



1、1 / 122010 全国各地名校英语单选优化重组(2010 吉林实验中学高三一模) 1. He came here by_way of London. In_way hishealth is much improved, but he is still not really well.A. a, aB. /, a C. the, the D. a, the(2010 辽瓦房店高级中学届高三 9 月月考)32. Do you know_Korean idol groupcalled Supper Junior?Is it _one with a Chinese member?A. /; /B.

2、 a; the C. the; /D. /; the(2010 湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)21. The Shengzhou VI aircraft carried twoastronauts into_sky at 9:00 am on October 12, 2005 and the two astronauts will stayin_space for five days.A. a; the B. the;不填C. the; theD. a;不填(2010 福建福州屏东中学高三9 月阶段性考试)17. Medical care in the countrycannot compare

3、 with_ in big cities.A. one ofB. that ofC. /D. the one of(2010 福建福州屏东中学高三9 月阶段性考试)18. -Do you have today s China Daily?Yes, but only one copy left. Would you like to take_ ?A. someB. themC. itD. one(2010 吉林实验中学高三一模) 28. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation,2 / 12especially_ containing

4、 as many different cultures as America is a difficult thing.the right leading of the CPC, all theChinese people can enjoy equal rights and a peaceful life now.(2010 福建福州屏东中学高三9 月阶段性考试)6. Not having a good_ofEnglish can be a serious obstacle to achieving your goals.A. dema ndB. appreciatio nC. experi

5、e neeD. comma nd(2010 吉林实验中学高三一模) 33. What a wonderful_ that they are working hard!A. sceneB. sight C. viewD. see ing(2010 湖南望城二中高三第二次月考) 23. AIDS is spreading all over the world at shockingspeed. Where its dark_ appears, we see pain, tears and death.A. shape B. shadowC. ambiti onD. feeli ng(2010 江苏

6、泰兴三中高三开学初考试)21. I had decided to give it up, but on_second thoughts, I decided to try_third time.A. /; theB. /; a C. the; the D. the; a(2010 浙江长兴三中高三月考) 23. The little boy got punished _ what he had done .A. becauseB. because ofC. sinceD. as(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月考)29. - Hi, Bob, are you going to attend

7、tomorrow sconference?- Oh, I m afraid not,_ invited to.B. as ifC. even asA. the oneB. oneC. itD. either(2010 辽瓦房店高级中学届高三 9 月月考)27. What!to go there with _ ? No!A. I; him B. I; heC. Me; him D. Me; himself(2010 湖南望城二中高三第二次月31. He didn t make _ clear when andwhere the meeting would be held.A. thisB. th

8、at C. itD. these(2010 湖南株洲二中高三上第二次月考)all my homework unfinished, I amnot allowed to go online to play games.A. ToB. ForC. WithD. Without(2010 江苏泰兴三中高三开学初考试)32.A. Tha nks toB. Because C. ForD. Tha nk forA. even ifD. since3 / 12(2010 辽瓦房店高级中学届高三 9 月月考)22. It is reported that some wild animals werein a

9、 big cave in the mountain.phone as they are in emails.the work.anyone else I have ever met.(2010 吉林实验中学高三一模) 2. I found her nice and honestA. for the first timeB. the first time C. on the first time D. at first(2010 辽瓦房店高级中学届高三 9 月月考)34. Try the new cleaner. Just a few minutesevery day that s all it

10、 takes_ ou will have shining floors and furniture.A. andB. but C. orD. so(2010 吉林实验中学高三一模) 32. Tom reached home at last,_ .A. tired and hun ger B. tired and hun grily C. tired and hungry D. felt tired and hun grily2010 江苏泰兴三中高三开学初考试)35. My parents strongly_ my going to collegefoundA. to hide dead B.

