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1、1高二下学期联考英语试卷(本试卷总分共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是 Co1. Why will Mr. Rogers be out of the office next week?A. To ta

2、ke a holiday. B. To attend a wedding.C. To travel on business.2. When will the man arrive at the womans home to pick her up?A. At 7 : 20.B. At 7 : 40.C. At8: 15.3. What did the young man do in the park yesterday?A. He played sports.B. He saw a performanee.C. He had a picnic.4. What is the probable r

3、elati on ship betwee n the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Co-workers.C. Classmates.5. Who might Henry be?A. A publisher.B. A collector.C. A writer.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回

4、答第& 7 题。6. What is the purpose of the womans visit?A. To travel.B. To study.C. To visit friends.7. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the customs.B. At the railway station.C. At the bus stop.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8. What does the man think of the womans new skirt?A. Its too cheap

5、B. It seems comfortable. C. Its fas hi on able.9. Where does the woman often buy clothes?A. At the local market.B. At sec on d-ha nd stores.C. At the foreign shop. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What was the man told to do?A. To keep the parcel light.B. To make sure the parcel is safe.C. To make sure th

6、e parcel wont be opened.11. How long will it take the man to arrive at the post office?A. 6 minutes.B. 13 minutes.C. 30 minutes.12. When will the parcel arrive if it is received before 10 a.m. today?A. On Monday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What does the man like about his

7、present job?A. It always has different tasks.B. It in eludes much research.C. Its salary is satisfactory.14. What does the man think of the daily task in his present work?A. Boring.B. Challenging.C. Necessary.15. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Professor and student.B. In t

8、erviewer and in terviewee.C. Manager and secretary.16. What quality can the man bring to this position?A. Being creative. B. Being familiar with products.C. Being patient.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Where is drinking liquid food with a noise acceptable?A. In BritainB. In Mexico.C. In Japan.18. What

9、should nt we do while we are dining in a British family?A. Put our hands on the table.B. Keep silent at table.C. Use our left hands at table.19. Whom can we turn to when we worry about different table manners?A. Good friends.B. People around you. C. Native people.20. What is the speaker mainly talki

10、ng about?A. Various court tries.B. Table mann ers.C. Differe nt cultures.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)2第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。APacific Science Cen ter GuideVisit Pacific Science Centers StoreDont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to

11、pick upa won derful scie nce activity or souve nir to remember your visit. The store is locatedupstairs in Buildi ng 3 right n ext to the Laser Dome.Hun gry?Our exhibits will feed your mi nd, but what about your body? Our caf eoffers acomplete menu of lunch and sn ack opti ons, in additi on to seas

12、onal specials. The cafis located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific ScienceCen ter closes.Ren tal In formatio nLockers are available to store any bel ongings duri ng your visit. The lockers arelocated in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Push

13、chairs andwheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. IDrequired.Support Pacific Science Cen terSince 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情)fordiscovery and life long lear ning in scie nce, math and tech no logy. Today, PacificScience Cent

14、er serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-basedscience education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. Itsan amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous supportfrom individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visitpa

15、 to find various ways you can support Pacific Scie nce Cen ter.21. Where can you buy a souve nir at Pacific Scie nce Cen ter?A. I n Buildi ng 1.B. I n Buildi ng 3.C. At the Laser Dome.D. At the Denny Way entran ce.22. What does Pacific Scie nce Cen ter do for schools?A. Train s

16、cie nce teachers.B. Distribute scie nce books.C. In spire scie ntific research. D. Take scie nce to the classroom.23. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?A. To en courage don atio ns.B. To advertise coming eve nts.C. To in troduce special exhibits. D. To tell about the Cen ters history.

17、BEvery one can try his best to achieve someth ing. We dont n eed to be the best, but to challenge the limits ofwhat we are capable of. I gained this belief from my third grade teacher, the most special, hono red, trustworthy,and beloved pers on in my life.Mr. Myrus was always perfectly dressed and s

18、poke with the belief that talk ing to an eight-year-old child did ntmea n he had to sacrifice proper stateme nts or grammar. And he was dema nding , but he was nt un reas on ableor cruel. He simply felt that no matter what your best was, you should achieve it.Luckily eno ugh, I met him aga in as my

19、eighth grade math teacher. I was not, norever will be, gifted in math. I remember my struggles in class.“I dont know the an swer,I would say. “I cant do it! ”“Perhaps you dont know the answer,” he would say quietly.“ Do youJthink we might figure it out together? How do you know what you c an do ifyo

20、u dont have a try? ”Mr. Myrus lived around the corner, and I would often stop by to talk while he worked in his garde n. I knewthere was some one who let me know that if I had really tried, that was eno ugh. “ Dont be so hard on yourself,” hed say. “ Stop blam ing yourself.Did you try your best? Wel

21、l, then youre not a failure.” he often told me these words.Mr. Myrus died in 1978. I had n ever thought about his death. He was too youn g. Ifelt sorry. But whe n I think about him no w, I dont feel so sorry. He taught me to be kind,not only to others, but to myself. He taught me my own value. He ta

