1、WORD格式一、选择填空题每题10 分,共 5 题题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 How was your trip to London, Jane _.选择一项:A. Oh, wonderful indeedB. By plane and by busC. The guide showed me the way反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“真实想法的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方到伦敦旅行情况,听者需要表达自己的真实感受:选项A 表示“确实太棒了;选项说明了乘坐的交通工具;选项C 解释说导游给自己指路了;所以答案是A 。正确答案是: Oh, wonde
2、rful indeed题目 2专业资料整理WORD格式不正确专业资料整理WORD格式获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 Betty, well have a buffet party next Saturday. Will you join us _ , Susan. Thank you!选择一项:A. Id love toB. Im afraid notC. By no means反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“回复邀请的交际用语。第一说话人邀请对方参加聚会,听者表示有兴趣参加,所以答案是A 。正确答案是: Id love to题目 3不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0
3、.00 分专业资料整理WORD格式标记题目专业资料整理WORD格式题干While the other people _ and discussed the problem together, Tedignored them.选择一项:A. interactedB. intensiveC. interviewed反响你的答复不正确译文:当其他人互动,一起讨论问题时,泰德却不理他们。解析: interact是动词,意为“交往,互动;intensive是形容词,意为“强烈的;interview是动词,意为“接见。本句的主语是 people ,选项与 discussed并列,应为动词,所以答案是A 。
4、正确答案是: interacted题目 4正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目专业资料整理WORD格式题干专业资料整理WORD格式The executive team have to hold an urgent meeting _ they see the badmarket feedback.选择一项:A. beforeB. becauseC. whether反响你的答复正确译文:因为看到不良的市场反响,管理团队决定召开紧急会议解析:主句说明管理团队要要召开紧急会议,从句应该是提供原因。选项A 和选项不符合这个逻辑关系,所以答案是B。正确答案是: because题目 5正确
5、获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干We didnt understand how difficult it was to _ such a breakfast.专业资料整理WORD格式选择一项:专业资料整理WORD格式A. districtB. distributeC. distract反响你的答复正确译文:我们不明白配销这样一份早餐有多么困难。解析:district是名词,意为“地区 ;distribute是动词,意为“分销,配送;distract是动词,意为“使分心。根据词性和句意,应该选用distribute,所以答案是 B正确答案是: distribute标记题目信息
6、文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空题型随机共50 分题目 6局部正确获得 50.00 分中的 20.00 分标记题目专业资料整理WORD格式题干专业资料整理WORD格式阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误每题10 分。Four Tips for Becoming a FranchiseeIf you want to become a franchisee, the tips below can help you tofind the perfect opportunity.Be focusd on your preference.On the stage of decision-making
7、,the bottom line is: Dont rule out a business without learning or seeingwhat the day-to-day will look like. For instance, think about a momreturning to the work force who knows she wants to interact withchildren on a daily basis. Among the hundreds of options there, sheneeds to decide if she would l
8、ike to be hands on as a teacher or if shewould rather manage a facility that tutors children in math. Decidingbetween the two is easy if she considers which day-to-day position shewould prefer and how that will impact her other goals.Be proactive with your research.After youve determined what roleyo
9、u want in a franchise, its important to start researching differentoptions. Physically visit many different franchise locations and browsethe web and then determine what will be a fit in your community.Make sure the franchisor has experience. Before signing on to a franchise,it is essential to ask t
10、he franchisor about the executive team and its pastindustry experience. Find out if the company leaders have had significantexperience at another franchise and are now applying that knowledgesuccessfully.专业资料整理WORD格式Read the franchise disclosure document carefully.The first thingto look at is how mu
