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1、Unit 4Warm-up 1. climate气候a tropical climate 热带性气候a mild / temperate / warm / wet climate 温和/温带/ 暖和/ 潮湿的气候political climate 政治气候the current climate of opinion 现时的思潮,趋势climate 和 weatherclimate 指气候,指一个地区气候总的情况,如气温、降雨量等;weather 则指天气,指特定一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等。2. flood n. 洪水,水灾v. 淹没,泛滥The river is in flo

2、od. 河水正在泛滥。They received a flood of complaints. 他们收到大量的投诉。The office was flooded with applications for thejob. 办公室堆满了应征工作的申请表。3. come true 愿望、梦想等)实现,成真The prediction seems to have come true. 这预测好像已经成为现实。Lesson 1 4. affect 影响Emergency relief will be sent to the areas most affected by the hurricane. 紧

3、急救助将会送往受飓风影响最严重的地区。The new tax law doesnt affect me because Im a student. 因为我还是个学生,新税法不会影响我。5. attack vt. & n. 1)攻击;抨击She was attacked while walking home late at night. 在深夜回家的路上她遭到袭击。Newspapers attacked the government for failing to cut taxes. 报刊抨击政府没有能削减税率。There have been several attacks on foreign

4、ers recently. 最近发生了几起针对外国人的暴力事件。6. crash v. & n. 碰撞,撞击;撞击声A 737 aircraft crashed near New York. 一架737飞机在纽约附近坠毁了。The tree fell with a great crash. 这棵树“ 砰”地一声倒在地上了。A girl was killed yesterday in a car crash. 一个女孩在昨天的车祸中死了。7. harm vt. & n. 损害,伤害Too much direct sunlight will harm the plant. 太多阳光直射将伤害植物。

5、do harm to 伤害,损害This wont do his career serious harm. 这不会对他的事业造成多大伤害。do more harm than good 弊大于利Criticizing peoples work often does more harm than good.批评别人的工作往往弊多利少。8. offer vt. & n. 提出,提供offer sb sth / offer sth to sbThey offered him a very good job, but he turned it down. 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。The

6、yve offered us $75,000 for the house. 他们已向我们出价7.5 万美元卖这幢房子。Thank you for your offer of help. 谢谢你提供的帮助。Ill sell the car if I get a good offer. 如果报价好的话,我就卖了这辆车。9. as if 好像He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他表现得好像什么事情也没有发生过一样。Lesson 2 10. fashion n. 时髦,时尚;(衣服、发型的)流行方式Their music will never go out o

7、f fashion. 他们的音乐永远不会过时。Teenage girls are very fashion conscious. 少女们都十分热衷于赶时髦。a fashion designer 时装设计师a fashion show 时装表演Long hair is very much in fashion. 长头发现在很流行。11. hang on 1)(打电话时)不挂断If you hang on for a second, I will look for Bob and tell him youre on the phone for him. 如果你不挂断, 我去找鲍勃,告诉他你在给他打

8、电话。2) 稍等Hang on a minuteIm nearly ready. 稍等一下我就准备好了。12. be up to somebodya)( 口)由你作主,取决于你You can pay weekly or monthly - its up to you.你可以按周或按月付款这取决于你。b) 是(某人)的职责、义务Its up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers. 旅游公司有责任提醒旅客可能发生的危险。13. get in touch取得联系I am getting in touch w

9、ith him right away. 我马上和他取得联系。14. fancy vt.喜欢,想要Fancy a quick drink, Michael? 想很快喝一杯吗,迈克?fancy doing something 想做某事Sorry, but I dont fancy going out tonight. 很抱歉,我今晚不想出去。Lesson 3 15. suggest vt. to tell someone your ideas about whatthey should do, where they should go etc.suggest sth/ doing sth/ tha

10、tThey keep suggesting ways to keep my weightdown. 他们不断给我提出减肥方法的建议。She wrote to me and suggested a meeting. 她写信给我,建议开个会。John suggested going together in one car. 约翰建议大家坐同一辆汽车去。I suggest you phone before you go round there.我建议去那儿之前你先打个电话。It has been suggested that the manager resign ifany more players

11、 are sold. 据建议,如果不能再卖出球员,经理就得辞职。have a suggestionLet me know if you have any suggestions 如果你有什么建议,请告知。Weve had several suggestions on a name for thebook. 我们已经得到好几个关于给这本书起名的建议了。make a suggestionCan I make one suggestion about how we mightdo this? 关于如何做此事,我能否提一个建议?Lesson 4 16. locate vt. 位于、坐落在The thr

