高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising 精品课件 译林版必修4_第1页
高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising 精品课件 译林版必修4_第2页
高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising 精品课件 译林版必修4_第3页
高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising 精品课件 译林版必修4_第4页
高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising 精品课件 译林版必修4_第5页
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1、2022-3-214 Unit 1 Advertising 2022-3-21 .高频单词思忆高频单词思忆 1.persuasive 1.persuasive adj.adj._ _ _ _ v.v.说服说服_ _ n.n.劝说者劝说者2.product 2.product n.n. _ _ v.v.生产生产3.promote 3.promote vt.vt. _ _ n. n. plete plete adj.adj. _ _ _ _ n.n.基础落实基础落实Module 4Module 4劝导性的劝导性的, ,劝诱的劝诱的; ;有说服力的有说服力的, ,令令人信服的人信服的persuade

2、persuadepersuaderpersuader产品产品produceproduce宣传宣传, ,推广推广; ;促销促销, ,推销推销promotionpromotion全部的全部的, ,完全的完全的, ,完整的完整的completioncompletion2022-3-215.connect 5.connect vt.vt. _ _ n.n. 6.convenient 6.convenient adj.adj. _ _ n. n. 7.determine 7.determine vt.vt. _ _ adj.adj. _ _ n.n.8.react 8.react vi.vi. _ _

3、n.n.9.creative 9.creative adj.adj. _ _ v.v. _ _ n.n. _ _ n.n.创造性创造性10.various 10.various adj.adj. _ _ n.n. 联系联系; ;连接连接connectionconnection便利的便利的, ,方便的方便的convenienceconvenience确定确定, ,决定决定determineddetermineddeterminationdetermination做出反应做出反应, ,回应回应reactionreaction具有创造性的具有创造性的createcreatecreationcreat

4、ioncreativitycreativity各种各样的各种各样的varietyvariety2022-3-21.重点短语再现重点短语再现 1.1.知道知道, ,意识到意识到_2.2.戏弄某人戏弄某人, ,开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑_3.3.对对很满意很满意 4.4.对对很厌烦很厌烦/ /厌倦厌倦_ _ 5.5.和和有关系有关系/ /关联关联_6.6.传达传达_7.7.决心做某事决心做某事_8.8.自杀自杀_9.9.保护保护免受免受_be aware ofbe aware ofplay tricks on sb.play tricks on sb.be bored with/be fed up

5、withbe bored with/be fed up withbe connected withbe connected withget sth.acrossget sth.acrossbe determined to do sth.be determined to do mit suicidecommit tect.from.be satisfied withbe satisfied with2022-3-2110.10.过着过着的生活的生活_11.11.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事_ _ _ _12.12.远离毒品远离毒品_13.13.诱使某

6、人做某事诱使某人做某事_14.14.下降的趋势下降的趋势_15.15.吸引顾客的注意力吸引顾客的注意力_ _ _lead/live a.lifelead/live a.lifepersuade sb.to do/into doingpersuade sb.to do/into doingsth.sth.keep away from drugskeep away from drugstrick o doing sth.trick o doing sth.the downward trendthe downward trendattract customersattract

7、 customersattentionattention2022-3-21.典型句式运用典型句式运用 1.1.然而然而, ,并不是所有的广告都捉弄我们。并不是所有的广告都捉弄我们。 _ ads play tricks on us though._ ads play tricks on us though.2.2.即使广告没有说谎即使广告没有说谎, ,也不意味着它说的全部是事实。也不意味着它说的全部是事实。 _ an ad does not lie,it does not mean _ an ad does not lie,it does not mean it tells you the co

8、mplete truth. it tells you the complete truth.3.3.公益广告旨在教育我们公益广告旨在教育我们, ,帮助我们过更好的生活。帮助我们过更好的生活。 PSAs _ teach us and help us PSAs _ teach us and help us lead better lives. lead better lives.4.4.众所周知众所周知, ,在重新包装后在重新包装后, ,我们的雪人冰淇淋的销我们的雪人冰淇淋的销 售量上升了。售量上升了。 _,sales of our Snowman ice cream _,sales of our

9、 Snowman ice cream have increased after repackaging. have increased after repackaging. Not allNot allEven ifEven ifare meant toare meant toAs you knowAs you know2022-3-21.综合语篇填空综合语篇填空 1.China has strong laws to _ people 1.China has strong laws to _ people from advertisements that lie. from advertise

10、ments that lie.2.However,we still must be aware _ the 2.However,we still must be aware _ the methods used in advertisements to try and methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things. sell us things.3.In _ to determine your audience3.In _ to determine your audience,you you will need to do a

11、 little research. will need to do a little research.4.If they want to become the market leader,4.If they want to become the market leader, the company must ensure that their product the company must ensure that their product is _ high quality. is _ high quality. protectprotectofoforderorderofof2022-

12、3-21重点单词重点单词 1.persuade 1.persuade v.v.说服说服 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)汤姆终于说服他父亲戒烟了。汤姆终于说服他父亲戒烟了。 Tom persuaded his father to _Tom persuaded his father to _ _ at last. _ at last. =Tom persuaded his father _ =Tom persuaded his father _ _ at last. _ at last. (2) (2)我们终于能够说服他不单独去那里了。我们终于能够说服他不单独去那里了。 We were able

