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1、精品资料反意疑问句一、祈使句后的反意疑问句:祈使句后加一个反意疑问句,使祈使句变得更加委婉。肯定祈使句的反意疑问句通常用 will you, won you, would you, can you, can you 等来表达不同的含义。在否定的祈使 句后的反意疑问句通常只用 will you。1、 表示“请求”,肯定祈使句的反意疑问句用 will you。女口: Give me a hand, will you?2、 表示“邀请”、“劝诱”时,肯定祈使句后的反意疑问句册 on you。女口: Have another cup of tea, won you?3、 表示“催促”、“不耐烦”时,肯

2、定祈使句后的反意疑问句用 an you。女口: Stop talking, can you?4、 用“et”开头的肯定祈使句表示“提议、建议、主张”,其后的反意疑问句用 shallwe。如:Let have a try, shall we?但是以 Let us或 Let me开头的祈使句后的反意疑问句则要用will you。女口: Let us go now, will you?5、否定祈使句的反意疑问句只用 will you。如:Don take away my dictionary, will you?以 Let not开头的祈使句后的反意疑问句,用 all right 或 OK。二、复合

3、句的反意疑问句其反意疑问的主谓语视其主要内容而定,不能一概说以主句为准还是以从句为准。1、 多数复合句后的反意疑问句的主、谓语同主句的主、谓语一致。女口: He said he was a teacher, didnhe2、主句是 I think(suppose, consider, believe, guess, expect, imagine, feel, am精品资料afraid, hear, say 等)+宾语从句时,反意疑问句的主、谓语应与从句的主、谓语一致。如:I don think he will come, will he?陈述部分如果是“I don think ( belie

4、ve,suppose,expect)+宾语从句”时,疑问部分中的动词和主语应与宾语从句中的动词和主语保持一致,并且要用肯定形式;由 于主句中的否定其实是因后接的宾语从句转移到主句,其从句仍为否定句,故其回答应用 肯定式,如:-We don imagine the twins have arrived,have they?-Yes,they have.(不,他们到了)/No,they haven .(是的,他们没到)当主句的主语为二、三人称即 You/He/She/lt thinks(suppose, consider, believe,guess, expect, imagi ne, feel

5、, am afraid, hear, say 等)+宾语从句时,其后的问句应与主句 相一致(此时,否定只看主句,与从句无关),如:Your sister supposes she n eeds no help,does ntshe?3、并列复合句的反意疑问句的主、谓语应与相近的分句的主、谓语相一致。女口: John isn a hard-working student, for he has been late for three times, hasn he?三、含有情态动词或助动词的反意疑问句:1、当陈述部分含有情态动词 must,其意义表示“必须、必要”时,其后的反意疑问句 用mustn

6、 或 needn 。如:1You must do it today, must n tyou?2She must look after her sister, n eed nshe?如果 must 的含义表示“一定是、想必”等推测意义时,其后的反意疑问句则要依据句中的谓语动词的时态结构采用 be/have/did/do+not 等相应形式。如:1He must bee ill, isn the?精品资料2You must have see n the film before, have n you?2、如果陈述部分用了 must have+P.P.(过去分词),但明示或暗示了过去的时间,其反意

7、疑问句用过去时。如:He must have seen him yesterday, didn he?3、 陈述部分含情态动词 ought to,其后反意疑问句用 oughtn 或 shouldn 如:I ought to come here, ought n tl?4、 陈述部分含情态动词 used to 其后反意疑问句用 usedn 或 didn 均可。如:Tom used to live here, used n the?5、 陈述部分含有 have/has/had to 时,其后的反意疑问句用 do 的相应形式。如:You have to go, don you?但是在陈述句中用 ha

8、ve/has/had got to 来代替 have/has/had to 时,反意疑问句用 have 的相应形式。如:Ann has got to see a doctor, has n tshe?6、 陈述部分有 had better/would rather 时,其后的反意疑问句用 hadn t/wouldn 如:1Youd better not stay here, had you?2They would rather take this one, would n they?7、当陈述部分有 dare 或 need 时,若 dare 和 need 为实义动词疑问部分的谓语用do的适当形

9、式;若 dare 和 need 为情态动词,疑问部分用 dare 和 need 构成。Need 与 Dare 用法区别一、need 的用法1) need 可用作实义动词,意为需要;必要,后面可接名词、动名词或动词不定式精品资料等作宾语。注意need doing表示被动意义,相当于 need to be done。例如:I n eed a dictio nary, so I n eed to go to the bookstore.我需要一本词典,因此我要去趟书店。How often does your hair need washing(need to be washed ) ? 你的头发需要

