



1、1 / 3人与环境课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course In formation)课程代码(Course Code)SO922*学时(CreditHours)48*学分(Credits)3*课程名称(Course Name)人与环境Huma n and Environment课程性质(Course Type)校核心通识课授课语言(LanguageofIn structi on)中文*开课院系(School)环境科学与工程学院先修课程(Prerequisite)无授课教师(Teacher)邵嘉慧孙承兴周伟丽 迟莉娜张小凡袁涛张 波课程网址(Course Webpage)http:/ ntoc=

2、6777*课程简介(Description)人与环境是面向全校本科生开设的通选课程,是xx交通大学2xx8年首批立项建设的通识教育核心课程,2xx 6年评为xx市精品课程。本课程是面向非环境类本科生 的学科拓展和环境素质类课程,适合于本科生各年级学生选修。该课程将环境科学的基本理念-人与自然和谐相处的生态文明思想贯穿教学,包 括环境科学基础,全球环境问题,人与自然,环境与产业,环境与健康,人类环境展 望等内容。通过环境基本知识的讲授以及案例的分析讨论,使学生了解环境科学与环境保护的基本原理和基本方法,正确理解可持续发展的人与环境的关系,增强环境意识。达到提高学生的综合素质,适应其未来参与国家和

3、全球发展的需要。*课程简介(Description)Human and Environment is a general elective course for undergraduate students and listed asone of 24 first approved courses in general education core curriculum of Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity in 2xx8. The course was awarded the title of Shanghai Excellent Course in 2xx 6.T

4、hecourse is aimed for non-environmental major students to expand their discipli ne developme ntand enhance environmen tal con scious ness, which is suitable for all grade un dergraduatestude nts.The basic ideas of ecological civilizati on are through the whole course of teach ing. Theory teaching co

5、n sists of six chapters: fun dame ntals of environmen tal scie nee, global en vir onmen talissues, huma n and n ature, environmen tal and in dustry, environment and health, huma n anden viro nment outlook. Practice teach ing in cludes visits of gree n scie nee and tech no logy sitesand in dustrial e

6、cological parks, the campus environment survey and proposal writing. Throughtheory teaching of primary knowledge and discussion on cases, the stude nts are able to understa nd the main prin ciples of the susta in able developme nt and the relati on ship betwee nhuma n and environment, and enhance th

7、eir environmen tal con scious ness. Through practiceteach ing, the stude nts are trained to have environmen tal2 / 3protection skills and develop good environmental behavior, and eventually to meet the n eeds ofsusta in able developme nt of the country and the huma n society in the future.课程教学大纲(cou

8、rse syllabus)*学习目标(LearningOutcomes)1了解当代环境科学与环境保护的基本知识、原理及方法;2通过学习增强自身环保意识,端正环境态度,培养绿色的环境行为与习惯;3提升分析和解决环境问题的技能,并将此应用于自己今后工作和学习中;4整体上从环境知识、意识、技能、态度和行为五个方面提升自己的环境综合素养。*教学内容、进度安 排及要求(Class Schedule& Requireme nts)教学内容学时教学方式作业及要求基本要求考查方式环境学基础9讲授+讨论课堂小作业课堂考查人与自然6讲授+讨论绿色经典阅 读读书报告不少于xxxx字占总成绩20%全球环境问题3影片+讨论课堂分组讨 论课堂考查环境与健康6讲授+讨论课堂小作业课堂考查环境与产业6讲授+讨论课堂小作业课堂考查人与环境的展望3讲授+讨论课堂小作业课堂考查校园环境调查3校园调查提案提案不少于8xx字占期总成绩xx%绿色科技参观3参观学习考勤环境实践交流3调查汇报小组汇报占期总成绩20%期末学习汇报 (期末口试)6小组报告占总成绩的30%*考核方式(Gradi ng)平时成绩(出勤xx%+课堂小作业xx%)+绿色经典阅读读书报告(20%)+环境实践 (提案xx%+环境调查汇报20%)+期末学习汇报(结合期末口试30%)*教材或参考资料


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