13、to persuade him _We were able to persuade him _ _ alone. _ alone.导练互动导练互动give upgive upsmokingsmokinginto giving upinto giving upsmokingsmokingnot to gonot to gotherethere2022-3-21=We were able to persuade him _ =We were able to persuade him _ _ alone. _ alone. 帮你归纳帮你归纳persuadepersuade意为意为“说服说服”, ,有

14、有“成功说服某人做某事成功说服某人做某事”的含义的含义, ,其常用的结构为其常用的结构为: :persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade o doing persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade o doing sth.sth.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事persuade sb.not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of persuade sb.not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of doing sth.doing sth.说服某人不要做某事说服某人不要做某事persuade

15、sb.that=persuade sb.of sth.persuade sb.that=persuade sb.of sth.使某人相信使某人相信 out of goingout of goingtherethere2022-3-21温馨提示温馨提示persuadepersuade表示表示“成功劝服某人成功劝服某人”, ,若要表示若要表示“劝而不劝而不 服服”, ,则要用则要用try to persuadetry to persuade或或advise sb.to do advise sb.to do sth.sth.。She advised her parents to give up sm

16、oking,She advised her parents to give up smoking,but they wouldnt listen.but they wouldnt listen.她劝她的父母戒烟她劝她的父母戒烟, ,但他们不愿听。但他们不愿听。I tried to persuade him to continue his study,I tried to persuade him to continue his study,but I failed.but I failed.我尽力劝他继续学习我尽力劝他继续学习, ,但没有成功。但没有成功。即学活练即学活练(3)(3)我劝他不要

17、玩电脑游戏了我劝他不要玩电脑游戏了, ,但他不愿意听。但他不愿意听。 _ _ _I tried to persuade him not to play computer I tried to persuade him not to play computer games,but he wouldnt listen.games,but he wouldnt listen.2022-3-212.aware 2.aware adj.adj.意识到的意识到的, ,知道的知道的 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)她知道这个事实她知道这个事实, ,但她还是无法面对。但她还是无法面对。 She _,but sh

18、e She _,but she couldnt face it yet. couldnt face it yet. (2) (2)他没有意识到潜在的危险。他没有意识到潜在的危险。 He _.He _. (3) (3)你有没有察觉到你已经伤害了他的感情?你有没有察觉到你已经伤害了他的感情? _ you have hurt his _ you have hurt his feelings? feelings?帮你归纳帮你归纳 be/become aware of sth.be/become aware of sth.意识到意识到 be/become aware thatbe/become awar

19、e that意识到意识到was aware of the factwas aware of the factwasnt aware of the hidden dangerwasnt aware of the hidden dangerAre you aware thatAre you aware that2022-3-21awareness awareness n n. .意识意识, ,觉悟觉悟 易混辨异易混辨异aware,conscious aware,conscious 两者都可以表示两者都可以表示“意识到的意识到的”, ,都可以用于都可以用于be be aware/conscious

20、ofaware/conscious of结构中结构中, ,但但awareaware指感官上的知指感官上的知 觉觉, ,警觉警觉, ,而而consciousconscious指内心所意识到的感觉。指内心所意识到的感觉。I suddenly felt aware of somebody watching me.I suddenly felt aware of somebody watching me.我突然觉得有人盯着我看。我突然觉得有人盯着我看。I am deeply conscious of my responsibility as I am deeply conscious of my re

21、sponsibility as a teacher.a teacher.作为一名教师作为一名教师, ,我深刻意识到我的责任。我深刻意识到我的责任。 2022-3-21即学活练即学活练(4)(4)他好像没有意识到他们对他的呼吁态度冷淡。他好像没有意识到他们对他的呼吁态度冷淡。 _ _ _ _ _ _He doesnt seem to be aware of the He doesnt seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitudes towards his coldness of their attitudes towards his app

22、eal.appeal.2022-3-213.lie 3.lie vi.vi.说谎说谎; ;平躺平躺; ;位于位于; ;n.n.谎言谎言 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)他对父母说谎他对父母说谎, ,所以他们不喜欢他。所以他们不喜欢他。 He _ his parents,so they didnt He _ his parents,so they didnt like him. like him. (2) (2)她夜里常睡不着她夜里常睡不着, ,担心她的工作。担心她的工作。 She would _ at nights,worrying She would _ at nights,worrying

23、about her work. about her work. (3) (3)村庄位于河对岸。村庄位于河对岸。 The village _ the river. The village _ the river. lied tolied tolie awakelie awakelies acrosslies across2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳lielie作动词作动词, ,除表示除表示“说谎说谎”外外, ,还可以表示还可以表示“躺;位躺;位 于于”, ,另外另外lielie一词要与一词要与laylay进行区别进行区别, ,具体辨析如下具体辨析如下: :(1)(1)说谎说谎lielied

