已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、重点单词和奥诗1. add up 合计4、 乂、c add up to ;共计上总计达 一 ”,混口 人不女必修I重点单词、短语和句型Unit 1 Friendshipadd - -to. C2. upset sb.upset oneself about sth.be upset at/about 因。3. ignore sb./sth.,忽视 of/about 好无小诲而烦恼 £be ignorantignorant adj.4icalm Vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇je 镇睁,平睁R辞alm sb. down使某人镇静keep/stay calm保持镇静5. con

2、cern vt. 便加蜉涉及;关系到 with concern 关切地八T 必、 concern for/about sb. 对某人关心,卜 concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉 be concerned with 与有关系ignorance calmn.downadj.平静的;镇n.担心;关注show (no)e concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause为担心,ed就某某而言as far as be concern concerning prep.,关于,6. walk the dog iMi经由,经受;穿过,通过;through审

3、阅,检查;通go through a har through the bago through of money 化-come through1 time经历了一段困难时期 go 佥查行李、yspaper浏览报纸go through lotsJ一用、目然度过其疾病.危机等)< cut through 抄近潞身透一 look throughh八十一8. set down.觅下,放产 让某人下口4丁 ,."'onaperg想法与在纸上 set me,豺肆M某事引爆燃威set down the idea初 down at the bus-stop 在 set about (d

4、oing) sth.set off 5set out ye s set up 竖起; 9. a series of 一小(做)某事,小北石;”'连串的.一叁血而a series of books 上丛范 a series of stamps 一套田弓票 连环回故意地=by design= deliberately accidentoM osea series of pictures 10. on purpose by chance/accident= lie to sb. on purp on purpose to do sth. go there on purpose to see

5、sb. _ for the purpose of睡哪里现还价口道)为了某人if雄否实的目的with the purpose of(目的能实现)1811. in order to/ so astQ(dorsth.L qso as to宾港用在和中;in order that / so that为了,以为目的i 2. at dusk 在黄 13. face to face地群have a face-to-face interview with the heroshoulder to shoulder 眉并肩地hand in hand 手拉手地 heart to heart 、,贴心地、 side

6、by side 先" 一 back to back f肩地和这位英雄arm in arm “一一'word by word 逐子114 . cheat n. 骗子; vt.heat sb. (out) of sth. 八公信 cheat sb. into doing sth.理臬人世臬事15 .黑需。就踹。狂姗条b be crazy to do sth. (臬人5 疯狂才J be crazy about/on doing sth. be crazy for sth.渴磐里初17晨嗝普嗨鹭赢f暨,藏事估甘 喃面.et sth. done = have sth. done让/请人

7、做某事;使某1 get sth./ sb. doing iI get sth./ sb. to do 让 get sth./ sb.adj./adv八 19. It is/was +被置倜部分i.作弊,舞弊狂热心、1翰+ that/who强调句20. happen to do sth. 魄巧/恰好做某事21. settle sb.、使二:出居,安家 settle an argument/ amatter解决争端2粕乳-八一settle down te居下来来,舒适地坐下22. suffer vi.&vt. J(1) suffer from 因过堂;suffer from lonelin

8、essbad2c能!,量工雾螯量suffersuffer from a(痛古、饥饿、濡尽惊失 eavy 10ss 一遭爻严 J pain/hunger/cold/death遭爻痛苦;饥饿;;sufferer n. 爻苦署 tsuffering n.23. recover from illness生病后恢复J寸(泰普委箱打包suffer24. get/be tired of25. pack (sth.) up26. get along / on with get along / on with sb.:a ong / on with sth. 一 0 nMlr平徵俨1ywith与处得好/27.

