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1、必修1 Unit1 课时作业(一) Friendship 友谊.单项填空1Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs,the Customs official stopped him and_his suitcase,but found nothing at all.Alooked upBwent throughCsearched for Dreferred to2What were you so_?My sons not passing the college entrance examination_me most.Aupset;upset abou

2、t Bupset about;upsetCupset for;upset Dupset;upset3Would you like to drink some coffee with some sugar or milk?Oh,Id like some milk_the coffee.Aadded on Badded toCadded up to Dadded up4He made an apology_be blamed_what he had done.Its really wise of him.Aso as to not;of Bin order not to;forCas to not

3、 so;for Din order not to;of5Having retired,he_the club for old men and plays chess every day there.Ajoins Btakes partCattends Dparticipates6After_series of unsuccessful attempts,he has finally passed_driving test.A/;the Ba;theCthe;aD/;a7So you didnt say hello to her last night?Well,I stopped and smi

4、led when I saw her,but she_me and walked on.Aignored BrefusedCdeniedDmissed8The doctor told Jacks mother that it would not take him long to_from his illness.Asuffer BseparateCescapeDrecover9My sister is very upset today.Its your fault.You_the bad news to her yesterday.Ashould tell Bshould have toldC

5、shouldnt have told Dmust tell10There was_time_Iraq was one of the richest countries in the world.Aa;when Ba;thatCthe;that Dthe;when11Tom said that Mr Johnson was unfair to him.I really wonder how he_that to the teacher.Adare to say Bdare sayingCnot dare say Ddared say12The old lady lives in a_villag

6、e far away from the city.She lives_but she doesnt feel_.Alonely;lonely;alone Balone;alone;lonelyClonely;alone;lonely Dalone;lonely;alone13It was after he got what he had wanted_he realized it was not so important.Athat BwhenCsinceDas14They_with each other for many years before they_.Ahad been in lov

7、e;got marriedBfell in love;got marriedChad fell in love;marriedDlove;go married15(2008年全国卷)Sorry,I made a mistake again._.Practice more and youll succeed.ANever mind BCertainly notCNot at allDDont mention it.完形填空(2010届武汉重点中学高三联考)It was a busy morning,approximately 830 am.,when an elderly gentleman i

8、n his 80s arrived to have stitches (手术缝线)_1_from his thumb.He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 900 am.I took his vital signs (健康状况征兆) and had him take a seat,_2_it would be over an hour_3_someone would be able to see him.I saw him look at his_4_and decided,since I was not bu

9、sy with another patient,I would_5_his wound.On exam,it well healed,so I talked to one of the doctors,got the needed_6_to take his sutures (缝合线) away and redress his wound.While taking care of his wound,we began to_7_in conversation.I asked him if he had another doctors_8_this morning,as he was in su

10、ch a hurry.The gentleman told me no,but he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.I then asked about her_9_.He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a_10_of Alzheimers Disease (老年痴呆症)As we talked,I asked if she would be_11_if he was a bit late.He repli

11、ed that she had not_12_him for five years.I was surprised,and asked him,“And you still go there every morning,_13_she doesnt know who you are?” He_14_as he patted my hand and said,“She doesnt know me,_15_I still know who she is.” I had to_16_tears as he left,thinking,“ Thats the kind of love I want

12、in my_17_.”True love is not just romantic.True love is an acceptance of all that is,has been,will be and will not be.The happiest people dont_18_have the best of everything;they just_19_the best of everything they have.Life isnt about how to_20_the storm,but how to dance in the rain.1.A.moved Bprote

13、ctedCseparated Dremoved2A.knowing BhopingCexpecting Dimaging3A.unless BuntilCbefore Dwhen4A.wound Bwatch Cthumb Dhand5A.cover BcureCcheck Dheal6A.supplies Bmedicine Cservices Doperations7A.join Bengage Cinclude Dbreak8.A.appointment BremarkCwarning Dadvice9A.information Btreatment Cposition Dhealth1

14、0A.victim BloserCwinner Dmodel11A.serious BcuriousCupset Dhappy12A.realized Bseen Crecognized Dminded13A.as if Beven thoughCnow that Din case14A.smiled Bagreed Cshouted Dwhispered15A.and BsoCas Dbut16A.burst into Bshut downChold back Dtake back17A.work BexperienceClife Dday18A.completely Bnecessaril