22、ught me about honor, about truth, and aboutdoing my best and he also taught me that all feeli ngs and beliefs have dig nity and deserve respect. And of all thethi ngs I kno w, I believe that we cant all be “the best ” , but we can, each of us, be our best. And I know thatstrue because Mr. Myrus told

23、 me that.24. What does the un derl ined word “ dema nding in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?A. Strict.B. I ndiffere nt.C. Critical.D. Careful.25. Why did the author think he was lucky in Paragraph 3?A. Mr. Myrus became his teacher aga in.B. Mr. Myrus was his teacher for eight years.C. He became in t

24、erested in math because of Mr. Myrus.D. He developed a good relati on ship with Mr. Myrus.26. What can be in ferred from the last paragraph?A. The author may have become a teacher.B. The author liked to recall his childhood.C. The author believed he would be the best of all.D. The author en ded up b

25、eing a man of self-c on fide nce.27. What can we lear n about Mr. Myrus accord ing to the passage?3A. He is usually in differe nt to the stude nts.B. He is resp on sible for his stude nts and his teach ing.C. He is a pers on who isnt particular about what he wears.D. He is sometimes cruel and un rea

26、s on able to his stude nts.CEve n the hardest days contain less ons that will help you be a better pers on. Feeli ngdown ? Consider these things to remember when youre having a bad day.No one promised life would be perfect. If you look for perfection, youll never becontent. Dont con diti on your hap

27、p in ess on meet ing every expectati on you set foryourself. It is good to be ambitious, but youll n ever be perfect. If you expect otherwise,your life will be filled with disappo in tme nts.Success does nt happe n over ni ght. Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.Dont kid yourself into t

28、hinking success will come quickly. It isnt easy to be patie nt, butanything worth doing requires time. If you get frustrated, remind yourself why your goal isimporta nt.There is a less on in every struggle. And once the storm is over, you wont rememberhow you made it through or how you man aged to s

29、urvive. But one thing is certa in. Whenyou come out of the storm, you wont be the same person who walked in. Thats what thisstorms all about. Dont complain about how terrible your life is. If you search for the less onin your prese nt struggle, youll be able to make positive cha nges that would prev

30、e ntsimilar situati ons in the future.Without hard times, you would nt appreciate the good on es. Stren gth does not comefrom winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships anddecide not to give in, that is strength. It is hard to find much to smile about when you fail

31、, buthow else would you improve yourself? If you look at failure as a part of your evolutionaryprocess, youll stay positive and pursue your goals for as long as it takes.28. Which of the follow ing summarizes this passage best?A. Every pers on has to go through hard times.B. Perfect ion does nt exis

32、t in life.C. We should accept the fact that life is not perfect.D. Things to remember whe n you are hav ing a bad day.29. What does the un derli ned sentence mean?A. Success will come quickly.B. Hard work leads to success.C. Success calls for patie nee.D. Con fide nee is the first step to success.30

33、. We can lear n from Paragraph 4 that_A. less ons from struggles make us stron gerB. all things are difficult before they are easyC. we should forget how we man aged to surviveD. similar situati ons in the future will n ever appear31. Which stateme nt agrees with the passage?A. Hard times make us lo

34、se heart and be short of courage.B. Persevera nee in time of hardships develops our stre ngths.C. Smiles when you fail will not help to improve yourself.D. We should try to avoid failures in the evolutionary process.DNations in the UN have agreed that the world needs to completely stop plastic waste

35、 from enteringthe oceans. The UN resolution(决议)has no timetable. But ministers at an environment summit believeit will set the course for much tougher policies and send a clear sig nal to bus in ess.Un der the resoluti on, gover nments would establish an intern ati onal task force 特 遣 小组)toadvise on

36、 fighting what the UNs oceans chief has described as a world crisis. One con troversial issue isthe wish to in clude bus in esses on the global task force. Mi nisters say the problem will not be solvedwithout bus in ess, but gree n groups point out that some firms in the plastics in dustry have bee

37、n aga instrestrict ions for decades. Vidar Helgese n, a lead ing voice in the talks, told BBC News,“ Busin essis liste ning tomarkets and seeing how marine litter(海洋垃圾)is a growing popular concern. Its possibly thefastest-growi ng en vir onmen tal problem and its therefore a fast-growi ng problem fo

38、r bus in ess. We need to bring on board those compa nies that want to cha nge thin gs, and the n look at taxes and regulations to make more compa nies act.”Certainly, there has been resistance from plastics firms to the bans. One UN delegate, who did notwant to be n amed, stated that journalists in

39、some coun tries were being paid by the plastics industry towrite stories about job losses following the plastic bag ban. But they did not men ti on the jobs beingcreated in alter natives, such as labour-intensive basketwork, which provides work for the rural poor. Butsome gover nments are sta nding

40、firm, and the meeti ng has wit nessed in dividual n ati ons declari ngtougher acti on aga inst sin gle-use plastic bags.The UNs spokesma n Sam Barratt told BBC News,“ Of course we would have likedto have gone further, but this meetings made real progress. Theres now a sense of urge ncy and en ergybe