9、fall in love/ be in love (with sb.) 然撕in弱罐瞿sth.、翦) join in the game参加游戏活动团体 jointhjoin sb. in 和一起娈singing 与他们一起唱新活动相爱,爱上(某人)join in playingjoinjoin参加组织jointhem in29出ve!?稹iffculty / problem with sb. / sth.和某人 做某have trouble / difficulty / problem (in) doing sth.30.虚W气s should have done sth. 本应该做某事 (而

10、头际上没做)=ought to have done sth.shouldn 't have done sth.本不应该做某事(而头际上could have done sth.本来g斗鹿恭未做) ne_不可死做过某事can't/ couldn 't31. keep me spellbound、使我着迷 K 、米需pellbinding adj. 是入迷人的 spellbound adj. 入32. There was a time when .曾经有一段时间ake an effort / efforts to do sth.努力去做某事1. Your friend com

11、es to school very upset.2. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.3. she and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.4. I wonderif it's becauseI haven't been able to beoutdoors for so 10ng that. I've grown so c

12、razy about everything to-dowitn nature.5. I can well remember that there was a time when a deepblue sky, the songs of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never haye kepjt me spellbound.6. It was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face7. Its no pleasure .lookin

13、g through these any longer because nature is one thing that really mustbe experienced8. There is nothing wrong with you and this boy being friends . and studying. together.9. still find it harato make (10. would be grateful if yougood couldfriends with them give me some adviceUnit 2 English around t

14、he world1. because of因孤国接名产匚代泌*乍状、五由下'祚碗取;thankstoas a resultofon account of2aldative地的,本国的one s native land/country/language a native speaker of English Unative tor t n.本地人一当of Fuzhou 福外,广于某地的动植物故乡;祖国;母语 lish "以英语为母语的人bea native3. official: ad an official ' document 一官方的;正翦肛上、行士 噫件一神目万

15、语百4. more than one + n.不止一个anofficialmore than one kind of English 臂期n(两德否定)Jmore than -不止一种英语no more thanrather than 宁more _or_less 或 不珈(刖者不如5. come up:than生(主语是物)He came走上前一更:?被氤只能多come up withYour q come acrosscameup(太阳、saidatnot月亮)升起;hello tomore发me.The sun has come up.out ,山来,山蔽,虚现over l懿/赧黑吃曲&

16、quot;comes up. *山 come up、with a good idea:想出 come about 发生the ecome个好点子6. base 一一一t vt一 以为根据:base sth. on sth. 使以据/基础,上、base one s opinions on facts:意见以事实为依据based on: 以为依据使棣虚崛群kebasis n.根据;on the basis,of your opinion 叫取彳7. present v. 贝曾心,八, present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth.发/授予/

17、介绍某物为依beon the base for revolutionary work法的依据的基础上the basis of/for曾送;呈现;介绍向某人赠送/颁presents。,. to adj观在的; be present .situation 目刖I,lse由后 用黑meeting人介绍/引见某人由席会议 the presentat present/at the present time 目前; 现在 everyonepresent 下场的短%、石、工口五 业“的(刖置TE语)现在的;当刖的present(后的;到场的'n.赠品;礼物for the present=、*区 口子

18、十8. vocabulary 词汇;词汇H、一 、with/have a large vocabulary: 词汇 ffary皿阳/肥大词汇(钝increase/enlarge vocabulary9. make use ofmake full use of 充分担 make good use of好归八,<e little use of 不充分mamake the best (use) of make the most ofm意涮利用;往好里做 更好疝利用量很大His progress in study lies in the good use he made of his spare

19、 timeWe should consider what use can be made of such amaterial 一 10. s嗯第)卷*%稿篇®物程u腮扁工s+被列举的事物”形式出现Sweet food, such as chocolate can make you fat=Such sweet food as chocolate can make you fatno such thing 没有这样的事( 1 )若 such 与 no, all, most, some, any, another, many, much, a few, few, little, a li

20、ttle, several,one 等词连用时,such 应置于这些词之后。( 2)如果so 与 many, much, few, little 等词连用时,so应置于这些词之前。11. commandcommand sb. to dvo. sth.命令某人做某事command (that) sb. (should) do sth. (从 句中谓语用虚拟语气)n. 命令 ;指令;掌握obey the captain s commands 服从船长的命令giveby sb s command of an army:under the command of sb.=underhave a good

21、 command of English. 精通/熟练掌握英语frOmelF%葭都到,索要某物request mandcommandM墟酒幺翕令统帅 /指挥一支军队take(从a thesb s commandrequest sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事= request that sb. (should) do sth. (从句中谓语用虚拟语 气)It s requested that从句 据要求asrequested 依据请求n. 要求,请求make a request for sth. 要求/需要某物make a request that 从句,要求at sb

