1、药物的纯度是指药物纯净的程度。它是判定药品质量优劣的一个重要指标。The level of purity which can be attained in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products depends partly on the cost-effectiveness of the process and the purification methods available and partly on the stability of the product. 1. The manufacturing process The majorit
2、y of modern pharmaceutical chemicals are prepared by organic synthesis from starting materials which are, themselves, either synthetic organic chemicals or natural products isolated from biological sources. The process itself may, therefore, introduce impurities into the final products. The starting
3、 material and its impurities Intermediates Reagents, solvents and catalysts used in the process Reaction vessels Pharmaceutical chemicals may be either isolated from biological sources or prepared by synthesis from chemical starting materials. Biological sources include plant, animal tissues and mic
4、robiological fermentation.Whatever the process, the identity of the source material should be verified and its quality established. Additionally, the presence of any related or non-related substance present in the starting material which might be carried through the process to contaminate the final
5、product should be identified.2. Raw materials Impurity can arise during storage as a result of chemical instability. A number of pharmaceutically important substances are known to undergo chemical decomposition when stored under non-ideal conditions。The nature of the decomposition, which is often ca
6、talysed by light, traces of acid or alkali, air oxidation, water vapour, carbon dioxide and traces of metallic ions, can frequently be predicted from a knowledge of the chemical properties of the substance. Resource: general impurities and specific impuritiesl 一般杂质,如酸、碱、水分、氯化物、硫酸盐、砷盐、重金属等。l 特殊杂质是指在个
7、别药物的生产和贮藏过程中引入的杂质。 Structure: organic and inorganic impurities 无机杂质有氯化物、硫酸盐、硫化物、氰化物、重金属等。 有机杂质如有机药物中引入的原料、中间体、副产物、分解产物、异构体和残留溶剂等。Pharmacological effectiveness: signal and harmful impurities 信号杂质本身一般无害,但其含量的多少可以反映出药物的纯度水平。 有害杂质如重金属、砷盐、氰化物等,对人体有毒害,所以在质量标准中要加以严格控制,以保证用药的安全。 在不影响疗效和不发生毒性的前提下,对于药物中可能存在的杂
8、质,允许含有一定的量。药物中所含杂质的最大允许量,叫做杂质限量。药物中杂质的检查,一般也不要求测定其含量,而只检查杂质的量是否超过限量。这种杂质检查的方法叫做杂质的限量检查(limit test)。在药品质量标准中杂质的检查多数为限量检查。 Limit tests are quantitative or semiquantitative tests designed to identify and control small quantities of impurity which are likely to be present in the substance. Any test used
