



1、小升初英语突击训练系列试卷六、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不冋的单词。(4分)()1.A.gameB. gradeC. haveD. pla ne()2.A.seeB.needC. gree nD. eraser()3.A.babyB. anyC.goodbyeD. strawberry()4.A.bikeB. fineC. beh indD. differe nt()5.A.classB. fatherC. familyD.dance()6.A.boatB. coatC. homeD. doll _()7.A. thoseB. thereC. threeD. that()8.A.lookB.

2、footballC. bedroomD. broom7. No.3 Primary School_ 8.a small house_9. my favourite colour_ 1O.take a bus_ 四、 选择填空。 (10分)()1. Please write eleve n nu mbers_ 15_25.A. to; to B. betwee n; and C. from; to D. at; the()2. The skirts are for_.A. you and me B. you and I C. I and you D. me and you()3. Is ever

3、y_here, Lin Tao?A. studentB. students C. students D. students()4. Put this watch on the desk and put that_ on the floor.A. it B. one C. ones D. ones()5.My friend and I_draw pictures beh ind my house.A. are B. like C. like to D. likes to()6._ do you spell your n ame, please?A. How B. What C. Who D. W

4、hose()7. Now class, its_ class.A. time to B. time for C. time D. time to go()8. Would you like to go the zoo_me?A. with B. to C. onD. and()9. Look at the cat._n ame is Kitty.二、按要求写出下列单词。(10分)1._ photo(近义词)_3._ two(同音词)_5._ China(形容词)_2.small(反义词)_4._number(缩略)_6._strawberry(复数)_三、完成下列词组(英汉互译)。(10分)1

5、.在邮局_3._看黑板_2.一张中国地图_4.穿黄色衣服的妇女_6.look after_A. Its B. Its C. It D. Is()10. The stude nts of our class want to_ some flowers_ ourEn glish teacher.A. give; to B. take; to C. get; with D. look; at五、按要求改写句子。(6分)1.Read in bed.(改为否定句)2.Its six twenty-five.(对画线部分提问)3.The boy in the red shirt is Tom.( _对画线

6、部分提问)4.Class One has a map on the wall.(意思不变,另写一句)mother.七、阅读。(20分)1.阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)Dad: Which dog do you like?John: I like the black dog. It is taller than the white one.Dad: Do you like the shorter brow n one?John: I think I like the taller dog. Its stronger.Dad: I like the white dog. Its younger.

7、 Its tail is 6 cm long.Joh n: The black dog is taller tha n the brow n on e. I thi nk it is 30 cm tall.Dad: I think the brow n dog is only 20 cm tall.John: Can I get a new dog? Im older now.Dad: No, you have two dongs already!()(1)John likes the black dog.()(2)The black dog is taller tha n thewhite

8、one.六、读句子,从II栏中找出正确的应答语并将序号与在I)1. How is your gran dpa?)2. May I come in?)3. Are we all here?)4. How much are they?)5. What a beautiful doll it is!)6. Is it my turn to dance?)7. How about this one?)8. What time is it now?I栏题前括号内。(10分)(A. Two hun dredB.ItC. Sure. ItD. Yes, please.E. ItF. Come in, ple

9、aseG. ItH. Fine. Thanks.nice.yua n.But I dont like the colour. s overthere.s about nine thirty.s nin ety-three)9. Can you showme t he way t o Zhongshan park? I. No, Pingping is ill at home.)10. Whats thirty-three and sixty?J. Thanks, its a birthday present from my()(3)The black dog is taller tha n t

10、hebrow none.()(4)The brown dog is only 30 cm tall.()(5) John dont like the taller dog.2阅读短文,选择正确答案。My n ame is Zhang Hai. I am thirtee n years old. I am from Chi na. Now I live in Sydn ey. My fatheris a doctor and my mother is a nurse. I am studying in a primary school. I cant speak English very wel

11、l.But my Australian friends often help me. They are very friendly.Please look over there. Its myclassroom. Its very nice. There are six big windowsand twodoors in it. Theteachers desk is in the front. There are somered flowers on it. Theflowers are for ourteachers. Twenty-five chairs andtwenty-five

12、desksare in front of the teachers desk. Each(每一个)pupilhas a desk and a chair. Four shelves are in the classroom. There are manyoooks on the shelves. Lookat the walls. They are yellow. There are some beautiful pictures on them.I like my classroom very much.()(1) Zha ng Hai comes from_ .A. China B. Au

13、straliaC. Syd ney()(2) Zhang Hai is a_ .A. doctor B. nurseC. pupil()(3) There are some_ on the teachers desk.A. booksB. flowers C. pictures()(4) There are_ pupils in Zhang Hais class.A. twentyB. twen ty-fiveC. twen ty-six()(5) There are many books on the_ .A. wallsB. desksC. shelves参考答案C D C D C D C D_、1. picture 2. big 3. too 4. No 5. Chi nese6. strawberries 7. do not 8. woma n 9. we 10. his三、1. at the post office 2. a map of China 3. look at the blackboard4. a woma n in yellow clothes 5. have an En glish less on6.照顾7.第三小学8.一所小房子9


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