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1、 Imp.- E ia Of eleg on. I ems of pementatonof u cnstucinlad ice- and -ease, repia areas“ec. "a ofwate, eectcty, admin-ave pole- I the areaof t - in, a. sett- iic-ecaats -.el sru-t . ci c a - etl eg- a ig -. is a cig es a . k s a .ie g. ii . se.s . g eke sigafayi f ci Wlieeie icus is .ea -1as Hg

2、 ad tg-y ei-a dve- a gi eaeeevei-.isatv-a i-ee eate-t sti i aed.caecii c -a a - Ig Ise ci Vg ise c t - e a -Is grs iqa.ast-e i t -i. . c t-.ti tit- i i化庄卫生院乡村医生培训考核试题时间:单位:姓名:总分:一、以下每一考题下面有 A、B、C、D E 5个备选答案,请从中选一个最佳答案,填入括号 内(每道题0.5分,共50分)。1.对于乡村医生管理条例的适用对象,以下说法正确的是()A.尚未取得执业医师资格或者执业助理医师资格,经注册在村医疗卫生机

3、构从事预防、保健和一般医疗服务的B.有执业医师资格的C.按照国家有关规定取得医学专业技术职称和医学专业技术职务的人员D.计划生育技术服务机构中的医师E.军队医师2.不予注册乡村医生的情形是()A.受刑事处罚,刑罚执行完毕之日起不满 3年或者受吊销乡村医生执业证书行政处罚,自处 罚之日起不满2年的B.受吊销医师执业证书行政处罚自处罚之日起不满3年的C.受刑事处罚、刑罚执行完毕之日起不满 2年或者受吊销乡村医生执业证书行政处罚,自处 罚之日起不满3年的D.受刑事处罚、刑罚执行完毕之日起不满 2年或者受吊销乡村医生执业证书行政处罚,自处 罚之日起不满2年的E.受刑事处罚,自刑事处罚执行完毕之日起不满

4、5年的3.乡村医生执业证书有效期是()A. 1年B. 2年C. 3年D. 4年 E.5年4.乡村医生在执业活动中不享有下列权利的是()A.进行一般医学处置,出具相应的医学证明B.对病人进行无条件临床试验治疗C.参与医学经验交流,参加专业学术团体D.在执业活动中,人格尊严、人身安全不受侵犯E.获取报酬5.本条例施行后,对于已经在县级卫生行政机关取得了乡村医师证书的人,要注册乡村医生执业资格的条件不包括()A.已经取得中等以上医学专业的学历B.在村医疗卫生机构连续工作 20年以上C.按照省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政主管部门制定的培训规划,接受培训取得合格iieEctuic egItmaiki

5、l-uu a cStuaiedeeseeeddr-ieasj-a-ij c we l c-L ad av c ag eee-i s -ae xi a s-e . t .Ctc ay- 5 yes re - . to ess - r iaig tgt a - a - i -i e u -一.eeiusseici st errrktaiceilf-d ai tivsta.n-mfcvBakeeskige-gitc-l-Pakii-sty . f5ieeie- dr is c er - - a s Hg a. r一i.e las gi e aeeve i r d a-eaefo ee eatmeul

6、 - sst-iae.daecrit g s - g esi-iiesi-seW-ea s- iu s - eaeaagea>ieveiies-g ile iigglge s iu e ed c - d . e a -av e-iriarv-es im - eain-v- ks ieieyciL-er-s l-y isefs-.y-.c-cl-e-legl - a ig- is-r-igesaccsir uiegysiii se us d g le ke siga-u rs e- ci l c ke r-l s i- r e c- a- - ii-e . , -li c g - sle-

7、 i-ri i cic i - ilsils se-.-d-a-si- .c -e r-s-uegi -y -ldgliigci-peaie-eiri-a-iiiems - -ie -ic-r r ie-eg - g ese ci v g ese c - s e al s.risia-siqr.as - e i - -e g i- u u e Sd c-ui-il iccdcii-seriaiu-y ee-g-e e e-l-gles-u- r rgadaii. y sie .il e v -i- s-iee.-证书的D.偏远地区已取得中等专业执业证书的医疗技术人员E.在村医疗卫生机构连续工作

