



1、英文合同常用词、短语和句型1. 订立、变更合同动词 Make a contract / Enter into / form / create /conclude / execute /covenant名词 the making of / the conclusion of a contract /the entry into contract / the formation of / the creation of / the conclusion of / theexecution of a contract / covenantThis agreement/contract is made

2、 and entered into 8th of August,2008 by and between Party A and Party B.2. 合同的终止、解除、撤销 terminate a contract 通常指合同在约定期满前终止履行,可双方同意而作出,也指一方因另 一方违约而行使的一种救济权。美国“终止”指合同各方未违反合同约 定而依法终止合同。cancel a contact因另一方违约而解除合同, 其效力基本等同于 terminate ,不同是撤销方 仍有权对整个合同或中未履行部分主张救济。discharge a contract合同当事人的合同关系已终止。rescind a

3、 contract 免除当事人之间的合同义务,将当事人各自地位恢复到合同订立之前状 态。revoke a contract 即以取消或撤回的方式废止或宣布无效。出于行为人的意愿,即主动发 出的行为。 合同中常用词及句型 1. 常用 虚词shall, notwithstanding, as, foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned,above mentioned, according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per,as provided in, pursuant, unde

4、r or in accordance with the agreement, asprovided herein, as provided in hereof, include but not limited to, with prejudice,whereas, hereof, hereto, herein, hereby, hereinafter, hereunder, thereof,-可编辑修改-forthwith, the following, as follows, as of the date of, hereunder.1.1shall 应该,必须。有时也可用 will ,但力

5、度比较弱 should 在法律文件里往往用作“ if ” 表示如果之意 1.2Notwithsanding=in spite of, despite. 放句首1.3as1.3.1. as the case maybe ( 视情况而定 ) ,as the case mayrequire( 视 具体要求而定 )1.3.2. as + provide/stipluate,set forth, prescribe 表“依照什么 规定”As provided 短语含义相当于 in accordance withThe venture may relocate its office from time t

6、o time as the Venturers mayrequire.133 such .as构成极具代表性的表达 such date as a resonablein the circumstances (as 这里可以换成 that).1.4foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, abovementioned. 一般放在名词之前做限定,意思相同,都做“上述的” 或“前述的”讲。合同中只要重复第一次提到的姓名或名称,即可将上 述词放在合同内名词之前。 如果想用动词短语表达, 可将 mentioned above 放在名词先行词后。要限定

7、或重复某事,也可用 Something in question 表达1.5 依照什么规定According to ( 最少用 ), under, subject to, in accordance with, asper, as provided in, prusuant to, under or in accordance with the agreement,as provided herein.Pursuant to Article 8 of the contract=pursuant to Article 8 hereof. 具体条款放在 contract 前不用 of 连接;也可用

8、hereof, thereof 直接 放在具体条款之后 .1.6 including but not limited to, including, without limitation 以及 including byway of illustration but not limitation.“包括但不限于”1.7 prior to, no later than, on or before.日”1.8 as follows, as below, the following.NOW THEREFORE,the parties herebyfollows/as bellow.1.9 without

9、 prejudice to, with prejudice.情况下,不使受损害” “和有损,有偏见”1.10hereof, hereto, hereunto, herein, hereby, hereinafter, hereinbefore,hereunder, thereof, whereby“在 * 日前,提前多少“下列”covenant and agree as“在不损害什么的规定 /-可编辑修改-Here 指该合同或协议There 指另一合同或协议1.11 attributable to, by virture of, on account of ( 相当于普 通英语中 due to

10、,because of)1.12 in lieu of. “替代”相当于普通英语中的 instead of.1.13hereinafter referred to as, hereinafter called, herein referred to as. “以下简称”1.14 un less otherwise一半后面紧跟动词,除非另(比“ if not ”“ otherwise ”正式)Unless otherwise specified in the contract/ L/C除非另有规定unless otherwise expressly agreed by 除非另有约定1.15 in

11、 respect of 关于 , 比 about, concerning, as regards 正式in respect thereof 表示上文已提及的事项时使用1.16 in the eve nt that, i n the even t of如果发生,比 whe n 更正式1.17 provided that:但规定,规定;但是。常用于合同的某一条款需要做进步一规定时,或作规定时语气上表示转折。中译英时候注意。1.18 be deemed: 比 be believed, be considered 正式1.19 in question, under consideration, bei

12、ng talked about.该,这The matters in question 该事项1.20 in case, the (the)case of:如果,含“一旦、万一”之意。1.21be liable for sth, be liable to sb, be responsible in accordance with law.对某事人负有责任1.22 know all men by these presents 根据本文件,特此宣布 ; undersigned 法律文件签署者,前面加 the ,是指文件签署者的自称 Now Therefore 特此,因此。一般接 whereas 之后

