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1、会计学1五章节五章节(zhngji)八年级上八年级上Units第一页,共46页。1.hardlyadj. 困难的困难的 hardadv. 努力地努力地 hard2activen.活动活动 activityv.行动行动 actn.行行动动 action3healthadj.健康健康(jinkng)的的 healthyadv.健康健康(jinkng)地地 healthily(反反义词义词)adj.不健康不健康(jinkng)的的 unhealthy4differentn.不同;差异;区别不同;差异;区别 differenceadv.不同地不同地 differently5although(同义词同义

2、词)conj.虽然;即使虽然;即使 though第1页/共45页第二页,共46页。6tooth(pl.) teeth7illnessadj.生病的生病的 ill8traditionaln.传统传统 tradition9balanceadj.平衡的;均衡的平衡的;均衡的 balanced10angryadv.生气地生气地 angrily11westernn.西方西方(xfng) west12importantn.重要重要 importance第2页/共45页第三页,共46页。重重点点短短语语记记忆忆1.how often 多久一次多久一次2as for 至于;关于至于;关于3be good fo

3、r 对对有益有益4of course 当然;自然当然;自然5look after 照顾;照看照顾;照看6the same as 与与一样一样7a lot of 大量;许多大量;许多8have a cold 受凉;感冒受凉;感冒9(be) stressed out 有压力的;紧张的有压力的;紧张的 10a few 有些;几个;少数有些;几个;少数11at the moment 此时;现在此时;现在 第3页/共45页第四页,共46页。重重点点句句型型整整理理1.What do you usually do on weekends?2How often does Cheng watch TV?He

4、watches TV twice a week.3How many hours do you sleep every night?4Whats the matter?I have a sore throat.5You should drink some hot tea with honey. 第4页/共45页第五页,共46页。1 1How_often do you exerciseHow_often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?你多久锻炼一次?(Unit 1)(Unit 1)(1)how often“(1)how often“多久一次多久一次”,用于提问,用于提问(twn)

5、(twn)动作发生的频率,答语是频度副词或短语,如动作发生的频率,答语是频度副词或短语,如nevernever,sometimessometimes,once a year once a year 等。如:等。如:How often do you have a sports meeting?How often do you have a sports meeting?你们多久开一次运动会?你们多久开一次运动会?Twice a year.Twice a year.一年两次。一年两次。【拓展】【拓展】 常见的与常见的与howhow连用的短语:连用的短语:第5页/共45页第六页,共46页。第6页/共

6、45页第七页,共46页。(2)exercise(2)exercise此处作动词,意为此处作动词,意为“锻炼锻炼”,也可作,也可作(k zu)(k zu)名词,作名词,作“锻炼;运动锻炼;运动”讲时为不可数名词;作讲时为不可数名词;作“练习题;体操练习题;体操”讲时为可数名词。常见短语:讲时为可数名词。常见短语:take/do take/do exercise exercise 锻炼;运动;锻炼;运动;do morning/eye exercisesdo morning/eye exercises做早操做早操/ /眼保健操;眼保健操;do some exercisesdo some exerci

7、ses做习题。做习题。2 2I hardly_ever exercise.I hardly_ever exercise.我几乎不曾锻炼过。我几乎不曾锻炼过。(Unit 1)(Unit 1)hardly adv.hardly adv.意为意为“几乎不;几乎没有几乎不;几乎没有”,为不含有,为不含有notnot的否定词,相当于的否定词,相当于almost almost notnot。常用短语。常用短语hardly ever hardly ever 意为意为“几乎不曾几乎不曾”。hardly hardly 经常出现在反意疑问句中,附加经常出现在反意疑问句中,附加句用肯定形式。如:句用肯定形式。如:T

8、here is hardly any water in the bottleThere is hardly any water in the bottle,is there?is there?瓶子里几乎没有水,是吗?瓶子里几乎没有水,是吗?第7页/共45页第八页,共46页。hardly 不是不是hard 的副词形式,的副词形式,hard 可作可作形容词或副词,作形容词时意为形容词或副词,作形容词时意为“困难的,困难的,难的,硬的难的,硬的”;作副词时意为;作副词时意为“努力努力(n l)地,猛烈地地,猛烈地”。3So maybe Im not very healthy,although I h

