2020秋高二英语外研版必修5学案:Module 4 Carnival Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills Cultural Corner Word版含解析_第1页
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1、module 4carnival section integrating skills & cultural corner.重点单词1era n. 时代;年代2calendar n. 日历;月历3ingredient n. 原料4parade n. (庆祝)游行5landowner n. 地主;土地拥有者6master n. 主人7abolish vt. 废除8magnificent adj. 华丽的;富丽堂皇的9relaxing adj.使人放松的relax v(使)放松relaxed adj.放松的;松弛的relaxation n消遣;娱乐;轻松10tasty adj.美味可口的t

2、aste v有的味道;品尝;尝起来n. 味道;爱好11multicultural adj.多文化的;跨文化的12mark vt.标志(着)13trade n贸易14transport vt.运输;运送transportation n运输;交通15import vt.引进;进口export vt.出口16celebration n庆典;庆祝celebrate vt.庆祝17freedom n自由free adj.自由的freely adv.自由地;随意地18unite vt.联合united adj.联合的union n工会;联盟;联合19origin n起源original adj.起初的;原

3、来的;原先的 n原作;原著.核心短语1consist_of 由组成;由构成2give_up 放弃(想法,尝试等);戒除3more_or_less 或多或少;大约4at_the_same_time 同时5make_fun_of 取笑6take_over 接管7take_part_in 参加,参与8go wild about 对狂热9wash down 冲洗某物;(以水或者饮料)冲咽10walk off 散步消除11by force 用暴力.经典句式1如果可能的话,录下你所说的if possible,_record yourself as you speak.2我宁愿吃一些带巧克力的食品。i

4、9;d rather have something with chocolate.3急需人们在大农场与大种植园干活。there was an immediate need for people to work on them.课文预读课文理解step fast readinglook through the passage quickly and decide if the statements are true or false.1the slave trade lasted more than two hundred years. (t)2walking round a village w

5、earing masks and singing was a british tradition. (f)3musical bands were created for carnival before the slave trade. (f)4the meaning of carnival changed as time went on. (t)step careful readingread the text carefully and choose the best answer.1if you want to learn more about carnival,which culture

6、s should you look at?aasian and european.basian and african.ceuropean and african.damerican and asian.答案:c2when was the slave trade stopped?aat the beginning of the 19th century.bat the end of the 18th century.cat the beginning of the 18th century.dat the end of the 19th century.答案:a3why did the sla

7、ves wear masks and sing when they held their carnival celebrations?abecause their masters did that.bbecause they were forced by their masters.cbecause they thought it could bring good luck.dbecause they thought it was fun.答案:c4which is not true according to the passage?acarnival is a way to unite di

8、fferent communities.bmany visitors all over the world take part in the carnival.ccarnival has become a celebration of life itself.dthe white inhabitants were not welcomed by the former slaves.答案:dstep after readingcarnival today is an international,multicultural experience. but how did it become so?

9、 the _1_ (arrive) of europeans in america,and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant there was _2_ immediate need for people to work on them. this marked the beginning of the slave trade._3_ (natural),the europeans also imported their own festivals. so th

10、e slaves were forced _4_ (watch) as their masters celebrated carnival with food,drink,and masked dances. in trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations.but at the same time they were continuing their own african traditionssuch as walking round a village _5_ (wear) masks and si

11、nginga custom _6_ they thought would bring good luck.when the slave trade _7_ (abolish) in 1838,the former slaves took over the carnival. it became more _8_ (colour) and more exciting than it had been before. magnificent costumes were made and musical bands created. carnival became a celebration of

12、freedom._9_ the passing of time,carnival became a way to unite different communities,as people forgot their everyday problems and enjoyed _10_ (they) eating,drinking,and dancing. carnival has become a celebration of life itself.1arrival2.an3.naturally4.to_watch5.wearing6that/which7.was_abolished8.co

13、lourful9.with10themselves(教材p39)this marked the beginning of the slave trade.这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。归纳拓展(1)be marked with. 标有的标志mark.on. 在上做记号(2)make a mark 做标记full marks 满分get a good/poor mark 得高/低分品读高考(2017·全国卷)it marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.它标志着剧院的75周年纪念。经典例句please mark your new books wi

14、th your names.please mark your names on your new books.请在新书上写上名字。she made a mark on the map to show where her house was.她在地图上做了一个标记,标明她房子的所在地。即学即练(1)写出mark在句中的含义the 3d film marks a major advance in cinematic techniques. 标志着our teachers have got a lot of exam papers to mark at the end of the term. 批阅

15、i can't believe that he got full marks in his midterm exam. 分数(2)单句语法填空i picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday marked (mark) with name and class.he has made marks on the table with a knife.2 (教材p39)this marked the beginning of the slave trade.这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。归纳拓展trade with. 与做生意/交易trade.f

16、or. 用换trade in. 做生意;做买卖品读高考(2017·浙江)silk had become one of the primary goods traded along the silk road by about 100 bc. 到约公元前100年时,丝绸就已成为丝绸之路沿线交易的主要货物之一。经典例句two of a trade seldom agree.同行是冤家。we are trading with the company in computers.我们正在与这家公司做电脑生意。 i'll trade my stamp collection for you

