



1、marketingstrict internal costcontrol , business and innovation performance. -Increasing ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywith coalinventory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t he"small"an

2、d bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicies on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively incr

3、ease pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration oflabour agreements into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimplementation o

4、ftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati onofprofessi

5、onaltechni callea ders, selected coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a "hol ding system implementati on,and p

6、r omotingt hew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpromoting the constru ction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on "six culturalconstruction

7、 of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr uction andthe independe ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Building ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to th

8、eShenhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibilityatthe core,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costculture culture system -assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he "Chi nesecult uralmanagementa dvanced unit&quo

9、t;,"NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30" andother honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nation alelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award

10、ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvince.-Partyand theinde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintain小学生

11、守则和小学生日常行为规范知识竞赛试题必答题第一关,答对加10分,答错不扣分,限时60秒,时间范围内可做修改。1、郑丹放学回到家里,首先的正确行为是:( C )A、吃水果B 、看书C、向父母打招呼D 、做家务2、张杨杨放学扫地时,发现地上有10 元钱,于是他的正确做法是: ( C )A、没别人看到就自己装起来B、和其他值日生买东西吃掉C、交给值日老师3、自习课上,老师还没有来,我应该在教室里(A ) 安静地自主学习 自己玩 和同学说话4、下列行为中不符合中小学生守则的有:( C )A、爱护马路两边的路灯、邮筒等公用设施B 、不随意翻动同桌同学的物品C、面包、馒头吃不掉时扔进垃圾桶里D 、主动帮助

12、盲爷爷过马路5、张某在大街上看见他以前的数学老师,他应该:( C )ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment" asthe mai ncontent ofthe"three guara ntees" theme practiceactivitiesa nd "stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample" campaign, party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofw

13、ork.Staff participatingint he honest andcl ean culture constructionseminars,staff'ssenseofprobityand e nha nced. Foundedby honestinspectors team composedof12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish "fourgood" leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98

14、%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegation leadermeeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss and safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr uctur eofthe missi on,the w orkofstrengt

15、hening.Organize maintena ncel abor emulation and"healthCup" competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural activities,physi caland mentalhealthcarestaff,tocreate aharmoniousatmosphere.During theWenchuanearthquake, donatedallthe com pany empl oyees,to love,t osupportthe d

16、isasterareas.This year, thecompanyhaswon the"Su .Cuttingcostscan be controlle d,money should not bewasted"manageme ntphilosophy, management analysis,toimprovema nagement qualit y,improve cost controlcapacity a nd market competitiveness.Innovation ofscie nce andtechnology-science and techno

17、logyi nnovation istoplay the roleofscie nce andtechnology ast he primaryproductive force,active use of new technologie s,ne wmaterials,newpr ocesses, newequi pment,increa se investment i n scienceand technology, strengt hening scientifica ndte chnol ogicaltrai ning, speeding uptransformings cientifi

18、c a ndte chnol ogical a cheivements,forming anumber ofproprietaryte chnol ogy,e nhanci ng core competitiveness. Resource-saving -the -resource ssaving enterpri sewast.;" ",1",” _ ;tg:e”,ee.""""f;0."”.“昼",maQjg.: . r-l”;ns-"i” .,.e p.d_». .sis n&

19、#187;et Ie busine - lb-c- .”." oa.man.- et naltasact Ha ofham to-n-ta feg" e.onmefrd-pmet" XING"Ien- - managmet m. es arefeCVe, lam">r curecy" meas E.r"- coor Un-i >g . welge-"g XX203 -e enep-sb."sc s ty |.w cmpayg.aSae. u.1.age 0 .,>1 -s 0i s -q

20、utl.r-. outer-eNp-on- in.y a-id.tmae. and no ie .e-marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol, business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nment

21、powerto266milli on k Wh.Through t he"small"andbilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Province ranke dfirst inthe same capa city,t hesame ty peu nits.Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li n

22、kage policie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profitabilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 . Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt he

23、ni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe reserveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem, 14staffpost

24、s bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factory -level professionaland te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -building to a dvance furt her

25、. Establi sh a "hol ding system implementation,and pr omotingt hew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie ,wpromoting t he construction ofthe star team depth. Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfour starratedfive -starby Datang a

26、 nd theteam.Four,insist s on "six cultural construction of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andt he independe ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenterpriseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil

27、 ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, costculture culture system-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearh

28、asw ont he "Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit","NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform andope ning up 30" and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe company culture:solving manageme nt problems ofcorporateculture proje ct was awarde dthe C

29、EC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement awar d ofexcelle nce. Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation management,innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission againstcorrupt

30、ionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintainA、装做没看见B、主动上前行礼、问好C、不打招呼,因为数学老师现在不带他的课了D 、走上前去质问数学老师以前为什么总是批评他不做作业6、修订后的小学生日常行为规范共计(B )条A、 10 B、 20 C、 30 D、 507、我国的国旗是(A )A、五星红旗 B、齿轮和谷穗 C、人民大团结 D、象征革命传统8、孝敬父母和长辈是我们义不容辞的(D ) 。A、关心父母B、主动为家庭做力所能及的事C、听从父母和长辈的教导 D、责任和义务必答题第二关,答对加10分,答错不扣分,限