9、ave one healthy habit.我可我可能有点不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯能有点不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。(Unit 1)第8页/共45页第九页,共46页。(1)maybe adv.“可能;也许可能;也许”,常用于,常用于句首,也可用于谓语句首,也可用于谓语(wiy)动词前,动词前,与与perhaps近义。近义。【辨析】【辨析】 maybe与与may bemaybe是副词,意为是副词,意为“也许;可能也许;可能”,在句中作状语,相当于在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常用,常用于句首,一定不能作谓语于句首,一定不能作谓语(wiy)动词动词。第9页/共45页第十页,共46页

10、。may be是是“情态动词情态动词(dngc)动词动词(dngc)原形原形”,两者共同构成完整的,两者共同构成完整的谓语动词谓语动词(dngc),意为,意为“可能是;也可能是;也许是许是”,在句中只能作谓语,可表示一,在句中只能作谓语,可表示一种肯定的推测。如:种肯定的推测。如:Maybe you are right.You may be right.也许你是对的。也许你是对的。第10页/共45页第十一页,共46页。(2)although conj.意为意为“虽然虽然”,与,与though同义,二者可以互换。但同义,二者可以互换。但although比比though正式正式(zhngsh)。二

11、者用来引导让步状语从句。如:二者用来引导让步状语从句。如:Although he is very rich,he is unhappy.尽管他非常富有,但他并不快乐。尽管他非常富有,但他并不快乐。although 和和though均不能和连词均不能和连词but连用,但可以和副词连用,但可以和副词yet或或still连用。连用。第11页/共45页第十二页,共46页。4Whats the matter?(Unit 2)matter n意为意为“毛病;麻烦事毛病;麻烦事”,前面,前面通常要有定冠词通常要有定冠词the。Whats the matter?是?是Whats the matter with

12、.?的省略。该句常用来询问某人患了何?的省略。该句常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦,以表达关切种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦,以表达关切(gunqi)之意。如:之意。如:Whats the matter with you?I have a cold.我感冒了。我感冒了。第12页/共45页第十三页,共46页。【拓展】【拓展】 表达这一意义表达这一意义(yy)的其他常的其他常用口语表达还有:用口语表达还有:Whats wrong?怎么了?怎么了?Whats up?出了什么事?出了什么事?Whats the trouble?有什么麻烦事?有什么麻烦事?第13页/共45页第十四页,共46页。5Its

13、 easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and its important to eat a balanced diet.有一个健有一个健康的生活方式并不难,重要的是均衡的饮食。康的生活方式并不难,重要的是均衡的饮食。(Unit 2)本句使用固定句式本句使用固定句式It is /was adj.to do sth.。it 是形式主语,放在句首,动词不定式作真正主是形式主语,放在句首,动词不定式作真正主语,放在句末。为了避免头重脚轻,将真正主语语,放在句末。为了避免头重脚轻,将真正主语放在后面放在后面(hu mian)。如:。如:Its not good to com

14、plain too much.抱怨太多抱怨太多是不好的。是不好的。第14页/共45页第十五页,共46页。动词不定式复合结构作真正主语时,介词动词不定式复合结构作真正主语时,介词for 后后面的宾语可以看作是后面动词不定式的逻辑主面的宾语可以看作是后面动词不定式的逻辑主语。如:语。如:Its very important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语是很重要对我们来说学好英语是很重要(zhngyo)的。的。6I study late every night,sometimes until 2 am.每天晚上我学习到很晚,有时直到凌晨两点每天晚上我学

15、习到很晚,有时直到凌晨两点(Unit 2)第15页/共45页第十六页,共46页。第16页/共45页第十七页,共46页。句中,常与瞬间性动词连用。引导时间状语从句中,常与瞬间性动词连用。引导时间状语从句时,要特别注意主从句时态问题,即当主句句时,要特别注意主从句时态问题,即当主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时;当主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时;当主句是过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态,这样的是过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态,这样的连词还有连词还有when,as soon as,if 等。等。7Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well. (Un

16、it 2)(1)句中句中that引导的是宾语从句。引导的是宾语从句。(2)当听到不幸当听到不幸(bxng)的消息或不高兴的事情的消息或不高兴的事情用用“Im sorry to hear that.”表示同情或安慰表示同情或安慰。第17页/共45页第十八页,共46页。感觉遗憾之事可用感觉遗憾之事可用“What a pity!(真遗真遗憾!憾!)”安慰对方。安慰对方。对方若要远行或度假对方若要远行或度假(d ji),可用,可用“Have a good trip/time.(祝旅途愉快祝旅途愉快/祝玩祝玩得开心。得开心。)”表示祝福。表示祝福。对方若要参加考试或比赛,可用对方若要参加考试或比赛,可用

