2020秋高二英语外研版必修5学案:Module 5 The Great Sports Personality SectionⅠ Introduction Reading and Speaking Word版含解析_第1页
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1、module 5the great sports personality体育小知识1.奥林匹克运动会(olympic games),发源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。法国人顾拜旦于19世纪末提出举办现代奥林匹克运动会的倡议。1894年成立奥委会,1896年举办了首届奥运会,1924年举办首届冬奥会,1960年举办首届残奥会,2010年举办首届青奥会。2奥林匹克五环标志:由5个奥林匹克环套接组成,有蓝、黑、红、黄、绿5种颜色。五环的含义是象征五大洲的团结以及全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥林匹克运动会上相见。3奥林匹克格言:更快、更高、更强(swifter,higher,s

2、tronger),在1920年安特卫普奥运会上首次使用,奥林匹克格言充分表达了奥林匹克运动所倡导的不断进取、永不满足的奋斗精神。4奥林匹克会旗:1913年由顾拜旦亲自设计,奥林匹克会旗上面是蓝黑红三环,下面是黄绿两环。5奥运会代表团入场顺序:按东道国语言文字的字母顺序,希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。6世界上第一个奥运冠军是美国人詹姆斯·康诺利,1896年4月6日他在古奥运会的发源地希腊雅典举行的首届奥运会三级跳远的比赛中勇夺金牌,成为1 500多年来首位奥运冠军,并获得了一枚银质奖章和一个橄榄枝。7获得最多奥运冠军的是美国游泳运动员迈克尔·

3、;菲尔普斯,他在2004雅典奥运会上勇夺6枚金牌,在2008年北京奥运会上连夺8枚金牌并且打破了7项世界纪录,在2012年伦敦奥运会上再添4金,共计18枚金牌,成为历史上最伟大的游泳运动员。8中国第一个奥运冠军是中国射击队运动员许海峰,1984年7月29日,他在洛杉矶奥运会男子自选手枪慢射决赛中,以566环成绩勇夺金牌,该金牌是本届奥运会的第一块金牌,也是中国奥运史上的第一块金牌。9马拉松(marathon):全程距离26英里385码,折合为42.195公里(也有说法为42.193公里)。分全程马拉松(full marathon)、半程马拉松(half marathon)和四分马拉松(quar

4、ter marathon)三种。开启快乐学习之旅the most important thing in the olympic games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. coubertin奥运会最重要的不是胜利,而是参与,正如在生活中最重要的事情不是成功,而是奋斗。最本

5、质的事情并不是征服,而是奋力拼搏。顾拜旦模块核心素养导航module 5the great sports personality sectionintroduction & reading and speaking.重点单词1pitch n. (足球、橄榄球等)球场2stadium n. 体育场;运动场3sportswear n. 运动服装;休闲服装4gymnast n. 体操运动员5marathon n. 马拉松6athletics n. 田径运动athlete n运动员athletic adj.运动的,体格健壮的7trainer n运动鞋;教练员train v训练 n火车train

6、ing n训练8retire vi. 退休retired adj.退休的retirement n退休9perform vi.表演;表现performance n表演;表现performer n表演者10background n. 背景11brand n. 商标;牌子12logo n(公司或组织的)标识;标志13advantage n优势;长处disadvantage n劣势;不利之处14guarantee vt. 保证15purchase vt. 购买16designer n设计师design v. & n设计17slogan n. 标语18specific adj.具体的;特定的sp

7、ecifically adv.明确地;准确地19symbol n. 符号.核心短语1as_well_as (除之外)又,不但而且2make_a_list_of 列的清单3be_determined_to_do 下定决心做4compete_with 与竞争5be_made_up_of 由组成6the_number_of 的数量7on_the_increase 正在增加8have_an_advantage_over 比有优势9make_money 挣钱10more_than 超过,多于11together with 和一起12come onto the market 上市13casual clot

8、hes 休闲服;便服14six out of seven 七个中的六个 15sense of failure 失败感 16national market 国内市场17every ten seconds 每十秒18achieve their sporting ambitions 实现他们的体育抱负.经典句式1但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。but it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.2比如,一双耐克鞋的价格可能是同样的李宁牌产品的5倍之多。a pair of

9、 nike trainers,for example,could cost up to five times as much as_ a similar li ning product.3如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。if you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in li ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.4正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位优秀的运动员,“一切皆

10、有可能”。and if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as li ning's advertising slogan says.课文预读a life in sportthey called him the prince of gymnasts. when he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. they included six out of seven gold

11、 medals at the 1982 world championship, and three at the 1984 olympics in los angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze). li ning was the best. when sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, li ning's name was on it, toget

12、her with footballer pele and boxer muhammad ali. but even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, li ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. he was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 seoul olympics.call sb.把某人叫作;称某人为gymnast/'dmnæst