9、 as a limit test must, of necessity, give some form of selective reaction with the trace impurity. 2. Experiment 进行杂质的限量检查时,可取一定量被检杂质的对照品溶液与一定量供试品溶液在相同条件下处理后,比较反应结果,以确定杂质含量是否超过规定。使用此类方法时,须注意平行原则。供试溶液和对照溶液应在完全相同的条件下反应,如加入的试剂、反应的温度、放置的时间等均应相同。只有这样,反应的结果才有可比性。 杂质的限量通常用百分之几或百万分之几来表示。对危害人体健康,影响药物稳定性的杂质,必
10、须严格控制其限量。药物中杂质限量的制订除了根据杂质本身的性质外,还要根据生产所能达到的水平并参考各国药典的标准。 供试品中杂质限量 =杂质最大允许量100% 3.Calculation 供试品量 供试品(S)中所含杂质的量是通过与一定杂质标准溶液进行比较来确定的,杂质的最大允许量也就是杂质标准溶液的浓度(C)与体积(V)的乘积,因此杂质限量(L)的计算可写成下式:杂质限量= 或 L=标准溶液的浓度标准溶液的体积供试品量100%CVS100%中国药典的氯化物检查法是利用氯化物在硝酸酸性溶液中与硝酸银试液作用,生成氯化银的白色浑浊液,与一定量标准氯化钠溶液在相同条件下生成的氯化银浑浊比较,以判断供
11、试品中的氯化物是否超过了限量。This test depends upon the precipitation of the chloride with silver nitrate in the presence of dilute nitric acid, and comparison of the opalescent solution so obtained with a standard opalescence containing a known amount of chloride ions. The opalescence in the two solutions is com
12、pared by examination in special vessels known as Nessler Glasses, by viewing them transversely through the solution against a dark background. The limit test for chlorides硫酸盐检查是利用该杂质与氯化钡在盐酸酸性溶液中生成硫酸钡的白色混浊,与一定量标准硫酸钾溶液与氯化钡在相同条件下生成的浑浊比较,以判断药物中硫酸盐是否超过限量。This test depends upon the precipitation of the su
13、lphate with barium chloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid The opalescent solution so obtained is compared with a standard turbidity containing a known amount of sulphate ion. The limit test for sulphates检查药品中的铁盐杂质,中国药典和USP均采用硫氰酸盐 法。其原理为铁盐在盐酸酸性溶液中与硫氰酸铵生成红色可溶性硫氰酸铁配位离子,与一定量标准铁溶液用同法处理后所呈的颜色进行比较。T
14、his test, based on the formation of the red ferric thiocyanate after treatment with bromine or ammonium peroxydisulphate to ensure that all the iron is oxidised to the ferric(iron )state,is official in the ChP and USP. The limit test for iron铁盐-硫氰酸盐法BP采用巯基醋酸法检查药物中铁盐。巯基醋酸还原Fe3+ 为Fe2+ ,在氨碱性溶液中作用生成红色配位
15、离子,与一定量标准铁溶液经同法处理后产生的颜色进行比较。This test is based on the formulation of a purple color by reaction of the iron with mercaptoacetic acid in a solution buffered with ammonium citrate and comparison of the color produced with a standard color containing a known amount of iron.铁盐-巯基醋酸法The limit test for ir
16、onContamination by lead and other heavy metals is most effectively controlled by precipitation of their relatively insoluble and characteristically colored sulphides or alkali metal sulphides. The stability of metal sulphides to acid varies considerably with acid strength. The British, European and
