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1、诡计;诀窍;戏法我会玩魔术。-高三英语讲义by Daisy Week 12高中英语必修三重要词汇和短语复习Unit 1religiou1.sri ?lid ?s adj.拓展:adv.religiously虔诚地religious worship, belief,faithtrik2.trickn.I can do magic tricks.He tricked me into giving him the money.拓展: play a trick / tricks on sb.The children played a trick on their teacher.宗教的 ; 笃信宗教的

2、 ; 虔诚的religion.宗教,宗教信n仰a religious宗教礼拜信仰service宗教仪式vt.欺诈,哄骗他哄骗我给了他钱。恶作剧;捉弄;欺骗某人孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。gein v. 获得;增3.gain加(=obtain / win)n. 增加 pl.收益He quickly gained experience by/frompractising.他很快就有经验了。I ve gained weight recently.我最近长胖了。independen ?indi?pend ?4.tntadj. 独立的 ; 自主的 ; 无关的Though she is young, she

3、is independent of her她虽年轻却很独立,不依赖父parents.母。independen独立,自主,自拓展: independentlyadv. 独立地;自由地cen. 立5.award ?w ?:dvt.授予,给予;判n. 奖 ( 品 ) ;奖学给金The school awarded Merry a prize (for her学校(因为她工作好)奖励了梅good work).丽。to win / receive / get an award for(doing) sth.因为某事而获奖admir ?d?mai6.e?vt.钦佩 , 赞赏 , 称赞 , 夸奖 sb. f

4、or (doing) sth.Everybody admires him for his fine sense ofhumour.adj.人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。赞赏admirable拓展: admiring的 ;赞美的 ;羡慕的adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的admirationn. 赞赏,钦佩p ?mi ?n7. permissionn. 允许,许可,准许You have my permission toleave.我准你离开 .拓展:adj. 可允许的,许可permip ?mi?p?:mit v. 允许; n. 许tt,permissible的可证-We do not permit sm

5、oking in the office.The council will not permit you to build here.apologiz ?p?l?d?aiz vi.8. e罪在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。委员会不会允许你们在这一带搞建筑.道歉,认错,谢I apologized to her for stepping on her我因踩了她的脚而向她道foot.歉。 ?p?l?d?i n.道歉,认错,愧拓展: apology悔I made an apology to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。-高三英语讲义by Daisy We

6、ek 129.obvious ?bvi?s adj.显然的,明显的拓展: It is obvious to sb. that? 对某人来说,? 是很明显的。It was obvious to everyone that the child needhelp.大家都清楚那孩子需要帮助。10. remind? / sb. to dori ?maind vt.提醒,使想起; sb. of sth. / thatsth.He reminds me of the years in他使我想起了在法国的那些France.年。Please remind me to buy some milk on my wa

7、yhome.请提醒我回家路上买些牛奶。拓展:reminderri ?maind ? n.提醒物;纪念品;暗示11. Take place发生,进行,举行In memory12. of纪念;悼念13. Dress up盛装;打扮;装饰14.Look forward to期待;期望;盼望15.Day and night日夜;昼夜;整天Have fun (with16.sb.)玩得开心17. Turn up出现;到场;开大声点18.Keep one s word守信用;履行诺言19.Hold one s breath屏息;屏气20. Set off 出发;动身;使爆炸Unit 21. dietn.

8、日常饮食;( 病人的 )特种饮 ?dai?t食vi. 节食be / go on adiet节食;吃限定食物2. balance ?b? l?ns n.平衡;天平;结vt. 使平衡;称;权存衡The child couldn't keep his balance on thebicycle.孩子骑在自行车上不能保持平衡。You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。3. curiosity ?kju ?ri ?sitin.好奇 (心);奇 (abo

9、ut sth/to do sth)物,奇事拓展: ?kju ?ri?s adj.好奇的,好求知的;稀奇的 be (about sth/to docurioussth)He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his. 他抑制不住好奇sister心 ,拆开了别人写给他妹妹的信.4. strengthn. 力 (气 ) ,力量;强度;长处-拓展:strong adj. 强壮的;坚强的;强烈的,浓的strengthenvt. 加强,巩固a man of great strength强壮的男子The fence was str

10、engthened withwire.这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。-高三英语讲义by Daisy Week 125. consultk ?n?s?ltv. 请教;查阅;交换意见;商议 sb/sth (about sth)I consulted a doctor about mypains.我找过医生诊治病痛.consult with one's partners与合伙人商量拓展:consultationconsultantn. 顾问;专科医生n. 商量;会诊;查阅det6. debtn.欠款,债务,负债be in/out ofdebt欠、 不欠债If I pay all my debts

