



1、小学新标准英语第十册重点知识归纳、四会单词fish 捕鱼,钓鱼,chicken 鸡肉,read(read 的过去式)阅读,interesting 令人感兴趣的;有趣的,season 季 节,snow 雪,light 轻的,back 背,背部,place 地方,answer 答案,get 到达(某地),hour 小时,take 搭乘,乘坐,short 短暂的,短期的,evening 傍晚,晚上,busy 忙的,忙碌的,Chinese 中国人的,drew(draw 的过 去式)绘画,画 , men(man 的复数形式)男人 , women( woman 的复数形式)女人 , told( tell

2、的过去式) 口述,讲,subject 学科,科目,met (meet 的过去式)遇见二、 动词原形与过去式对照am/is-was 是, are-were 是, drive-drove 驾驶, get-got 得到 , read-read 阅读, send-sent 寄,发 送,run-ran跑, come- came 来, take-took 搭乘,eat-ate 吃, say-said 说, go-went 去, buy-bought 买,do/does-did 做,see-saw 看见, have/has-had 有, make-made 希 M 乍,draw-drew 绘画,cut-cu

3、t 剪切,put-put 放置,tie-tied 扌 L上,laugh-laughed 笑,wear-wore 穿,tell-told 口述,讲,meet-met 遇见三、 名词单复数变化child-children 孩子,man-men 男人,woman-women 女人,sandwich-sandwiches 三明治四、短语句子M1 in the UK 在英国 in this picture 在这张图片里 drive a bus 驾驶公交车 a flute player 一个笛子演 奏者Chinese music 中国音乐 play the flute 演奏笛子 look at 看 in

4、an office 在办公室 in ain a hospital 在医院里 a happy family 快乐的一家He was a flute player. 他以前是一个长笛演奏者。He playedChi nese music 他演奏的是中国音乐。She was a driver before. 她以前是一名司机。 Shedrove a bus. 她开公交车。Where did your gran dpa work?你的爷爷以前在哪里工作? He worked in an office 他在办公室工作。考点:掌握职业与办公地点的表达。M2an email 一封电子邮件 English f

5、ood 英国食品 an English breakfast 一顿英国早餐 a traditional English dish 一个传统的英国菜肴 have breakfast 吃早餐 have lunch 吃午餐 have dinner 吃晚餐 What did she have forbreakfast?她早餐吃了什么?She had eggs and sausages 她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。What did she have for lunch?她午餐吃了什么?She had hamburgerS 也吃了汉堡。factory 在工厂里 in a shop 在商店里What did he do

6、 before? 他以前做什么工作?What music did he play? 他演奏什么音乐?What did she do before? 她以前做什么工作?What did she drive? 她开什么车?What did she have for dinner?她晚餐吃了什么?She had fish and chips. 她吃了炸鱼加炸薯条。Lunch is usually at half past twelve. 午餐通常在十二点半。考点:一天三餐及食物的表达;时间的表达M3have got 有 at the library 在图书馆 Excuse me 打扰 on the

7、computer 在电脑上 showto 给某人看 lots of = alot of 许多的 our favourite 我们的最爱 library card 图书证 give back 归还 in two weeks 两周内 borrow books 借书,use the computers 使用电脑,do homework 做作业,talk to your friends 与朋友交谈Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? 你们有哈利波特的光盘吗?Yes, we have. No, we have n 是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。You ve got lo

8、ts of Harry Potter books here 你这里有许多哈利波特的书!Please give the books back in two weeks 请在两周内归还书。You can use the computers. 你可以使用电脑。考点:1. have got 表示“有”的用法。2. can 的用法。M4live in 居住在 a maths game 数学游戏 American chocolate 美国功克力 want to 想要 come to the US 来美国 inspring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天play with

9、 玩,和 玩 fall from the tree 从树上落下 on the trees 在树上 go swimming 去游泳 go skiing 滑雪 wear shorts 穿短裤wear gloves 戴手套I se nt you a maths game. Did you get it?我给你寄了一个数学游戏。你收到了吗?Yes, I did. Thank you. 是的,收到了。谢谢。I sent you En glish books. Did you read them?我给你寄了英语书。你读了吗?Yes, I did. They are intertesting. 是的,我读了

10、。它们很有趣。My favourite season is spring. 我最喜欢的季节是春天。考点:人称代词宾格 it/them 的用法(it 用于单数,them 用于复数)。M5take to 带到 at the shop on my back 在我的背上 over my shoulder 在我的肩上 with my hand用我的手This black bag is nice. It这个黑色勺包不错。它大。Look at this green on e. It看看这个绿色的。它轻。How much is it?它多少钱? It s 3Ounds. 30 英镑。Mine is pink.

11、 我的是粉色的。考点:常见形容词 heavy-light, big-small, new-old/broken, fat-thin, clean-dirtyM6five thousand years old 五千年 in a circle 围成一圈 on top of 在顶咅 E find the answer 找至 U 答案 I hope so我希望如此 by car 乘小汽车 take three hours 花三小时 take a helicopter ride 搭乘直升飞 机 from the sky 从空中 a big surprise 一个大意外 look small 看起来小 t

12、ake photos 照相 What will we see there? 在那我们将会看到什么?We II seelots of very big st on es.我们会看到许多的大石头。How will we get there? 我们怎样去那儿?By car. It will take three hours. 坐小汽车去。它将要花掉三小时。It was amazing. 它真令人惊叹。考点: 1. 一般将来时。2. 一般过去时。M7go to work 去上班 every morning/night 每天早上 /晚上be late 迟到 a quarter to seven=six

13、forty-five差一刻钟到七点 =六点四十五分My father goes to work at 8 o clock every morrrimpoliteman.我爸爸每天早上八点去上班。他是一名警察。名警察。My father goes to work at 6 o clock every evening. He 我爸爸每天晚上六点去上班。他是一名演员。I ll be home at 7 o我将在七点钟到家。考点:时间的基本表达方式。M8visit my cousin 拜访我的堂兄 in New York 在纽约 what about=how about 那怎么样呢 make a ki

14、te 做风筝 bewindy 有风的 of course 当然 a Chinese dragon 一条中国龙 thank you for your help 谢谢 你的帮助 a piece ofpaper 一 张纸 cut the paper 剪纸Will you help me?你会帮助我吗?Yes. Of course 是的,当然会。Will it be windy in New York ?纽约会有刮风的天气吗? Yes, it will. 是的,会的Tha nk you for your help.感谢您的帮助。You are welcome 不用谢。I ll make a kite

15、我将要做一个风筝。I made a kite.我做了一个风筝。考点: 1. 一般将来时。 2. 一般过去时。M9a children s the 儿童居 U 院 be ready for/get ready for 准备好 tell jokes 讲笑话 another bed 另一张 床 inEnglish 用英语 be from 来自 borrow a bike 借自行车 a book about Chinese history 一本中国历 史书 askquestions 提问问题 my favourite subject 我最喜欢的学科Last week, we went to a chi

16、ldren上周 ea 我们门去了一家儿童剧院。The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot.演员们说了许多笑话。我们开怀大笑。Mum bought new chopsticks for you. 妈妈买了新筷子给你。考点:一般过去时。M10go to the airport 去机场 take the plane=by plane 搭乘飞机 on the beach 在海滩上 make a friend 交朋 友 havea picnic 野餐 climb the mountain 爬山 have a good time 玩得高兴 in July 在七月 in August 在八月What did you put in you


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