10、多久洗一次?2)need可用作情态动词,通常用于疑问句和否定句中,后接动词原形。这时need没有人称和数的变化,也没有时态的变化。例如:Its only eight oclock. Need you go so early?才八点。你需要去这么早吗?You need nt tell him about it as I have told him.你不必跟他说那件事,我已经告诉他了。3)neednt do 与 neednt have done 的区别:两者都表示不必做. 。但前者表示现在或将来不必做;而后者表示过去(本来)不必做(而事实上已经做了)。例如:You n eed nt carry t

11、he desks out of the classroom whe n you clea n the classroom. 你打扫 教室时不必把桌子搬到教室外。You n eed nt have bought such a big TV as it takes too much room.你本来不必买这么大的电视,它占据的空间太大了(而事实上已经买了)。二、dare 的用法1)dare 用作实义动词,此时其后的动词不定式可带to 也可不带 to,且 dare 有人称 和数以及时态的变化。例如:I dare to jump dow n from the top of the wall.我敢从那墙

12、头上跳下来。She does nt dare (to) meet her teachers eyes.她不敢与老师对视。精品资料2)dare 用作情态动词,后跟动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。例如:How dare she do things like that to me?她怎么敢对我做那种事?-Dare you catch the mouse?你敢去抓那只老鼠吗?-I dare nt do that. 我不敢抓。If you dare say that to our teacher, I would vote for you.如果你敢向我们的老师说那件事,我就投你一票四、陈述句

13、主语是某些不定代词的反意疑问句:1、 陈述句部分主语是 everything, something, anything, nothing时, 其后的反意疑问 句主语用 it。如:1Everythi ng seems all right, does n it?2Nothi ng is in the box, is it?2、 陈述部分的主语是 everybody, somebody, an ybody, n obody, every one, no one, none,either, some one时, 其后的反意疑问句用主语they以兼顾所指代的男、 女两性。 女口: Everybodyha

14、s got the new books, haventhey?3、 陈述部分主语是不定代词 one 时,其后的反意疑问句一般用主语 one。如:One can be always careful, can one?五、含有否定词或半否定词的反意疑问句:1、 陈述部分含有 no, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarely, few, little等否定或半否 定意义的词时,都视为否定,故反意疑问句部分用肯定形式。如:Few people knew the an swer, did they?2、 如果陈述部分的否定意义只是由单词加否定前缀构成时,其后的反意疑问

15、句一般 要用否定形式。如:精品资料He is unhappy, isn the?六、陈述部分的主语是指示代词的反意疑问句:1、 陈述部分主语是指示代词 this, that 时,其后的反意疑问句用主语 it。如:This is important, isn tit?2、 陈述部分主语是指示代词 these, those 时,其后的反意疑问句用主语 they。如:Those are mine, aren they?七、反意疑问句的其他特殊形式:1、陈述部分是“m”结构时,其后的反意疑问句用 aren I ?如:I am a student, aren tl ?2、 陈述部分是 there be

16、或 there live, there stand, there used to be等结构时,其后 的反意疑问句用主语 there。如:There is someth ing wrong with your bike, is nthere?3、 陈述部分的主语是动词不定式、动名词短语以及词组或从句时,其后的反意疑问句用主语 it。如:Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes, is ntit?4、陈述句谓语部分出现否定词缀时,疑问部分仍用否定结构。如:He is unfit for his office, isn he?5、 感叹句后的反意疑问句,动

17、词用 be 的现在时,主语根据具体内容而定。1What a clever girl, isn she?精品资料2How beautiful the flowers are, aren they?一、选择1. Linda ate no thi ng this morni ng,_?A. didn tshe B. was she C. did sheD. wasn she2. There hardly_milk in the bottle,_ there?A. no, isn B. some, is C. little, isn D. any, is3. He has n ever ridde n

18、 a horse before,_ ?A. does he B. has he C. hasn theD. doesn the4. He seldom came here,_ ? Yes sir.A. didn the B. does he C. doesn theD. did he5. Everythi ng seems all right,_?A. does it B. don they C. won itD. doesn it7. One can be too modest, can_ ?A. one B. he C. it D. we8. No one failed in the ex

19、am,_?A. was he B. did one C. did they D. didn he10. Neither you nor I am a artist,_?A. am I B. aren we C. are we D. amn I11. He can be her father,_ he?A. is B. isn C. can D. can 12. They have no time to visit the museum,_ ?精品资料A. do they B. haven they C. don they D. will they14. You better go at onc