17、United States Pharmacopoeias still retain limit tests for lead where this has been established as a potential impurity in some compounds for long-term administration and particularly in certain products for large-dose administration by the intravenous route.eg: 对乙酰氨基酚中检查氯化物 取对乙酰氨基酚2.0g,加水100ml,加热溶解后
18、冷却,滤过,取滤液25ml,依法检查氯化物(中国药典,2000年版附录),所发生的浑浊与标准氯化钠溶液5.0ml(每1ml相当10g的Cl)制成对照液比较,不得更浓。问氯化物的限量是多少? %01. 0%10010025102501. 03SVCL The limit test for arsenic中国药典采用古蔡(Gutzeit)法和二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银(silver diethyldithio-carbamate)法检查药物中微量砷盐。This procedure is designed to determined the presence of trace amount of ars
19、enic by converting the arsenic in a substance under test to arsine.Two methods are provided:Gutzeit method and silver diethyldithio-carbamate method. The test is a modification of the Gutzeit test in which all arsenic is converted into arsine(AsH3) by reduction with zinc and hydrochloric acid. React
20、ion of the issuing gases with mercuric bromide paper produces a yellow stain, which can be compared with that produced from a known amount of arsenic. AsH3+2HgBr22HBr+AsH(HgBr)2(yellow)AsH3+3HgBr23HBr+AsH(HgBr)3(brown) The capacity of the flask should be about 100ml, and the dimensions of the tube a
21、re required to comply with certain definite specifications (200 x 5mm,id). The tube is open at both ends with a ground flanged surface at the upper end. The tube is packed with cotton wool previously impregnated with lead acetate solution and dried. A small extension tube of the same id. and similar
22、ly flanged at one end is to used to fix the mercuric bromide paper in position in such a way that all the arsine will pass through a circle of paper 5 mm in diameter.The two tubes with the mercuric bromide paper in place are held together by a sprine clip.l AsO4+2I+2H+AsO3-3+I2+H2O AsO4 +Sn2+2H+ AsO
23、3-3 +Sn4+H2O I2 + Sn2+ 2I + Sn4+ 4I + Zn2+ ZnI42 氯化亚锡与碘化钾还可抑制锑比氢的生成,因锑化氢也能与溴化汞试纸作用生成锑斑。在试验条件下,100g锑存在也不致干扰测定。氯化亚锡又可与锌作用,在锌粒表面形成锌锡齐,起去极化作用,从而使氢气均匀而连续地发生。 锌粒及供试品中可能含有少量硫化物,在酸性液中能产生硫化氢气体,与溴化汞作用生成硫化汞的色斑,干扰试验结果,故用醋酸铅棉花吸收硫化氢。中国药典附录规定用醋酸铅棉花60mg,装管高度约6080mm,以控制醋酸铅棉花填充的松紧度,使既能免除硫化氢的干扰(100gS2存在也不干扰测定),又可使砷化氢以