17、“Good luck (to you)(祝你好运。祝你好运。)”表示祝福。表示祝福。对方取得好成绩或有可贺之事,可用对方取得好成绩或有可贺之事,可用“Congratulations to you!(祝贺你!祝贺你!)”表表示祝贺。示祝贺。第18页/共45页第十九页,共46页。八年级上(12单元)(训练(xnlin)时间:60分钟分值:100分)第19页/共45页第二十页,共46页。基础过关基础过关(gu(gugun)gun)知识知识一、根据所给的汉语提示和句意写出单词一、根据所给的汉语提示和句意写出单词(4(4分分) )1 1I _(I _(几乎不几乎不) know herweve only

18、met ) know herweve only met once.once.2 2It was quite _(It was quite _(和和不同不同) from what ) from what I expected.I expected.3 3She seemed a baby _(She seemed a baby _(尽管尽管) she was ) she was already thirty.already thirty.4 4I _(I _(喝喝) a glass of milk every morning.) a glass of milk every morning.5 5

19、Do you know how Do you know how toto deal with this _( deal with this _(问题问题)?)?6 6His legs felt _(His legs felt _(无力无力) after the illness.) after the illness.hardlydifferentalthoughdrinkproblemweak第20页/共45页第二十一页,共46页。7 7I dont _(I dont _(相信相信(xingxn) this kind (xingxn) this kind of flower of flower

20、 toto grow here. grow here.8 8My father was very _(My father was very _(生气生气) when I ) when I broke the window.broke the window.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10(10分分) )1 1Im t_.Please give me a glass of Im t_.Please give me a glass of water.water.2 2If you have a c_If you have a c_,you should see

21、 a you should see a doctor at once.doctor at once.3 3My father has a h_My father has a h_,he likes taking a he likes taking a walk after supper.walk after supper.4 4Do you know the r_ of my English Do you know the r_ of my English exam?exam?5 5You should k_ your room clean.You should k_ your room cl

22、ean.6 6The city is d_ from that one.The city is d_ from that one.believeangrythirstycoldhabitresultkeepdifferent第21页/共45页第二十二页,共46页。7 7The boy watches TV t_ a week.The boy watches TV t_ a week.8 8I was at home at that m_.I was at home at that m_.9 9Did you have a f_ when you had a cold?Did you have

23、a f_ when you had a cold?1010I listened but h_ nothing.I listened but h_ nothing.三、根据汉语提示完成句子三、根据汉语提示完成句子(16(16分分) )1 1就我来说,我是不喜欢喝茶的。就我来说,我是不喜欢喝茶的。_ me, I dont care for tea._ me, I dont care for tea.2 2一小时一小时(xiosh)(xiosh)有几分钟?有几分钟?_ minutes are there in an hour?_ minutes are there in an hour?3 3如果你

24、想身体健康,你最好均衡饮食。如果你想身体健康,你最好均衡饮食。momentfeverheardAs forHow manytwice第22页/共45页第二十三页,共46页。If you want If you want toto _ _,you had better eat a balanced _ _,you had better eat a balanced diet.diet.4 4她现在一定在电视演播室。她现在一定在电视演播室。She must be in the television studio _ _.She must be in the television studio _

25、_.5 5昨天晚上直到昨天晚上直到(zhdo)(zhdo)做完作业他才去睡觉。做完作业他才去睡觉。He _ go He _ go toto bed _ he finished his homework last night. bed _ he finished his homework last night.6 6考试前,他在欧洲旅游了几个月。考试前,他在欧洲旅游了几个月。He spent _ months traveling about Europe before his exams.He spent _ months traveling about Europe before his ex

26、ams.stay/keep healthyat the momentdidntuntila few第23页/共45页第二十四页,共46页。7 7你最好一天三次吃这种药。你最好一天三次吃这种药。You had better take the medicine _ _ _.You had better take the medicine _ _ _.8 8你的哥哥你的哥哥(g ge)(g ge)怎么了?怎么了?_ _ _ _ _?_ _ _ _ _?综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )1 1(2011(2011安顺安顺)_ is “CHINA NEWS” show

27、n on )_ is “CHINA NEWS” shown on CCTV4?CCTV4?Every day.Every day.A AHow often BHow often BHow many timesHow many timesC CHow long DHow long DHow soonHow soonthree times a dayWhats wrong with your brother第24页/共45页第二十五页,共46页。【答案】【答案】A A2 2You are so busy. What do you want me _ for you?You are so busy.