12、ee theaters are located in the center of the town. 这三家剧院位于小城中心。Unit 5 Lesson 11. effect n.影响,作用; 结果have effect onMy parents divorce had a big effect on me. 我父母离异对我影响很大。The governments policies have so far had little effect on reducing the level of inflation. 到目前为止,政府的政策还没有对降低通货膨胀产生影响。greenhouse effe

13、ct 温室效应side effect 副作用2. disappoint vt.(使某人)失望Im sorry to disappoint you, but there arent any tickets left. 很抱歉让你失望,但没票了。3. impress vt. & vi. 这本书给我们印象最深的是它的生动的语言。Steve borrowed his dads sports car to impress his girlfriend. 史蒂夫借来父亲的跑车以讨女友的欢心。I think the boss was favorably impressed by your presentat

14、ion. 我认为老板对你的报告相当满意。4. be /get used to(doing) some thing 习惯(做某事)I do the dishes every day, so Im used to it. 我每天洗碗,习惯了。I cant get used to the fact that youre grown up now. 我还不习惯你已经长大成人这个事实。used to do sth 过去常常做某事 if something used to happen, it happened regularly or all the time in the past, but does

15、 not happen now Were eating out more often than we used to. 和过去相比,我们现在更常在饭店吃饭。5. perform vt.做,执行;实行,表演,演出Robert says he will resign when he is no longer able to perform his duties. 罗伯特说当他不再能履行职责时,他就会辞职。The operation was performed by a team of surgeons at the central hospital. 这个手术是由中心医院一组外科医生实施的。Bef

16、ore every concert, she worries about how well she will perform. 每次音乐会前,她都会为能否演奏好而担心焦虑。Lesson 36. combine vt.( 使)结合,组合,综合Diets are most effective when they are combined with exercise. 节食和运动结合起来效果最佳。Its hard to combine family life with a career. 很难把家庭生活和事业结合起来。7. award n.奖赏,奖金,奖品win/receive an award 获

17、奖Do you know who has won the best actress award this year? 你知道今年谁获 最佳女演员奖了?8. transform vt.( 使)改观变形,转化In the last 20 years, South Korea has been transformed into a major industrial nation. 在过去20年里,韩国变成了先进的工业强国。Put yourself in the hands of our experts, who will transform your hair and makeup. 你把自己交给我

18、们的专家吧,他们会使你的发型和化妆彻底改观。Lesson 4 9. back and forth 来回地The shuttle bus runs back and forth between the airport and the downtown area. 穿梭巴士在机场和市区之间往返运行。He was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. 他在等候室中来回踱步。10. unique adj.1) 独一无二的,独特的Each persons fingerprints are unique. 每个人的指纹都是不同的。2) 极好的,难得的,不同寻

19、常的It was a unique achievement no-one has ever won the championship five times before. 这可是个非同寻常的成就在此之前还没有人五次获得冠军。11. popular adj.1)受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的Video games are very popular with children. 电子游戏很受孩子们的喜爱。2)多数人做的,公众的It was decided by popular vote. 这是由全民决定的。3) 通俗的, 大众的Popular opinion is quite easily swayed

20、by the media. 大众的观点很易被媒体影响。12. skip vi. & vt. 1)蹦跳着走The children went skipping along the path. 孩子们沿着小路蹦跳着往前走。2) 不做(某事)Skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight.不吃饭可不是减肥的好办法。3) 略过,跳过Lets skip to the last item on the agenda. 让我们跳到日程上的最后一项吧。Unit 6 DesignLesson1.A matter of taste 1. develop变得更好Hes

21、 developed experience in management.在管理方面他已经很有经验。develop建房The land is being developed by a French company.这块地是由一家法国公司开发的。develop研究新产品The company develops and markets the new software.这家公司研制和销售这种新软件。2. favorite 形容词 最喜爱的Margaret was his favorite daughter.玛格丽特是他最喜爱的女儿。Favorite 可数名词 喜爱的人或物This song is a

22、 particular favorite of mine.这首歌是我最喜爱的。3. leave +宾语v-ing Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.不要让她在雨中等候。Leave +宾语pp He got up slowly leaving the lunch unfinished.他慢慢地站起来没有吃完饭。Leave +宾语+adj Youd better leave the drawing-room door open.你最好开着画室的门。His illness has left him weak.他的病让身体很虚弱。4. deep in

23、 thought 陷入沉思He sat there, deep in thought.他坐在那儿,陷入沉思5. fix ones eyes attention on 注视、注意She fixed her eyes on the clock.Her eyes are fixed on the clock.她眼睛一动不动地注视着表。fix确定,安排Lets fix a day, would Saturday night suit you? 咱们定个日子吧,星期六晚上你觉得合适吗?Fix使固定,放在固定位置Weve fixed the picture on the wall.我们把画固定在墙上。fi