24、适宜的速度通过。 溴化汞试纸与砷化氢作用较氯化汞试纸灵敏,但所呈砷斑不够稳定,在反应中应保持干燥及避光,并立即与标准砷斑比较。 4. Standard solution 用三氧化二砷配制贮备液,于临用前取贮备液新鲜配制标准砷溶液,每1ml标准砷溶液相当于1g的As。中国药典规定标准砷斑用2ml标准砷溶液(相当2gAs)制备。可得清晰的砷斑,过深或过浅均会影响比色的正确性。药物含砷限量不同,可按规定限量改变供试品取用量。 5. Pre-treatment 能溶解于水,且不干扰检查的药物,直接依法检查。多数环状结构的有机药物,因砷在分子中可能以共价键结合,要先行有机破坏,否则检出结果偏低或难以检出
25、。常用的有机破坏方法有碱破坏法和酸破坏法。中国药典采用碱破坏法,如酚磺酞、呋塞米等检查砷盐时,于供试品中加氢氧化钙先小火灼烧使炭化,再于500600炽灼至完全灰化。二、Bettendoffs Method 含锑药物如葡萄糖酸锑钠,用古蔡法检查砷时,锑盐也可被还原为锑化氢,与溴化汞试纸作用,产生灰色锑斑,干扰砷斑的检出: SbH3+HgBr2 SbH2(HgBr)+HBr 改用白田道夫(Bettendoff)法检查砷,其原理主氯化亚锡在盐酸中能将砷盐还原成棕褐色的胶态砷,与一定量标准溶液用同法处理后的颜色进行比较,即可判断供试品的含砷量。 2As+3+SnCl2+6HCl 2As+3SnCl4+
26、6H+ 本法反应灵敏度为20g(以As2O3计),加入少量二氯化汞能提高反应灵敏度达2g/10ml。C H 25N C52C H SAgSAsH +6Ag(DDC)+3N3As(DDC) +6Ag+3 N3HDDC 本法装置如图在砷化氢发生瓶A中,供试溶液(或标准砷溶液)的试验条件(如加酸量和试剂量)均同古蔡法,加锌粒后即将生成的砷化氢导入盛有Ag(DDC)溶液5.0ml的D管中,将A瓶置2540水浴中,反 应 4 5 分 钟 后 , 取 出 以Ag(DDC)溶液为空白,于510ml波长处,测定吸收度,供试溶液的吸收度不得大于标准砷溶液的吸收度。2.Instrument 本法需用有机碱吸收反应
27、中产生的HDDC。USP(25)采用本法检查砷盐,配制成0.5%Ag(DDC)的吡啶溶液,其检测灵敏度高达0.5g As /30ml,但缺点是吡啶有恶臭。中国药典采用0.25%Ag(DDC)的三乙胺氯仿(1.8:98.2)溶液,其灵敏度略低于吡啶溶液。 本法于110gAs/40ml范围线性关系良好,显色在2小时内稳定,重现性好,并可测得砷盐含量。 BP(1993)除收载古蔡法外,还采用次磷酸法检查砷盐,其原理为在盐酸酸性液中,次磷酸还原砷盐为棕色的游离砷,再与一定量的标准砷溶液用同法处理后所显示颜色比较,其反应式为: NaH2PO2+HCl H3PO2+NaCl 3H3PO2+2H3AsO3
28、3H3PO3+2As+3 H2O 本法可用于硫化物、亚硫化酸盐以及含锑药物等砷盐的检查,不产生干扰。但灵敏度较古蔡法低,故标准砷液相当于5g的砷。 溶液颜色检查法是控制药物中有色杂质含量的方法。有的药物的生产过程中可能引入有色的杂质,有的在贮藏过程中产生有色杂质。 中国药典采用两种方法检查: 与标准比色液比较的方法(comparison with the standard color matching solution) 分光光度法(spectrophotometry )Method 取各药品项下规定量的供试品,置25ml纳氏比色管中,加水溶液并稀释至10ml,另取规定色调色号的标准比色液10
29、ml,置纳氏比色管中,两管同置白色的背景上自上向下透视或平视观察,供试品管呈现的颜色与对照品管比较,不得更深。标准比色液(The standard color matching solution) 由三种有色无机盐K2Cr2O7(黄,0.800mg/ml)、CuSO4(蓝67.4mg/ml)、CoCl2(红,59.5mg/ml)以不同比例配成黄绿、黄、橙黄、橙红和棕红五种色调的贮备液。Example 氯唑西林纳,取本品0.60g,加水4.5ml溶解后,溶液应澄清无色,如显浑浊,与1号浊度标准液比较,不得更浓;如显色,与黄色或黄绿色4号标准比色液比较,不得更浓。 Method 取各药品项下规定量
30、的供试品,加水溶解,使成10 ml,必要时过滤,滤液按分光光度法于规定波长处测定,不得超过规定值。Comment 测定吸收度更能反映出药物颜色的变化,也可以在供试品溶液和标准比色液色调不一致时使用。Example 维生素C: 中国药典规定取本品3.0g,加水15ml,振摇使溶解,溶液经4号垂熔玻璃漏斗滤过,滤液于420nm波长处测吸收度,不得过0.03。Definition 是检查药物中遇硫酸易炭化或易氧化而呈色的微量有机杂质。此类杂质中,多数的结构是未知的,用硫酸呈色的方法可以简便的控制此类杂质的总量。Method 将一定量的供试品加入5ml硫酸中,振摇溶解后,静置15min,与一定标准比色
31、液比较,不得更深。Example 阿司匹林中易炭化物的检查:取本品0.5g,加硫酸溶解后,如显色,与对照液比较,不得更深。Definition 是检查药物中的微量不溶性杂质,注射剂的原料药一般应作此项检查。中国药典规定用浊度标准液作为澄清度检查的标准。Opalescent standard solution 用1.00%硫酸肼溶液与10%乌洛拖品(六亚甲基四胺)溶液等量混合,配置成浊度标准贮备液。取浊度标准贮备液15.0ml加水使成1000.0ml配置成浊度标准原液(24h内使用) 药典中规定的“澄清”,系指供试品溶液的澄清度相同于所用溶剂,或未超过0.5号浊度标准液。Definition 有