22、 s request/afytfieqreqUestfb.根据的请求03spl耨撕2勺袍中担任角色/起阳1 play襁partDlav an important/vital part/role in (doing) sth. 在中起重要/至关重要的作用play the leading role/part 起主要作用,起带头作用,演 /riw°出啊篇或别战因猾;承认(指原来很熟悉,经过recognize sb./sb s voice. 认出某人/听出某人的声音recognize sth./that 从句 承认recognize.recognize sth./sb. as sth.正式认

23、可/接受奥事/人为recognition n. 承认,认出beyond/out ofrecognition 认不出来05. make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通06. hold on 别挂(电话); 坚持give directions 指路;给予指示17.恒。f %髭监ask directions 问路in the direction of 朝二向from the direction of 来自f对"配;Th/K方向in all directions = in every direction向四面八方under the direction of sb.匕二队的指导19. ha

24、ve fun with sth.以;为乐,乙、 t 一20. believe it or not信示信由祢(用用作插入语,也叫独立重点句子L , under one sdir according to one s directions 根据看 follow/ obey/ listen to one s direction 18. put sth. down写卡;、记下避!不1. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don t speak the same kind ofEnglish.2. It was

25、based more on German than the English we speak at present.,3. By the 1600 s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever, before.4. One reason is that. English has a large vocabulary.5. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.6. She told us to go around the

26、corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks.Unit 3 Travel journal重点单词和短语、一八、一、¥1. transport n. 运输; 运送 the public transport of thecity transport of goods by air 仝运t JnJhe process of/during trans v.运输;运送 transport (from transportation n.:嗒集.婀茶-士“十 prefer doing to doing 更昌欢干 prefer t

27、o do sth. rather than do sth.干prefer sb to do sth. 丁愿让2. prefer vt tea城市公共运输系统 theransportation 在运输、)to把运输a meansprefer that sb (should) do preference n.(两者 N 中 have a preference foj 二;particular preferencein preference3. ever since.运到f transportation 手中 prefer coffee to而华0:二而不愿 事一东西;偏好;偏爱haveno4. p

28、ersuade vt.说服;口劝服.月艮耳persyade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.sth.persuade sb. not to do sth. =persuade sb. out of doing说服某人停止做de sb. of sth.;劝阻某人做二,或 persuade sbpersuasive adj.说喊;劝说有说服力的.+ that-clause persuasionn.(自獭铲,舞位 授予某人坐位或毕加文隹5. graduate. v. graduate from graduate in .nr唯b. a"

29、%igh工schooT graduate: 高中毕业生 a science graduate 理学土、graduation. (典礼)after/beforegraduation 毕业后 /刖一 、一6. schedule: n. 时间表; 进度表class schedule:课程表工 一 a ahead of schedule 葩必e 口 on schedule 送黑侬是电E小”入“一behind sc vt.为!余间迟于顶TE的时间;池后吩 chedule the - meeting for that night会议的时间定在那天b be scheduled to do sth. 预定做某

30、事7. be fond of (doing) sth.be into /crazy about (doing) sth. 号爰(做)某事;对做 某事感兴趣be interested inldoin8. organize. vt 小八 organize a football matchy your thoughts整理你的息路organize sb. to do sth.9. 广 I ''%'vorganizecareabout.乙关心t tare for星欢,照顾care for 号於八电、 take care 汪意; 担心 take care of 照跑.with c

31、are讣小心;连珍 10. insist v.坚决要求;王张insist on/upon doing sth. insist on/upon oneL insist that-clause怖胪卬某事坚持做某事 市敝虢如.持要某人做某事 He insisted that he was right. He insisted that he should be set free.释放。(前以语气)11. determine vt.& vi.等认为他是正确的。_他坚决要求他被 下定决心determine sth./pron. Jgxdetermine on/upon 决determine to

32、 do sth. 决定determine sb. to do sth.决定做某事决定determine on early start=determine to start early 早动身determine +that-clause ,, f -determined adj 百次定了乱坚te的;坚决的be determined that 从句耳*干某事音士卮、心、普 a determined manbe determined to do sth =make up one s mind. t( a determined look 坚坚定的人. 用用、determination ,决行 决心de