31、时60秒,时间范围内可做修改。1、星期一早上,同学们正在操场上举行升旗仪式。丁丁来晚了,走到操场门口时,正在升国旗、奏国歌。他该怎么办?(B )A、立刻跑到班级的队伍中。B 、站在原处,敬礼。C、躲一躲再说2、 倒 垃 圾 时 , 一 张 废 纸 掉 在 了 路 上 , 你 认 为 该 怎 么 做 ?(B )A、不管它。B 、捡回垃圾桶里。marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se

32、,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266milli on k Wh.Through t he"small"andbilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116%

33、 market sharein Jiang su Province ranke dfirst inthe same capa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 . Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour ag

34、reement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe reserveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced

35、10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13factory-level professionaland te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillst

36、raining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -building to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a "hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie w,p

37、r omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth. Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four,insist s on "six cultural construction of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on a nd the inde pende ntCommission agai nstcor

38、ruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,eth

39、i calculture, costculture culture system-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he "Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit","NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30" and other

40、 honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe company culture:solving manageme nt problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation manag

41、ement,innovation management ofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission againstcorruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintainC、别人会来扫的。3、 大量运动之后,应该如何来恢复体力,补充水分?( A ) 。A适当地补充淡盐水 B、大量饮水C、喝糖水4、学生学习必不可少的三个环节是(A ) 。A、预习、复习、课后练习 B 、听讲、看书、记笔记C

42、、课本、作业、考试D 、老师、学生、家长5、 “坐如钟、卧如弓、站如松、行如风。 ”就是说( C ) 。A要做广播体操B 、要做眼保健操C、坐、卧、站、行姿势要端正 D、参加文体活动6、校园的整洁与美丽靠我们(B ) 。A、值日 B、每一个人的努力 C 、爱护花草树木 D 、保护地球7、如果走在马路上忽然想吐痰,又找不到垃圾筒,你怎么办?( C )。A、吐在路边。B、含在嘴里或咽下去。 C、先吐在纸巾里再扔进垃圾筒。8、爱护公物是每个人的美德,也是我们每个人的(A ) 。A、责任 B 、文化 C 、创造 D 、传统9、当你刚刚开始过马路时,黄色的信号灯闪烁起来,你应该怎样做呢?(C ) 。A、

43、加快脚步跑过马路 B 、立即停下脚步C、立即停下脚步并退回安全线以内ecurit y, profit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdevelopment" asthe mai ncontent ofthe"three guarantees" themepracticeactivitiesa nd "stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample" campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.S

44、taff participatinginthe honest a ndcelan culture constructionseminars,staff'ssenseofprobityand enhance d. Foundedby honestinspectors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish "fourgood" leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%tothe

45、team.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegationleader meeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss a ndsafeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstructur eofthe mission,the w ork ofstrengthening.O

46、rganize mai ntena ncelabor emulation and"healthCup" competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedmarketingstrict internal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performance. -Increasing ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrease,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,thecom panywit h coali

47、nventory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Through t he"small"andbilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Province ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t

48、 hesame ty peu nits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal linkage policies on July 1 a nd August20respectively increase prices 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration oflabour agreements into l ong-term contractworkerscompensati on system, stimulating

49、 theent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformanceappraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofo

50、perationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, selected coverage9 13factory -level professiona land te chnica lleaders.To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechnicians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto10

51、0%.-Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a "hol ding system implementation,and promotingthew hole"team -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eambuilding int o aperformance revie,wpromoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4

52、teamfourstarratedfive-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on "six cultural construction of" harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andthe independe ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter prisecu

53、lture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a cultureoflearning,ethi calculture, costculture culture syste m-assisted, throughvariousculturalintegration,ha

54、s boosted businessce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he "Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvancedunit","NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform andope ning up 30" andother honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporatecu

55、lture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ningand preventi on systemwasratedasChina's pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenterpriseinJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pend

56、e ntCommission againstcorruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintain10 、 我们每个人都必须生活在一定的集体中,与周围的人打交道。应该学会相互尊重,与他人(B ) 。A、友爱 B 、合作 C、活动 D、劳动11、小明的父母下班比较晚,他每天放学都自己回家。这天回到家,发现家里的门半开着,透过门缝小明发现家里很乱,而且隐约听到有陌生人的声音。如果你遇到小明这种情况,你该怎么做?( B )。A 、赶快进去看看到底发生了什么事B 、赶快想办法打110报警C、叫上同学,一起进去必答第三关

57、,答对加20 分,答错不扣分,限时60 秒,时间范围内可做修改1、 小学生日常行为规范第一条规定关于国旗的内容是什么?尊敬国旗、国徽,会唱国歌,升降国旗、奏唱国歌时肃立、脱帽、行注目礼,少先队员行队礼。2、 小学生日常行为规范第九条规定同学要养成良好的日常生活习惯,包括哪些方面?衣着整洁,经常洗澡,勤剪指甲,勤洗头,早晚刷牙,饭前便后要洗手。自己能做的事自己做,衣物用品摆放整齐,学会收拾房间、洗衣服、洗餐具等家务劳动。3、 小学生日常行为规范第十七条的要求内容是什么?遵守交通法规,过马路走人行横道,不乱穿马路,不在公路、铁marketingstrict inter nal costcontro

58、l , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t he"small"and bilateraltrade,a cce sstoel

59、ectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour a


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