15、yCsteadily Dgenerally19A.take Bmake Cshare Dgive20A.compete BpreventCobey Dsurvive.阅读理解(2010届英语周报第1期)At eighteen years of age,I flew up to San Francisco to meet a pen pal who I had written to for over a year.The first thing we did when we got home was to bake (烘焙) chocolate chip cookies,and our stro

16、ng_ties were formed.From laughing at the burnt cookies,to eating the chocolate chips instead of putting them in the dough (生面团),it was fantastic.We became best friends.Twelve years later,we still reflect on that moment,and laugh with silliness and joy.Fast forward to 2003,I was in my first month of

17、training in radiation oncology (放射肿瘤学),and scared.I was in a new city,alone,and afraid of having to make a new start.One patient that we were treating used to come into the department with freshly baked goods for everyone once a week with a smile on her face.She was treated with a really tough regim

18、en (疗法) for her cancer,yet she still overcame the pain and exhaustion (精疲力竭) to bake for the department.I once asked her why,and she said it gave her purpose and meaning.This purpose was far greater for me than a simple cookie.I really didnt know how to bake,and I told her that.She then invited me t

19、o her home for lessons.With her as a guide I learned some of the art of baking.While baking we talked about life,regrets,and dreams.We soon became very close friends.A few weeks later,her husband came to the department and gave me a large box with a handwritten note.I opened the box.Inside was a Kit

20、chen Aid mixer,and the note saying,“Please remember me when you bake,keep at it and youll change the world.” He told me that her cancer had spread.She was in her final stages of life.I cried and cried.It was simply the most generous gift that I had ever received.1What do the underlined words “strong

21、 ties” in Paragraph 1 refer to?ACooking skills. BClose friendship.CFirst impression. DExercise program.2Which of the following can be used to describe the patient?AHonest and loyal.BClever and active.CWarm­hearted and generous.DConfident and independent.3The underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer

22、s to_.Athe tough regimenBbaking for the departmentCthe pain and exhaustionDthe cancer4After receiving the gift,the author probably felt_.Avery pleased and honoredBa bit disappointed and confusedCquite excited and satisfiedDdeeply moved and sad5Which of the following can be the best title for the pas

23、sage?ABaking can build a friendshipBA friend is a second selfCWhen your friends face difficultyDFine art of making friends.短文填词Although school education is very important and useful,not everything is learned at school.A teacher,no matter_much he knows,always find1._himself_(不能够) to teach his student

24、s 2._everything they want to know.A teachers job is showing his students the way_they acquire knowledge.3._He shows them how to read and think.O_4._when students know the way to learn can they learn what is taught at school and what they experience o_school 5._by the students_.It is always more impo

25、rtant 6._to know how to teach oneself than to remember some facts.Great scientists,_as Einstein and Newton,worked 7._hard all their lives,w_not a single moment.8._That is why they were all so_(成功)They 9._would ask as many questions as they read and to prove something true they did thousands of_(实验).

26、10._.单项填空1Bgo through仔细检查,符合题意。look up查询;查找,其宾语为要搜寻的内容;search for搜查某处以寻找,其宾语为要搜寻的内容;refer to查阅;提到。2B第一空应该用形容词,即be upset about/over/at.,意为“对感到难过的”,其宾语为疑问词what;第二个空upset用做动词,意为“使难过”。3Badd sth.to sth.意为“将某物加到某物中”,此处是将牛奶加入咖啡里,符合题意。4Bin order to/so as to的否定形式是在不定式符号to前面加not;balme sb.for sth.为固定搭配,意为“因某事责

27、备某人”。5Ajoin指参加某一组织、团体并成为其中一员。take part后接宾语时需加介词in;attend意为“参加”时,侧重于会议、讲座、上课等;participate是不及物动词,表示“参加”活动,需搭配介词in。6B考查冠词。a series of是固定短语,意为“一系列;一连串”,所以第一空用不定冠词a;第二空用定冠词the,特指驾驶考试。句意为:经过连续几次的失败,他最终通过了驾驶考试。7A考查动词辨析。ignore不理睬;忽视。句意为:“昨晚你没有向她打招呼?”“唉,我看到她时便停下来朝她笑了笑,但她没有理我,一直往前走了。”refuse拒绝;deny拒绝给予,否认;miss