11、ch a franchise would cost to purchase. Make sureyou have a financial advisor who can look at that item with you and seethe type of profit a franchisee can make on average. Its also important totake a look at the post-termination clause in the agreement to make surethat when you want to leave the bus
12、iness, you know the terms well andyour interests are properly protected.1. Decide on a business with learning or seeing what the day-to-day willlook like. 答复T2. Before youve determined what role you want in a franchise, its timeto start the business.答复T3. Before signing on to a franchise, the essent
13、ial job is to ask thefranchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience.答复专业资料整理WORD格式T专业资料整理WORD格式4. The first thing to look at is how long a franchise would take to purchase. 答复T5. To make sure that when you want to leave the business, you havemade enough money and you are satisf
14、ied with that.答复T反响1. 答案: T解析:这是一道细节理解题。 此题信息对应文章第二段第二句。原句是双重否认的句子,表示肯定的意义,根据句意,本句用肯定的句型改写,所以答案是T。2. 答案: F解析:这是一道细节理解题。此题信息对应文章第三段第二句。原句意为,当你要参加特许经营店,重要的是对多种选择要做调研,因此,本句start the专业资料整理WORD格式business 不对,所以答案是F。专业资料整理WORD格式3. 答案: T解析:这是一道细节理解题。此题信息对应文章第四段第二句。原句用it isessential to ask, 题目用同义词组 the essen
15、tial job改写,因此符合原句句意,所以答案是T。4. 答案: F解析:这是一道细节理解题。此题信息对应文章最后一段第二句。原句意思是,首先要了解的是购置特许经营需要多少钱,题目用how long,表示时间,因此与原句句意不一致,所以答案是F。5. 答案: F解析:这是一道细节理解题。 此题信息对应文章最后一段的最后一句。原句意思是,一旦要离开特许经营行业, 要知晓相关条款和保证自己的利益,题目句意是满意赚足够的钱,再离开,与原句句意不一致,所以答案是F。一、选择填空题每题10 分,共 5 题题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 Thanks for invit
16、ing me, John, but Ive already made other plans.专业资料整理WORD格式 _. Maybe another time.专业资料整理WORD格式选择一项:A. I hope you enjoy itB. Thats goodC. Oh! Im sorry to hear that反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“回复邀请的交际用语。第一说话人感谢对方的邀请,并说明不能赴约,听者根据礼貌原那么,应该表示遗憾,所以答案是C。正确答案是: Oh! Im sorry to hear that题目 2不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干
17、 I had a really good weekend at the seaside. _.选择一项:A. Oh, thats very nice of youB. Oh, Im glad to hear that专业资料整理WORD格式C. Its a pleasure反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“赞赏的交际用语。第一说话人谈到在海边度过愉快的周末,选项 A 表示感谢;选项表示赞赏,选项C 表示很乐意,所以答案是B。正确答案是: Oh, Im glad to hear that题目 3正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干Among the critiques w
18、ere allegations _ some franchise uses itspolitical influence to increase its profits.选择一项:A. whichB. whatC. that反响专业资料整理WORD格式你的答复正确专业资料整理WORD格式译文:在批评意见中有人断言,一些特许经营店利用其政治影响力提高利润。解析:此题考核同位语从句的用法。 同位语从句与定语从句容易混淆, 区别在于:同位语从句只能由that 引导, that 不在同位语从句中担任任何成分,同位语从句只对所修饰的词的内容进展补充说明;定语从句可由关系代词which 或 that引导,
19、关系代词在定语从句中既可以做主语,又可以作宾语。句中allegations是名词,意为“主X ,其后面的句子已经有了主语和宾语,只是对 allegations的具体内容进展说明, 因此,修饰 allegations的是同位语从句 , 所以答案是 C。正确答案是: that题目 4不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干The instruction describes completely the _ and its safety basis.选择一项:A. facultyB. facilitateC. facility反响专业资料整理WORD格式你的答复不正确专业资料整理WO
20、RD格式译文:说明书完整的描述了设备,和它的平安根底。解析:faculty是名词,意为“才能,全体教职员 ;facilitate是动词,意为“促进,助长;facility是名词,意为“设备;本句谓语动词为 describe “描述,并列的宾语是 safety basis ,描述的是设备及其平安根底,所以答案是C。正确答案是: facility题目 5不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干The franchisor _ the franchisee should observe the regulations tomake the business go well.选择一项:
21、A. orB. as well asC. either反响专业资料整理WORD格式你的答复不正确专业资料整理WORD格式译文:授予特许者与特许经营者都要遵守规章制度,使生意良好运行。解析:句中 franchisor和 franchisee是两个并列的主语,需要用连词将它们连接。选项 A 不符合法律要求;选项C 需和 or 搭配使用;所以答案是B。正确答案是: as well as标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空题型随机共50 分题目 6局部正确获得 50.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容每题10 分。操作提示:通过下拉选项框,选择答