13、,为引出具体协议事 项的常用开头词,并与其后的hereby 连用,可译成“兹”“特此”2 常用的实义词2.1provide, stipulate, prescribe, discribed, set forth.表示“规定” 名词分别为 provision, stipulation, prescription2.2represent,warrant, undertake, guarantee“保证”。Represent 禾口warrant 连用,出现在合同中声明和保障部分。-可编辑修改-Party A hereby represents and warrants to party B that

14、.甲方向乙方声明并保证。2.3principle place of business, domicile, business premise“主营业地”“住所”“营业场所”2.4annex/annexes, appendix/appendices, schedule/schedules,addendum/addenda. “附件”其中 annex 还有“吞并、合并”的意思。2.5chapter, article, section, clause, paragraph, subparagraph.章 chapter, 条 article/(section/clause 美国合同 ), 款 par

15、agraph, 项subparagrahp2.6 有权做 shall/will have the right to do; (可用 may do 代替 )be entitled to do (可用 may do 代替)reserve the right to do 专指“保留行使做什么的权利” be(duly)authorisedto do / have the authority to do经授权have the authority to do do sth. At one s option be at liberty to do 指由行为人自主决定做什么2.7 有责任有义务做 Have t

16、he legal obligationto do Be obliged to Shall doBe under the obligation to do Shall be liable to do.2.8effect 合同英语中一般指“实现” “完成” 2.9couterpart, copy, duplicate,original一式三份 is made in 3 origianls/ couterpart,/copy/duplicate 2.10incur “招致”相当于普通英语中 cause 2.11to-wit 法律专用于,意思等于中文的 “即”,同普通英语中的 that is to d

17、ay(i.e)2.12sanction (很少用) , approval 批准2.13do sth. In its entirety “全部,整个做什么” do sth. Totally, do sth as awhole.2.14Mortgage 相当于我国法律中的“抵押” Lien 相当于“留置”Security 相当于“担保、保证” a secuired land 一块设定担保的土地, asecuired money 保证还款Charege;指给土地等财产设定的保证付款的债权Pledge: 保证;为支付由转移人发生的债务将动产转移,作为担保的方 式;承典人对所收典物享有的权利(典权)En

18、 cumbra nee 指给财产设定的债券,例如租赁、抵押、限制性契约、收取 房租等。2.15 尽力做某事-可编辑修改-Use all resonable endeavors to do; use ones best efforts. 合 同 用 语 21. 合同中常用句型1.1 “如果”“假如If and wheneverIn the event of /that(从句中的谓语可用一般现在时 ) 和 in case“如果”“在什么情形下”WhereShould 从句只有假设的是违背当事人意志的不利情况时候采用到Provided (that) /providing ( that), On th

19、e conditions that 均表示实现某结果的前提条件,一般用于句末In so far as (insofar as) “只要” “如若”替代普通英语中的 as long as1.2何物仍归谁所有或何物所有权归谁 sth is (shall remain) the property ofsb.1.3“除外条款”“但书”在合同中成为 saving clause ”表现句型一般有 save that 句型和 save as 句型两种,表示“除外”1.4“一.就. ” upon.一般不用 ASAP1.5除非另有规定 unless otherwise stipulated/required/s

20、tated, except asotherwise provided 两种基本句型1.6 so agreedSo agreed, this_th day of (month), 2001另一种表达方式为:Inwitness whereof, the parties set their hands and seals hereuntoas of the date hereinabove mentioned.2. 合同的五个部分的例句与用词2.1协议当事人 parties、叙述 recital 、正文 habendum 附录 schedule、 证明 attestation.叙述部分由 WHERE

21、RAS 双方愿望等订立合同的基础。开头句式2.1.1 this agreement is made the_ th day of _ between_, a companyincorporated in_(country) and having its registeredoffice/pricipal place of business/head officeat_(domicile)(hereinafter called“ XX company) of the one party and _(IDNo.:_ ) of _( domicile) (hereinafter called “YY

22、 Manager”) of-可编辑修改-the other party2.1.2An agreement for service made the 1st day of sep,2008between_of_(add) (hereinafter referred to as XX company) as one partand Mr. _of _(add)(hereinafterreferred to as thecontractor ) of the other part.2.1.3This contract is madeby and entered into on March 1st,

23、2008, by andbetween_LTD.(hereinafter referred to as “PARTYA” ) and_LTD. (hereinafter referred to as PARTY B) .2.2 协议正文的表达有主动和被动两种谓语经常用 agree 或 agree 加 covenant包括下列表达:2.2.1 NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:2.2.2 NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows:2.2.3 WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AND DECLARED as follows:2.2.4NOW, THEREFOREi,n consideration of the mutua


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