



1、Un it 1 Lesson 3 Getti ng to Know YouI.Teaching content:1. New words and phrases: Miss, married/be married, either, glad, really, also, dislike, hate,in terest, violi n, music, comb2. Likes and dislikes.3. I dont know her.She doesnt like purple.What does she hate to do?What foods do you love?n.Teach

2、ing goals:1. Learn the usage ofthe following new words: Miss, married/be married, either, glad, really,also, dislike, hate, in terest, violi n, music, comb.2. Lear n how to express likes and dislikes (on eself and others).3. Consolidate the usage of the negative question form of the Simple Present T

3、ense.in.Key points:I want to talk to Sandra.I dont know her, either.I like donuts best.IV.Difficult points:Express ones dislikes: I don t like,e ither.What do you hate?V.Preparation:1) Draw some pictures or find some pictures foMiss Cox and Brain.2) Write dow n the key new words on cards.3) A rubber

4、 toy of dino saur.r the characters in this less on: Danny, Jenny,2W.Teaching resources:Recorder, tape , word cards, some picturesW.Type of the less on:Liste ning, speak ing and readi ng忸.Teaching procedure:1. Class ope ning1) Greet the Ss in everyday English. Help them respond in correct way.2) Corr

5、ect the exercises of activity books.3) Ask “Who s on duty? ” Listen to the students report. They may talk about the date, theweather, their favorite color, boo k, sports or film. Give them words and expressions whenn ecessary to help them.4) Draw a picture “ an unhappy artist ” on the blackb oard.T:

6、 Look at the “ long ” face of the artist. He is unhappy, yes? When is he unhappy? Guess thereas on, please.Give the Ss a few minu tes to talk about the reas on in order to start the new less on.2. New less onStep 1: lead inT: Do you likewatching TV? I like some programs very much. For examples,“Talk

7、ing g Straight ”and “Sons and Daughters of the East” . Do you like them? The project you are going to do isto in terview each other. You can ask your classmates many questi ons just like the hosts or hostess do in the TVprograms, such as WangXiaoya, Li Yong and so on. Of course, you have to use Engl

8、ish! But it s fun! I m sure youwill like it.Step 2: Listen and find use informationT: Liste n to the tape please and find the an swer of this questi on: Whodoes Danny want to in terview?(Show the rubber dinosaur and draw some“tears ” on its face)T: These are Danny s tears. Do you like dinosaurs? (Ye

9、s!) But Danny is unhappy now. Do you want to know the reason? Read the text on Page 4 with the title of“ She s so beautiful! ”3Step 3: Read and discussAfter the Ss read the text fast and silently, letWhy is Danny scared? (Because he wants to talk to San dra)Do you think Danny and Sandra will become

10、good friends?Why? (Yes, they will become good friends.Because girls like dino saurs and they have a nice talk to each other)What is Sandra like? (Shes beautiful.)Check the an swers with the whole class.Step 4: Further read ing and further discussi onT: Read the text a second time and have a further

11、discussion about it. Answer more questions about it.1) Do they like Miss Coxs surprise in their En glish less on?2) Why can the students call their English teacher“Miss”Cox?3) What colour does San dra love?4) What does Sandra dislike?5) What are Sandras interests?Step 5: Expla in some new words and

12、phrases (see Text Expla nati on of Less on 3)Step 6: Project 21) T: Its a in terviewproject. So you can be the host or hostess now. You can ask any questi onthat you are in terested in. Lets prepare some small cards for the in terviewfirst.2) Guide the Ss to make in terview cards like this:In tervie

13、w Chart 1NameWhat he/she Loves?What He/She Hates?In terview Chart 2NameWhat He/She Loves to Do?What He/She Hates to Do?the Ss discuss the follow ing questi on:4Help the Ss remember some useful words for the charts. Such as“food”,“clothes ” ,“animals ”and“colors”. List the verbs that students know to

14、 fill in the charts.Examples of possible questi ons and an swers:Q: What is your favorite?A: My favoriteis.Q: What do you love/hate to do?A: I love /hate to_ .Q: Do you like to _ ?A: Yes, I like to _ / No, I dont like to _ .Q: What do you like best about your school?A: I like _ best.Q: Who is your best friend?A: _ is my best friend.(Have Ss found a partner and take turns interviewing each other.)T: Ask your part ner those questi ons and write dow n their an swers. Then fill in your charts.(If time permits, collect the Ss an swers and


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