22、案。A. it doesnt sound too complicatedB. Then what about the qualifications of a franchiseeC. Sure, what do you want to know专业资料整理WORD格式D. Thank you very much for all the informationE. could you tell me how long a franchise contract will lastAda wants to do franchise business and turns to Bill for som
23、einformation about franchise business.Ada: Hi, Bill. I am really interested in franchising opportunities. Wouldyou be able to give me some adviceBill: 答复BAda: Ok, first, what are the qualifications that a franchisor should haveBill: Generally speaking, a franchisor should be a well-developedcompany
24、with business resources such as a trademark, trade name andbusiness model.Ada: 答复BBill: A franchisee should have the necessary funds, work goals and专业资料整理WORD格式employees, etc.Ada: Yes, 答复B. Would you please tell me something about the franchise feesBill: Ok. The fees for the franchise are an initial
25、 fee and a usage fee.Ada: Now, 答复CBill: In general, it is no less than three years. Then both the franchisorand the franchisee may talk about the conditions, and see whether thecontact needs to be rewritten.Ada: 答复C.Bill: My pleasure.专业资料整理WORD格式反响专业资料整理WORD格式1.答案: C解析:上文 Ada 向 Bill 说明她对特许经营的时机很感兴趣,
26、并询问Bill 是否能给她一些建议。Bill 爽快容许了并问Ada 要了解什么,所以答案是C。2.答案: B解析:上文 Bill 答复了授予特许者所需的资质, Ada 继续就特许经营者资质询问,所以答案是 B。3.答案: A解析:Ada 听了 Bill 对特许者和特许经营者资质的解释后,感到有点复杂, 所以答案是 A。4.答案: E解析:根据下文答复In general, it is no less than three years的推断,上文询问的应该是时间,所以答案是E。5.答案: D解析:对于 Bill 耐心的解答, Ada 自然要表示感谢,所以答案是D。一、选择填空题每题10 分,共
27、5 题题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目专业资料整理WORD格式题干专业资料整理WORD格式 I am going to ask for a pay rise. _.选择一项:A. I dont think you are worthB. Let me pay for itC. I think you may talk to your boss反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“打算要求涨工资的交际用语。第一说话人表示打算要求涨工资,听者可以给出相应的建议。选项A 的表达很不礼貌;选项的表达不符合逻辑;选项C 建议“可以找老板谈谈;所以答案是C。正确答案是: I t
28、hink you may talk to your boss题目 2不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 Betty, well have a buffet party next Saturday. Will you join us _ , Susan. Thank you!专业资料整理WORD格式选择一项:专业资料整理WORD格式A. Id love toB. Im afraid notC. By no means反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“回复邀请的交际用语。第一说话人邀请对方参加聚会,听者表示有兴趣参加,所以答案是A 。正确答案是: Id love to题目
29、 3不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干Trademarks, proprietary service marks and regulations need _carefully.选择一项:A. to be observedB. be observed专业资料整理WORD格式C. being observed专业资料整理WORD格式反响你的答复不正确译文:要认真遵守商标权、专属效劳标志权和规章制度。解析:句中 need 表示“需要,应该时,是实意动词,后面可以接动词不定式作宾语,但是动词不定式 observe与主语之间是被动关系, 所以答案是 A 。正确答案是: to be
30、 observed题目 4不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干It should _ that franchising is one of the means available for gettinginvestment money without giving up control of the chain operation andbuilding a distribution system for servicing it.选择一项:A. recognizeB. be recognizingC. be recognized专业资料整理WORD格式反响专业资料整理WO
31、RD格式你的答复不正确原文:应该成认,特许经营是一种不用放弃连锁经营和建立分销体系为此效劳的一种经营方式。解析:句中 It 是形式主语, that 是主语从句, it 的谓语动词常用被动的形式,但是翻译成汉语时, 可译为主动句式“应该成认,类似的构造还有It is saidthat , “据说, 所以答案是 C。正确答案是: be recognized题目 5正确获得 10.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干Some of the _ solutions will support these requirements better at themoment.选择一项:A. propert
32、yB. prosperityC. proprietary反响专业资料整理WORD格式你的答复正确专业资料整理WORD格式译文:目前,一些专有的解决方案能更好地支持这些需求。解析: property是名词,意为“特性,财产;prosperity是名词,意为“繁荣,兴旺; proprietary是形容词,意为“所有的,专有的。句中被修饰词是名词 solutions “解决方案,所以答案是C。正确答案是: proprietary标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解 / 翻译 / 完形填空题型随机共50 分题目 6局部正确获得 50.00 分中的 10.00 分标记题目题干阅读理解:根据文章内容,选择正确答案