20、e,_you?A. hadn B. did C. didn D. don 15. You rather work than play,_you?A. hadn B. wouldn C. didn D. mustn 16. You dare not do that,_ you?A. don B. do C. dare D. daren 18. He dislikes the two subjects,_he?A. does B. doesn C. isD. isn 19. These tools are useless now,_ ?A. are they B. aren they C. is

21、it D. isn it20. He used to get up at 6:30,_ he?A. didn he B. did he C. used he D. wouldn he22. He ought to win the first prize,_he?A. mustn B. oughtn C. shouldn D. Both B and C.23. Let go there by bus,_ ?A. will youB. shall weC. don youD. will you24. Let us go to play football,_ ?A. will you B. shal

22、l we C. do we D. are we25. Don forget to give Polly some food and change her water,_?A. will you B. shall we C. won you D. do you26. Let go shopp ing this after noon,_ ? All right.A. will we B. shall we C. don we D. are we精品资料27. Pass me the dictio nary,_? Yes, with pleasure.A. would you B. will you

23、 C. won you D. wouldn you30. There is little water in the glass,_?A. isn there B. isn tit C. is itD. is there32. There won be any con cert this Saturday eve ning,_ ?A. will there not B. will there C. is there D. won 33. I guess she taught herself Japa nese,_ ? Yes.A. don tlB. did she C. do I D. didn

24、 she34. I don believe you are right,_?A. are you B. do you C. won you D. do35. She doesn think that Tom sings best in the class,_?A. does sheB. doesn tshe C. does he D. doesn the精品资料37.1 know you didn want to hurt me,_?A. did you B. didn you C. do I D. don I38. If my father were here he would be ver

25、y happy,_ ?A. weren the B. were he C. wouldn theD. would he39. I dont think that the n ecklace is made of diam ond.A. do I B. do you C. isnt it D. is it40. His wife had the carpets and the curta ins clea ned,44. Birds rarely build n ests in our garde n,45. You must have bee n to the Great Wall,A. mu

26、st nt you B. have nt you C. arent you46. lear ning how to repair motors takes a long time,A. does ntit B. dont they C. does it D. do they47. They must have stayed at home last ni ght,A. must ntthey B. have nt they C. did nt they D. must they48.1feel like going to the cin ema toni ght,A. had ntB.had

27、C. did ntshe D. did she41.Its my sonsweddi ng n ext week, and I have to do my best for that,A. have nt IB. do nt I C. donthe D. isnt it42.Harry would ntbecome a teacher if it had ntbee n for the holiday,A. would he B. had it C. would itD. had he43. No one left here yesterday,A. did nt they B. did th

28、ey C. did ntoneD.did oneA. dont they B. do they C. did nt theyD.did theyD. must you精品资料A. dont I B. dont you C. do I D. do you49 丄 ets start out early tomorrow morning,_ ?A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. cant you50. Theresnot much n ews in todays newspaper,_ ?A. is nt itB. is it C. isnt there D.

29、 is there51. They n eed our help badly at the moment,_ ?A. n eed ntthey B. n eed they C. dont theyD.do they52.She is unfit for the position,_?A. is she B. isnt sheC. does nt she D. does she53.I wish to visit America,_ ?A. dont I B. can I C. may I D. may you54.Shes bee n a worker here for many years,

30、_ ?A. is nt she B. is she C. has nt she D. has she55.What beautiful flowers,_?A. arent theyB. are theyC.is nt itD.is it56.Mother used to live in a poor village,?A. used sheB. used nt sheC.did ntheD. did he57.Youd better go at on ce,?A. would ntyouB. had youC.had ntyouD. should you58.I am very in ter

31、ested in Mark Twai nsno vels,?A. arent IB. am not IC. arent youD. are you59. You rather watch TV this evening,?A. isn titB. hadn youC. wouldn youD. won you60.I suppose you e not going today,_ ?精品资料A. are you B. do you C. don youD. aren you61.I wish to shake hands with you,_?A. shall B. may I C. do I

32、 D. will I62.Three hours ought to be eno ugh time,_?A. oughtn three hours B. didn they C. shouldn tit D. shouldn three hours63.They have to study a lot,_?a. don theyb. haven they c. did they d. hadn they64.When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt,_?a. didn the b. did he c. did it d. did