28、错过。8D考查动词辨析。recover意为“痊愈,恢复”,常和from连用。句意为:医生告诉Jack的妈妈不用多久他就会痊愈的。suffer from遭受(痛苦、疾病、损失等);separate from分离,分开;escape from从中逃脱。9C你昨天本来不应该把坏消息告诉她。10A本题考查定语从句。a time指“一段时期”,是先行词,关系副词用when。11Ddare是情态动词,它的过去式是dared,后接动词原形。dared作行为动词时,要用dare to do sth.,行为动词有数的变化,这句话的主语是he,其谓语的正确形式应该是dared to say。12C选项中前一个lo

29、nely意为“偏远的”;后一个lonely意为“寂寞的”,指心理状态。而alone指客观上“独自一个”,此处为副词。13A该句为强调句,强调了句子的时间状语after he got what he had wanted,强调句的结构是It is/was被强调部分that/who句子的其余成分。14A本题考查fall in love与be in love的区别。fall in love为短暂性动词短语,不能与for many years连用,排除B和C项;D项“love”时态错误。15A考查交际用语。“Certainly not”常表不许可;“Not at all”常用于客套话,表不客气之意;“

30、Dont mention it”常用来回答别人的感谢;“Never mind”常用来回答道歉,表别介意、没关系、不要紧。.完形填空【语篇解读】本文为记叙文,讲述了作者在诊所中与一位就诊老人的对话。老人对妻子的爱使作者懂得“生命的意义在于如何在雨中起舞”。1D此处意为:将他拇指上的手术缝线拆除,remove去掉,符合语境。该题同时考查了have sth.done的用法。2A现在分词knowing在此作伴随状语,表示“知道”,符合语意:我查看了他的生命体征,并让他坐下,知道一个小时后才会有人给他处理。3Cit would be时间段before从句,表示多长时间后才会。4B他不停地看手表,上文的i

31、n a hurry有暗示,从下文“我”决定为他处理伤口也可以推出答案。5C这里是指“我”决定检查他的伤口,从第三段可知答案。6A“我”拿了手术必需品,给他拆除手术缝线并处理他的伤口。supply必需品,符合语境。7B在处理他的伤口的时候,我们开始了谈话。engage in参加,从事,符合语境。join加入,include包括,break打破,都不符合语境。8A上文提到他说自己另外有约会,故作者这样问他。9D根据下文老人对妻子健康状况的介绍可知,“我”问的是老人妻子的身体状况如何。10A老人的妻子是老年痴呆症患者。victim受害者,罹病者。11C“我”问老人,如果迟到一会儿,她会不会不高兴。u

32、pset不高兴,难过,符合语境。12Crecognize sb.认出某人。由下文的She doesnt know me可知答案。13Beven though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句。即使她不认得你了,你还天天早晨去看她?14Asmile表明一种态度,即快乐,他微笑着并拍着“我”的手说。15D前后为转折关系。“她不认得我了,但我还认识她啊!”16C老人离开的时候,“我”强忍住泪水,心想,“这就是我的人生中想得到的爱啊。”17C18Bnecessarily必要地,必需地。最快乐的人并不一定拥有一切美好的事物。19Bmake the best of尽力而为,是固定搭配。20Dsurvive幸存,

33、挺过。生命(的意义)不在于如何度过风雨,而是如何在雨中起舞。这是作者感悟的一个升华。.阅读理解【语篇解读】友情有时候是“烘焙”而成的,作者的两段友情就都与“烘焙”有关。1B词义推断题。根据第一段第四句We became best friends可推断,strong ties可能是指“紧密的友谊”。tie此处意为“关系”。2C推理判断题。那位病人不顾自己的病痛,坚持为医生们制作小点心,而且主动邀请作者到家里学习烘焙,可见她很热心,很慷慨。3B指代题。从第二段最后两句话可知此处的it指代“为医生们烘焙点心”。4D推理判断题。收到这样一个特殊的礼物,作者一定会非常感动;根据文章倒数第二句I crie

34、d and cried可知,作者当时非常难过。5A标题归纳题。作者讲了两个关于友谊的故事,都与烘焙点心有关,A项标题准确地概括了全文。.短文填词1how2.unable3.that4.Only5.outside6themselves7.such8.wasting9.successful10.experiments必修1 Unit 2 课时作业(二) English around the world 世界上的英语.单项填空1It is so nice to hear from her._,we last met more than thirty years ago.AWhats moreBTha

35、t is to sayCIn other words DBelieve it or not2Our Party has always devoted great attention to raising the living_of the working people.Acost BsituationClevel Dstandard3It turned out that one of the children I thought a girl was_a boy.Aspecially BusuallyCespecially Dactually4I didnt_my primary school