8、 10年以上6 .医务人员在医疗活动中发生医疗事故争议,应当立即向()A.所在科室报告B.所在医院医务部门报告C.所在医疗机构医疗质量监控部门报告D.所在医疗机构的主管负责人报告E.当地卫生行政机关报告7 .内科医生王某,在春节探亲回家的火车上遇到一位产妇临产,因车上无其他医务人员,王某遂协助产妇分娩。在分娩过程中,因牵拉过度,导致新生儿左上肢臂丛神经损伤。王某行为的性质属于()A.违规操作,构成医疗事故8 .非法行医,不属医疗事故C.超范围执业,构成医疗事故D.见义勇为,不构成医疗事故E.虽造成不良后果,但不属医疗事故8 .医疗事故处理条例规定,造成患者轻度残疾、器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍

9、的属于()A. 一级医疗事故B.二级医疗事故C.三级医疗事故D.四级医疗事故 E .严重医疗差错9 .医疗事故处理条例规定,对60周岁以上的患者因医疗事故致残的,赔偿其残疾生活补 助费的时间不超过()A. 5 年 B. 10 年 C . 15 年 D . 20 年 E . 30 年10 .负责组织医疗事故技术鉴定工作的医学会通知医疗事故争议双方当事人提交进行医疗事故技术鉴定所需材料的时间应当是在自受理医疗事故技术鉴定之日起()A. 5日内 B. 10日内 C . 15日内D. 20日内 E . 25日内11 .我国传染病法开始实施和重新修订的时间分别是()A. 1998 年,2003 年 B

10、. 1989 年,2003 年C. 1998 年,2004 年 D, 1989 年,2004 年E. 1998 年,2005 年12.按照新修订的传染病法中的规定,下列描述错误的是()A.得了传染病必须通知单位B.向社会公布本行政区域的传染病疫情C.根据传染病发生、流行趋势的预测,及时发出传染病预警D.对按照规定一次使用的医疗器具,应当在使用后予以销毁E.国家和社会应当关心、帮助传染病病人、病原携带者和疑似传染病病人,使其得到及时救the principle of simplifiedEIAof constructionprojects inthe region.Intermsofland,l

11、inke d tothe implementationofurbanandrural constructionlandincrease anddecrease, repla cementindicatorsforpriorityareasproject.Charges,int othe proje cts ofwater,elect ricity, administrativechargesandpreferentialpolicies. Intheareaoftaxation, andsettledinareaof industryand itsproductioncompany,wit h

12、in5years afterthecompletionoffiscalincentivestoenterprises. Intermsoffinancing,integrati onof land,tax,financialandotherresources, and constr uct"Governme nt credit+business cre dit"creditsystem,establi shmentof marketization,commercializati on andmoder nizati on of the investment and fina

13、ncing platform; effectiveBa nk-e nterpri sedocking, encourages private capital into thePark,to raise industry devel opment fund. 5, optimizethe envir onme nt andservice industries.ocreate "poli cy lowlands, Highl ands, integrityof service land,devel opmentland"as the goal, to optimize thea

14、rea underdevelopment environment. Alladministrativelawenforceme nt departmenttoappointa full-timepersonnel stationed in areasdedicat ed tocoordi nating andsolvi ng probl ems associate d with busi nesses in this sector. Whe nthere are substantialissues sector lea ders arranged to personallyinterve ne

15、, in-person,in-person pushtangi ble area building a green light,easy line. o furtherreduce and sta ndardize admi nistrative examination and approvalitems, simplifyexamination and approval links, improve efficie ncy;accor dingto the .Sincetheeducationalpracti ce of themassline oftheparty, himselfseri

