1、Do Animals Have a Culture?IntroductionPara.1Presenting the questions: 1) Do animals have a culture as we human beings do? 2) What is culture?BodyPara.2-5Animals can use and make tools themselves, learn and share behavior and communicate with some forms of language.ConclusionPara.6There are limits to
2、 the culture of animals.Organization AnalysisDetailed ReadingDetailed Readinghumans also human beings, the human race, man, mankind, humankind 人类人类Dogs can hear much better than humans.Humans are equal in the eyes of the law.a way of life also a way of living, lifestyle the behavior, habits, customs
3、 etc. that are typical of a particular society or person 生活方式生活方式Regular exercise is part of a healthy way of life. The tribes traditional way of life is under threat. 1. It is the patterns of behavior that help people to live together. It is also the patterns of behavior that make one group differe
4、nt from another group.正是人们的行为模式促使他们生活在一起,也正是人正是人们的行为模式促使他们生活在一起,也正是人们的行为模式把不同的群体区分开来。们的行为模式把不同的群体区分开来。强调句:强调句:It + be + 要强调部分要强调部分 + that (或或who, which) + 句子其它部分。句子其它部分。TranslationCommentsExamples1) It was Tom who/that met your sister in the zoo yesterday.2) It was in the zoo that Tom met your siste
5、r yesterday.3) It was yesterday that Tom met your sister in the zoo.defense n. C weapon, barrier, etc. used for defending or protecting 用于保卫或保护的武器、屏障;防御能力用于保卫或保护的武器、屏障;防御能力The immune system is the bodys defense against infection. U defending from attack; fighting against attack 保护;保护;保卫保卫They commit
6、ted themselves to the defense of human rights.Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics.How can you defend such behavior?defend v. 1. protect sb./sth. from harm; guard sb./sth. 保护;保卫保护;保卫All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attack.We need to def
7、end against military aggression.2. to say or write sth in support of sb./sth. 辩解;辩白辩解;辩白case n. C (usually singular) a situation that exists, esp. as it affects a particular person or group 实情,情况实情,情况It may be the case that the scheme will need more money.In this case, several solutions could be tri
8、ed.2. For example, chimpanzees have been seen stripping the leaves off a branch, then putting it into a termite nest. 例如,有人看到黑猩猩把例如,有人看到黑猩猩把树叶扯掉,将树枝伸进白树叶扯掉,将树枝伸进白蚁巢穴。蚁巢穴。现在完成时的被动语态,现在分词短语现在完成时的被动语态,现在分词短语stripping和和putting是主语的补语。是主语的补语。TranslationCommentsExamplesThe children were seen playing in the
9、 playground. prove v. 1. turn out to be; be seen or found to be 结果是;被发现是结果是;被发现是The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.2. show that sth. is true or certain by means of argument or evidence 证明;证实证明;证实To prove his point, he mentioned several other experiments which had produced simil
10、ar results.They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.3. A group of Japanese monkeys was studied at the Kyoto University Monkey Center in Japan.Translation日本京都大学猴子研究中心对一群日本猴进行过研究。日本京都大学猴子研究中心对一群日本猴进行过研究。 “a group of +复数名词复数名词”作主语时,作主语时, 谓语动词可以谓语动词可以用单数形式也可以用复数形式,主要看说话人的出发用单数形式也可以用复数形式,主要看说
11、话人的出发点。如果把这个点。如果把这个 group 作为整体看,作为整体看, 谓语动词可以谓语动词可以用单数形式。用单数形式。ExamplesComments1) A group of pilgrims is visiting Mecca. 一批朝圣者正在游览麦加。一批朝圣者正在游览麦加。2) A group of us are going to the theatre this evening. 我们中有些人今晚要去戏院看戏。我们中有些人今晚要去戏院看戏。4. The practice soon spread throughout the group. Translation这一做法马上传遍
12、了整个猴群。这一做法马上传遍了整个猴群。The word “practice” is here used as a noun, meaning “the way sth. is usually done, a habit(常规,惯例常规,惯例)”. In this sentence, it refers to washing the sweet potato to get rid of the sand.Commentspractice n. way of doing sth. that is common or habitual 惯例;常规惯例;常规It is the practice in
13、 Britain to drive on the left.Its common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low.I had coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice.spread v. 1. to become known about or used by more and more people; to tell a lot of people about sth. 传播;散播传播;散播The news spread
14、like wildfire.Andy loves spreading rumors about his colleagues.2. to affect more people or a larger area 传染;蔓延传染;蔓延The disease spread rapidly amongst the poor.The cancer had spread to her liver.attemptn. the act of trying to do sth., esp. sth. difficult 试图;尝试;试图;尝试;努力努力The protesters made no attempt
15、 to resist arrest.She passed her driving test at the first attempt.v. try to do sth., esp. sth. difficult 试图;尝试;试图;尝试; 努力努力Weather conditions prevented them from attempting the jump.The fox attempted to reach the grapes but failed.originally adv. in the beginning, before other things happened or bef
16、ore things changed 最初;起先;本来最初;起先;本来The family originally came from France.The building was originally used as a prison.We originally intended to stay for just a few days.limit n. (also limits) the greatest possible amount of sth. that can exist or be obtained 限度;极限限度;极限the limits of human knowledgeH
17、ed reached the limit of his patience. C the greatest or lease amount, number, speed etc. that is allowed 允许或可能的限度;限量允许或可能的限度;限量There is a limit to the time you have to take the test.She set a limit on how much he spent on clothes.limitation n. C (usually plural) qualities that stop someone or sth. f
18、rom being as good or as effective as you wish they could be: weakness 局限性局限性Despite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends.Its a good car, but it has its limitations.Directions: Work in pairs to decide which of the italicized words or phrases fits the sentence best.1) This
19、 detergent will remove/move all stains from your clothes. 辨析辨析 remove: take sth. away from a place move: change position or place2) She has just accepted/received the invitation to the film stars 50th birthday party, I dont know if she will accept/receive it.辨析辨析 receive an invitation: get an invita
20、tion accept an invitation: say yes to an invitation3) Do you allow/agree your children to cross the street by themselves?辨析辨析 allow: let sb. do sth. agree: have the same opinion4) I have later/lately received a number of letters about this problem.辨析辨析 lately: recently later: a time after the presen
21、t time辨析辨析 shore: the land along the edge of a sea, lake or wide river beach: an area of sand or small stones beside the sea or other area of water6) The math teacher taught/trained algebra in five classed each day.辨析辨析 train: give sb. the knowledge needed to do a jobteach: provide instruction in a
22、particular subject5) The boat was about a mile off the beach/shore when the engine suddenly died.7) I studied the mysterious object/subject that fell from the sky.辨析辨析 object: sth. that can be seen and touched subject: sth. that is discussed, examined or researched辨析辨析 attack: try to hurt or defeat sb. using violence attract: draw sb. towards oneself 8) These flowers are brightly colored in order to attack/attract butterflies.Directions: Translate the following sentences into Engl
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