33、n tit65.rm sure dirty,_ ?a. am I b. isn tlc. aren I d. am not I66.You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I dontthink you judged yourability objectively whe n you applied for it,_you?a. do b. did c. don d. didn 67.That the sort of the book you want,_ ?a. is it d. isn that c. is that d. i

34、sn tit68. All these dict ion aries are a great help to you,_ ?a. are theyb. aren theyc. are all these dictionariesd. aren all these dictionaries69. The movie that we saw last week was quite in terest ing,_ ?a. wasn tit b. was it c. didn twe d. weren we70. Tom has bee n writi ng letters all after noo

35、n, but he should have fini shed them bynow, _ ?精品资料a. hasn he b. has hec. shouldn he d. didn you71. David told me that you would take a trip to America,_?a. would you b. wouldn you c. did you d. didn you72. There appeared to be no better way,_?a. was there b. were there c. did thered. didn there73.

36、You has some trouble finding where I live,_ ?a. did n you b. had n you c. do Id. don I74. He has his hair cut every mon th,_ ?a. has he b. hasn he c. does he d. doesn he75. Your frie nd n eeds to come earlier,_?a. does he b. doesn the c. need he d. needn the76. The little boy dare not go to church,_

37、?a. dare he b. daren he c. does he d. doesn he77. Susan have worked abroad if she had the chanee,_ ?a. has she b. hadn she c. would she d. wouldn she78. Every one s hav ing a good time,_?a. is heb. isn everyonec. does he d. aren they79. A ny one can join the club,_ ?a. can any one b. can any onec. c

38、an they d. can they80. Tell me how to operate the electr onic computer,_?a. will you b. shan you c. do you d. don you81. Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day,_?a. doesn sheb. does she c. do you d. don you精品资料82. Let listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned,_ ?a. do we b

39、. don we c. shall we d. shan we83. You think you re funny,_ ?a. didn you b. are you c. don you d. do you84. Ja net used to take part in labor in that village,_?a. used she b. did she c. didn she d. should she85. What beautiful weather,_?a. is it b. isn it c. won it d. doesn it86. He ought to go to K

40、wan gchow by pla ne,_ ?a. should he b. shouldn thec. would he d. wouldn he87. We n ever dared to ask him a questio n,_ ?a. did we b. didn we c. dared we d. daren we88.Nobody will believe how difficult his work has bee n_?a. will he b. won tnobodyc. will they d. won they89. You must have made the mis

41、take,_?a. mustn you b. haven you c. didn you d. hadn you90. Lear ning how to repair computers takes a long time,_ ?a. isn tit b. aren they c. doesn it d. don they91. Jack has coffee with breakfast,_ ?a. hasn Jack b. hasn he c. doesn Jack d. doesn he92. They must have stayed at hotel last ni ght,_?a.

42、 mustn they b. haven they c. didn theyd. hadn they93. There isn anything wrong with the radio,_ ?精品资料a. is there b. is it c. does it d. does there94. You must be hun gry,_ ?a. must you b. mustn you c. are you d. aren you95. Let do the exercises by ourselves,_ ?a. shall we b. shan we c. will you d. w

43、ill we96. Her daughter had the carpets and curta ins clea ned,_ ?a. had she b. hadn she c. didn she d. didn her daughter97. The teacher had a talk with you,_?. has you b. hadn she c. did she d. didn she二、填空1、 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_ 2、 -Youve never seen dinosaur eggs

44、, have you ?-_ . How I wish to visit the Dino saur World.3、_ His sister had a bad cough,she?4、_ Mr. Gree n went toShen zhe n on bus in ess last week,_ ?5、_ Joh n can hardly un dersta nd anyChin ese,_he?、_ Don smoke in the meeting-room, ?7、_ Lucy, you clean the blackboard today,?8、_ Miss Cheng will n

45、 everforget her first visit to Can ada ,_ ?9、 The lady couldn say a word when she saw the snake,_?精品资料10、 _ the population of chin a?1, 300, 000 , 000.11、_ - I go and meet you at the airport?-No ,tha nks, dear . I can take a taxi home.12、 -is the Confucian Temple(孑 L 庙)from here?- It about 10 minute

46、s walk.13、_ may I keep these books? two weeks.14、 Tina is unhappy now,_ ?15、-You won follow his example, will you ?-_ , I don tthi nk he is right.16、 -_ do you go to Hong Kong?-sorry , I e never been there.17、_ -The boy hasto stay at home to look after his little sister,_ ?-Yes, because his mother has gone shopp ing.18、-Yo


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