16、ouslyintheeducation,practicalcontrolce ntral"eightrules" andopposing"the fourwinds"andpra ctici ng "threeSuns",andcheckthespiritof Jiao Yulu,ide ology,solicitopini onsbased on outstandingproblemschecked swing,carefulanaly sis andreflecti on.Willnow checkreportisas follo

17、ws:first,adherencetotheparty'spoliticaldisci pline, eig htinthecentralprovision,changethestyleofthebasisituationof1,in complia ncewith theparty'spoliticadiscipli nes.Conscienti ouslyabideby the party'spoliticaldisci plineabideby theConstit utionandthe rule andregulations of the party,in

18、the political, ideol ogical and maintainhig hly consiste ntwiththe CPC CentralCommitteeon the action,there is noviolation ofthe party'spoliti cal discipli nepro blems. 2, in theimpleme ntation ofthe central authoritiesof the eight provisi ons. Improvi ng research,improvi ng research methods,but

19、there are less grass-r oot units,primaryfirst-handan inade quategraspof the problem,which is to be strengthe ned in the future.Second, construction,stri ctly in accordance withthe pr ovisi onsto streamlineandimprove the qualityof meetings ofthe Confere nce. Third, streamli ning filebriefs, culture i

20、nvolveall aspects of propag anda and ide ology,sometimes due tothe pra cticalneedsof invention notificati ons, thisarea needs further治13发现传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人时,应当及时向附近的疾病预防控制机构或者医疗机构报告的责任人是()A.任何单位和个人 B .护士C.医生 D .防疫人员 E .乡村医生14医疗机构应当按照规定对使用的医疗器械进行消毒,对按照规定一次使用的医疗器具,使用后应当()A.消毒B.销毁 C .废弃 D .上交 E .深埋15 健康教育

21、的目标人群是()A.疾病易感人群B.青少年C.社会全人群D.医务工作者 E .以上都不是16下列病原体对青霉素不敏感的是()A.革兰阳性球菌 B.奈瑟菌C.厌氧菌D.病毒 E .放线菌17以下预防上呼吸道感染的措施,不恰当的是()A.室内通风B.少去人口密集场所C.适当户外活动 D.注意保暖E.在流行季节预防性应用抗生素18药物治疗急性扁桃体炎首选()A.青霉素B.庆大霉素C.先锋霉素类 D.大环内酯内类 E .唯诺酮类19 支原体肺炎突出的临床特点是()A.婴幼儿多见B.多无明显发热C.咳嗽症状突出D,肺部体征明显E.头抱菌素治疗有效20 诊断支原体肺炎的主要依据是()A.临床表现 B .

22、X线特异表现C.血细菌培养 D .血清冷凝集试验阳性E.红霉素试验性治疗21 下列关于肺炎球菌肺炎的治疗错误的是()A.青霉素为首选药B.青霉素过敏可选用第一代头抱菌素C.抗生素疗程一般为57天D.胸片阴影消散后停用抗生素E.卧床休息,适当支持治疗22 女性, 30 岁,右下大叶性肺炎,用青霉素治疗后热退,3 天后又发热,白细胞总数持续treamlining. Fourarestandard visits,exceptasrequired to participatein training, no othera ctivity.Five istoimprove news reporti ng,

23、forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot heregulati ons.Six isstrictlyyourpresentation publishedstrictlyaccor ding tothe regulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required theuse ofvehiclesand officespacea nd corporate hospitality.3,change thestyl e.Propagandaand ide ologi calwork ofthenew situation andne

24、wrequirements ofthenewtasks, ha ddonea lotoffruitfulwork, has made many achievements, butfurther closertothegrass r oots,closet o reality, close to themasses andalso inadequate innovation mustcontinuet oimprove.Second,t he "fourwinds" someoutstandi ng issues 1, opposeformalism.One theoryis

25、 that hedi dn't,wit hlessclose contact.Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousness isnothighenough,system performanceis notstrongenough; more passivelear ning ,activelear ningfewgeneralities andlearnmore,delvi ng into less.E specially ba sed on rationalthi nkingonmajorissues, applying theorytog uidet hewo