11、I shall have no如果我偿清了所有的债就一分钱不剩money left.了。7. limit ?limit n.限度,限制 pl. 范围;极限vt.限制 (定 )to sth拓展: limitedadj.有限的; 少的;小的There is a limit to the amount of money I canafford.我能付得起的钱数是有限的。Only a limited number of places isavailable.只有少数地方可供使用8. ?benifit益处;救济 (保险 )金 vt.有益vi. 得益于(常与benefitn.于from连用)It is s

12、aidhuman据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好Yogois of great benefit tohealth.处。We benefit a lot fromdaily exercises.我们得益于每天做操。for the benefit为了 ? ? 的利益、好of处9. Loseweight体重减轻;减肥10. Get away with 被放过;(做坏事)没被惩罚11.Tell a lie说谎12.Earn one s living 谋生13.Cut down削减;删节Before14.long不久以后Put on15.weight增加体重Unit 31.p ?mit 允 许 ;(使 )

13、有可(- )n.许可证,执照permv.能tt- ?p?:mititThe situationof any delay. 情势刻不容缓does notpermit-.The windowspermitWe are noted2.accoulight and airto enter. 这些窗户采光.及通风性能良好to smoke in the classroom.permitt?ka?nv. 认为;说明;总计有;n.说明;理由;计算;账户tnton account of因为;由于not on any account/ on no account绝对不;决不take?into ac count考虑

14、;顾及到?account for导致;做出解释Bad weather accounted for the long delay.天气不好导致了长时间的耽搁。3.seeksi:k vt.寻找,追求;请求( 帮助 ) ;探索(常与for, after连用) (pt ,pp sought)-高三英语讲义by Daisy Week 12seek for/after追求成功、 ? 幸福success/happiness4. ?k?ntr ?ri相反的,对抗n.th相反(事物)contraadj.(to)的eryon the与此相反;相反地contrary5.in ?di:d真正地,当然;确实,实在ind

15、eeadv.dI was indeed very glad to hear the news.我听到这消息的确很高兴。6. Bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出7. Go ahead前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说8. By accident 偶然;无意中;不小心9. Stare at凝视;盯着看10.Take a chance 冒险In11.rags衣衫褴褛12.As for至于;关于Unit41. theory ri i?n. 理论,原理;学说;意见,看法in theory从理论上讲拓展: theoreticaladj. 理论 (上 )的2. violent vai?l?nt adj.暴

16、力的;猛烈的,强烈的a violent storm, attack, protest,struggleadv. 强暴地;猛烈拓展: violently地harmf h :mful adj.有害3. ul的Smoking can be harmful to your health.拓展: harm n. vt. 伤害,损害,危害猛烈的风暴、攻击;强烈的抗议;激烈的斗争violencen.暴力,强暴;猛烈,剧烈 (to sb/sth)吸烟对身体有害do harm to sb./sth.损害、伤害harmlessadj. 无害的,无恶意的4. puzzle p?zlv.( 使 )迷惑; (使 ) 为

17、难 n.谜;难题It's a puzzle where all my money goes eachweek.我每星期的钱去了哪儿是个难解的问题 .The old general was puzzling over the oldmap.老将军对着那张旧地图苦苦思索着。5. in time及时-lay6.eggs下蛋7.give birth to产生;生小孩8.in one s turn轮到某人;接着9.prevent?from? 阻止;制止10. cheer up( 使 )高兴起来, ( 使)振作起来11.now that既然break12.out突发;爆发13. watch out

18、 当心;提防;密切关注-高三英语讲义by Daisy Week 12Unit 5 (to/with sb) (about1. chat t ? t vi. n. 闲谈,聊天 sth)to have a chat with sb.与 ?闲聊s ? rau2. surroundndvt.包围;环绕,围绕They have surrounded the town withtroops.他们出动军队包围了该城与某人聊天;闲谈 ?.拓展:adjpl.周围的,附近的n.surrounding3. measure me ? n.尺寸;测量;措施;方法They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.v. 相混合;混淆;调4. mixmiks配n. 混合 A withB使一物与另一物混合 sth (up)拓展: mikst ? n.混合;混mixture合物周围的事物;环境v. 测量;衡量他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬措施.( 物 )混合或混淆某物5. confirmk ?nvt.证实,肯定;进一步确定,确认; f?:m批准The announcement confirmed mysuspicions.这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实.拓展:confirmationconfirmedadj.习惯的,根深蒂固


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