1、英语学习讲义只要坚持梦想终会实现10试卷类型;A梅州市高中期末考试试卷(2020. 1)高一英语本试卷共8页,耦分150分.考总用时】加分钟.注意事项:L选洋寿每小鹿进出苓案后,用2B铅笔旭答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,加需就动,剧弹 皮撵干净病,再逸涂其它其案,答案不能签注试卷上口不按要奥填涂的,琴素无处。考生必 颊保持答题卡的整洁口2,”选择题必须用黑色字迹的纲第鼠墨字笔作答,谷蜜包娅耳荏雪题卡各题日拜主区域.内利 应枝叁上;如常改靖,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的察蜜;不准使用佛第和涂改海不 桢以上嬖求作零的惠案无批口第一部分听力(共三节,满分七分)第一节共5小题;每小题2分,满分分
2、)所下面4段对话口每段对话后有一个小题,从肥中所给的A、R、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,弁标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有1。秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小期二每段对话仅读一遍。例:Hw much is the shirt?C. 9.15.CJO-OQ.C. hTs mid.C. Ijiavff his。似已C. RKutti al 3 o1 clockrC. To work (or bis 任end.A. 19.15.B. 9,18.答案是C。1. What time 卜 it now?A. 9*10-.B. 9:5O.2. What dofts the wainan th
3、ink flf tkc weather?A. 11 s nice.B,It1 b warm.3. /Tut will ihe man do?A. Attend a rn用ting . B, Give a lecture.4. What does the man tell Jane to do?A. PoMpnn his ppointmer.lB、Meet Mr. Douglas.5. Why would David quit hk job?A. To a hack to achodx B. To st&H hi& own firm. 第二节(共5小题:每小题工分,满分10分)听下面2段对话或独
4、白。每段对话或独白后有几个小通,从庭中所给的A、H、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置听每段对话或独白前.你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小 即5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时呵。每段对话或拽白读两遍口 所第6段材料,回答第愿一6. Mhat food does Sally liike?B. Fish.C. Egg3.A. Chicken-高一薨语试卷第1而关R页7. Whai 的廿 the speakers going tc do?C, Order dishea.A+ Cook dinner.H. Go chopping,听第7段材料,回答第8至10题口 8. When: a
5、ic ihc speakers?C. At horn#.C. Next MondayC、Leave it with him.A. In a hospital.R. In ih* oflice.9. When is the report due?A. Thursday.B. Friday,10. Wkat doe吕 George su町丸 SLephaiiid du with die report?A. Improve it.B. Hand it in later.第三节 情景问答(共5小题;每小翘1分,蠲分5分) 请根据所听内容,写出第11至15题的答案、情景介, 角色:你是Mary 任务J
6、)和Tom谈论当地的语言向建;2)根据谈话内容回答朋友的问Please get mid, to ask three questions in English according to the foUowinR Chinese tips.QI:你在美国住了多久?Q2:当他们说“ piece of 的时候是什么意思?Q3;你还对这里的人们说的话感到困惑吗?Pkase get ready Io answer five questions in English.Question 11 : What trouble do you have?Anawer I I ; _ . .一 一 .一 一.Quezo
7、n 12 : What iappned after you repeated what you had Mid?Answer I 2 : _Quesdan 13; How long did i( taU Tom (o feel wrafortHblc with his E咱以目kill*?Answer 13 t一 一 _ .Question 14:理hat did Tom *t HHnnpifAd, N宙6 1 t66-4 pemOur modern sludeni aciTimm(MlHbcin is near Vest Humpstead lirbe Station. allowing y
8、ou Lo eiijjly explore Ixmdon. 1( is close to dl major univereitieft in the city. Our hou&e team will look after you during your stay, all you need to worn- about i& Living ymir befit student life.K中 featiigi : In - hoUBA gym(健身房)Rwms fur the 20 J9/2020 帆日dcmic yew sUul from just 229 pp/pw、(jcm: per
9、calendar month pp/pw; per prMn per week)16, Whiif will r rhnn= the flat at Nkw Orkm Houss Chda?A. Nature lovers. B. Party lovers. C. Shopping Ians. D. Gym f&m.-IX, Hw mirh will Jane spend at least each month + if she is going fca live nt Bid。West Hampstead 【ram Sept 1st1 2019?A. 1 250.B. 1,148.C. 91
10、6.D. 229.BFolpet lasuig Ktighr ur saving rrnniry-we suggest one simple 135k Lo add Lo your list W inBpin tig New Year,孑(ieciflions; read a MN)k. ThjbI llt und your brain will thank you. Not only does reading inerrnsf: the aniuunl uf daily pkauunr in your lifeb hut i cuuld also delay clFmenlia (痴呆)an