13、/n.体操运动员retire/r'ta/vi.退休retire from从(岗位)退役、退休major adj.主要的;重大的include v包括,包含out of表示“多少中的多少”,如six out of ten十个当中的六个,即十分之六。make a list列表together with.和一起;加之连接两个名词或代词作主语时,由第一个名词或代词确定谓语动词的单复数形式。even though引导让步状语从句,而该让步状语从句又包含一个定语从句:it was possible to win in his sport,修饰everything,省略了引导词that。that引导

14、同位语从句,解释说明feeling的内容。disappointed adj.(人)感到失望的disappointing adj.(事/物)令人失望的perform/p'fm/vi.表现performance n表演(a) sense of.意为“的感觉”。make sb. determined to do sth.使某人决心做某事succeed in在方面取得成功画线部分为强调句型。retirement/r'tamnt/n.退休background/'bækrand/n.背景launch vt.把(新产品、新书)投放市场brand/brænd/n.商

15、标;牌子sportswear/'sptswe/n.运动服装;休闲服装compete with 和竞争giant n大人物;大公司choose.as.选为logo/'l/n.(公司或组织的)标识;标志be made up of 由组成、构成come onto the market 上市at just the right time 在正适当的时候just 用来加强语气。the number of 的数量a number of 大量的;许多on the increase 正在增加advantage/d'vntd/n.优势;长处have an advantage over 比有

16、优势trainer/'tren/n.运动鞋;教练员five times as much as.的5倍,为倍数表达法。guarantee/ærn'ti/vt.保证purchase/'pts/vt.购买every ten seconds 每10秒钟track/træk/n.跑道the athletics track 意为“田径赛场,田径跑道”。pitch/pt/n.(足球、橄榄球等)球场the football pitch 足球场tracksuit/'træksut/n.运动服familiar adj.熟悉的be familiar wi

17、th/to 熟悉/为所熟知the chances are you will.“可能你会”, the chances are后省略了that。designer/d'zn/n.设计师whenever引导让步状语从句;主句用了将来进行时。make money赚钱动词不定式短语作表语。continue to do sth.继续做某事achieve one's ambition实现某人的目标、梦想who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰pele and muhammad ali。as引导非限制性定语从句。slogan/'sln/n.标语译文助读体育人生他们称他为体操王子。他26岁退役时,



20、身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。(李宁的)公司也变得国际化了。西班牙和法国的体操队穿李宁牌服装,同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。当中国体育健儿步入2008年奥运会赛场时,他们将身穿李宁牌运动服。但是,李宁退役后的目标并不是赚钱。他的梦想是开办一所体操学校。1991年,他如愿以偿。从那时起,他不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。像在他之前的贝利和穆罕默德·阿里,他们曾和联合国一起为儿童权利及世界和平工作,李宁发现当一个杰出的运动员退出体坛时,他的工作并没有结束,而是刚刚开始。正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位优秀的运动员,“一切皆有可能”。课文理解step fast

21、 reading1look through the passage quickly and decide if the statements are true or false.(1)in total, li ning won six medals at the 1984 olympics. (t)(2)when li ning retired, his goal was to compete with global giants. (f)(3)pele isn't on the list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the

22、 twentieth century. (f)(4)li ning forgot his sporting background and wanted to compete with global giants like nike and adidas.(f)(5)after retirement, li ning continued his sports life by helping young people achieve their sporting ambitions.(t)2match the following paragraphs with their main ideas.p

23、ara.1ali ning's new careera businessman.para.2 bli ning opened a school for gymnasts.para.3 cli ning's sports clothes are very popular.para.4 dli ning's great achievements in gymnastics.para.5 eli ning's clothes are welcome in the world.答案:para.1d;para.2a;para.3c;para.4e;para.5bstep

24、careful readingread the text carefully and choose the best answer.1what was it that made li ning determined to succeed in his new life?athe great achievements in sports.bthe beginning of his new career.cthe fact of his retirement.dthe sense of failure.答案:d2when he retired,his goal was to _.acompete

25、with global giantsbtell the world that he was able though retiredcmake money to live a better lifedopen a school for gymnasts答案:d3which is true about li ning's slogan “anything is possible”?athe retirement of a sportsman is not the finish of his life or career.bif you are willing to,you also can

26、 be a successful man like li ning.cwe can succeed in anything if we are determined enough.dwe are living in such a changeable world that nothing is impossible to happen.答案:c4from the last paragraph,we can infer _.ali ning's goal wasn't to make moneybli ning would open a schoolcpele and muham

27、mad ali worked in the united nationsdli ning can be regarded as a great sportsman答案:dstep after readingli ning, a famous gymnast, retired at _1_ age of 26. even though he had won 106 gold _2_ (medal) in major competitions across the world, he retired with a feeling that he _3_ (fail). it was this se