28、 What do you want me _ for you?A Ado Bdo Bdone Cdone Ctoto do D do Ddoingdoing【解析】考查动词【解析】考查动词(dngc)(dngc)不定式的用法。不定式的用法。want sb.want sb.toto do sth. do sth.意为意为“想要想要某人干某事某人干某事”,故选,故选C C。【答案】【答案】C C第25页/共45页第二十六页,共46页。3 3_?Nothing serious, but a bit tired.Nothing serious, but a bit tired.Better have

29、a rest now, dear.Better have a rest now, dear.A AIs that allIs that allB BIs there anything elseIs there anything elseC CWhats thisWhats thisD DWhats the matter with youWhats the matter with you【解析】考查情景交际。句意为【解析】考查情景交际。句意为“你怎么了?你怎么了?”“”“不要紧,有一点不要紧,有一点累。累。”“”“亲爱的,你现在最好亲爱的,你现在最好(zu ho)(zu ho)休息一会儿。休息一

30、会儿。”故选故选D D。【答案】【答案】D D第26页/共45页第二十七页,共46页。4 4Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?_. The teacher says she can come _. The teacher says she can come toto school tomorrow. school tomorrow.A AI think so BI think so BThats itThats itC CIm

31、 afraid not DIm afraid not DThats trueThats true【解析】考查情景交际。句意为【解析】考查情景交际。句意为“艾玛病了一周了,她康复了吗?艾玛病了一周了,她康复了吗?”“”“我认为是这样的。老师说她明天能来学校我认为是这样的。老师说她明天能来学校(xuxio)(xuxio)。”故选故选A A。【答案】【答案】A A5 5(2011(2011枣庄枣庄)In the past the children were made _ 15 )In the past the children were made _ 15 hours a day.hours a d

32、ay. 第27页/共45页第二十八页,共46页。A Atoto lock B lock Bwork Cwork Ctoto work D work Dlocklock【解析】考查被动语态。【解析】考查被动语态。be made be made toto do sth.“ do sth.“被迫做某事被迫做某事”,makemake的被动语态要带的被动语态要带toto,故选,故选C C。【答案】【答案】C C6 6(2011(2011湘西湘西)Mary often has eggs and bread _ )Mary often has eggs and bread _ breakfast.break

33、fast.A Awith Bwith Bfor Cfor Conon【解析】考查介词搭配【解析】考查介词搭配(dpi)(dpi)。have sth.for breakfast“have sth.for breakfast“早饭早饭吃某东西吃某东西”。故选。故选B B。【答案】【答案】B B第28页/共45页第二十九页,共46页。7 7(2011(2011淄博淄博)As were students)As were students,we _ obey the school we _ obey the school rules.rules.A Acan Bcan Bmay Cmay Cmust D

34、must Dcouldcould【解析】考查情态动词的用法。根据【解析】考查情态动词的用法。根据(gnj)(gnj)句意句意“作为学生,我们必作为学生,我们必须遵守校规。须遵守校规。”故选故选C C。【答案】【答案】C C8 8Luckily, the boy didnt hurt his _ in the accident, Luckily, the boy didnt hurt his _ in the accident, so he can walk as usual.so he can walk as usual.A Aarms Barms Blegs Clegs Ceyes Deye

35、s Dhandshands【解析】考查名词辨析。【解析】考查名词辨析。arms“arms“胳膊胳膊”;legs“legs“腿腿”;eyeseyes第29页/共45页第三十页,共46页。“眼睛眼睛”;hands“hands“手手”。根据句意。根据句意“所以他能像往常所以他能像往常(wngchng)(wngchng)一样走路一样走路”可知选可知选B B。【答案】【答案】B B9 9(2011(2011淄博淄博)Will you play basketball against Class 3 tomorrow?)Will you play basketball against Class 3 tom

