1、(完整 word 版)新编语言学教程名词解释(部分重点)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对”但是难免会有疏漏的地方”但是任然希望(完整word版)新编语言学教程名词解释(部分重点)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议 和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以 下为(完整word版)新编语言学教程名词解释(部分重点)的全部内容。(1)linguistics:(i吾 言学)the sci
2、entific or systematic study of language (2)Ianguage:(语言)a system of arbitrary vocaI symbols used for humancommunication.(3)arb i trari ness:(任意性)the abse nee of s imi lari ty bet wee n the form of aI i ngu i s tic s i g n and what it re I a tes to in rea I ity. e。g the word dog does not Iook Iike a
3、dog。(4)dua I i ty :(双重性)the way mean in gless e I eme nts of Ian guage at one I eve I (sounds a nd letters) comb i ne to f ormmea ningful units (words) at ano ther I eve Io(5)competence:(语言能力)knowI edge of the grammar of a Ianguage as a forma I abstraction and d i stinct from the behavior of actual
4、Ianguage use, i。e. performsnee.(6)performanee:(语言运用)Chomskyrs term for actual Ianguage behavior as di stinct from the knowI edgethat underI i es it, or competenceo(11)synchronic I inguistics:(共时语言学)the study of Ianguage and speech as they are used at a givenmoment and not in terms of how they have e
5、voIved over time,(12)diachronic I inguistics:(历时语言学)the study of I inguistic change over time in contrast to lookingat Ianguage as it is used at a given moment.(6)phoneme:(音位)the abstract eIement of a sound, ident ifi ed as be ing di st i net i vein a particular Ianguage.(7)phonetics(语音学):the study
6、of I inguistic speech sounds, how they areproduced, how they are percei ved, and thei r physicaI properties。(8)phono logy:(音位学)the study of the abstrac t sys tems under ly ing the soundsof Ianguage。(1)morphology:(形态学)the study of the st rue ture of words (2)morpheme:(词素)the smal les t uni t of Ian g
7、uage that car r i es me a ning or serves a grammatical function.(3)free morpheme:(自由词素)a morpheme that can stand a I one as a word。(4)bound morpheme:(黏着词素)a morpheme that can not stand a lone as a word,e。go merit (as in est ab I i shme nt), and - er (as in paint er )o(5)morph:(语素变体)the sma I lest me
8、a nin gful phonetic segments of an utt era nee on the I eve I of paroIeo(6)a I Iomorph: a phonet ic form in which a morpheme is rea I ized, e。g。 一s, -es, and en are a I I a II omorphs (in wr i ting) of the p I ura I morpheme。(1) syntax: the term used to refer to the structure of sentences and to the
9、 study of sente nee st ructure (句法学)(5)IC an a lysis: (Immedia te constituent an a lysis直接成分分析法)the approach to divide the sentenceup into its i mmed i a te constituents by us i ng bin ary cut ting unti I obtaining its ultimate constituents.(11) ideational function(概念功能):the use of Ianguage as a mea
10、ns of giving structure to our exper ieneeof the reaI or imaginary worId (12) in terpersona I functi on(人际功能):t he use of Ian guage for ma i ntainin g soc i a I roles and interactingwith others (13)textual funct ion(语篇功能):to create wr itten or spoken texts which cohere wit h i n t hemse I vesand wh i
11、 ch fi t the par ti cu I ar situation in which they are usedo(1) semantics: the study of I ingui stic meaning.语义学(14)syno nymy:(同义)the sense re I at i ons of equ i va le nee of meaning betwee nlexical itemsre。g smaI I/1ittle and dead/deceased (15)antonymy:(反义关系)the sense relat ion of var ious kinds
12、of opposing meaning between lexical i terns,e. g b i g/smaI Ifa I i ve/dead and good/bado(16)hyponymy:(上下义关系)the sense relationbetween terms in a hierarchy,where a more par ti cu I ar t erm (the hyponym) i s in c I uded i n the more genera I one (the superordi nate) : X i s a Y, e. g a beech i s a t
13、ree, a tree i s a p I ant.(17)mero nym:(整体部分关系)t he se nserela tion bet wee n body a nd it s par ts which are not only sectionsof the body but defi ned in terms of specift c functions. For examp Iefthe head i s the part of the bodywh i ch carr i es the most important sense organs, i。e. eyes, ears, n
14、ose and tongue.(1)pragma tics:(语用学)a bra nch of I in guist ics that stu dies Ian guage i n use (2)deixis:(扌旨示)the marking of the or ientation or position of entitles and s ituations with respect tocerta i n points of reference such as the pI ace (here/there) and time (now/then) of utterance。(1) soc
15、i o I in gu i s t i cs: the study of the re I a tion sh i p bet wee n Ian guage and soc i e ty, t hatis, how soc i a I factors infl uence the st ructure and use of language。(社 会语言学)(8)diglossia:(双语)a situation when twodistinet var ieties of the same language are used, side by side,for two different
16、sets of functions.(9)bi I ingual ism:(双语现象)the use of at least two languages either by anin dividual or by a group of speakers, such as the i nhab i tants of a par ti cu I arregion or a nation.(11)taboo:(禁忌)a word or expression that is prohibited by the polite society from genera I use (12)euphemi sm:(委婉语)a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid referenee to certainact
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