28、nse of feeling _4_ made him determined to succeed in his new life. a year after his _5_ (retire), he began to work as a businessman. he launched a new brand of sportswear, _6_ (compete) with global giants like nike and adidas. li ning chose his own name as the brand mark. his sports clothes came _7_

29、 the market at just the right time. the number of young people with money to spend was on the increase. besides, his designs were attractive and his clothes were _8_ (cheap) than his rivals', which guaranteed his success. but li ning's goal when he retired was not to make money. his dream wa

30、s _9_ (open) a school for gymnasts, which _10_ (realize) in 1991. he has been helping young people to achieve their sporting ambitions since then. if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as li ning's advertising slogan says.1the2.medals3.had_failed4.that5.retirement6competing7.ont

31、o8.cheaper9.to_open10was_realized1 派生词:performance n演出;履行;表现performer n演出者;表演者(教材p42)he was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 seoul olympics.因为在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,他非常失望。归纳拓展perform well/badly/poorly 表现得好/不好;运行良好/不好perform one's promise/duty 履行承诺/义务perform an task/operation/

32、experiment 执行任务;做手术/实验perform a role 扮演一个角色give a performance put on a performance 演出品读高考(2017·浙江)what they found was that people wearing white coats performed better than those who weren't.他们发现穿白大褂的人比不穿白大褂的人表现更好。经典例句what delighted the fans was that the young player performed extremely well

33、 in the table tennis tournament.令球迷们欣喜的是那位年轻的球员在乒乓球锦标赛中表现得极为出色。you'd better perform your promise that you have to finish your task on time.你最好履行你按时完成任务的承诺。the doctor needs to perform an operation on him to relieve his pain.医生需要给他做手术以减轻他的痛苦。in the english evening, students will put on a performan

34、ce.在英语晚会上,学生将演出节目。语境串记the old couple has two children, a boy and a girl. their daughter is an excellent performer and she is going to give a performance next week. their son is an excellent doctor, who has to perform many operations every day. therefore, the old couple are very proud of them.这对老夫妇有两

35、个孩子,一个男孩和一个女孩。他们的女儿是个很棒的表演者,她下个星期要表演节目。他们的儿子是位出色的医生,每天都要做很多台手术。因此,这对老夫妇为他们感到骄傲。即学即练单句语法填空once performed (perform), the works of beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.your performance (perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn

36、.listening to music at home is one thing; going to hear it being_performed (perform) live is quite another.2 派生词:disadvantage n劣势;不利之处(教材p42)li ning's designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their better­known rivalsthey were cheaper. 李宁的设计很吸引人,而且比起那些出名的商业对手,它们有一个主要优势它们

37、更便宜。归纳拓展take advantage of 利用,have/gain/win an advantage over sb. 胜过/优于某人,have the advantage of 有的优势,be to one's advantage/disadvantagebe to the advantage/disadvantage of sb.对某人有利/不利,be at an advantage/a disadvantage 处于优/劣势的,put sb. at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位品读高考(2018·江苏)small farmers may g

38、ain some advantages over big ones.小农场主可能胜过大农场主。经典例句we should take advantage of the fine weather to go on a hike.我们应该利用好天气去徒步旅行。a man who can think will always have an advantage over others.会动脑子的人总是会比别人有优势。we have the advantage of good quality and low price.我们有质优价廉的优势。it would be to your advantage to

39、 prepare questions in advance.事先把问题准备好肯定会对你有利。the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages.新技术的缺点大于它的优点。语境串记everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages. for example, tom has the advantage of a good memory, and learning chinese and english is to his advantage. thus, he has an adv

40、antage over others if he can take advantage of his good memory. 每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。例如,汤姆有好的记忆力的优势,学习汉语和英语对他有利。因此,如果他能利用他的好记忆力,他比别人更有优势。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子parents should actively urge their children to take advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.we assess the advantages (advantage) and disadvantage

41、s of decisions all the time.我打算利用这次观光来探究这座城堡的历史。i'm going to take advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.他认为滚动比滑动有明显的优势。he thinks rolling has clear advantages over sliding.3 (教材p42)success for li ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly. 李宁的成功有了保证,而且来势迅猛。归纳拓展(1)guarantee to

42、do sth. 保证做某事guarantee sb. sth.guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人保证某事guarantee sth. for some time 某物保修多长时间guarantee that. 保证guarantee sb./sth.against/from. 保证不受/免遭be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会做某事(2)under guarantee 在保修期内a guarantee of sth. 保证某事give sb. a guarantee that. 向某人保证品读高考(2017·江苏)this complete but

43、 brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old, and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new! 这本完整而简短的历史合集老少皆宜,一定会让读者们乐在其中,而且即便是酷爱历史的人也一定能从中得到一些新鲜的东西。经典例句we guarantee to reply in full within 10 working days.我们保证在10个工作日内悉数回复。buying a train ti