32、机药物经炽灼炭化,再加硫酸湿润,低温加热至硫酸蒸气除尽后,于高温(700800)炽灼至完全灰化,使有机物质破坏分解变成挥发性物质逸出,非挥发性无机盐杂质(多为金属的氧化物或盐类)成为硫酸盐,称为炽灼残渣。BP称为硫酸灰分,USP称为炽灼残渣。Limit 药物炽灼残渣限量一般为0.1%0.2%。Comment 如炽灼残渣需留作重金属检查,则炽灼温度应控制在500600,因超过此温度,可使重金属杂质的检查结果偏低。The loss on drying 是指药物在规定条件下经干燥后所减失的重量,根据所减失的重量和取样量计算供试品干燥失重的百分率。Constant weight 是指供试品连续两次干燥
33、或炽灼后的重量差异在0.3mg以下的重量,干燥至恒重的第二次以及以后各次称重均应在规定条件下继续干燥1h后进行。 Measurement 常压恒温干燥法、干燥剂干燥法、减压干燥法热分析法 。Drying under normal pressure and constant temperature 干燥温度一般为105。有的药物含结晶水,可提高干燥温度,如枸橼酸钠含结晶水,要求在180干燥至恒重。为了使水分及挥发性物质易于挥散,供试品应平铺于扁形称量瓶中,其厚度不超过5mm。Dying over desiccant 本法是将供试品置干燥器内,器内贮放的干燥剂,吸收供试品中的水分,干燥至恒重。本法
34、适用于受热易分解或挥发的药物。常用的干燥剂有硅胶、浓硫酸和五氧化二磷。Drying under decompression condition 压力应减至2.67kPa(20mmHg)以下。甲磺酸二氢麦角毒碱的DSC-TG曲线测物质在物理变化或化学变化中焓的改变测定维持样品与参比物质温度相同所需的能量差差示扫描量热法(DSC) DTA曲线示意图用来测药物的熔点,对样品进行定性分析,并估测纯度共同特点是峰在温度轴(或时间轴)的位置、形状、数目与物质的性质有关,可用来鉴别物质,检查纯度以及测定相变温度等。而峰的面积与反应热焓有关,可用来定量的估计参与反应的物质的量或测定热化学参数。测量供试品与参比
35、物质之间的温差(T)随温度(或时间)的变化差示热分析 法(DTA) TG曲线示意图适用于贵重药物或在空气中易氧化的药物的干燥失重测定能准确测量物质的质量变化及变化速度,样品用量少,比常用干燥失重法测量速度快在程序控制温度下,测量WT关系的方法 热重分析法(TGA)TC曲线示意图曲线示意图DTA曲线示意图曲线示意图热流率(mJ/s)甲磺酸二氢麦角毒甲磺酸二氢麦角毒碱的碱的DSCTG曲线曲线 DSC和DTA还可以用于低共熔杂质的分析。低共熔杂质分析的根据是Vant Hoff 稀溶液冰点降低公式: dT RT2 dX2 Hf 假定无固体溶液形成,K=0,则 (T0Tm)Hf RT02 式中T0为纯物
36、质的熔点,Tm为样品的熔点。 当样品被加热至最低熔点时,药物和杂质按低共熔混合物组成的比例熔化,在此过程中,熔化的两种物质比例不会改变,温度也不会升高,直至杂质完全熔化。 DSC和DTA还可以用于药物中无效或低效晶形的检查。 应用热分析法检查药物纯度时,有以下几个前提:杂质的量要小;杂质与药物能形成低共熔混合物;无固体溶液形成。=(k1)X2 =Definition 是用以检查药物在生产过程中引入的有害有机溶剂,包括苯(benzene)、氯仿(chloroform)、1,4-二氧六环(1,4-dioxane)、二氯甲烷(methylene chloride)、吡啶(pyridine)、甲苯(t
37、oluene)及环氧乙烷(ethylene oxide)等。Method 中国药典采用气相色谱法检查残留有机溶剂。以直径为0.250.18mm的二乙烯苯-乙基乙烯苯型高分子多孔小球作为固定相,以氮气为载气,氢火焰离子化检测器检测,柱温为80170。Comment 中国药典规定,在残留溶剂测定前应作色谱系统适用性试验。用待测物的色谱峰计算的理论塔板数应大于1000;用内标法测定时,分离度应大于1.5,取标准溶液进样5次,待测物与内标峰面积之比的相对标准偏差应不大于5%;若用外标法,待测物峰面积的相对标准偏差应不大于10%。 Measurement Method (direct injection
38、),又分为内标法和外标法。用内标法时,可以克服因进样量小而不够准确所引起的误差。 Method (headspace injection),适用于挥发性大的组分的测定。 药物中的特殊杂质是指在该药物的生产和贮藏过程中可能引入的特有杂质。其检查主要是根据药物和杂质在物理和化学性质上的差异来进行的。Utilizing physical properties difference between drugs and impuritiesUtilizing chemical properties difference between drugs and impurities 臭味及挥发性的差异(Odo
39、r and volatility differences) 颜色的差异(Color differences)溶解行为的差异(Solubility differences)旋光性质的差异(Optical rotation differences) 对光吸收性质的差异(Light absorption differences )吸附或分配性质的差异(Adsorption and partition differences)The odor and volatility differences 药物中存在的具有特殊臭味的杂质,可以从其臭味判断该杂质的存在。如乙醇(ethanol)中检查杂醇油(fus