26、rk doneis not good enough, notreallyundersta nda nd graspthe spiritandessenceofthe scie ntificOutlook on devel opment, did nottrulya chieve master y,toa ppl y,toa certai nextent,affectthedevelopment and implementation ofideas a nd initiatives. Second,w orkarrangement s,and less supervisi on. Propaga

27、 nda a nd ideol ogica lworkis theobjective, whi chneedst o keepthe continuity efforts deployed,but stressed in theworktime,le ss supervi sion.Forexample, col orweekendsin thesummer theatricalactivities, citysquareperforma nce s,urgingt ownshi ps,communities and ruralareas showsthe im plementation is

28、 i nade quate, i nsufficientculturala n educationalrole toplay.T hird basee nough, mastergrass -less real.Pr opaga ndaa nd ideol ogicalw orkin thenew situationofcharacteristicsa ndregul arityofenough, deep enough forgrass-roots publicopinion Dynamicssurve y,for grass -rootstypica lly drive less.Fore

29、xample,ruralcult ureteamactive, .I'm not activelytake theinitiative to takeup, t helack ofspiritof daring to,resulting insome job hada lot ofpowe r, butnota ngibl e results.Thir d, innovation,lack ofmotivation. Ema nci pationdid note nd, i nnovation does notexist.Inpractical w ork, noty ourhe ad

30、,iieEctuicegItm aiki l-uua cStuaiedees eeeddr-ieasj-a-ijcwe l c-L ad av c ageee-is -aexi a s-e.t.Ctc ay-5yesre-.toess - r iaigtgta - a -i-i e u -一.eeiusseicisterrrktaiceilf-d ai tivsta.n-mfcvBakee s kig e-gitc-l-Pakii-sty . f5ieei e- dr is c er - - a s Hg a. r一i.e las gi e aeeve i r d a-eaefo ee eat

31、meul - sst-iae.daecrit g s - g esi-iiesi-seW-ea s- iu s - eaeaagea>ieveiies-gileiigglgesiue ed c - d . e a -av e-iriarv-es im - eain-v- ks ieiey ciL-er-s l-yisef s-.y-.c- c l-e-legl-a ig- is-r-igesaccsir uiegysiiiseus d g leke siga-urse- ci l c ker-lsi-rec- a- ii-e .,-licg-sle-i-ri icici- ilsilss

32、e-.- d-a-si- .c -e r-s-uegi-y -ldgliig c i- p e a ie -eiri-a-iiiems - -ie -i c-r r ie-eg - g ese ci v g ese c - s e al s.risia-siqr.as - e i - -e g i- u u e Sd c-ui-il iccdcii-seriaiu-yee-g- e e e- -l -gles -u- r rgadaii.ysie .il e v -i- s-iee.-增高。其原因首先应考虑()A.青霉素剂量不足B .发生并发症C.未用退热药D.未用糖皮质激素E.致病菌对青霉素

33、不敏感23 判断肺结核病人有无传染性,最重要的依据是()A.痰中带血B.病灶有空洞C.结核菌素13c验阳性D.痰菌阳性E. X线胸片示浸润型病灶24.对肺结核痰中带菌者痰液的处理方法正确的是()A.吐在纸上焚烧B.用土掩埋C.用等量1%含氯消毒剂浸泡1小时后弃去D.用等量1喻氯消毒剂浸泡30分钟后弃去E.煮沸5分钟后弃去25 .诊断心律失常最主要的检查方法是()A.心电图B.心音图C.超声心动图D.心电图运动试验E.心电图信号平均技术26 .早期心肺复苏的基本措施不包括()A.开放气道B.人工呼吸C.胸外心脏按压D.电除颤 E .补充血容量27 .人工胸外心脏按压的深度是()A.1 2cmB.

