1、Chapter 2 Accounting Concepts and Principles财务报表要素Asset资产Liability 负债Equity所有者权益、股本Reve nue 收入Expe nse 费用Gain 利得Loss 损失For each item below, in dicate to which category of eleme nts of finan cial stateme nts it bel ongs.每个项目下面,说明这类财务报表要素属于(a) Reta ined earnings 留存收益equity(b) Sales 销售reve nue(c) Addit
2、i onal paid-i n capital 股本溢价equity(d) Inventory 存货asset(e) Depreciati on折旧费expenseDivide nds股息equity(g) Gai n on sale of inv estment出售投资收益gai n(h)I nterestpayable应付利息liability(i)Loss on sale of equipme nt销售设备的亏损loss(j) Issua nee of com mon stock 发行普通股equityChapter 3 Financial StatementsInstructionsI
3、ndicate by letter where each of the following1. Preferred stock.2. Goodwill.3. Wages payable.4. Trade accounts payable.5. Buildings.6. Trading securities.7. Current portion of long-term debt.8. Premium on bonds payable.9. Allowance for doubtful accounts.10. Accounts receivable.items would be classif
4、ied.11. Cash surrender value of lifeinsurance.12. Notes payable (due next year).13. Office supplies.14. Common stock.15. Land.16. Bond sinking fund.17. Merchandise inventory.18. Prepaid insurance.19. Bonds payable.20. Taxes payable.1 优先股2 商誉3 应付工资4 贸易应付帐款5 建筑物6 证券交易。7 长期债务的当期部分8 应付债券溢价9 坏账准备10 应收账款1
5、1 人寿保险现金解约价值12 应付票据(明年)13 办公用品14 普通股15 土地16 债券偿债基金17 商品库存18 预付保险费19 应付债券20 应付税款(a) 流动资产 投资 16(c 固定资产 5.15(d) 无形资产 2(e) 其他资产 11Exercise 2.The accounting department supplied the following data in recording theSeptember 30 bank statement for Rytton, Inc.Closing cash balance per bank
6、statement$15 496.91Closing cash balance per cash book14 692.71Exercise 1. Presented on the next page are the captions of Faulk Company在下一页的标题的福克公司的资产负债表。(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(a) Current assets.(b) Investments.(c) Property, plant, and equipment.(d) Intangible assets.(e) Other assets.(a) 流动资产(b) 投资(c 固定资产(d
7、 )无形资产(e)其他资产s balance sheetCurrent liabilities.Non-current liabilities.Capital stock.Additional paid-in capital.Retained earnings.流动负债(g)非流动负债。(h)股本(i) 股本溢价(j) 留存收益。(f)流动负债 347.12.20(g) 非流动负债 8.19(h) 股本 1.14(i) 股本溢价(j)留存收益Deposits in transit2 615.23Bank service charge25.00Outstanding checks3 079.51
8、Note collected by bank including $45 interest (Rytton not yet 1 045.00 notified)Error by bank-check drawn by Rytten Corp. was charged to 617.08 Ryttons accountA sale and deposit of $1 729.00 was entered in the sales journal and cash receipts journalas $1 792.00.银行: 15496.91 企业: 14692.71加 2615.23 617
9、.08 加 1045减 3232.31 减 2563平衡: 15649.71InstructionsPrepare the September 30 bank reconciliation.Exercise 3. A machine is purchased at the beginning of 2002 for $36 000. its estimatedlife is 6 years. Freight costs on the machine are $2 000. Installation costs are $1 200. Themachine is estimated to hav
10、e a residual value of $500 and a useful life of 40 000 hours. Itwas used 6 000 hours in 2002. 2002 年初采购机器价款 36000 美 元,估计有 6 年寿命。机器的货运成本是 2000 美元,安装成本是 1200 美元。该 机预计净残值为 500 美元,可以使用寿命 40000 小时。在过去的 2002 一年它使 用了 6000 小时。InstructionsWhat is the cost of the machine for accounting purposes? 36000+2000+12
11、00=39200Compute the depreciation charge for 2002 using 计算 2002 年的折旧费 (a) thestraight-line method 直线法 and (b) the service-hours method!作量法(a) 直线法(平均年限法)年折旧额 =(固定资产原值 -预计净残值) /预计使用年限2002 年折旧额 = (39200-500) /6=6450(b) 工作量法单位工作量折旧费 = (固定资产原值 -预计净残值) /预计工作总量 年折旧额 =当年实际工作量 * 单位工作量折旧费单位.=(39200-500) /40000
12、=0.96752002 年折旧额 =0.9675*6000=5805Exercise 3.Mick Inc. has outstanding 10,000 shares of $10 par value common stock. On July 1, 2008,Mick reacquired 100 shares at $85 per share. On September 1, Mick reissued 60 sharesat $90 per share. On November 1, Mick reissued 40 shares at $83 per share.Instructio
