1、.1 单位:长郡湘府中学 教师:阳恩峰 科目:英语. The of Chinese charactersof Chinese charactersdevelopment.6 Learning aims:Through reading, 1. able to know about the history and development of Chinese characters.2. able to know about different ways of forming Chinese characters.After reading,3. able to introduc
2、e and recommend Chinese characters.4. able to be aware of the importance of promoting Chinese characters and cultures to the world.5. able to design and complete a booklet of about the development of Chinese characters.7.8p1p2p3p4p5Read the report and analyse the structure : features.9alphabetcharac
3、ters.10Features of Chinese language:The Chinese language _ Western languages _ Chinese characters _ ideas, objects or deeds.Part Onediffers fromin that/ becausestand for/represent.11p1p2p3p4p5Read the report and analyse the structure : featuresThe of Chinese Charactersdevelopment.12WhenWhoHowWhatPar
4、t2: Origin of Chinese Characters(Story-telling).13.14Part2: Different ways of forming CharactersdrawingssymbolsCompound characters(合体字)合体字)ideas / combiningmeanings+sounds.15changing over time develop from _ into _drawingsstandard forms.16Group activity:Talk in groups and try to find out more exampl
5、es of each way of forming. Introduce them in class, paying attention to the description words.17蟹蟹 crab.18.19GoodWhat character is this ? In which way is it formed?.20.21p1p2p3p4p5Read the report and analyse the structure : featuresThe of Chinese CharactersChinese charactersdevelopmentSimplified.22P
6、art ThreeTraditional/Complex Characterssimplified charactersSimplified characters were introduced in the _.1950s.23 漢字擁有悠久的歷史,它是中國文化的漢字擁有悠久的歷史,它是中國文化的象徵,是中國勞動人民智慧的結晶。象徵,是中國勞動人民智慧的結晶。 汉字拥有悠久的历史,它是中国文化的汉字拥有悠久的历史,它是中国文化的象征,是中国劳动人民智慧的结晶。象征,是中国劳动人民智慧的结晶。Complex charactersSimplified charactersV s.V s.24Di
7、scussionShould traditional Chinese characters return to schools?Should traditional Chinese characters return to schools?.25 台湾教育学家做了个有趣的实验,他们让台湾教育学家做了个有趣的实验,他们让台湾和大陆的小朋友抄写台湾和大陆的小朋友抄写“忧郁的台湾乌龟忧郁的台湾乌龟”100遍,经过观察,他们发现台湾的小朋友抄遍,经过观察,他们发现台湾的小朋友抄了几十遍之后就不耐烦了,而大陆的小朋友了几十遍之后就不耐烦了,而大陆的小朋友每次都能坚持抄完,教育学家由此断定每次都能坚持抄完
8、,教育学家由此断定, 大陆大陆小朋友缺乏反抗精神。小朋友缺乏反抗精神。 对此结论我一直很认同。直到看到一份台对此结论我一直很认同。直到看到一份台湾小朋友抄写的作业湾小朋友抄写的作业:“憂鬱的臺灣烏龜憂鬱的臺灣烏龜”Joke !.26Task-based Writing Write a short passage to recommend one Chinese character to your foreign pen pal, introducing the forming and meaning of it and state your reasons for recommendation
9、 in brief.the Chinese character I choose to recommend to the foreigners.27人人It is typical of Chinese pictographs. It looks as if a person were walking with two legs supporting him firmly. In addition, the character “人人 has a profound meaning, reflecting the traditional Chinese Confucianism people-or
10、iented.28Suggested words and structuresWhich character?The character I recommend isHow was it formed and how did it develop over time?1.consist of/be made up of/look like2.One part indicates, the other part suggests / develop from/ turn into3. Traditional form/ simplified formThe reason why I recomm
11、end this word?1.The meaning of 2. stand for/ represent/ express .Para1:Para2:Para3:.29Writing:( 80-100words) Chinese is a unique and attractive language which carries the history and culture of China_ _ _.30 Chinese is a unique language which carries the history and culture of China . In the campaig
12、n of recommending a Chinese character to the world, I consider 梦梦“,which means dream, best represents China. The character consists of two parts with one indicating forest, the other suggesting twilight. They were combined to express the idea of making a dream or a state of sleeping. Its traditional
13、 way of writing 夢夢 is quite complicated and now it has developed into the simplified form梦梦. Possible version.31 The meaning of “梦梦” differs a little from what it used to be in that it also stands for the goals we are fighting for. China was in a state of sleeping for years. Now she has waken up,rea
14、lizing that it is her dream to be a prosperous country where everyone can enjoy their rights and happiness. “梦梦” expresses the hope and determination of our country. .321. Finish reading Finish reading Passage 2 Passage 2 the the story of Braille.story of Braille.2 2 Collect different opinions on the Collect different opinions on the proposal that complex Chinese proposal that complex Chinese characters should return to schools characters should return to schools and finish the Situational Writing and finish the Situational Writing Task 2.Task 2.3.D
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