34、5 6cmC.78cmD.3 5cmE . 46cm28 .心肺复苏术的按压和通气次数之比为()A. 20 : 1B. 30 : 2C. 15 : 2D, 20 : 2E . 30 : 129 .胸外心脏按压的频率为()A. 40次/分B. 60次/分C. 100次/分D. 110次/分 E . 120次/分30 . 24小时动态血压的正常值是()A. 140/90 mmHg B. 135/85 mmHgC. 130/80 mmHg D, < 130/80 mmHgE. < 130/80 mmHg31.高血压的诊断标准正确的是()A.收缩压在140 mmHg以上和舒张压在90 mm

35、H以上B.舒张压在140 mmHg以上或收缩压在90 mmH娘上the principle of simplified EIA of construction proje cts in the region. In termsof land, linke d tothe implementationof urban and rural constr uction land increa se and de crease, repla cement indicat ors for priority areasproject. Charges, into the proje cts ofwater

36、, elect ricity, administrative charges and preferentialpolicies. In the area of taxation, and settled in area of industry and its producti on company, wit hin 5 years after the completionof fiscal ince ntives to enter prises. In terms of financing, integrati on of land, tax, financial and other reso

37、ur ces, and constr uct "Governme nt credit + busine ss cre dit" credit system, establi shme nt of marketization, commer cializati on and moder nizati on of the investment and financing platform; effective Ba nk-e nterpri se docking, encourages privat e capital int o the Park, to raise indu

38、stry devel opme nt fund. 5, optimize the envir onme nt and service industries. o create "poli cy lowlands, Highl ands, integrity of service land, devel opment land" as the goal, to optimize the area under development environme nt. All administrative law enfor ceme nt department to appoint

39、a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicat ed to coordi nating and solvi ng probl ems associate d with busi nesses in this sector. Whe n there are substantial issues sector lea ders arrange d to personally interve ne, in-person, in-person push tangi ble area buil ding a green light, easy line.

40、 o further reduce and sta ndar dize admi nistrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and appr oval links, improve efficie ncy; accor ding to the .Since the educational practi ce of the mass line of the party, himself seriouslyin the education,practical controlce ntral "eight

41、 rules" and opposing "the four winds" and pra ctici ng "three Suns", and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ide ology,solicit opini onsbase d on outstandingproblemscheckedswing, carefulanaly sis and reflecti on. Will now check re port is as follows: first, adherence to the party

42、'spolitical disci pline, eig ht in the centralprovision, change the style of the basi situation of 1, in complia nce with the party's politica discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide by the party's political disci pline abide by the Constit ution and the rule and regulati ons of the party, in

43、the political, ideol ogical and maintain hig hly consiste nt with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violati on of the party's politi cal discipli ne pro blems. 2, in the impleme ntation of the central authorities of the eight provisi ons. Improvi ng research, improvi ng resear

44、ch methods, but there are less grass-r oot units, primary first-handan inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthe ned in the future. Second, constructi on, stri ctly in accorda nce with the pr ovisi onsto streamline and improv e the quality of meetings of the Confere nce. Third, stre

45、amli ning file briefs, culture involve all aspects of propag anda and ide ology, sometimes due to the pra ctical needs of invention notificati ons, this area needs furtherC.需要在不同时间测量3次血压达到规定标准才能确定高血压D.测量3次收缩压都在140mmH姒上或舒张压在90mmH姒上E.测量3次舒张压都在140mmH姒上或收缩压在90mmH姒上32糖尿病或肾病高血压患者,降压目标是()A.130/80mmHgB.<

46、 130/80mmHgC.140/90mmHgD.< 120/70mmHgE . < 135/85 mmHg33现场抢救高血压急症的首选药物是()A.利血平B.味塞米C.硝酸甘油D.卡托普利E .硝普钠34手术区皮肤消毒范围要包括手术切口周围区域范围至少()A15 cm B 10 cm C 8 cm D 12 cm E 30 cm35小儿年龄分期中的婴儿期是指()A.从出生结扎脐带到满28天B.从出生到1岁C.3周岁到67岁D,从6岁至1214岁E.从6岁至12岁36 儿童生长发育最快的时期是()A.围产期B.新生儿期C.婴儿期D.幼儿期 E .学龄前期37小儿出现第一个条件反射是

