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1、Unit 1 My names Gina .授课类型新授课学时数The 1st period ( Sectio n A 1a 1c)教学目标1. Get students to learn how to greet people, introducethemselves and makenew frien ds.2. Teach students to say English names in the right way.3. Get stude nts to ask for and give teleph one nu mbers.教学内容New words: n ame, clock, a

2、m, nice, meet, what, helloWhat s your nameMy name is Hello! I m Mary.Hi, Mary! I m Jim. Nice to meet you.what s = what is I m = I am name s = name isthe pers onal and possessive pronouns: I, you, my, your, his, her重点难点1.会拼读生词和问姓名的句型。2.注意中英文姓名的差别。学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内

3、外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计课题引入I. Warmin g-up and revisi on1.Play the tape, enjoy the ABCsong or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together.2.Divide the class into Group A andB. Draw two fisheson theblackboard as their symbols, tell the stude nts that each time theyanswer questions right, they can get one or more

4、 points for their group and draw one ormore bubbles around their fish, at the end of the class, the group which gets morebubbles will be the winner today. Say, “ One,two, three! ” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the begi nning of thecompetiti on.3.Revise the three units in Starters.

5、Show some key sentences inChinese on the screen, have students translatethem into English,geta student from each group to come to the front and write down theiranswers on the blackboard, then check the answers,each correctsentence will earn a point for the group.II.Prese ntatio n1.Teacher says: ,“ H

6、ello! Myname is Lily.What s your name”Getthe students to answer, “Mynameis ” Then teacher says, Itsa good / nice n ame. I like your n ame.”2.On the screen show a lovely mouse saying“ My name s Gina.Underline“MynamW s” , tell the students it means “ My name is/教学步骤I am/ I m” .及3. Show the question“ W

7、hat s your name ” Underline“What s” ,主要内容tell the students that it means“ What is ” .Ill Liste ning drills (1)1.Do Section A, 1b, liste n and nu mber the con versati ons (1-3).2.Show the picture on page 1 on the scree n with no words on it. Getstude nt to liste n to the tape and try to repeat the se

8、ntences inthe conversations,each correct sentence will earn a point forthegroup.IV. Pair-work.课堂练习1.Get the students listen to the conversations again and repeat after the tape, thenwork in groups, practice the conversations with thepart ners.2.Have some studentscome to the front and show their ownc

9、onversation,then make a comment on it (praise the students first)and give 2 to 4 points to their group.3.Do Section A, 1a. First, have the stude nts work in groups, writedow n as many words as possible on their stude nts books in only2 minu tes; the n get a stude nt from each group to write dow n th

10、eirwords on the blackboard at the same time, the one who writes more can get morepoin ts.V. Liste ning drills (2)1.Do Secti on A, 2a. Liste n to four con versati ons and nu mber the pictures (1-4).2.Do Secti on A, 2b. Liste n aga in, circle the n ames accord ing to thetape.Listen for the last time,

11、then fill in the blanks.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业1.Liste n and read after the tape for thirty minu tes.2.Recite the first con versatio n of Secti on A, 2c.3.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, thentranslate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit 1 My names Gina .授课类型对话课学

12、时数The 2nd period(Section4)1. Get the students to learn how to greet people.教学目标2. Get the students to learn to get other peoples basic information liken ames from the con versati ons.New words: his, and, her, question, answer, look教学内容-What s your/his/her name-My/His/Her n ame is.重点难点1、了解英语与汉语中姓与名的位

13、置不冋,准确掌握英语的姓与名的表达;2、听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。3、 重点句型。学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计I. Warming- up and revisi on1.Si ng ABC song.2.Greeti ng (Say hello betwee n the teacher and the Ss)3.Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on theblackboard as th

14、eir symbols, tell the students that eachtime they课题引入answer questions right, they can get one or more points for theirgroup and draw one or more clouds below their bird, at the end ofthe class, the group which gets more clouds will be the winnertoday. Say, “ One, two, three! ” Get the whole class si

15、tstraight,thus announce the beg inning of the competiti on4.Review in troduct ionPlay the “ Word train ” game. Get a group of students ask and answer questi onsone by one.T: Good morning. I m Diana. What s your nameS1: I m Xu Dong./My name is Nice to meet you.T: Nice to meet you ,too.(The n S1 turn