11、d even help you liv把 longer.But Mti, picking the perfect tie把 1 isn 1 easy, lliankfully, Business Insider a4ked a Harvard profeiflor tu nx?onunend the on book he thinks every (Ludent should rt&d in 2019- and wt euebL adding it u yrnjlist, too. (Nn time fnr all the bonks on ynuT list0 Heres n shorlcu
12、t; Rrtd ihe ending!? lu some 血 the worldr s tno&l Lunuus books t iiutead.)Steven Pinker, JWusjmk 4f Psychol缪 at Hanani, reco)rnend 111fL Internationalist by Irgd scholars Halhuway and Shupiru, The ImmjL niakes a surprising slatcment lh&L the Kehu - Briand Paris Peace Patt (条约) you 工huuld add die idl
13、o/Mg 20 bmL you really nhouH have read by now io your list, too 19. Which has the tlnsE# ineani峭 to the underlined word shonrut in the 2nd paragraph?A. A time - saving way lq read books,R, A 1 叼 perflixi耳 way W read books.C, A quick way La know about ending of books.D, A wi牌 m3y Io deal with loo man
14、y books to read.2D. Whar nr whm has reduced the number of wars throughout history?A. IM Paris Peace Pact.B. The Tolemalionalists,C. Hathaway and Shapiro.D. A wide vision of the international stehc.21. Wkal may be wduen in the icxl paragraph make a home for the animals (hat live in the aea. When I we
15、nt dicing the othfir day, I saw ah types uf diflcitiil iininiaU-,ddphinit tur- tk式海量)hiuI sea srmk巧乐 I wos surpnMd al bfling able to see some fish I see only in 3vicb hke elwn flsh(小丑鱼).As I am dhinp,【can feel the spirit of 由 1 musical place. It seems that ihei虻 Animak aren t surprised lu sec Maybe
16、they diinkm anolhr fifth . As N result* diy leave the corals, and ihe cords dip and lose lht:ir coloi. We see many dead while corah when we dive. We nted to slop globul warming and keep (he waiw from getting hotter!See you wwh】,Ghria22. WhriP 讳 Gloria writing from?A. A sailing boaL B. Great Barrier
17、Reef, C* A hotel room. D. A relatives Kouacx 23. Whftt do algae do for corals?A, ThV give aurdifht Lu tHe comlsi.B. Tlwy muke energy fur die curals to 髀*,C. lly capture fish for the corals to eat.D. llicy allow ihe corals to move around.24. Why is rhe enra Tpf dftFwribrd as H, mapcal ?A. Tlic auihoi
18、 Imd never been iliere befuce.B+ The area coil alhw the aniinah to do magjcil ihiris.C. Itf s anodier world with many arimaln and rtilors.D. Corah gmw jinly at the Grent Bjirrier Reef.25. Why is the hTitcr ttad about the future of the corah?A. She leari (hey will even molly die fram gjabal wurming.R
19、, IS Tien roraU die t they lose iJicir cullur and lum to a bon ngC. Nut Luuiigh people will have a chance to see his magicdJ place.1), She* * ud that the oorak and algae will break their nlationship.第二节(共5小题;诲小题2分,浦分10分)根据用文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项“选项中有两项为多余选项 .Top Tips for Better WritingThere orc i
20、Tmiiy different types of wiiting, such as essays t latten and speeches RTiatevcr your reason is and uhalcv?r yotir siykt thert are 5ume umveraa日产 th对 wiE help you improvei yi)ur wriLing; Be clefir about your pitpowThe most hvic quilion to ask ) ourself before you st an is why you are writins,In en g
21、部 y or a$- gtiniciitf your purpose i* tu tonvey infurmaiion and draw condusions But if you are writing a business report, you may want lo make rnmrmPtidatkmK (建,义). 26 Start with a plam27 The result in oRch dMWinlctl writing vrith parts that don i connect. Whatever you air writing, creating a clear
