



1、课时作业(二十)Traffic Jam交通堵塞1.Haveyoumovedinto_No,thebuildingisunder office?_con structi on.a;theB.the;/;theD./;/Lets invite Li Dong to go with us,OK?_ The more the happier.A.Why not?B.No way!C.So WhatD.How come?3.Mary and I took a taxi to go home from Janes brithday party last night and we sha

2、redthe_.A.moneyC.rece ipt4.I won der if it would bewith you.A.C.convenientvaca ntB.fareD.fine_to visit you n ext Mon dayhave got someth ing to con sultB.comfortableD.handythe texteverybody else, listen carefully and see whether ingD.read6.In gen eral it is failure that en c

3、ourages us to work harder whichA.occasi on allyB.freque ntlyC.eve ntuallyD.purp osefully7. How will heto such a straightforward an swer?5.Li Mi ng , _pronun ciati on is correct.leads to success.I am not sure.Maybe, he is very satisfied. A.reactB.reflectC.referD.relate8. I won der if you could lend m

4、e some ink.It is a pity that mi ne is_A.C.9.A.C.using upB.running outgiving upD.pu tt ing outTwo old men were p layi ng chess in the park with treespro vidi videdto p rovideD.p rovidea meeti ng betwee n 3 and 5 this after noon. Should anyone call,ask him toshade.10.I_leave a message.A.C.11.w

5、ill have was hav ingEven if you disagree with_worth_.B.haveD.will be hav ingher,I must say that her idea is more practical andA.better;being considered C.more;to consider D.B.more;to be consideredbetter;consideringexp erienee.A.for a the wayC.on the other handD.sooner or later14.Cookies_li

6、ke differe nt kinds of ani mals app eal to small childre n very much.A.sha pingB.sha be sha pedD.hav ing sha ped15.The motorway was closed because of fog as a result we had to find anA.imp ressiveB.effectiveC.aggressiveD.alter nativen .阅读理解“Few things help an in dividual more tha n to pl ace

7、 res pon sibility upon him,and let him knowthat you trust him.”These words are from the black American educator,Booker Washington.He was sayingthat“If you want people to grow up, you have to stop treating them like childre n.”In America,families are close but childre n are en couraged to be indepen

8、den to make their own decisions,even at a very early aget s not unusual for a child of seven to be given an allowa nee (津贴)every week.Thechild is en couraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choospfor example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs.Some teenagers e

9、ven have their own credit cards! Thats a bigresponsibility since even adults are temp ted toovers pend whe n they have credit cards.From an early age, American children are asked for their opinions and they are included in familydecision-making.At the dinner table,teenagerswill be listened to on any

10、 topic,from politics to buying anew family car or where the family will go on vacationn this way,teenagers are gett ing p ractice inbeco ming in dividuals they are lear ning how to sta nd on their own two feet.Many Chin ese young people are beco ming almost as in terested as America n tee ns in sear

11、chi ng forindependen ce.They want to exp ress those qualities that make them unique huma n beings.You can see this inthe way they dress, the music they listen to and the friends they choose.“Super Girl”Li Yuchun caughtthe imagination of Chinese teenagers on the“Super Girl”television contest.Shewas n

12、ot the traditional“nice,young Chinese girl” .With her short,sp iky hair and boy-like clothes,she was telli ng everyone that she was differe nt.She had the courage to be her own person and to sta nd on her own two feet.and she won!There is an old say ing“Every one should carefully observe which way h

13、is heart draws him and thenchoose that way with all his strength.”If you do this,step by step, over a period of time,you may findthat you have become the person you always wan ted to be.The passage is inten ded to en courage the youth to_ .savemoney for useful thi ngsbecome independentexpress their

14、great ambiti ons make imp orta nt decisi ons A child of seve n is give n an allowa neesothat he can_.beacce pted as a popu lar guy12.time.A.C.13.on our own efforts,we overcame all the difficulties and finished the task onRelyB.ReliedRelyingD.To relyTom should not be sent to carry out the taks,he has

15、n t had eno ughroute.1.A.B.C.D.2.A.lear n to decide how to use money overs pend money without care have school supp lies of his ownThe author imp lies that many Chin ese childre n are more independent tha n America ns should becomein terested in America are happy with their p rese nt situati on are

16、not satisfied to be nice quietonesThe main idea of the last p aragra ph is_that we should do thi ngs ste p by ste p why we should un dersta nd our desires what we should planfor our own life how we can man age to realize our dreamsAsshooti ng in cide nts,I thi nk it should be con trolled more strict

17、ly tha n no w.Somebody saidthat the person who has it in mind to kill another can do it without a gun, so the causes of murdersare not guns but the trend of des pising (蔑视)life in the US.A nd they also in sist that thereis noclearevidenee that the increasing number of murders is connected with posse

18、ssionof guns, so the personal rightsshould not be restricted by the reas on that there is not eno ugh evide nee.Several mon ths ago I agreed with that p artly.But as we know,the p rivate groups like NRA have usedthe p ublic opinion and p ersuaded the gover nment to p rotect thir p rofit.Other wea po