44、cket doesn't guarantee you a seat. buying a train ticket doesn't guarantee a seat to you.买一张火车票并不一定保证你有座位。my colour tv set is only one year old and it is still under guarantee.我的彩电买了只有一年,它仍然在保修期内。a famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。he gave

45、me a guarantee that it would never happen again.他向我保证这种事情绝不会再发生。即学即练单句语法填空we guarantee to_deliver (deliver) your goods within five days.can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finished on time?your watch will be repaired free if it's still under guarantee.(教材p42)the number of young peo

46、ple with money to spend was on the increase and sport had never been so popular. 有钱消费的年轻人数量正在增加而且体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。归纳拓展(1)increase from.to. 由增长到increase by. 增加了increase to. 增加到increase in 在方面增长increase with. 随着而增加(2)on the rise 在上涨,在增加on the decrease 在减少品读高考(2015·全国卷)nus statistics show that over

47、40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacation periods.新加坡国立大学的统计数据显示,超过40%的学生在学期期间被迫工作,假期期间这一数字上升到90%。经典例句traffic accidents are on the increase as a result of the increase of private cars.由于私家车的增加,交通事故也不断增加。compared with last year, our oil output

48、 has increased by 3%.与去年相比,我们的石油产量增加了3%。the number of the students in our school will increase to 9,000 in 2020.我们学校学生的数量在2020年将增加到9 000。disability increases with age.身体机能随着年龄增长而退化。thanks to yuan longping, the rice production in china is on the rise. therefore, the starving people are on the decreas

49、e.多亏了袁隆平,中国的水稻产量在增长。因此,饥饿人口正在减少。名师点津介词on可表示“在情况下,处于状态中”,类似的有:on fire 着火;on holiday在度假;on duty 在值班;on business 在出差;on sale 在出售;on show 在展出;on leave 在休假;on the decline 在衰退中;在下降即学即练单句语法填空the total number has been increased to 20,000.with the production increasing by 30%, our company has made great prog

50、ress.in recent years the country has increased in economic prosperity.his knowledge and experience increase with his days.at present, the number of young people who smoke is on the increase.but it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。本句

51、是一个强调句型,强调的是主语this sense of failure。正常的语序为:but this sense of failure made him determined to succeed in his new life.归纳拓展(1)强调句型可以强调句子的成分通常为主语、宾语、时间状语、地点状语等,一般不强调谓语动词、表语、让步状语等。当强调的是主语时,其谓语动词应和被强调的人和物保持人称、数的一致。强调谓语动词时用“do/does/did动词原形”。(2)强调句型基本结构:陈述句式:it is/was被强调部分that/who(指人)句子其余部分。一般疑问句式:is/was it

52、被强调部分that/who句子其余部分?特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词is/was itthat句子其余部分?(3)含有not.until.的句式:it is/was not until强调部分that非强调部分。(4)强调句型的判断:将强调句结构中的is/was.that/who.去掉,如果句子所剩下的部分不缺少任何成分,仍是一个完整的句子,这个句子就是强调句,否则就是其他从句。品读高考(2018·天津)it was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw lily in the passenger se

53、at. 直到汽车停在我们家门前,我们才看见莉莉坐在副驾驶座位上。经典例句it was when we were returning home that i realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.正是当我们回家的时候我才意识到帮助那些困难中的人是多么好的感受。was it mary that you met in the street yesterday? 昨天你在街上遇见的是玛丽吗?what was it that prevented him from coming on time? 是什么使

54、得他没按时来?bach died in 1750,but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized.巴赫于1750年去世,但是直到19世纪早期他的音乐天赋才被完全承认。即学即练句型转换it is at_the_hotel that the coach picks up tourists.is_it_at_the_hotel_that_the_coach_picks_up_tourists? (改为一般疑问句)where_is_it_that_the_coach_picks

55、_up_tourists? (对画线部分提问)it was the_culture,_rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.was_it_the_culture,_rather_than_the_language,_that_made_it_hard_for_him_to_adapt_to_the_new_environment_abroad? (改为一般疑问句)what_was_it_that_made_it_hard_for_him_to_adap

56、t_to_the_new_environment_abroad? (对画线部分提问)if you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in li ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你就会看到学生们身穿那个印有熟悉标志的李宁运动服。本句中the chances are (that).为固定句型,意为“很可能”,that引导表语从句。句型中的the 和that都可省略,注意chances不能改为单数。归纳拓展there is a/no chance of./that. 有/没有机会have a/no chance of doing/to do sth. 有/没有做某事的机会/可能性by chance/accident 偶然地,意外地by any chance 万一;碰巧take a chance/take chances 冒险;碰运气品读高考(2014·辽宁)chances are that the close sitter doesn'


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