16、around and greet S2 in the same way.)教学步骤及主要内容II. Prese ntatio n1.T: Boys and girls, let s play a guessing game,“What s his/hern amd OK2.Show the stude nts pictures of some famous pers ons like Jay Zhou,Liu Xia ng, etc, let them guess the n ames of these pers ons by using the follow ingsenten ces:Hi

17、s n ame /Her n ame is.I think his/her n ame isIs he/she .III. Summary (short forms)Teach the students“ s is short for“ is ” and “is shortfor“ am , then do the following exercises:My name s. Your name s.His name s. Her name s.What s. I m.课堂练习IV . Work on 2aGet the stude nts to look at the pictures on

18、 P2 and liste n to thefour con versati ons.(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.)Then, listen to the recording again, and number the pictures . Checkthe an swers.V. Work on 2b1. Get the stude nts to liste n aga in and circle the n ames they hear,tell them that te first n ame

19、has bee n done for them.2. Play the recording.Students listen and circle the names they hear.Then check the an swers.VI.Listen and repeatT: Nowlet s listento the tape and repeat. Please try to read likethe tape.VII . Work on 2cT: Suppose you are new students in No. 1 Middle School. You are from diff

20、ere ntcoun tries. You meet for the first time. Make up a dialogue in pairs.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VIII. Homework1.Liste n and read after the tape for thirty minu tes.2.Recite the sec ond con versati on of Secti on A, 2c.3.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, thentranslate them in

21、to English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Un it 1 My n ames Gi na .授课类型巩固课学时数The 3rd period (Section B 1a-2c)1. Teach the nu mbers. Get the stude nts to use the nu mbers freely.教学目标2. Have the stude nts know the meaning of some nu mbers like 110, 121, etc.3. Get the students to learn to filling the infor

22、mation box.New words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seve n, eight,教学内容nine-What s your phone number - Its1、了解英语与汉语中姓与名的位置不冋,准确掌握英语的姓与名的表达;重点难点2、听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。3. 重点句型。学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备注I. Warmin g-up and revisi on1.Daily greet ing

23、s to the stude ntsT: Good morning, every one. My n ame is Peter. Whats your name,pleaseS1: My name is Lily. T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you.课题引入S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: And what s your nameS2: My name is 2.Revisio nPart one:T: S1, whats his n ameS1: His n ame isT: S2, what s her name S2: Her na

24、me isPart two:S1: Good morning. What s your name, pleaseS2: My name is Jack. What s your name, pleaseS1: My name is Susan. And what s your name,pleaseS3: My n ame is Tony.S1: S4, what his name (poi nt to S2 )S4: His n ame is教学步骤及主要内容II. Prese ntatio nT: Please tell mehow to say it in English (show t

25、he Ss the number cards, one byone)III. Game1.T: We have 10 groups. Every group has a nu mber. When 1 show thenumber card, the group must stand up and say the number loudly. Ready(Every time, T shows the Ss one card. The group must sta nd up.)Ss: Five./Seve n. /Three.2. T: Now, this time,I ll show yo

26、u the number card, but the nextnu mber group must sta nd up and say the nu mber loudly.eg: T: (Show the card 2)Ss: Three. (Group 3 sta nds up and say the nu mber loudly)3.T and the Ss play the gameagain, but this time, not the next group, but the nu mberbefore.eg: T: (Show the card 5)Ss: Four. (Grou

27、p 4 sta nds up and read the nu mber loudly)课堂练习IV. PracticeT shows the Ss some nu mbers (car nu mber, room nu mber etc), asks them toread out.T: (show a car number)湘 AS0827Ss: Xia ng-A-S-zero-eight-two-seve n.T: (Show a room number)1508Ss: Room on e-five-o-eight.V. Work on 1bT asks the Ss how the nu

28、mber is divided up. Guide them to understand that threenumbers come before the hyphen and four numbers after itThen get the students to listento the tape and ask them to write thephone nu mbers in the bla nkVI.Work on 1cT: Now please work with your group (four stude nts in one group)and ask each oth

29、er questi ons about pho ne nu mbers.S1: What s your telephone number, S2S2: It s 356-9865.S1: 356-9865. Tha nks.VII . Work on 2a,2bT: Point to the numbered names. Read each one aloud along with the nu mberthat comes before it. Then say each nu mber and ask a stude nt to read the n ame afterthat nu m