13、nsPrepare Mick s journal entrtioesrecord these transactions using (a) the cost method,(b) the par value method.麦克公司拥有优秀的 10000 股,面值 10 美元的普通股。 2008 年 7 月 1 日,麦克 发行100 股每股 85 美元。 九月一日, 麦克发行 60 股每股 90 美元。十一月一日, 麦克发行 40 股每股 83 美元。米克的预备日记帐分录记录下这些交易使用的(a)成本法(b)帐面价值的方法。( a) 成本法: the cost method7/1/08Treas
14、ury stock (100*85)Cash850085009/1/08Cash(60*90)5400Treasury stock (60*85)5100Paid-in capital from treasury stock30011/1/08Cash(40*83)3320Paid-in capital from treasury stock80Treasury stock (40*85)3400(b) 帐面价值的方法: the par value method7/1/08 Treasury stock (100*10)1000Paid-in capital from treasury sto
15、ck 7500 Cash (100*85) 85009/1/08 Cash (60*90)5400Treasury stock (60*10)600Paid-in capital from treasury stock480011. /1/08Cash (40*83)3320Paid-in capital from treasury stock2920Treasury stock (40*10)4008. Which account is not a contra-asset account?B1. The economic resources of a business are called
16、:BA. Owner s Equity B. AssetsC. Accounting equation D. Liabilities2. DTK Company has a $3500 accounts receivable from GRS Company. On January 20,GRS Company makes a partial payment of $2100 to DTK Company. The journal entrymade on January 20 by DTK Company to record this transaction includes: DA. A
17、debit to the cash receivable account of $2100.B. A credit to the accounts receivable account of $2100.C. A debit to the cash account of $1400.D. A debit to the accounts receivable account of $1400.3. In general terms, financial assets appear in the balance sheet at: AA. Face value.账面价值B. Curre nt va
18、lue 现值C. Market value. 市场价值 D. Estimated future sales value.4. Each of the following measures strengthens internal control over cash receipts except:DA. The use of a voucher system.B. Preparation of a daily listing of all checks received through the mail.C. The deposit of cash receipts intact in the
19、 bank on a daily basis.D. The use of cash registers.5. Which of the following items is the greatest in dollar amount? DA. Beginning inventory 期初存货B. Cost of goods sold. 销货成本C. Cost of goods available for saleD. Ending inventory 期末存货6. Why do companies prefer the LIFO inventory 后进先出法 method during a
20、period ofrising prices? BA. Higher reported incomeB. Lower income taxesC. Lower reported incomeD. Higher ending inventory7. Which of the following characteristics would prevent an item from being included inthe classification of plant and equipment? DA. IntangibleB. Unlimited lifeC. Being sold in it
21、s useful lifeD. Not capable of rendering benefits to the business in the future.A. Depreciation ExpenseB. Accumulated DepletionC. Accumulated DepreciationD. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts9. What are the two factors that make ownership of an interest in a general partnershipparticularly risky?AA. Mu
22、tual agency and unlimited personal liabilityB. Limited life and unlimited personal liability.C. Limited life and mutual agency.D. Double taxation and mutual agency10. Which of the following types of business owners do not take an active role in thedaily management of the business? DA. General partne
23、rs B. Limited liability partnersC. Sole proprietors 个体经营者 D. Stockholders in a publicly owned corporation11. Analysts can use the footnotes to the financial statements to DA. Help their analysis of financial statementsB. Help their understanding of financial statementsC. Help their checking of finan
24、cial statements.D. All of the above12. The current liabilities are $30 000, the long-term liabilities are $50 000, and the totalassets are $240 000. What is the debt ratio? CA. 0.125 B. 0.208 C. 0.333 D. 3.013. The horizontal analysis is used mainly to AA. Analyzing financial trendsB. Evaluating fin