33、每题10 分。China has the most franchises in the world but the scale of theiroperations is relatively small. Each system in China has an average of 43outlets, compared to more than 540 in the United States. Together, thereare 2,600 brands in some 200,000 retail markets. KFC was the most专业资料整理WORD格式signif
34、icant foreign entry in 1987 and is widespread. Many franchises arein fact joint-ventures, as at their forming the franchise law was notexplicit. For example, McDonalds is a joint venture. Pizza Hut, TGIF,Wal-mart, Starbucks followed a little later. But total franchising is only 3%of retail trade, wh
35、ich seeks foreign franchise growth. The year 2005 sawthe birth of an updated franchise law,“ Measures for the Administrationof Commercial Franchise. Previous legislation (1997) made no specificinclusion of foreign investors. Today the franchise law is much clearer byvirtue of the 2007 law, a revisio
36、n of the 2005 law. The laws are applicableif there are transactions involving a trademark combined with paymentswith many obligations on the franchisor. The law comprises 42 articlesand eight chapters.1. According to the passage, the passage mainly talks about答复B.A. the scale of franchising in China
37、B. the franchise law in ChinaC. an outline of franchising in China2. KFC was the答复B专业资料整理WORD格式foreign franchise to China in 1987 and is widespread.A. most profoundB. firstC. wealthiest3. Many franchises are in fact joint-ventures, because答复B.A. at the beginning stage, franchise law was not so clear
38、B. at the beginning stage, many franchises could not find the rightpartnersC. many foreigners were not familiar with Chinese culture4. Foreign franchise grows in China because of答复A专业资料整理WORD格式.A. the open policy专业资料整理WORD格式B. the small amount of retail tradeC. the Chinese culture5. The writer has t
39、he答复Battitude to franchising in ChinaA. negativeB. positiveC. neutral反响1. 答案: C解析:这是一道主旨题。 根据文章的构造和内容, 文章对中国的特许经营做了简专业资料整理WORD格式单的介绍,既没有片面地讲规模,也没有单方面讲法律,所以答案是C。专业资料整理WORD格式2. 答案: A专业资料整理WORD格式解析:这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章的第四句,句中原文中提到KFC 进专业资料整理WORD格式入中国市场,用到the most significant foreign entry“具有深远意义外商进专业资料整理WO
40、RD格式入, profound与significant同义,所以答案是A 。专业资料整理WORD格式3. 答案: A专业资料整理WORD格式解析:这是一道细节题。 此题信息对应文章的第五句,句中提到在外商在特许经营初创的阶段,法律not explicit“不清楚,此题选项中not clear与此属于同义词,所以答案是A 。专业资料整理WORD格式4. 答案: B解析:这是一道细节题。此题信息对应文章的第七句,句中提到,国内只有3%的零售业,规模很小,所以答案是B。5. 答案: B解析:这是一道推断题。文中提到,中国有最多的特许经营店,外商特许经营进入,法律不断完善,因此,对中国特许经营的状况应
41、该持积极态度的,所以答案是 B。一、选择填空题每题10 分,共 5 题题目 1不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 Thanks for inviting me, John, but Ive already made other plans. _. Maybe another time.选择一项:A. I hope you enjoy itB. Thats goodC. Oh! Im sorry to hear that专业资料整理WORD格式反响专业资料整理WORD格式你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“回复邀请的交际用语。第一说话人感谢对方的邀请,并说明不能赴约,听者根据
42、礼貌原那么,应该表示遗憾,所以答案是C。正确答案是: Oh! Im sorry to hear that题目 2不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分标记题目题干 How was your trip to London, Jane _.选择一项:A. Oh, wonderful indeedB. By plane and by busC. The guide showed me the way反响你的答复不正确解析:此题考核表达“真实想法的交际用语。第一说话人询问对方到伦敦旅行情况,听者需要表达自己的真实感受:选项A 表示“确实太棒了;选项说明了乘坐的交通工具;选项C 解释说导游给自己指路了;所以答案是A 。专业资料整理WORD格式正确答案是: Oh, wonderful indeed题目 3不正确获得 10.00 分中的 0.00 分
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