22、plan i$ the first step to ctLing your message HCTnss; quickly and in the most cffcctivc woyh Cutde roadcE ihmugh what ynu wnUYour task 逋 to help readers und?rsund ycur mesdAge quickly and prerisflly. 28 Each yi- tenctr,上第人 paragraph should be Tvlevant M what romes before and 痴hat comes aflcr, You sh
23、ould usr words aridtli.il connect In shuw ihesc tonnrclLoLLfi. 29高一英语试卷 K S M 兵&页lour aim in * riling is to rcmniunicatc ickaA and informal ion lu 1rther people t and you must keep Mat in mind with eveiy *urd and sentence you write. Con&Untly ask younlf who you waJly write the informstiuii for. Wril
24、e for th ear, not for 由磨 pyeOnce you F finished a dtai of your apeerh. pracUce ridmg it out hud. 30 Rm鸵 so you are smfortahlM giving ynu spt.Tth. You want to smind natural, no cmiucr whaL the occuion 论 A- Write foe r&aders, not ynunlf.I Write for the aim, not fci the wunh.C+ 1( munds robotic, and em
25、ployers haift it.D. Far g often peoplfi write without a plan.E- h II hear anything 小时 fuiunds awkwarxl.卜 Whatever it is, ktep your puqw趾 in mind al all times to avoid 初阴 off Dpi亡.G To dn ibis t it i$ micc3;Mirv, to fthow th#m Umr】y huw ihc dinrcnl park relaiA to cuch 口由匕匚第三部分英语知识运用(共两节满分45分)第一节 完形填空
26、(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅该下面短文,从短文后各题所绘的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选班I had sc mj 1 old* friend working at (hit- local W(dt - Mart for several months She alwuya stopped iu say hi. ihen 31 off saying she had to jejet back io work.Through (wr brief eMYerwt沁ns,I discovered sh had been down 应 pretty 32 roa
27、d but sue止 how Md remained a pcsilive and cheerful 33 to hfe. She e living w 指i apailment building, 钟hich wns 34 for dcqhol and dmg problems, but that w1H all 血d ahe couJd 35 . A few weeks I.M$r iherp was & firp at thf apartment and all residents had tn movr, As she 36 阳id, it rould M Horae but ende
28、d with a positive paint about her 37 PI felt a pnil in my harr tn do xnelhing Io help, because I hod been in her 38 once or iwim but my life had taken a ttim for the 39One day I had a (kw Christmas 40 in my car frum wcik.putled one out and 4it toher* I placed a gift of cash inside the card more cash
29、 than 1 had ever Qvqn anyone but the 42 i W hurl sftidj wYft$f Do it! , Whtti my friend 43 I saidHeme is a card far you, and we hu圈(d. She 门因肛国 it and team 仃me to her eyes.Seeing her happineas, I 44 痴red out how I was45 to help her. What she #d nextme know I had kine die nghi thing. She phoned me46
30、to thank me agin ind said. uliwas to0 口皿小,80 .灯 在 *由 Imo ether women at w&rk who wew nvl 叩in* to have Chh轼m鼬 gifts 8 their children either. hope you doii, L 包 ,pM)hrart was filled 嗝玷,50 knpwnng I hwi done wmelhing (haL wan passed on right whre it was mcuLt to 段一3LlumedB. p,aveC. hurriedD. put32- A,
31、roughEi. directC. htoadD, 5haJlow需一要号被卷 第6 3f 典片寅33A,cininnB.riewC.attitu#D.m64励1珥A.deignedB.knownC.pu niihedE praised35.A,中plyB,affordC,offerD. live36.A.TimerR.seldomC.dlmoblD. fiJway37.A.pusLlionB,businessC,drcamD. huaiion3&A.boatB.&hocsC.c(iatsD, hw*39.A.bclLer氏fartheraricherUr heflLihier40.A,pre
32、sent*氏cardsc.boxesD. letters4LA.explainedB.iransporlwlc.jddresMclD, lent42.A.powerB.desirec.rlrwimD. puJJ43.A.stood outH.h?wei upc.broke inD came “ess44.A.fnequendyB.eunstAi 心c,BnaUyD, generally45.A,supposedB.endedD. permitted如A,Haler氏yetc.everD. only4工A.ncwnnlcdR.donatedc.deliveredDh sh&