33、termination 决域a man of great determination意志12. go. on/ makewith九/- 丢臬地旅仃高度3. altitude. n.嚼愎嗜野” to sP. at an altitude of =at a height ofat表示在侬/时 厂 at a price of 以at a speed/ rate of t at a length of 在at a depth/ width ofat a distance of 在 Lat the cost of . 以的价%.;滓速度 卷流得宽度 郎”、14. change one s mind 或黑

34、某人的主意 make up one s mind 下决心 read on e s mind 看由些人心思 keep on e's, mind on 专心青 speak one s mind 直百不讳 have/bear/ keep sth. in mind , give in (to sb./ sth.)( 同1已让步;投降;上15r交giVevoUtfgive away 让路;veyayjo1H,可战;店igivebwcy 峰独 give way 10rH遂冲at a good pace16邛城n. 一步;速度;问、keep pace with 跟二:二齐步前进17. attitud

35、e, n. 态度;看法 一、一寸一斗take a friendly attitude to/ towards us.对我们采取友善白勺膏廿18呼盟翳嘴里;eg整鹭里却持积极/消极态度19. flow through咀-逊经第+划进行;进展顺利艮一法;观点come into view20. go/ run like clockwork ?21. weather forecast天22. view. n.视野;视力;晟 u be/ go out of view 进入视缓、admire the view欣赏景色 in my view = fromof view 依莪看来take the viewth

36、at-clause持有my point看作view sb. as sth.(为某人)举手篦祜伊者p '举起,拾起;挂起,张贴;建造,搭建;the tents. 搭起帐篷put up your hands为邛陌U%嚼posb 张贴海报put up ten people for night、1/awayHI好;积蓄 入 一down 写2至二放下;、镇压 fz山山(夫见、建议)广 putput Jput forw犒5put . into use .投put off 延迟,put on 3,,户女, 4I put one s heart into 金put out扑火j火)工& .pu

37、t up with 心、容怒、24.rgive(rmy 】ove/ best wishes to sb.恐人使用请代我向问好/候sister WangWei and I1. Ever singe , middle school, my have dreamed about taking a great bike trip2. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle alongthe entire Mekong Riverfrom where it begins to. where .it ends.3. She insisted tha

38、t she organize the trip properly.4. Once she has made up ner mind, nothing can change it.5. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province6. A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.7 . I prefer the red dress to theg

39、reen one because it fits me better一,8 .Jhe very first time that Jqe saw the film ET directed by Steven Spielberg, he made up hismind to become a director too.9. Give as much information as you can.0. To climb the mountain was hard work.11. At one point we were so high that we found ourselvescycling

40、through clouds .12. We can hardly wait to see them.重点单词和短语Unit 4 Earthquakes1. right/ straight awa2. burst (burst, burstburst (burst,山yrst burst into 关然立刻;马上burst into a place=break into a place嬲嬲flsr突点侬1柒笑/起火burst into .tears/l%burst in 叫Ak公然拇脸、打典burst out突然发生,关然说出一门门+ +口曰byst out crying/ laughing/

41、 singing 关然矢起来 /笑起来 /n. 一阵 a burst of laughter/ applauseburst of anger3. as if/ though 仿佛:好as if/ though+clause直况从旬时态与现在法替实相一般过去时与过去3,实相过去完成时4 . at an end绪惠;终缜in the end ,最后;、终于,一 一一,at the end (of sth.)在结尾处;by the end _of this month、在本月沫5 .juin n. 废墟;毁灭; 遗迹 be/ lie/ stand in ruins片发墟 -圆明圆遗迹4. at an

42、 end)结束的时候成为一the .ruins ofYuanmingyuanv.毁灭;依碱广/北""一* 使庭般限hea1th毁坏某人健康广/火6. destroy (destroyed, destroyed) vt.destroy th泡uilding毁珠建筑one s hope 使不destruction n.ruin one s hope破坏;毁坏;消灭destroy/ ruin7. track n.上,不一毁坏 轨道;足迹;痕迹keep track of售|ho|k;n.我赞;索打击;震惊;令人震惊的事be a great shock 沉重的打击 shock 电击a