11、 hidden deadC. hiding dead D.hidde ndeath(2010 浙江长兴三中高三月考 26. The boat is_small, we cant put_ food in it.A. much too; so many B. much too; too much C. too much; much tooD. too much; so much(2010 吉林实验中学一模) 5. -The weather isn t good enough for an outing, isn t it?-Not in the least. We cant haveat thi

12、s time of the year.A. a worse dayB. a nicer dayC. such bad a day D. so fine a day(2010 吉林实验中学高三一29. It is said that people arelikely to tell lies over theA. as twiceB. twice asC. twice moreD. twice than(2010 吉林实验中学高三一)34. How disappointing! They have finished5% ofA. no more tha nB. no less tha nC. m

13、ore tha nD. not less tha n(2010 浙江嘉兴一中高三上摸底测21. Mr. Smith ownscollection of coins thanA. largerB. a largerC. the largerD. a large(2010 辽瓦房店咼级中学届咼三 9 月月考)29. AIDS and SARSmay have made theheadlines, but rabies (狂犬病)is nowkiller than both.A. a biggerB. bigC. bigger D. the biggestI saw her.4 / 12out of

14、 Jia ngsu provi nee, because they dont like my being far away from them.5 / 12A. enjoy B. oppose C. oppose to D. object(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月考)35. What s the girl like?She was a brave girl. She fought bravely and her en emy had to_her at last.A. give upB. give up to C. give in D. give in to(2010 浙江长兴三中高

15、三第一次月考)39. The teacher asked us_ so much noise.A. don t makeB. not makeC. not makingD. not to make(2010 福建福州屏东中学高三 9 月阶段性考试)11. The little boy insisted _ towatch the ope ning ceremony of the Beiji ng 2008 Olympic Games.A. on tak ingB. to be take nC. that he would be take nD. that he be take n(2010 福

16、建福州屏东中学高三 9 月阶段性考试)14. The woods and the newly dug riverthrough the campus_ the beauty of this world known uni versity.A. add upB. add toC. are added upD. are added to(2010 浙江嘉兴一中高三上摸底测验)32. “Goodbye, then, she said, without even_ from her book.A. look ing dow n B. look ing upC. look ing awayD. look

17、 ing on(2010 浙江嘉兴一中高三上摸底测验)40. If you can tspare me an hour, a quarterwill _.A. doB. help C. work D. suit(2010 辽瓦房店高级中学届高三9 月月考) 28. How can I make sure my feet_ ,Doctor Li?A. don t smell B. aren t smeC. haven t smell D. won t be smeltshe cha nged a lot through years.outi ng this weeke nd because of

18、 the bad weather but he just would n(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月21. The mome nt I saw her, Iher,althougA. knowB. realized(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月C. recog ni zed22. You d betterD. no ticedyour coins, and see howlong you can last.A. add up toB. add toC.add upD. add(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月27. His pare ntshim to give up the

19、pla n for thet listen.A.hopedB. persuadedC. suggestedD. tried to persuade(2010 北京广渠门中学高三开学考试)10. -Hi, Peter. Long time no see!6 / 12-Oh, it s you. I m sorry that I didn t_ you at first.A. know B. remember C. realizeD. recog nize(2010 北京广渠门中学高三开学考试)12. - Have you_with an idea?-Not yet, but I II ask m

20、y parents forasomce.A. put upB. turned upC. gone up D. come up. (2010 北京广渠门中学高三开学考试)20. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reducedgreatly if people_ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. are advised B. be advised C. be persuadedD. are persuaded.(2010 北京广渠门中学高三开学考试)24. Some audienee compla

21、in that it usually_ toolong to watch the ads during the TV series.A. costsB. spe ndsC. takesD. pays(2010 浙江长兴三中高三第一次月考)37. - Im going to the USA.-How long _ you _there?A. are; stay ing B. are; stayedC. have; stayed D. did; stay(2010 福建福州屏东中学高三9 月阶段性考试)9. -Have the police found the parents of thebaby found by the road?Not yet. His ide


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