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1、土木工程英语试卷试题下载-样卷.doc一、选择填空20%1. Between the buildings Ba secondary school.A. stand B. stands C. to stand D. standing2. Neither I nor he Bfond of music.A. am B. is C. are D. were3.The laws that Ahow the buildings maybe made are building codes.A. tell B. ells C. told D. telling4.It is expensive Cfuture

2、 cities on the sea.A build B. built C. to build D. builds5.The Acements are widely used on the construction site.A.above-mentioned B.above-mentioningC.above-mention D.above-mentions6.The production of steel has been increased B70%.A.in B.by C.at D.on7.Lets discuss only such questions Cconcern everyo

3、ne of us.A.which B.that C.as D.those8.He has to know Dstrong the materials are.A. that B.what C.which D. how9.The Great Wall of China is the biggest structure Aman has ever built.A.that B.which C.where D.when10. Byou go, you can see many buildings.A.Whoever B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whatever11.We are

4、looking forward to Cfrom you soon.A.hear B.heard C.hearing D. hears12.Five yuan Atoo cheap for the dictionary.A.is B.are C.were D.has been13.We should aim at combining beauty and comfort Ca welcoming friendliness.A.to B.in C.with D.for14.We can see an engineer Aa device in the picture.A.adjusting B.

5、adjusts C.adjusted D.adjust15.You are studying at college, B.A.so do we B.so are we C.we are so D.we do so16. Cof the English films are familiar to me. Ive never seen them before.A.Both B.Nothing C.None D.Any17.If the garden is big, some floodlights can be installed. AA.fixed B.produced C.required D

6、.fixture18.Dose your shop supply rebar ? BA.develop B.provide C.settle D.make19.Its our duty to comply with the specification . AA.follow B.complete C.know D.make20.The bigger quantity you order, A.A. the lower price you will be offeredB. the low price you will be offeredC. you will be offered lower

7、 priceD. you will be offer low二、词组互译20%1小区规范 zoning codes2.钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete3.供热设备 the heating system4.人工费 labor cost5.工艺 workmanship6.铸铁管 cast iron pipe7.承包商 contractor8.土木工程 the civil engineering9.工程量清单 the bill of quantities10.建筑师 architect11.tripod 三脚架12.lighting system 照明系统13.site safet

8、y program 工地安全方案14.quality assurance 质量保证15.bank guarantees 银行担保16.material cost 材料费17.technical staff 技术人员18.the layout of the rooms 房屋布局19.town planning rules 城市规划20.office automation system 办公自动系统三、选词填空10%minimum insuranceas wellvaryservesupportapplyfoundationspreadprotectfrom1. Foreign language

9、can serveas a tool. 2. We have to supportthe roof with pillars. 3. Roofs varyin shape from place to place. 4. They are trying to achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimumof labor. 5. He has found a suitable piece of land and an experienced builder as well. 6. As he bought the fire insurance

10、, he didnt suffer severely from the great fire. 7. As indicated the foundationare bases of the building, which play an important part in construction. 8. We should applytheory to practice. 9. The disease is spreadby flies. 10. We should protectfromour plants Athe cold. 四翻译句子(30)1. Materials used for

11、 doors and window frames are timber, iron and aluminum alloys. 用于门、窗框的材料可以是木材、铁、铝合金。2. Steel and concrete are the most widely used structural materials today.钢和混凝土是当前广泛使用的结构材料。3. The Letter of Agreement is a promise of the Contractor to the Employer.协议书是承包商对业主的承诺。4. Each unit price should include ma

12、terial cost, labour cost and machine cost.每个单价应包括材料费、人工费、机械费。5. Now the popular interest in investment is infrastructure and housing development projects.现在的投资热点是基础设施工程和住宅开发工程。6. Style of lamps should match other decoration.灯的样式应与其他装饰相一致。7. The light fixtures should be functional as well as decorati

13、ve.灯具应既体观功能又具有装饰性。8. We cannot expect a stable superstructure without a solid foundation.没有牢固的基础,难以想象会有稳定的上部结构。9. Construction is the translation of a design to reality.施工就是把设计变为现实。10. We supply rebar with various diameters and strength. 我们销售不同的直径和强度的钢筋。 11.I saw some workers working in the site.我看到

14、工人们在工地干活。12. To translate this idea into reality needs hard work.把这一想法变为现实需要艰苦的劳动。13. It is the individual touch that makes a house a home.将房屋布置成个家,各人有各人的做法。14. The manager found the project much behind the schedule.经理发现工程进度落后于计划进度。15. All kinds of electric equipment are installed in modern homes.现代

15、住宅中装有各种电器设备。 五阅读理解(20)(一) Shelter from the natural elements is a basic need. Early people met this need by dwelling in caves and then their descendants began to construct buildings. An ancient building material, timber, is still being used in house building. Improved techniques now overcome many of

16、its weaknesses. The strength of timber is different along and across the grain. Multiple layers are bonded by adhesives to make the grain run in various directions. Durability is improved by better methods of preservation and improved timber does not burn easily. Devices for joining timber structure

17、s have also been improved and they spread the applied load over a wide area. More extensively it is used for joists, rafters, window frames, doors and floors. Timber also has appeal for conservationists because it is renewable.We can plant more trees and manufacture the timber into a usable form. It

18、 involves no pollution of the environment. Clay is used in the form of bricks and tiles. The great advantage of brick construction is its low cost. Clay is cheap and plentiful, and bricks are small enough to be laid easily by hand.Stone is strong and durable. In many respects, it is an ideal buildin

19、g material. However, it is difficult to handle. Stones must be cut from the solid rock in a quarry for use in a large building. All this labor makes stone very expensive and difficult to work with. Stone is used today mainly as a thin outside covering for large buildings and for the decorative walls

20、 and floors of entrance lobbies.Many other kinds of materials besides the basic structural materials are needed for a building. Concrete, steel, glass, alloys, plastics, adhesives and pitch are among them.判断对错 1. There is little room for improvement in the building material. F 2. Trees can not pollu

21、te the environment. T 3. Bricks are made of clay. T 4. Stone is as cheap as bricks. F 5. There are many kinds of building materials. T (二) To cure concrete properly, the exposed surfaces must be kept continually moist form the moment the concrete first begins to set. The concrete must thereafter be

22、kept continually moist for a minimum of 14 days and longer if at all possible.The simplest method of keeping concrete moist is to spray the surface with water at frequent intervals (频繁地). Sand or burlap(麻袋片) can be spread over the surface to help retain moisture. A covering is necessary, in any case

23、, for the first 3 days after placing to protect the concrete from the direct rays(光线) of the sun. Special curing compounds (养护剂)can also be sprayed on the concrete. The spraying should take place as soon as the surface of the concrete has lost its watery appearance. Properly applied, a curing compou

24、nd will allow the concrete to continue curing even after the concrete has been placed in service, as with a concrete highway, for example. Spraying on a curing compound is often the only practical method of curing concrete that has been poured into an unusual shape.A third method of curing concrete

25、is to spread a sheet of polyethylene film or building paper over the surface of the concrete. The polyethylene or building paper should overlap the sides of the exposed concrete. This covering must remain on top of the concrete for the entire curing period. 1. According to the passage, all the exposed surfaces of the concrete must be kept moist, B.A. after the concrete has setB. as soon as the concrete begins to setC. whenever the concrete is placed D. before


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