



1、1 / 9Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionB1a2c学习目标Key words:bike, ride, sightseeing, fishing, rent, ItalyPhrases:go bike riding, go sightseeing, take walks = take a walk, gofishing, rent videos学习重点、难点1. be+doing表示将来2. some useful expressions.学习过程一、自主学习(一) 重点词汇拓展1.乘骑,搭乘(现在分词)2.垂钓,钓鱼(现在分词)3.观

2、光,旅游(现在分词)4.租用,出租(现在分词)(二)重点词组识记1._去观光 _2.去散步 _3._意大利南部_4.从返回get back_plan?2 / 95.回至U地方 _6.the south of China_7. Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation二、 合作交流1. Pairwork: Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in1a. Model: A: what are you doing for vocation?B: I am going sightseeing.

3、A: When are you going?2. Groupwork: (1) listen(2)check your answer with your members(3) listen again.3. Groupwork: Make a survey and report: ask you classmates whattheyare doing this weekend.三、 质疑探究go+doing的用法:这是一个固定句型,表示“ _ ”例如:go swimming去游泳go boating去划船go bike riding去骑自行车旅行go dancing去跳舞go sightse

4、eing去观光go fishing去钓鱼go skating去滑冰go skiing去滑雪go hiking去远足group3 / 9此类结构除 “go+shopping”等少数用法外,其余都与 _有关。你还能举出其他的例子吗?四、测评反馈一、单项选择1. Lucy is _ after supper.A. takes walks B. take a walkC. takeing walks D. taking walks2. -What are we going to do on Sunday?-How about _ .A. to go bike ridingB. going bike t

5、o rideC. going to bike ridingD. going bike riding3. -_? - Its a nice day.(多选题)A. How is the weather like? B. How is the weather?C. What is the weather? D. What is the weather like?4. -Where is Guangzhou? -Its in _.A. south of China B. the south of the China C. the south of China5. Can I ask you _ qu

6、estions about your study plans?4 / 9little6.-_ are you staying in Canada?-For aboutthree weeks.A. When B. What time C. How often D. How long二、短文填空A: Hello, Wang Lin.B: Hi, Han Mei.visit.A: My parents.B: Have a good _A: Thank you.自悟自得 :Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?Section B 3aself check学习目标1

7、、掌 握重点 词汇:bike ride famous leavesomethingA. fewB. a fewC. a little D.A: What are you doingvacation?B: I dont. What about you?A: Imgoing to Beijing.I think its a good place toB: Yes.therelast year.Who are you going5 / 9nature finish forget等。2、熟练掌握go fishing, think about ,decide on;I hear +从句,be famou

8、s for与be famous as,leave for,forget to do something与forget doing something的用法3“be+动词-ing形式”表将来 ;will表示将来学习重难点重点1.词汇take a vacation,think about, decide, decideon, forget,region,Greece, countryside,return, Paris2. Reading material难点Writing practice, Survey学习过程、自主学习6 / 9(一)读一读,译一译1去野营 _2.去远足 _3.多久 _ 4.

9、拜访朋友 _5.回来_6.去观光 _7.去钓鱼_ 8.租影碟_9.给我看你的照片_10.去度假_11.在乡村 _12.名人 _ 13.在欧洲 _二、 合作交流1.Groupwork: discuss and find true or false sentences:(1)Bens going to Greece this summer. ( )(2) He never takes vacations in Europe.( )(3)Hes sta ying in Canada for about 3 months. ( )(4) He wants to have a great vacatio

10、n.( )(5) Hes going to the beach.( )(6)He also plans to stay in the countryside loves nature.( )2.Groupwork: find the English translation for phrases:(1)一个著名的法籍歌手(2)度长假for thesebecause hethe Chinese7 / 9(3)考虑(4)选定加拿大(5)一些不同(6)(7)度过一个非常令人放松的假期(8)六月的第一周(9) (10)在美丽的乡村度过(11)三、 质疑探究 对比反复朗读下列句子,总结出重点词汇的用法。

11、小组交流讨论。1.Hangzhouisfamous for the WestLake .be famous for的意 思是_Jackie Chanis famous as an actor.be famous as的意思是 _2 .Dont forget to close the door when you go out forget to do sth的意思是I forgot seeing you somewhere.forget doing sth的意思是 _3 .When did you leave Changchun? leave意 为Next Friday ,she is leav

12、ing for London.说法语散步忘记我所有的问题8 / 9Why are you leaving Chengdu for Wuhan? leave for意 为4.I heard the girl playing the piano at this time yesterday.hear sb doing sth_I often hear the girl play the piano in the next room.hear sb do sth _5、decide on“选定,决定”后接名词或动名词(-ving)形式。We_ _going to Beiji ng yesterday

13、四、测评反馈(一) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Our teacher is thinking about _ (have) a classmeeting.2. Today is a sunny day, so we decide _(go) swimming.3. He plans _ (have) a very relaxing vacation.4. Can you finish _ (write) your letter today?5.I spend an hour _(do)my homework every day.6. Hawaii is an exciting place_(go) sightseeing.7. Mygrandma is forgetful.She alwaysforgets_ (lock) the door.(二) 根据汉语意思完成句子1.我们将去香港度假,并在那儿待3周。Were going to Hong Kong _ _ , and were9


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