33、rd4KA.inB.inc.forD. with49.A.飞目elILmindc.refuseD. forgive50.A.sorrowB.angerc.honorD joy第二节(共10小题;每小鹿L 5分,清分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(I个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式I am fond of my 虱st廿 5 L 此 has chk 胆Hei导 shortcoming- She cart be 52.(real) alubbom. Although sh? didn L know the best way of getting Lo phes, sh insisted
34、that wh* 53.( orpanisiejthe trip properly. N口蚓 1 know that the proper way is 血ways her wayd I keptasking her, Wh(!n are we leaving and when an we coming back ? aked her v4Kdier she 54._ (look) at a map yet. Of course she hadn t; my siller doesnt cart about 55, (加 Sil).So I laid her that the MHiJte o
35、f lh Mekung is in Qinghrn Ptovince. Site gave me 56. (dtlcrmintf )look - the kind 57. said she would not char瑞士 her mind. When I tuld her that our jotimey wuvld begin at un aldludc of murt Lhan 5,000 metres, uht seemed lo be exci led about iL When told her 山号 air would be hard 58.( breathe) ami it w
36、ould be very mid, she said it would be an icrtmti理;吆产。电毗业know my sister well. Once ghe has made up 59.(she) mind, nodiinj can change ii. Finally, I had to pve 60.第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节 单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分前分15分)61. H e stundd never (忽视)yun children s education.63,乐 did not think M could(认出)his 皿 in th杷 s
37、now.63. He can speak English as . _(流利)始之口 Englishman.64. Thu faxhion from countn1 to counuv mav show die c dif也renter.*da 1 ii :ir 一1高一美还疵盍a7k *&w65. In that big fire, all their houseA were ccmpktely d, w they had Lu build new onea.66. It look a hng time fnr him in r From a. bad cotd,67. T Mould(感谢
38、)it if you eoulil 小e me nn early reply,68. Ht himself was (不安的)berHUR hd been lying.69. I felt 1(值得)乩11 than thai.70. VisiLors p the buty d the Meiwry.7L Hie punrhia, whose mhi was Lost for several days T (遭受)a let.72. Taking proper and(定期的)exereiBf can help you have a good shape.73. Iajcjt was a in
39、s her dream univeiiiy T which ma# htr fetl excited.74. If you have a dieain, d you限If to it and Gnally your will come true.-75. Titanic was a Bntisn ship that a . . into Ihe North Athntic Ocean.第二节 完成句子(共5小题:萼小题2分,满分10分)请根据中文意思,用学过的短语完成句子事76. Ever since J was 12, (喜或)reading.77. I aked mom whether s
40、he evw(感到厌倦)do叫 the dishes.78. tf somethijig (属于)加u, you own it.79. Man got me a room tberc far a week (大妁)/hen 1 first c&iue here.町* 将 *as .(经历)日 very difRcult time.第三节书面表达(犍分25分)假定你是李华,是学校英文报“Advice”栏集的编辑*你收到一封署名为斯即WmriM的来 信。信中诚同学诉说了自己的困扰+本学期期中考试后经常感到压力大晚上睡不好,使正常的 学习和生活受到了影响.请用英文给读同学写一封回信.内容包括:1,表
41、示理解并给予安慰1工提出建议并说明理由。(至少两条建议)注意:,L词数100左右;2-可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,3.开头与结尾巳为你写好口Dear Misa Worried .U m sorry Lo kruuw 山址 you * ft havirig difficulty falling a目班p, I hope youll find ihtm useful.Yours, Li Hua前一英语斌尊第8员共另置2019-2020高一英语期末考试参考答案第一部分听力1-5 ACAAC 6-10 BCAAB (每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)Please get ready to answe
42、r five questions in English.(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分。) 回答问题信息完整满分(语法错误可忽略不计),有关键词得0.5分。Question 11:What trouble do you have?Answer 11: I can t understand the language here.Question 12:What happened after you repeated what you had said?Answer 12:She (My neighbour) laughed at me.Question 13: How long did it take Tom to feel comfortable with his English skills?Answer 13: 4 years.Question 14:What did Tom do last week?Answer 14: He
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