24、x安排,解决 Everything had been fixed in advance.一切都提前安排好了。6. combine with 把和结合起来These films combine education with recreation.这些电影把教育和娱乐结合起来了。7. add to 增加Their arrival added to our difficulty.他们的到来增加了我们的困难。Addto把加到上She added sugar to her coffee.她往咖啡里加了些糖。8. at, on 和inat 在某一点,在某物旁at the shop在商店 at 门牌号 in

25、街道名at the end of the road 在路的尽头On 在之上(尤指在某物的表面上)On the wall在墙上There is a bottle of wine on the table.桌上有一瓶酒。In在(范围)内In the room/lake/sky在房子/湖/天空里Before, in front of和 in the front ofBefore 表示在空间的位置,“在面前/眼前In front of在面前表示建筑物或无生命的具体位置,其反义词为behindIn the front of 在面前, 表示的是某一具体范围之内的前面。There is a big tree

26、 in front of the house.He sat in the front of the bus.Above 和over“在上面,高出” A lamp was hanging above/over the table.Over表示“越过” 或“覆盖”而above无此含义 He speed a cloth over the table.他在桌子上铺了一块桌布。一、单选:1. He suddenly saw Sue _the room. He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her.A across, across B. ov

27、er, through C. over, into D across, through2. You cant wear a blue jacket _that shirtitll look terrible.A on B. above C. up D. over3. I am sorry its _my power to make a final decision on the project.A. over B. above C. off D. beyond4. The sunlight came in _the windows in the roof and lit up the whol

28、e room.A., through B. across C. on D. over5. The newly-painted white tower looks magnificent _the blue sky.A. in B over C. above D. against6. The picture looks very beautiful _the light wall.A. in B. of C. over D. against7. As is shown on the map, Taiwan lies _the southeast of China.A. in B. on C. t

29、o D. at8. Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions_.A. unanswered B. answered C. to answer D. answering9. He found her eyes _on him with an eager expression.A. fixed B. fixing C. been fixed D are fixing10. Weve _the date for the wedding.A. fixed B. decided C. thought of D. arranged11. H

30、is illness has left him_.A. weakness B. weak C. to be weak D. be weak12. The program has become _firm favorite with young people.A. a B. / C. the D my13. He was such _good speaker that he held our attention every minute of _three hour lecture.A. /; the B a; / C. a; the D a; a14. It was an easy test

31、and he should have passed, but he _.A. doesnt B. wasnt C. didnt D. hadnt15. A driver is asked to keep his safety belt _ while driving on the freeway.A. fasten B. fastening C. fastened D. to fasten 二、完形:“Everything happens for the best”, my mother said whenever I faced disappointment(失望). “If you 16

32、on, something good will happen someday.”Mother was right. As I 17 after graduating(毕业) from college, I had designed myself for a 18 announcer. So I went to Chicago to knock on the door of every station and was 19 every time. In one station, a kind lady told me that 20 stations wouldnt employ a perso

33、n without 21 since I had just graduated. “Go out in the town and find a small station tat might give you a chance,” she said.I returned to Dixon, 22 I had finished my high school education and had 23 in the school football team. My father said that our town had built a store and wanted a man to 24 i

34、ts sports department. The job sounded just 25 for me, but I wasnt employed.My disappointment had shown as if 26 “Everything happens for the best.” Mom reminded(提醒)me. Dad 27 me his car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio Davenport. The program director told me 28 had already employed an announcer.

35、29 if left his office, I asked myself aloud, “30 can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if 31 cant get a job in a radio station?” Suddenly, I heard the director 32, “Do you know anything about football?” Then he asked me to 33 an imaginary game. It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The d

36、irector was 34 and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the 35 Sunday.16. A. put B. take C. move D. carry17. A. recovered B. discovered C. recognized D. developed18. A. radio B. TV C. sport D. program19. A. invited B. promised C. refused D. accepted20. A. large B. all C. no D. small21. A. exper

37、ience B. exams C. agreement D. technology22. A. which B. where C. there D. here23. A. played B. joined C. taken D. fought24. A. own B. manage C. report D. enter25. A. possible B. successful C. right D. important26. A. by design B. by accident C. expected D. supposed27. A. borrowed B. lent C. bought

38、D. sold28. A. he B. she C. we D. they29. A. While B. After C. Before D. So30. A. What B. How C. Whenever D. Wherever31. A. it B. me C. he D. I32. A. calling B. answering C. broadcasting D. announcing33. A. make B. act C. broadcast D. play34. A. moved B. sorry C. thankful D. satisfied 35. A. future B