40、el oil ),麻醉乙醚中检查异臭杂质。The color differences 某些药物无色,而其分解变质产物有色,或从生产中引入了有色杂质,可通过检查供试品溶液的颜色来控制其有色杂质的量。如地西泮(diazepam)的溶液澄清度与颜色的检查。The solubility differences 有的药物可溶于水、有机溶剂或酸、碱中,而其杂质不溶;反之,杂质可溶而药物不溶。如葡萄糖(glucose)中检查糊精(dextrine),用醇中不溶物控制。 旋光性(Rotation ) 具有手性碳、手性轴等手性因素的物质能使光的振动平面发生旋转的性质。比旋度(The specific rotat
41、ion) 系指偏振光(polarize light)透过长1dm且1ml中含有1g旋光物质的溶液,在一定波长与温度下测得的旋光度。旋光度与比旋度的关系 atc l 100 式中 a为测得的旋光度,a 为比旋度,l为样品管的长度(dm),c为溶液的浓度(g/100ml)。应用(Application) 硫酸阿托品中检查莨菪碱,测定供试品溶液(50mg/ml)的旋光度不超过- 0.04,莨菪碱的比旋度为- 32.5,求莨菪碱的限量。a= 紫外分光光度法 如果药物和杂质结构中共轭体系部分有差异,则紫外吸收光谱可能有差异,可以根据其差异设计紫外分光光度法检查杂质。 (1)若杂质在某一波长处有最大吸收,
42、而药物在此波长处无吸收,可以通过控制供试品溶液在杂质特征吸收波长处的吸收度来控制杂质的量。例,肾上腺素中检查肾上腺酮。 (2)有的杂质紫外吸收光谱与药物的紫外吸收光谱重叠,但可以改变药物在某两个波长处的吸收度的比值,也可以通过控制供试液的吸收度比值来控制杂质的量。例,碘解磷定注射液中分解产物的检查。肾上腺酮及肾上腺素的紫外吸收光谱肾上腺酮及肾上腺素的紫外吸收光谱 原子吸收分光光度法 利用药物中所含待检元素的原子蒸气,吸收发自光源的该元素的特定波长的光,使原子中的电子被激发,由较低能级跃迁到较高能级,即原子由基态跃迁到激发态;测定基态原子对辐射能的吸收度,从而求出供试药物中待检元素含量的方法。
43、(1)组成: 原子吸收分光光度计,由光源、原子化器、单色器和检测器等部分组成。光源通常用待检元素作为阴极的空心阴极灯,原子化器由雾化器及燃烧灯头组成。 (2)特点:灵敏度高,专属性强,主要用于金属元素的测定。中国药典采用本法检查碳酸锂中钾和钠盐,以及肝素纳中钾盐的量。Principles Atoms of a metal are volatilised in a flame and their absorption of a narrow band of radiation produced by a hollow cathode lamp, coated with the particula
44、r metal being determined, is measured.Application in pharmaceutical analysis: Determination of metal residues in drugs, remaining from the manufacturing process. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer consists of the following components: Light source. A hollow cathode lamp coated with the element b
45、eing analysed. Flame. The flame is usually air/acetylene providing a temperature ca 2500. Nitrous oxide/acetylene maybe used to produce temperatures up to 3000,which are required to volatilise salts of elements such as aluminium or calcium. Monochromator. The monochromater is used to narrow down the
46、 width of the band of radiation being examined and is thus set to monitor the wavelength being emitted by the hollow cathode lamp. This cuts out interference by radiation emitted from the flame, from the filler gas in the hollow cathode lamp and from other elements in the sample. Detector. The detec
47、tor is a photosensitive cell. Instrumentation More sensitive than AES.A highly specific method of analysis useful in some aspects of quality control. Limitations Only applicable to metallic elements.Each element requires a different hollow cathode lamp for its determination. Strengths 红外分光光度法 红外分光光度