36、orrow?Yes._ it snows.Yes._ it snows.A AIf BIf BUntil Until C CWhen DWhen DUnlessUnless【解析】考查连词。根据语境是除非下雪才不去打篮球。故选择【解析】考查连词。根据语境是除非下雪才不去打篮球。故选择D D。【答案】【答案】D D第30页/共45页第三十一页,共46页。1010Im afraid Ive got a bad cold.Im afraid Ive got a bad cold._._.A ANever mindNever mindB BKeep away from meKeep away from

37、 meC CBetter go and see a doctorBetter go and see a doctorD DYou need You need toto eat less food eat less food【解析【解析(ji x)(ji x)】考查交际用语。由首句】考查交际用语。由首句“恐怕我得了重感冒。恐怕我得了重感冒。”可知选可知选C C,“最好去看医生。最好去看医生。”【答案】【答案】C C二、完形填空二、完形填空(20(20分分) )第31页/共45页第三十二页,共46页。Jim is an American boy. He likes _1_ football mat

38、chesJim is an American boy. He likes _1_ football matches,_2_ he hasnt enough money _2_ he hasnt enough money toto buy tickets. He has buy tickets. He has toto watch the matches _3_ TV at home when he has _4_ watch the matches _3_ TV at home when he has _4_ homework. He must go homework. He must go

39、toto school from Monday school from Monday toto Friday Friday,so he so he missed a lot of important football matches.missed a lot of important football matches.A big football match would be held(A big football match would be held(举行举行(jxng)in the (jxng)in the afternoon the next day._5_ wanted aftern

40、oon the next day._5_ wanted toto watch it very much. watch it very much. But he couldnt. He would have a physics test in _6_ But he couldnt. He would have a physics test in _6_ afternoon.afternoon.“Can we have a video“Can we have a video,mommom?”Jim asked his mother ”Jim asked his mother _7_ he went

41、 _7_ he went toto school. “Then from our TV set you can school. “Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”record the match for me.”第32页/共45页第三十三页,共46页。“Im _8_ we cant afford(“Im _8_ we cant afford(买得起买得起)one)one,”said his ”said his mother.The next morning Jim went home with a smilemothe

42、r.The next morning Jim went home with a smile,_9_ a new _9_ a new video.“But where did you get the moneyvideo.“But where did you get the money,JimJim?”His mother asked ”His mother asked in surprise.in surprise.“Thats _10_“Thats _10_,mom.I sold our TV set.”mom.I sold our TV set.”1 1A.watching BA.watc

43、hing Bseeing Cseeing Clooking atlooking at【解析】【解析】watch“watch“观看观看( (指比赛指比赛/ /节目等节目等)”)”;see“see“看见看见( (指结果指结果(ji (ji gu)”gu)”;look at“look at“看看( (指动作指动作/ /过程过程)”)”。故选。故选A A。【答案】【答案】A A第33页/共45页第三十四页,共46页。2 2A.and BA.and Bso Cso Cbut but 【解析】【解析】and“and“并且并且( (表并列表并列)”)”;so“so“所以所以( (表因果表因果)”)”;but

44、“but“但是但是( (表表转折转折(zhunzh)”(zhunzh)”。故选。故选C C。【答案】【答案】C C3 3A.in BA.in Bon Con Catat【解析】【解析】on TV“on TV“在电视上在电视上”,是固定搭配,故选,是固定搭配,故选B B。【答案】【答案】B B4 4A.few BA.few Ba few Ca few Cquite a littlequite a little【解析】【解析】fewfew,a fewa few,littlelittle,a littlea little是易混淆词。是易混淆词。few “few “没有几没有几个个”,后跟可数名词;,

45、后跟可数名词;a few“a few“很少的很少的”,后跟可数名词;,后跟可数名词;第34页/共45页第三十五页,共46页。little“little“几乎几乎(jh)(jh)没有没有”,后跟不可数名词;,后跟不可数名词;a little“a little“有一点有一点”,后跟不可数名词。后跟不可数名词。【答案】【答案】C C5 5A.Mother BA.Mother BFather CFather CJimJim【解析】文章主人公是【解析】文章主人公是JimJim。故选。故选C C。【答案】【答案】C C6 6A.the same BA.the same Bthe different Cth

46、e different Canotheranother【解析】根据上下文【解析】根据上下文“But he couldnt.”“He would have a physics “But he couldnt.”“He would have a physics test.”test.”可知是同一时间。可知是同一时间。【答案】【答案】A A第35页/共45页第三十六页,共46页。7 7A.after BA.after Bbefore Cbefore Cbecausebecause【解析】【解析】after“after“在在之后之后”;before“before“在在之前之前”;because“bec