43、nThe bad news left us speechless from shock我们震惊得说不出话来。accidentho戮部微事/二F到展惊9. rescue: n & vt. 援救;营救.rescue sb. from 从危资中救生救援队come/ go to one s rescue 营救某人救人员10. trap vt. 使陷入困境n. 陷阱;困境trap sb. in the mud= get/ be trapped in the mud泥巴面诱使奥人/莫物digvt & vi ( 使 ) electric坏消息使shockingrescue teamrescu

44、er n. 营trap sb./ sth. into (doing)set a trap 设圈套11. d梆dug嘘木鬻1o2ut. obfurhyimvt. 从他那里查出真相 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏bury one sface/ head in sth.把脸点彳堆U里去bury oneself in= be buried in 埋头于;专心于be buried in thought 陷入了沉思burial n.葬礼13. shelter n. 躲避(处);避身处build shelters for survivors 给幸存者建避难所shelter from the rain 躲雨被困在(做)th

45、e truth埋葬;takefrom blame 保护我免受责难shelter14. judge n. 裁判员;法官;vt. 断定;判断;判决;认为work as a judge: 当法官/裁判judgefrom/ by sth. ffl_ z.judging from/ Ry sth.由来看(作状语)judge sb.to be认为某人 皿As far as I can judge 据我判断审理这个案件judgement n. 判决;审判;判断judgement on sth"寸.山3黜照15. express vt. 表达;用快递邮寄出oneself 表达自己express th

46、anks/ thoughts 表达感谢/思想expressletter 用快递方式寄出信件me认为sth.judge the makeexpresscasetheexpress sth. to sb.= express to sb. sth.16. rise (rose; risen) vi. 升高; 增长; 站在;上涨;增升;涨工资rise by 20% 增长了 20% rise to 200.rise from the chair 从椅子上站起来/表起床增长到Early to bed and early to rise is good to your healthn. 上升;200早睡as

47、k for a risei 7. run out of 从要求涨工资get a rise 升级;涨工资18. think little/ nothing ofthink much/ highly of 里忱; think of sb. as 把看作9. reach y2取得联正伸;达成(协议);得由结论;伸手够到某物;刃、The woods reaches as reach an agreement conclusion 簿由结雍reach himout for着白机方telephone,as the river森林延伸至河边成协议reacha用电话与他取得联系reachout of the

48、reach of sb.在某人伸手够不within the reach of sb.在某人伸手够彳 1above/ beyond the reach of sb.2o滔 gve out vt.爰/ (洛vi.用尽;筋疲力尽21. It sounds/ looks/ feels/seems as if听/看/感觉起来/看来ii22. in the open air 在户夕23. offer/ send one s congratulate congratulate sb. on sth.向某人祝贺、24. honor vt.勺编n.honor sb. for sth.=be honored fo

49、r sth.因某事而爻至 U尊敬/袤彰a great honor for sb. to do sth.做臬事对某人来说很ns to sb. on sth.be/ feel honored to do sth. Its荣幸 She is an honor to this profession. 她是这一行业的光have the honor to do/ of doing sth.故某事的荣幸do sb. an/the honor of dqing(sth.),一赏光一一一 一人in honor of sb.=in sb 飞honor 为向表示敬息、; 为纪25 . without warning

50、在没有任何先兆的情讯下26 Hhedisaster-hit/stricken areas爻火地区1. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.2. It seems as if the world was at an end.3. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed4. All hope was not lost.5. The army organized teams to dig out those who wer

51、e trapped and to bury the dead. _6. As you know, this is the day the quake happened thirty-four years ago.7. The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened一8. Your parents and your school should be very proud of you!it 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero重点单词和/jit1. quality. n.质量:品质;性质_be of high good/ low/ poor quality -/口用工1a man of fine aualjties: 一卜有很方琼靠质的qualities of water水的特性qualify v.泄具体度格(品质),品质的男子the2. mean adj.吝啬的;自私;用地虱 ts mean of sb. to do sth. 总be mean to sb. about


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