48、法在杂质检查中主要用于药物中无效或低效晶型的检查。 某些多晶型药物由于其晶型结构不同,某些化学键的键长、键角等发生不同程度的变化,可导致红外吸收光谱中的某些特征带的频率、峰形和强度出现显著差异。 例如,用本法检查甲苯咪唑中A晶型。由于在640cm-处A晶型有强吸收,C晶型的吸收很弱;在662cm-处A晶型的吸收很弱,而C晶型有较强的吸收。因此,供试品中若含有A晶型,在此二波数处吸收值的比值会发生改变。 药物中有的杂质,如反应的中间体、副产物、分解产物等,和药物的结构近似,与某些试剂的反应也相同或相似,需分离后再检查。色谱法可以利用药物与杂质吸附或分配性质的差异将其分离,同时又可以检测,在杂质检
49、查中应用广泛。 杂质检查中常见的色谱方法: Thin-layer chromatography Paper chromatography High performance liquid chromatography Gas chromatography(1)杂质对照品法 此法较为理想,但必须首先确 认存在的待检杂质是什么,并制备该杂质的对照品。(2)高低浓度对比法 当杂质的结构不能确定,或无杂质的对照品时,可采用此法。本法的优点是不需要制备杂质的对照品,应用广泛。(3)用已知合格的样品作对照品 当无适合的杂质对照品或供试品中杂质斑点的颜色与主成分斑点的颜色有差异,难以判断其限量时,可选用与供试
50、品相同的药物作为对照品,此对照药物中所含待检杂质需符合于要求的限量水平,且稳定性好。(4)利用灵敏度来控制 少数药物采用在实验条件下显色剂对杂质的检测限来控制其限量。 Principles An analyte migrates up or across a layer of stationary phase (most commonly silica gel), under the influence of a mobile phase (usually a mixture of organic solvents), which moves through the stationary ph
51、ase by capillary action. The distance moved by the analyte is determined by its relative affinity for the stationary vs the mobile phase. Used to determine impurities in pharmaceutical raw materials and formulated products.Often used as a basic identity check on pharmaceutical raw materials.Potentia
52、lly useful in cleaning validation, which is part of the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Instrumentation The most frequently used system is a glass or plastic plate coated with silica gel; for routine applications the silica gel particle size is in the range 225 m. Application Detection by chemical r
53、eaction with a visualization reagent can be carried out, which means that more or less every type of compound can detected if a suitable detection reagent is used. Robust and cheap. In conjunction with densitometric detection, it can be used as a quantitative technique for compounds which are diffic
54、ult to analyse by other chromatographic methods because of the absence of a chromophore. Since all the components in the chromatographic system can be seen, there is no risk, as is the case in gas chromatography (GC) and HPLC analyses, that some components are not observed because they do not elute from the chromatographic system. Batch chromatography can be used to analyze many sample
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