



1、新舟中学高一英语学案年级:高一 撰写人:宋朋伶 时间: 2015年 3月22日课题Unit 2 Healthy Eating-come and eat here (2)授课班级高一12班授课时间2015年3月27日学习目标Knowledge aim1. Learn some useful new words and expressions in this passage;2. Learn the knowledge of balanced diet and nutrition.Ability aimDevelop reading ability and learn different read

2、ing skills.Emotional AimLearn to form a healthy eating habit and have sense of cooperative learning.重难点1. Learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition by using different reading skills;2. Learn to solve problems about a balanced diet and nutrition新知导学(课前预习). 单词1v. _咨询 _消化 _怒视

3、 _限制 _叹息;叹气_ (使)联合;(使)结合 2n. _纤维 _胡萝卜 _债务 _利益 _胸部 _大蒜 _合作3adj. _有毒的 _有限的 . 短语1谋生_ 2暗中监视_ 3增加体重_4削减_ 5不久以后_ 6欠债_7同意做_ 8根据_ 9而不是_10用这种方法_. 句子1 He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.翻译:_2I thought you were a new customer and now I find you came only to sp

4、y on me and my menu.翻译:_3. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.翻译:_课堂学案(Learning procedures)Step1. Revision (3-5 mins)1) What are the three kinds of food we have learned according to the functions of food? Give 1-2 examples for each kind of food

5、._According to the given words and phrases, please retell the main content of the text come and eat here (1).Words and phrases: As we all know, manage, slim, attract, frustrate(失落的,挫败的), curiosity, do a research, compete._Step2. Pre-leading (1-2mins) Look at the pictures and try to tell us what had

6、happened to them._Step3. While-reading (25 mins)3.1 Fast-reading (skimming) (3 mins)Read the passage as fast as possible and find out the main idea of each paragraph.ParagraphMain idea Para_Combined their menus / became business and personal cooperationPara_So angr

7、y to ask Wang Peng for the reasonPara_Had a meal and found the disadvantage of each others menu3.2 Careful reading (5-8 mins)3.2.1 Read the text carefully and finish the table as following.Para_Wang PengYong HuiPlace FeelingReasonsBe able to _She thought_.not have to _not be _had

8、 gone.3.2.2 Read Para 2&3 carefully and summarize the main content according to the table as following and then teacher will give the feedback.(15 mins)What did they do?Results1.2.1.2.Step4. Post-reading & summary (5-7 mins) If Yong Hui and Wang Peng want to find a good cook for their restau

9、rant, you and your members will go and take part in the employment, which needs you to make a menu for your dishes according to the given food and you must make sure that your dish is a healthy and balanced diet, Work in groups to complete it and then share your group idea for us, four students as a

10、 group to do it. Now show your menu pleaseThe content may include:1. The name of dish; the materials; the reason why you choose these materials; cooking method, etc.The words that you may use: protein 蛋白质, sugar 糖, fat脂肪, fibre纤维, mineral矿物质, vitamin 维生素, carbohydrates 碳水化合物2. The sentences that you may use: The name of my menu is_My new menu is made up of _The reason why I choose these materi


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