25、ancial structureC. Assessing the pat performancesD. Measuring the term-paying ability14. Among the following ratios, which is used for long-term solvency analysis? 长期 偿债能力分析 AA. Current ratio 流动比率 B. Times-interest-earned ratioC. Operating cycleD. Book value per share15. A profit-making business tha
26、t is a separate legal entity and in which ownership isdivided into shares of stock is known as aDA. Sole proprietorship 个体独资公司 B. Single proprietorshipC. Partnership 合伙公司 D. Corporation 股份有限公司名词解释 (10 分)(1)Journal entry:日记账 Journal entry is a logging of transactions intoaccounting journal items. It
27、can consist of several items, each of which iseither a debit or a credit. The total of the debits must equal the total of thecredits or the journal entry is said to be unbalanced. Journal entries canrecord unique items or recurring items such as depreciation or bondamortization.(2)Going concern :持续经
28、营 The company will continue to operate in thenear future, unless substantial evidence to the contrary exists.Matchi ng prin ciple :一致性原则Working capital:营运资金(5) Revenue expenditure 收入费用二、 会计业务(共 35 分)1. On December 1, ME Company borrowed $250 000 from a bank, andpromise to repay that amount plus 12%
29、interest (per year) at the end of 6months.(1) Prepare the general journal entry to record obtaining the loan from thebank on December 1.(2) Prepare the adjusting journal entry to record accrual of the interestpayable on the loan on December 31.(3) Prepare the presentation of the liability to the ban
30、k on MEsDecember balance sheet.Answer:(1) Debit: cash $250000Credit: current liabilities $250000(2) Debit: Accrual Expense $5000 不确定Credit: Interest Payable $5000(3) P392. The following information relating to the bank checking account isavailable for Music Hall at July 31:Balance per bank statement
31、 at July 31$20 0000Balance per depositor s records18 860Outstanding checks2 000Deposits in transit800Service charge by bank 60Prepare a bank reconciliationf 艮行对账工作 fro Music Hall at July 31.Answer:P423. Please prepare the related entries according to the followingaccounting events.1) Assume the Heal
32、y Furniture has credit sale of $1,200,000 in 2002. Ofthis amount, $200,000 remains uncollected at December 31. The creditmanager estimates that $12,000 of these sales will be uncollectible. Pleaseprepare the adjusting entry to record the estimated uncollectible.2) On March 1, 2003 the manager of fin
33、ance of Healy Furniture authorizesa write-off of the $500 balance owed by Nick Company. Please make theentry to record the write-off.3) On July 1, Nick Company paid the $500 amount that had been written offon March 1. Answer:(1) Debit: Un collectible Accou nts Expe nse 坏账损失 $12000Credit: Allowance f
34、or Doubtful Accounts 坏账准备 $12000(2) Debit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $500Credit: Accounts Receivable $500(3) Debit: Accounts Receivable $500Credit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $500 Debit: Cash $500Credit: Accounts Receivable $500四、英译汉 (40 分)(1) Accounting principles are not like physical l
35、aws; they do not exist innature, awaiting discovery man. Rather, they are developed by man, in lightof what we consider to be the most important objectives of financialreporting. In many ways generally accepted accounting principles aresimilar to the rules established for an organized sport such as
36、football orbasketball. 会计准则不像自然法则那样天生就存在等待人类去探索。会计准则需 要人类在财务报告最重要目标的指引下去不断发展。 很多时候我们认为会计准则就像一场组织运动的规则(例如足球或篮球的规则)(2) Accounting have devised procedures whereby the flows of cash receiptsand payments are spread over a period of time in a certain way to deriveincome, which is representative of the economic perf
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