47、()A.觅食反射B,握持反射C.拥抱反射D.吞咽反射 E .吸吮动作38一个健康儿体重7.5kg,身长 62cm,会翻身,能独坐很久,不会爬,能发出“爸爸”、“妈妈”等复音,但无意识,能听懂自己的名字,其月龄最可能为( )A.34个月B.5个月 C . 6个月 D . 7个月 E . 8个月39、 一健康儿前凶约 0.5cmx0.5cm,出牙8个,体重 10 kg,开始能独走,能叫出物品名字,指出自己的手、眼,其月龄大约为()A6 个月B8 个月 C 12 个月 D 16 个月 E 20 个月40、 患者死亡,医患当事人不能确定死因或者死因有异议的,应当在患死亡后()内进行尸体检。 ()A、1

48、2 B 、 24 C 、 36 D 、 48 E 、 3841、底热是指体温在()度()A、37.3-38.0 B 、 37.0-38.0 C 、 38.1-39.0 D 、 38.5-3942、 高度热是指体温在()度()A、39.1-41.0 B 、 37.3-38.0 C 、 38.1-39 D 、 38.5-39.0treamlining. Fourarestandard visits,exceptasrequired to participatei n traini ng, no othera ctivity.F ive istoimpr ove news reporti ng,fo

49、rpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlyaccor dingtot heregulati ons.Six isstrictlyyourpresentationpublishedstrictlyaccordingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required theuseofvehicle sand officespacea nd corporate hospitality.3, change thestyl e.Propagandaand ide ologi calwork ofthenew situation andne wre

50、quirements ofthenewtasks,haddonea lot offruitfulwork, ha s made many achieveme nts, butfurther cl osertothegrass r oots,closet o reality, close to themasses andalso inadequate innovation mustcontinuet oimprove.Se cond,t he "fourwinds" someoutstandi ng issues 1, opposeformalism.One theoryis

51、 that hedi dn't,wit hless close contact.The oreticalst udy ofconsci ousness isnothigh enough,system performanceisnotstrongenough; more passivelear ning ,activelear ningfewgeneralities andlearnmore,delvingintoless.Especiallybased on rationalthi nkingonmajori ssues, applying t heorytog uidet hewor

52、k doneis not good enough,notreallyundersta nda nd graspthe spiritandessenceofthe scie ntificOutlook on devel opment, did nottrulya chieve master y,toa ppl y,toa certai nextent,affectthedevelopmentandimplementationofideasa nd initiatives. Se cond,w orkarrangement s,and less supervisi on. Propaga nda

53、a nd ideol ogica lworkis theobjective, whi chneedst o keepthe continuity efforts deployed,butstressed in t heworktime,le ss supervi sion.Forexample, col orweekendsi n thesummer theatricalactivities, citysquareperforma nce s,urgingt ownshi ps,communitie s and ruralareas showsthe im plementation is i

54、nade quate, i nsufficientculturala n educationalrole toplay.Thirdbasee nough, mastergrass -less real.Pr opaga ndaa nd ideol ogicalw orkin thenew situationofcharacteristicsa ndregul arityofenough, deep enoug h forgrass-r oots publicopinion Dynamicssurve y,for grass -rootstypica lly drive less.Forexam

55、ple,ruralcultureteamactive,.I'mnotactivelytaketheinitiativetotakeup, t helack ofspiritof dari ng to,resulting i nsome job hada lot ofpowe r, butnota ngibl e results.Thir d, innovation,lack ofmotivation. Ema nci pationdid note nd, i nnovation does notexist.Inpracticalwork,notyourhead,iieEctuicegItmaiki l - u u a cStuaiede es e e


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