30、ber.Point to the bla nks in the four teleph one nu mbers. Tell the Ss that the last two numbers ofeach teleph one nu mber are miss ing. Liste n tothe tape and the n fill in these nu mbers.(the four stude nts who are asked should not be in his/her group)小结与作业课堂小结本课作业1.Liste n and read after the tape

31、for thirty minu tes.2.Recite the second conversation of Section B, 1b.3.Write dow n the Chin ese meaning of the new words and senten ces, tran slatethem into En glish.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit 1 My names Gina .授课类型复习课学时数The 4th period (Section B 3a-3c)教学目标1.Get the students to have a clear idea

32、 of the differencesbetween Englishand Chin ese n ames.2.Revise the En glish way of say ing nu mbers. Have the stude nts make an IDcard by themselves.教学内容What s her telepho ne nu mberWhat s her family nameWhat s her first nameMy n ame is Tina. Nice to meet you.I m Mary . Nice to meet you too.重点难点1、了解

33、英语与汉语中姓与名的位置不冋,准确掌握英语的姓与名的表达;2、听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。3、 重点句型。学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备注课题引入I. Warmin g-up and revisi on1. Daily greet ings to the stude ntsT: Good morning, every one.S: Good morning, Claire.T: How is the weather today S:It is (nice / great

34、 / fine / good/ beautiful / not bad /pretty good / fan tastic/ bad / terrible/ awful / hot / cool / cold/ windy / rainy).2. Revisi onT: What s your English name S: My English name is Mike.T: What s your family nameS: My family name is Smith.T; What s your deskmate s first nameS;His first n ame is Gr

35、ee n .T: What s his teleph one nu mberS: His teleph one nu mber is .教学步骤及主要内容II. Work on 3aGet the stude nts to look at the pictures on P5 and find the last n ames and writethem below.Drill: S1: What s Nick Ha nd s family name /first nameS2: What s Jim Smith s family name /first nameS3: What s Linda

36、 Brown s family name /first nameIII . Work on 1bT: Now Look at the ID cards and an swer the questi ons.Eg: T: Now let s check the answers. Her telephone number is535-2375,her family name is Brown, her first name is Jenny.S: His teleph one nu mber is 868-7889, his family n ame is Smith, his first nam

37、e is Jenny.VI. Work on 3cT: Please Fill in your own ID card.V. Work on 4cT: Now write your phone nu mber on a piece of paper and put it ina bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner.VI.Follow upT: Now it s your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please workwith your group (four stude n

38、ts in one group) and ask each other questi ons about hisfriend .Eg: A: What s your friend s first name and last nameB: His first n ame is Mike and last n ame is Jorda n.A: What s your friend s telephone numberB: His teleph one nu mber is .A: What s his address课堂练习VII. DrillsWork on Page 6 in stude n

39、ts workbook.T: Check the words you know and have a competition to see which group do the best.T: Now write five or more words in your Vocabulary-Builder.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VIII. Homework1 Liste n and read after the tape for thirty minu tes.2 Review all the new words and key senten ces.3 Get ready for Quiz

40、 1.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit2 This is my sister.授课类型新授课学时数The 1st period (Sect ion A1a2b)1. Get students to learn how togreet people,in troduce themselvesand makenew frien ds.教学目标2. Practice introducing family members.3. Get stude nts to lear n to ide ntify people.Newwords: mother, father, pare

41、nts, brothers, grandmother, grandfather,教学内容friend and sister.This is my brother. These are my two brothers. And that s my sister.重点难点This is my brother. These are my two brothers. And thats my sister.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备注课题引入I. Warmin g-up and revi

42、si on1. Play the tape, enjoy the“ This is my brother” song or Hellosong, get the Ss to sing together.2. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two fishes on the blackboard as theirsymbols, tell the stude nts that each time they answer questions right, they can getone or more points for their grou

43、p and draw one or more bubbles around their fish, atthe end ofthe class, the group which gets more bubbles will be the winner today. Say, “ One,two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thusannounce the begi nning of the competiti on.3. Revise unit 3. Show some key sentences in Chinese on the s