47、ause“因因为为”;根据句意可知答案;根据句意可知答案(d n)(d n)。【答案【答案(d n)(d n)】B B8 8A.glad BA.glad Bafraid Cafraid Cpleasedpleased【解析】根据下文【解析】根据下文“we cant afford one”“we cant afford one”可知。可知。【答案【答案(d n)(d n)】B B9 9A.carrying BA.carrying Bcarries Ccarries Ccarrycarry【解析】此处的【解析】此处的carrycarry表伴随,用现在分词。故选表伴随,用现在分词。故选A A。【答案

48、【答案(d n)(d n)】A A第36页/共45页第三十七页,共46页。1010A.difficult BA.difficult Beasy Ceasy Cdifficultydifficulty【解析】根据后一句可知他所做的事很容易【解析】根据后一句可知他所做的事很容易(rngy)(rngy)。【答案】【答案】B B三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(10分分) )Mrs Green was very fat.She weighed (Mrs Green was very fat.She weighed (称重称重)100kg and she got )100kg and she got he

49、avier every month.So she went heavier every month.So she went toto see the doctor. see the doctor.The doctor saidThe doctor said,“You have “You have toto be on a diet( be on a diet(节食节食) ),Mrs GreenMrs Green,and Ive got a good way here.”He gave her a small book and saidand Ive got a good way here.”H

50、e gave her a small book and said,“Read it carefully and eat the things on Page 18 every day.Then “Read it carefully and eat the things on Page 18 every day.Then come back and see me in two weeks time.”come back and see me in two weeks time.”第37页/共45页第三十八页,共46页。Mrs Green came back again two weeks lat

51、erMrs Green came back again two weeks later,but she wasnt but she wasnt thinner and was even fatter.The doctor was surprised and saidthinner and was even fatter.The doctor was surprised and said,“Are you eating the things on Page 18 of the small book“Are you eating the things on Page 18 of the small

52、 book?”“Yes“Yes,doctordoctor,” she answered.” she answered.The next day the doctor visited Mrs Green in the The next day the doctor visited Mrs Green in the afternoon.She was very surprised to see him.afternoon.She was very surprised to see him.“Mrs Green“Mrs Green,”he said”he said,“why are you eati

53、ng potatoes and bread“why are you eating potatoes and bread?You arent following the diet.”You arent following the diet.”“But“But,doctordoctor,”Mrs Green answered”Mrs Green answered,“I have my diet at lunch “I have my diet at lunch time.This is my tea.”time.This is my tea.”第38页/共45页第三十九页,共46页。根据短文内容,

54、完成根据短文内容,完成(wn chng)(wn chng)下列句子。下列句子。1 1Mrs Green weighed _ and got heavier and _ every month.Mrs Green weighed _ and got heavier and _ every month.【解析】由第一段第二句可知。【解析】由第一段第二句可知。【答案】【答案】100kg100kg;heavierheavier2 2The doctor had a _ way The doctor had a _ way toto make her _. make her _.【解析】由第二段可知,医

55、生有个好办法,可以使【解析】由第二段可知,医生有个好办法,可以使Mrs GreenMrs Green变瘦。变瘦。【答案】【答案】goodgood;thinnerthinner3 3Two weeks _Two weeks _,Mrs Green was even _.Mrs Green was even _.【解析】由第三段第一句可知。【解析】由第三段第一句可知。【答案】【答案】laterlater;fatterfatter第39页/共45页第四十页,共46页。4 4The next dayThe next day,the doctor went the doctor went toto _

56、Mrs Green and saw she _ Mrs Green and saw she was _ a lot.was _ a lot.【解析】由第五、六段可知【解析】由第五、六段可知(k zh)(k zh)。【答案】【答案】see/visitsee/visit;eatingeating5 5Mrs Green was on the _ only at _ time.Mrs Green was on the _ only at _ time.【解析】由短文最后一段可知【解析】由短文最后一段可知(k zh)(k zh)。【答案】【答案】dietdiet;lunchlunch四、补全对话四、补全对话(10(10分分) )根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。第40页/共45页第四十一页,共46页。A A:Have you ever read the novel Jane Ey


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