwinterwas even more eventful.Upon arriving inMontreal,they were lostina blizzardand shiveringinthe -25 ° cold.To find theirhotel,they turnedon a laptopand drove around incirclesuntilthey found a spot with wireless Internet coverage.&q
42、uot;Iknow we shouldhave plannedbetter,but we'reyoung.Now, when I see those guys I always say: 'Remember when we were lost in the snow storm!' I'll neverforget that."36. Traveling on wheels is most popular among people who have cars37. What will Hawkins do when he sees something
43、interesting on a road trip?A. He will turn back.B. He will drive around.C. He will stop to explore.D. He will stop exploring.38. When did motels suddenly appear everywhere?A. After the work to build the interstate highway system started.B. When driving trips became popular.C. After many roads were p
44、aved.D. After new cars were made.39. Which of the following words can best describe Hawkins' trip to New Orleans?A. Eventful.B. Colourful.C. Delightful.D. Unforgettable.40. The word "blizzard" in paragraph 12 meansA. snow storm.B. hurricane.C. mist.D. fog.第三篇 ? Tightened Visa Regulatio
45、nsAccording to South Korea's new visa regulations, native speakers of English who intend to teach English in South Korea will be required to undergo criminal record checks, medical and drug tests, provide sealed academic transcripts and have their university diplomas inspected, The Korea Times h
46、as reported. The tightened regulations will affect an estimated 17,000 foreigners that hold E-2 visas specifically for foreign language teachers.The most controversial requirement is that English teachers residing outside South Korea will have to have an interview at a South Korean embassy before ta
47、king up their teaching posts. For applicants living in remote areas in Canada,Australia or the US, this is an additional travel burden. Meanwhile, foreign teachers currently living in South Korea must leave the country after theirone-year contracts end and renew their visas at a South Korean embassy
48、 in their home country or third country. Before the changes, they could renew their visas by visiting a neighboring country and return without additional documentation.The visa changes are a reaction to public concern about the suitability of some foreign teachers. A report from the South Korean Min
49、istry of Education andHuman Resources Development shows between 2001 and August of this year, 1,481foreign language teachers have been caught for a range of offenses including forged degrees, visa violations and general lawbreaking.But the changes are likelyto slow up the supplyof teachersto South K
50、orea's English language education sector. According to Michael Duffy, manager of ateacherplacementserviceinSouth Korea,applicantshave to spend a few hundreddollarsand severalmonths on gettingaffidavitsfordocuments."South Korea has put up too many hoops to jump through," he said, adding
51、 that foreigners wouldseek work elsewhere.Most foreignerswonder ifthe experienceof workingin South Korea will be worth the burden of the paper work and increasing restrictions."I don't think (South) Korea has thought this through," said Scott McInnis, aCanadian teacherbased inIncheon n
52、ear Seoul."Thisisa reactionarymove by the government that will have strong implications for the EFL community."As partof effortsto ease the discontent,the South Korean Ministryof Justice has granted a three-month grace period for current E-2 visa holders to preparethe necessary documents.4
53、1. Which of the following is NOT required of an E-2 visa applicant?A. to pass a Korean language testB. to undergo a medical testC. to provide sealed school reportsD. to undergo a drug test41. A to pass a Korean language test42. C visit a neighboring country if they wanted to renew their visas43. C s
54、ubversive activities44. What does EFL refer to?D English as a foreign language45. The new visa policy aims atB. improving foreign language teaching in South Korea.第五部分:补全短文My Life at RendaI learnedveryquicklythatbeing a teachingassistant(TA) at the University of Iowa would be different from life as
55、a teacher at Renmin University. (46) Eyes staring, mouths open, students examining my big nose, hands nervous, people whispering while I wrote my name on the blackboard.At Iowa, when my first classes began, half my students still hadn't arrived. Wheneveryone finally found a seat, ringing cellpho
56、nes and loud yawns interrupted my opening remarks.It's not that American students were disrespectful.(47)They were, however, farmore skepticalthan the studentsI had at Renda. The truth is I couldn't fault them for their skepticism.Undergraduatesat largeUSuniversities-especiallyfreshmen and sophomores ? often have several classesa semester handledby TAs. In some cases,theTA setsthe course content.(48)Most have good intentions,but onlya feware as effective as flesh-and-blood professors.Every teacher has to confront obstacle
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