44、creen, have students tran slate them into En glish, get a stude nt from eachgroup to come to the front and write down their answers on the blackboard,then check the answers, each correct sentence will earna point for the group.教学步骤及主要内容IV. Pair-work.1. Tell stude nts that they will be talk ing about

45、 the members ofDave s family shown in the picture. Call attention to the example con versati on in1c. ask a stude nt to read the words to the class.Then ask the stude nts to repeat the sentences and point to these people in the largepicture. Ask pairs to work together. Have them take turns pointing

46、out variousfamily members using sentencesbeginning withThis isorthese are.课堂练习V. Liste ning drills (2)1. Do Section A, 2a. Listen and circle each name of a family memberthey hear in the con versatio n.2. Do Section A, 2b. Listen again, match the letters next to thepeople in the picture to the correc

47、t n ames in the box. Check the an swers.3. If time permits, pratice the conversation in 2a. First theteacher say the key words of one sentence, and the stude ntsrespond the correspondingsentence. This is easy for them to do.Then listenagain and ask them to try to remember thecon versati on. Fill in

48、the bla nks.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VI. Homework1. Liste n and read after the tape for thirty minu tes.2. Recite the sentences in the bubble of 1a and the sentences in 1b.3.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, thentranslate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit2 This is

49、 my sister.授课类型对话课学时数The 2nd period (Section A 2c -4)教学目标Get the stude nts to lear n to ide ntify people.教学内容New words: aunt, uncle, cousin, the child of one s uncle or aunt堂或表兄弟姊妹,表亲 ()n ephew (the son of ones brother or sister)侄儿 ni ece(the daughter of ones brother or sister)侄女,甥女-Is this Jim-No,

50、he isn t. he s Dave.-Is this your sister No, it isn t.-Is that your brother Yes, it is. Here when you talk about the picture, you can use “ it ”to referthe person. Pay attention to“he” or “she ” .重点难点-Is this Jim-No, he isn t. he s Dave.-Is this your sister No, it isn t.-Is that your brother Yes, it

51、 is. Here whe n you talk about the picture,you can use it ” to refer the person. Pay attentionto “he” or “she” .学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计课题引入I. Warming- up and revisi on1.Show a picture and in troduce it. Let stude nts in troduce their ownphotos one by on

52、e. Lan guage structure: This is my sister. That ismy brother. These are my pare nts. Those are my frien ds.2.Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on theblackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answerquestions right, they can get one or more points for th

53、eir group and draw one ormore clouds below their bird, at the end of the class, the group which gets moreclouds will be the winnertoday. Say, “ One, two, three! ” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announcethe beg inning of the competiti on3.Dictati on.mother, father,pare ntsbrothersgra ndmother

54、,gra ndfather, gran dpare nts, sister, brother. This is his sister.These are his brothers.教学步骤及主要内容come to an empty write-on line. Ask a students to read the four wordsto the class. Ask the stude nts to work alone as they write the fourwords from the box in the correct blanks in the speech bubbles.

55、Practice the conversatio n with astude nt. Point out thatyour voice goes up atthe end of questions,and it goes down at the end of these answers andstateme nts. Ask the stude nts to work with a part ners.V. Work on 3cCall att en tio n to the picture and con versati on. Ask three stude nts tread the c

56、onversationas the class looks at the picture.Thendem on strate the activity by writ ing the n ame of your father, mother,or a friend on the board. Ask stude nts to guess who that pers on is,using questions beginning withIs he-OrIs she-SayYes, he isorYes, she iswhen the student guess correctly. Then

57、ask studentstotake turns coming t the board and writing a name for the rest to make guess about.课堂练习VI. GroupworkDivide the studentsinto small groups. Have students findout who thepeople in each other s photos are, using the target Ianguage of theunit. Model someIs this your- Is he your - Is she you

58、r-questions for the classusing one of the photos.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VII . Homework1.Liste n and read after the tape for thirty minu tes.2.Recite the grammar focus on page 14.3.Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, thentranslate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit2 This is my sister.授课类型巩固课学时数The 3rd period (Section B 1a-4b)教学目标1.Teach the family tree.2.Have the stude nts know the n ames of the various members of a family.3.Get the students to learn how to write a letter in English.教学内容New words: son, cous in, daughter, un cle, picture,L


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