41、h ind the issue that we have nt quite see n before. What is obvious, though, is that the UN cant solvethis problem on its own. We need to do it in part nership with gover nmen ts, bus in esses and eve n individuals.”32. What can we know about the UN resolution on plastic waste?4A. Plastic waste shou

42、ld be banned on land too.B. Plastic waste should be recycled by bus in ess.C. The UN made exact time to stop it entering oceans.D. The UN may make stricter policies in the future.33. What can we infer from what Vidar Helgese n said?A. Bus in ess does nt see the problem of mari ne litter.B. Fastest-g

43、rowi ng marine litter is a new problem.C. Gover nments should force compa nies to act by policy.D. Most compa nies want to stop marine life from disappeari ng.34. Why did some compa nies pay journalists to write articles about job losses?A. To express their satisfacti on with gover nmen ts.B. To str

44、uggle aga inst the strict plastic bag ban.C. To show difficulties in labour- inten sive basketwork.D. To make gover nments sta nd firm aga inst plastic bags.35. What is the best title for the text?A. The UN is committed to handling ocean plastic wasteB. The UN tries to protect the marine lifeC. We s

45、hould solve the plastic waste problemD. We should ban plastic waste completely第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Love Your Pare ntsEven if you think that your parentsare mean at times, loving your parents is a normaland fulfilling part of life. You love them f

46、or the fact that they created you, raised you, and arein part, a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your pare nts.36 A gentle “goodmorning ”and “llove you” will warm a coldest heart.Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might stillKeep company with t

47、hem . Do things with your parents together like watching TV, orgo somewhere with them. Listen to their old stories and learn from them. _39 And then youwill find they are your teachers in one way or another.Some people simply may not be able to love their pare nts.40 Seek help ifyou are being abusec

48、 虐 待)in any way. Pare nts do not have a right to harm you.A. And remember forgive ness is the key.B. Pare nts will in turn express their love to you.C. Tell them you love them every morni ng.D. After this, share your feeli ngs with your pare nts.E. Please remember pare nts are as importa nt as frie

49、nds.F. Any way, spe nd as much time with them as you can.G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。The life of George Wash ington was characterized by valui ng pun ctualit

50、y 守 日寸).For him, being on time was a way of showing 41 to others, and he 42 to be treated withthe same level of respect 43 .Once Wash ington asked a man to bring some 44, he was in terested in buyingat five in the morning. 45 , the man arrived fifteen minutes late. Washington s groom(马夫)told the man

51、 that the general had been 46 there at five, but had now moved on to otherbus in ess, and that Washi ngton would n be able to 47 the horses again until thefollowing week. The man left with his horses, feeling a deep sense of 48 .When he told Congress that he d meet with them at noon, he could almost

52、wan der at an unknown corner in an unknown world.Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you roff on your own. It OK to get angry but angryactions don t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down are punct

53、ual here. My cook never asks whether the guests have arrived, but whether theyour feelings, or talk to a friend.37hour has 56 . ”Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respectAnd when Washington s secretary arrived late for a meeting, and blamed hi57from them. It ma

54、y seem like you are going through hell when you don t get whatcyobis lateness, Washington quietly replied, “Theryou must get another watch, or Iwant or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they are who struggle toanother 58 . ”keep a roof over your head when it s cold, raining, snowin

55、g, or too hot. Understand that Washington, one of the most respected presidents in American history, is a good pare nts are human beings and make mistakes. 38example to us all. Today, pun ctuality is still a( n) 59 part of the character of a n ice5alwaysbe found walk ing in to the meet ing room just

56、 as the clock was 49 twelve.Washington s punctuality extended to his 50 as well. He ate dinner each day at 51four o clockWhen he 52 members of Congress to have dinner with him, and they 53 late,they were ofte n54to find the preside nt halfway donewith his meal or eve n leav ing the table. To his lat

57、e, shocked 55, he would say, “ We6person. So next time when you are struggling with arriving60 , think of thesestories about the pun ctual preside nt.41. A. appreciati onB. respectC. pityD. concern42. A. expectedB. decidedC. hatedD. refused43. A. i n placeB. in orderC. i n returnD. in total44. A. go

58、odsB. un iformsC. horsesD. swords45. A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. OtherwiseD. However46. A. waiti ngB. look ingC. search ingD. observ ing47. A. sellB. feedC. rideD. check48. A. satisfact ionB. shameC. resp on sibilityD. sorrow49. A. show ingB. poin ti ngC. striki ngD. telli ng50. A. studyB. bedtimesC. w

59、orkD. mealtimes51. A. completelyB. exactlyC. correctlyD. occasi onally52. A. i nvitedB. persuadedC. allowedD. rem in ded53. A. calledB. arrivedC. sleptD. started54. A. surprisedB. disappo in tedC. calmD. excited55. A. officersB. frie ndsC. n eighborsD. guests56. A. passedB. en dedC. leftD. come57. A

60、. watchB. bellC. alarmD. phone58. A. colleagueB. assista ntC. secretaryD. guard59. A. activeB. majorC.esse ntialD. abstract60. A. before longB. on timeC. right awayD. at last第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The tea culture of China is 61 (amaze) and has a long history.


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