39、. later C. last D. coming答案:1-5 DDDAD 6-10 DAAAA 11-15 BADCC 16-20 DBCCA 21-25 ABABC 26-30 ABDBB 31-35 CACDDLesson 2 Great buildings一、怎样区别kind,sort和type三个词都可以表示种类。其中kind侧重指有共同特征,性质相同或非常相似的事物,尤其指动物、植物、水果等生物界的同一类属。与sort相比较为正式。例如: An orange is a kind of fruit橙子是一种水果。Sort表示种类,可以与kind互换,但它侧重指大体相似或相近的事物,而

40、且常常带有轻蔑或否定的意味,与kind相比较为口语化。例如:She is not my sort of(a girl)她不是我喜欢的那种(小女孩)。Type也可表示种类,但它侧重指具体的类型,作“型号”、“式样”解。例如:A new type Of plane can be seen flying in the sky可以看到天上飞着一架新型飞机。A type of与a kind of和a sort of的用法基本相同。Of后的名词通常用单数,名词前不用冠词或其他限定词。例如:The engineer designedanew kindsorttype Of plane这个工程师设计了一种新型

41、飞机。但在美国英语中,a type of中常常省去of,直接用type修饰名词,如a new type(of) car,a new type(of)bike等。A type of作“典范”解时,其后的单数名词可以被限定词所修饰。例如:Guo Moruo is a fine type of the modern writer in China。郭沫若是中国现代作家的典范。二、as if 是从属连词,引导方式状语从句,其用法和意义与as though相似,都表示好像,仿佛之意,但as if 较通俗。(1) 如果as if从句中所说的内容为非真实情况时,从句中的动词应该使用过去时或过去完成时,be动

42、词在第一、三人称可用was或were。例如:She talks as if she knew everything. He looks as if he had seen a ghost. He treats me as if I were a stranger. (2) 如果as if从句中所说的内容是事实时,从句中的动词应该使用陈述语气。例如: It looks as if it is going to be very hot today. (3) 当as if引导的从句中的主语与主句中的主语一致时,从句中的主语可以省略。例如: He stood up as if (he wanted)

43、to leave.He talks as if he knew everything. / He talks as if knowing everything一、单项:1. The supermarket has so little parking space, _ is really a problem. A. which B. what C. it D. as2. The salesman said that _ thief was a young man with _ brown hair. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D. a; a 3. Tom has

44、 hurt his leg. -Really? _. A. Who did that B. Whats wrong with him C. How did that happen D. Why was he so careless4. EBay, Amazon and WalMart are popular websites _ people can sell goods to each other. A. where B. which C. when D. whose5. One of the most significant happenings in the year 2005 was

45、the success of Shenzhou VI, _ all Chinese were proud. A. of which B. for which C. which D. in which6. Ill be able to come to see your performance at 8:30 tomorrow evening. -Im sorry, by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room. A. will be ended; will meet B. is to end; will meetin

46、g room. C. will have ended; will be meeting D. will be ended; am going to meet7. While driving through the city, she showed me the building _ she once worked as a lift operator. A. when B. which C. by which D. in which8. It was an easy test and he should have passed, but he _. A. doesnt B. wasnt C.

47、didnt D. hadnt9. I hope _ the little _ I have been able to do has been of some use. A. that; that B. 不填;by which C. what; what D. 不填;with which10. Could you tell me _ you got the money for the gift? -Well, I sold some of my toys. A. why B. when C. where D. how11. Could I take a few days leave, sir?

48、-Im afraid you cant _ the work is being done. A. as B. until C. before D. after12. The boy wanted to go to the net bar after supper, but his mother told him _. A. not to do B. not do it C. not to D. didnt13. She was educated at Beijing University, _ she went on to have her advanced study broad. A. a

49、fter this B. from that C. from which D. after which14. The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A. what B. that C. how D. as15. I was given three books on cooking, the first _ I really enjoyed. A. of that B. of which C. that D. whichanswers: 1-5 AACAA 6-10 CDCAD 11

50、-15 CCDDBLesson3 Chinese paper art一、 短语1. say goodbye /hello / to somebody 向某人说再见,问好2 try out试验Ill try it out and see whether it works.我先试验一下,看它是否起作用。3 Put up 举手Put up your hand if you think you know the answer please.如果你知道正确的答案请举手。搭起,修建These houses were put up in 1924.这些房子是1924年修建的。挂上,张贴Its time that we put up the Christmas decorations in the living room.是我们张贴圣诞装饰品的时候了。4 Be related (to) 和有联系, 和有关Political news was often related to economic and social problems.政治往往和经济和社会问题有关。有亲属关系We have the same name but we are not related.我们同名但是没有亲属关系。5. be married 可表示已婚状态Are y


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