19、ns such as knives,razors, bats are made for their own usage.But guns are made for only one reason to kill some on e.Of course,there are people who have guns to p rotect themselves from the crim in als.But crime is gett ing more crueland severe no wadays so actually eve n if some one has a gun,it is

20、imp ossible to guard himself comp letely.As a substitute, I thi nk,if the p ossessi on of guns is con trolled more strictly people can livesafer lives tha n n -ow.There are other reas on sto oppose the gun con trol p ossessi on of guns is historicalin herita nee (继承)and rep rese nts that people s re

21、sista nee will beaga inst tyra nni cal专 制的)government),but none of them can justify and explain today s serious situation in the US.5.A.C.6.A.B.C.D.7.A.B.C.D.8.A.knivesC.knives and gunsB.C.D.3.A.B.C.D.4.A.B.C.(2009年安徽名校联考,D)a foreigner,I dont know the situation in the US well.Seeing all kinds of rec

22、entThe writers purp ose is to give his opinion about_.personal possessions B.American culture personal rights D.gun controlWhich of the follow ing supp orts the writers opinion?The causes of crime are not guns.People are accustomed to hav ing guns.People can live a safer life without guns.Guns are u

23、sed for self-defe nee.What is the curre nt situati on in the US?The nu mber of murders is rising.Every one in the US p ossesses a gun.NRA has ruled over the coun try.No evide nee is available after a crime.According to the writer, _should be banned n the society.B.gunsD.knives,razors and batsI.单项填空1

24、.B第一空表特指用定冠词the;第二空under construction为固定短语,意为“在建 设中”2.A why not为什么不呢;no way没门;so what那又怎样;how come为什么呢。上 句意为:“我们邀请李东和我们一起去吧,怎么样? ”根据答语后句“人越多,越开心”, 可知选A。3.B fare车费;money钱;receipt收据;fine罚款。根据句意“我和玛丽一起从简 的生日晚会乘出租车回家,我们平摊了车费 ”,可知选B。4.A convenient方便的;comfortable舒服的;vacant空的,空缺的;handy近便的, 便于使用的。句意为:我想知道下周

25、去拜访您是否方便。我有点事情向您咨询。5.D根据Li Ming后的逗号,可知Li Ming为称呼语。本句是一个祈使句,应用动 词原形read句意为:李明,读一下这篇课文。其他同学仔细听,看看他的发音是否正确。6.C eve ntually最后;终于;occasi on ally偶尔;freque ntly经常地,屡次地;purpo sefully有目的地。句意为:通常,是失败鼓励我们更加努力工作,最终取得成功。7.A react反应;reflect反映,反射;refer涉及;relate和. 有关。句意为:他会对如此直率的回答作出什么反应呢?我吃不准。或许,他非常满意。8.B use up和r

26、un out都有“用光;用尽”的意思,但物作主语时,use up要用被动 语态。give up放弃;put out扔掉、扑灭,均不合题意。句意为:不知你能否借给我点儿墨 水?很遗憾我的快用完了。9.A本题考查with复合结构。Provide提供;trees和provide之间是主动关系,因此 用动词-ing形式。句意为:两位老人正在公园的树阴下面下棋。10. D根据时间状语between 3 and 5 this afternoor可知是在将来某段时间内正在进行 的动作,故用将来进行时。句意为:我今天下午三点到五点开会。如果有人打电话,请他 留言。11. D be worth值得. ,用副词w

27、ell修饰,比较级为better;worth后跟动词-ing形式表示被动意义。12.C rely on依靠;依赖,与主语we之间是主动关系,因此用动词-ing形式短语作 状语。句意为:我们依靠自己的力量,克服了一切困难,并按时完成了任务。13.A for a start首先;第一,用于强调所叙述的一系列事实、观点中的第一条。by the way顺便说;on the other hand另一方面;sooner or later迟早。句意为:汤姆不应该被派去 执行这项任务,首先他没有足够的经验。14.B shape使成为形状,与Cookies之间是动宾关系,因此用动词-ed形式作定 语。to be

28、 shaped表示尚未发生的动作。句意为:做成各种动物形状的饼干对儿童有很大吸 引力。15.D alternative替换的;供选择的;impressive给人印象深刻的;effective有效的;aggressive进攻的,挑衅的。根据句意“由于有雾,高速公路被封闭了,我们不得不改走别 的路线”,可知选D。n .阅读理解【语篇解读】生活中几乎没有东西比责任更重要,更能够帮助别人,并让别人觉得你信任他。作者通过介绍美国人教育孩子的方式来论证这个道理并指出中国的年轻人也开 始追求独立。1.B写作意图推断题。 文中第二段中的 “In America, families are close but children are encouragedto be independent和第四段中的 “Many Chinese young people are becoming almost as in terested as American tee ns in searchi


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