17、r model boat.我想用我搜集的邮票换你的模型船。the famous company trades in furniture.这家著名的公司做家具生意。即学即练单句语法填空our trade with foreign countries is stepping up.my father carries on a trade in silk.it's illegal to trade money for power.1 (教材p35)a food that consists of a tube of skin containing meat mixed with herbs一种

18、把带有香草的肉灌进肠里的食物归纳拓展品读高考(2018·天津)most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting of heat detectors, smoke detectors and sprinklers. 大多数还配有由热探测器、烟雾探测器和喷头组成的自动火灾报警系统。经典例句the medical team consists of/is made up of/is composed of three doctors and six nurses.three doctors and six

19、nurses make up the medical team.这个医疗队由三个医生和六个护士组成。happiness consists in contentment.知足常乐。theory should consist with practice.理论应该和实践相一致。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子listening is thus an active, not a passive behavior consisting (consist) of hearing, understanding and remembering.生活主要是由快乐和悲伤组成,而快乐和悲伤存在于拼搏之中。life m

20、ainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist in struggle.消息与报纸上说的一致。the information consists with what is said in the newspaper.2 (教材p39)when the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival. 当1838年奴隶贸易被废止的时候,先前的奴隶沿袭了狂欢节。归纳拓展go over 复习get ov

21、er 克服think over 深思熟虑turn over 翻转品读高考(2017·天津)the idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here.政府将接管无人驾驶汽车,并将其视为公共产品的想法,在这里绝对行不通。经典例句when mr green retired, his son took over the business from him.格林先生退休后,他儿子接管了他的生意。to

22、get a better grade, you should go over the notes again before the test.为了取得好成绩,在考试之前你应该再复习一下笔记。we had to get over many difficulties before we made it.我们必须克服很多困难才能成功。即学即练完成句子她生病时,她女儿接管了她的生意。when she fell ill her daughter took over the business from her.贝蒂把卡片翻过来,读上面的文字。betty turned over the card and r

23、ead the words on it.你会反复考虑他的建议吗?will you think over what he has proposed?本句中would rather表示“宁愿”,其常见结构:would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做某事。归纳拓展would rather 其他常见结构:,would rather do sth. than do sth.would do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿也不愿;与其倒不如,would rather sb. did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(对现在和将来的虚拟),would rather sb

24、. had done sth. 宁愿某人做过某事(对过去的虚拟)品读高考(2014·陕西)we would rather our daughter stayed at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.我们宁愿我们的女儿和我们一起待在家里,但那是她的选择,她已经不再是一个小孩子了。经典例句he would rather die than surrender.he would die rather than surrender.他宁死不屈。i'd rather she sa

25、t next to me.我宁愿她挨着我坐。i'd rather you had been present.我宁愿你当时在场。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子don't come tomorrow. i'd rather you came (come) next weekend.i'd rather you had_gone (go) to the film yesterdayit was so wonderful.我宁愿出去散步也不愿待在家里。i would rather go out for a walk than stay at home. there wa

26、s an immediate need for people to work on them.急需人们在大农场与大种植园干活。本句为“there is a(n).need/no need (for sb.) to do sth.”句型,意为“(对某人来说)做是有/没有必要的”。need也可以被some,any,no,(not) much,little,great等修饰。归纳拓展there is/was(no) possibility/chance to do sth./of doing sth./that.(没)有可能做there is some/no trouble/difficulty (

27、in) doing/with sth.做某事有/没有困难there is no doubt that.毫无疑问there is no sense/use/good/point (in) doing sth.做某事没有道理/用处/好处/意义there is/was no time to do.没有时间做品读高考(2013·全国卷)when tea got popular in britain, there was a crying need for good cups with handles to suit british habits.当茶在英国流行起来的时候,人们迫切需要好的带柄

28、的茶杯来适应英国人的习惯。经典例句there is an urgent need for the government to take measures to solve the problem.政府急需采取措施来解决这一问题。there is no need to tell me your answer now. give it some thought and then let me know.现在没有必要告诉我你的答案。思考一下,然后告诉我。there is no doubt that china has made great progress in space exploration.

29、毫无疑问,中国在探索太空方面已经取得了巨大进步。in my opinion, there is no point discussing this issue.在我看来,讨论这件事是没有意义的。名师点津it is no wonder (that).no wonder (that).(难怪,一点儿也不奇怪)。在这个句式中,只能用it作形式主语,不能用there。即学即练单句语法填空it is only five minutes' walk,so there is no need to_hurry (hurry) to the station.there is no time to_watc

30、h (watch) tv;i must do my homework first.there is no doubt that you will be able to judge truth and error if you have confidence in yourself.单词拼写1the land belongs to him. that is to say, he is the landowner of the land. 2these kinds of apples are more expensive because they are imported from abroad.

31、3abraham lincoln abolished slavery in the united states in 1865, which meant all the slaves were free.4the meals cooked by experts are very tasty and i like them very much.5he enjoyed complete freedom to do as he wished. 6never forget that we live in a multicultural (多文化的)society. 7the summer palace

32、 is so magnificent (华丽的)that it attracts a lot of tourists.8i checked my calendar (日历)just now and found i already had an appointment that afternoon.9the crisis had a negative effect on trade (贸易). 10the dog followed closely behind his master (主人).用方框中短语的适当形式填空consist of;give up;go wild about;more or less;at the same time;wash down


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