36、 classmate Jane until I listened to her self­introduction.Aknow BrecognizeCfind Drealize5It is the fourth time that she_you in a week.Arings Bhas rungChas been ringing Dis ringing6I will never understand how it_that you were an hour late on such a short journey.Acame over Bcame outCcame up Dcam

37、e about7Go for a trip to Qingdao,OK?_.Id like to see the sea.AI couldnt agree more BIm afraid notCI believe not DI dont think so8The open­air celebration has been put off_the bad weather.Ain case of Bin spite ofCinstead of Dbecause of9The manager requested that no one_of his decision until the

38、next meeting.Awould tell BtoldCbe told Dwould be told10His_was so strong that I couldnt understand a word he was saying.Anoise BvoiceCaccent Dsound11After long and hard work,the police at last discovered the_of the baby found by the side of a road.Adialect BidentityCsituation Dcondition12You should_

39、any opportunities you have to practise English.Amake use of Bplay a part inCget along with Dmake fun of13Tom is wise enough to achieve his success.But in my opinion,he is_than wise.Aluckier Bmore luckyCmuch luckier Drather lucky14Your story is perfect;Ive never heard_before.Athe better one Bthe best

40、 oneCa better one Da good one15“Be careful;do not stand_to the fire,Jim,” Mrs Thompson said to her little son.Aclose BcloselyCclosed Dclosing.阅读理解(2010年安徽两地三校联考)LHAY­LES­ROSES,France:Three teenage girls admitted starting a fire in a suburban Paris housing project over the weekend that kill

41、ed 17 people,including three children,police said yesterday.A fourth girl was held yesterday morning.The fire in a 19­storey building south of Paris was the third fatal blaze in the Paris area in nine days.The death toll rose to 16 after a man died last Sunday in a hospital,where seven others w

42、ere being treated for serious injuries,police said.Three teenagers taken in for questioning on Sunday admitted having started the fire for fun,police said.Two of the suspects were 18­year­old,the other was 16,police said.Further details were not available.Witnesses claimed to have seen a g

43、roup of youths who lived in the building start the fire,said Patrick Seve,mayor of the town of LHAY­LES­ROSES,near Orly airport,where the building was located.The fire is believed to have broken out in the lobby (门厅) of the building before raging up a stairwell at least three floors.Some r

44、esidents jumped from windows as the fire spread through the buildings entrance.Authorities were investigating possible criminals in an August 26 fire that killed 14 African children and three adults in a Paris apartment building.Three days later,another fire killed seven in a building.Interior Minis

45、ter Nicolas Sarkozy suggested on French television on Sunday night that copycats (盲目模仿者) were at work.“Each time there is a new story,sometimes that gives ideas to people who then turn into criminals,” Sarkozy said,promising severe punishment for anyone found guilty of arson (纵火)1What can we learn f

46、rom the first two paragraphs?AThree girls were caught setting fire to a building.BThe fourth girl wasnt present when the fire broke out.CAll the people lost their lives before police came.DParis was troubled by fire during that period.2Why did the teenagers start the fire?AThey were interested in pl

47、aying with fire.BThey wanted to make fun of their parents.CThey were not satisfied with the surroundings.DThey wanted to warm themselves.3From the fourth and fifth paragraphs we know that_.Athe witnesses must have put out the fireBthe lobby of the building was covered with woodCthe witnesses were fa

48、miliar with the teenagersDthe residents shouldnt have jumped from windows4What the Minister said in the last paragraph means that_.Ahe doesnt like to listen to new storiesBhe has no time to write new storiesCteenagers often have ideas to turn into criminalsDteenagers may do the same as others have d

49、one(2010年广东华南师大附中综合测试)For most people,shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall.Soon,that will change.Electronic commerce (trade)is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices.There will,however,be a cost:protecting the consumer from being

50、cheated will be harder.Many governments therefore want to apply strict regulations to the electronic world.But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self­regulation.Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes res

51、ponsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs or their rights to refund when goods are faulty.But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence is on the screen.Even in a country where a clear right to compensation exists,the on

52、73;line customer in Tokyo,say,can hardly go to New York to get a refund for a clothes purchase.One answer is for government to cooperate more:to recognize each others rules.But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules.And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober countri

53、es to accept.There is,however,another choice.Let the electronic businesses do the regulation themselves.They do,after all,have a self­interest in doing so.In electronic commerce,a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset.Governments,too,may compete to be trusted.For instance,customers ordering medicines


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