24、liedlyinglieliedliedlyinglie to sb.=tell a lie/lies to sb.lie to sb.=tell a lie/lies to sb.(2)(2)躺躺; ;位于位于lielaylainlyinglielaylainlyinglie downlie down躺下躺下lie inlie in在于在于lie on ones back/sidelie on ones back/side仰卧仰卧/ /侧卧侧卧lie on ones stomachlie on ones stomach趴着趴着lie in/on/to the south of.lie in/

25、on/to the south of.位于位于的南部的南部 2022-3-21(3)(3)放置放置; ;下蛋下蛋laylaidlaidlayinglaylaidlaidlayinglay downlay down放下放下lay asidelay aside放在一边放在一边lay the table for dinnerlay the table for dinner摆桌子吃饭摆桌子吃饭lay eggslay eggs下蛋下蛋即学活练即学活练(4)He _ to us that those eggs which were (4)He _ to us that those eggs which w

26、ere _ on the table had been by snakes. _ on the table had been by snakes. A.lied;laying;lied B.lied;lying;lain A.lied;laying;lied B.lied;lying;lain C.laid;laid;laid D.lied;lying;laid C.laid;laid;laid D.lied;lying;laid D2022-3-214.connect 4.connect vt.vt.联系联系, ,连接连接 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)警方认为这次的事件和上周的恐怖爆炸事件

27、警方认为这次的事件和上周的恐怖爆炸事件 有关。有关。 The police are _ this incident The police are _ this incident _ last weeks terrorist bombing. _ last weeks terrorist bombing. (2) (2)这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。 These terminals _ our These terminals _ our mainframe computer. mainframe computer. (3) (3)请接邮政局。请接邮政

28、局。 _,please. _,please. connectingconnectingwithwithare connected toare connected toConnect me with the post officeConnect me with the post office2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳connect A with/to Bconnect A with/to B把把A A和和B B连接起来连接起来A be connected with BAA be connected with BA与与B B有联系有联系connect sb.with sb./sth.con

29、nect sb.with sb./sth.某人与某人某人与某人/ /物有联系物有联系温馨提示温馨提示表达表达“把把A A与与B B连接起来连接起来”, ,用介词用介词toto或或withwith,但在表,但在表 达达“A A与与B B有联系有联系”时时, ,用用withwith。易混辨异易混辨异connect,join,unite connect,join,unite (1)connect(1)connect指通过某种连接物把具体的事情指通过某种连接物把具体的事情( (或人或人) ) 或抽象概念连接起来。或抽象概念连接起来。(2)join(2)join强调形体清楚的分离事物之间的结合强调形体清

30、楚的分离事物之间的结合, ,如田如田与田与田, ,国家与国家的连接。国家与国家的连接。2022-3-21(3)unite(3)unite指很紧密的结合,强调结合成为新的统一指很紧密的结合,强调结合成为新的统一 体体, ,还有还有“团结团结”的意思。的意思。 即学活练即学活练用用connect,join,uniteconnect,join,unite的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)England and Scotland _ in 1706.(4)England and Scotland _ in 1706.(5)_ the two sections of pipe together.(5)_

31、 the two sections of pipe together.(6)Lincolns name is _ with the (6)Lincolns name is _ with the Civil War of the USA. Civil War of the USA.(7)Thousands of miles of good roads have (7)Thousands of miles of good roads have _ town and country. _ town and country. unitedunitedJoinJoinconnectedconnected

32、joined/conncetedjoined/connceted2022-3-215.deal 5.deal v.v.处理处理, ,应付应付; ;分配分配, ,分派分派 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。 I hate _ large impersonal I hate _ large impersonal companies. companies. (2) (2)他在大会上做了一次演讲他在大会上做了一次演讲, ,谈及计算机病毒问题。谈及计算机病毒问题。 He made a speech at the conference

33、He made a speech at the conference, _ computer virus._ computer virus. (3) (3)请告诉我如何处理这个问题。请告诉我如何处理这个问题。 Please tell me _ the Please tell me _ the problem. problem.dealing withdealing withdealing withdealing withhow to deal withhow to deal with2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)deal in sth.(1)deal in sth.经营某物经营某物,

34、 ,忙于某事物忙于某事物deal sth.outdeal sth.out分发某物分发某物deal with sb.deal with sb.应付应付/ /对待某人对待某人; ;与与做生意做生意deal with sth.deal with sth.处理处理/ /料理某事料理某事 (2)deal(2)deal作名词须注意掌握以下几个词组作名词须注意掌握以下几个词组: :Its a deal.Its a deal.一言为定。一言为定。a fair/square deala fair/square deal公平交易公平交易a raw/rough deala raw/rough deal不公平的待遇不

35、公平的待遇a good/great deal ofa good/great deal of许多许多, ,大量大量( (修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词) )We offer you a fair deal on furniture.We offer you a fair deal on furniture.我们卖家具价钱公道。我们卖家具价钱公道。 2022-3-21(3)deal with(3)deal with与与do withdo with都可以表示都可以表示“对付,处理对付,处理” ” 的意思的意思, ,两者的区别是两者的区别是:deal with:deal with常与常与howhow连用

36、连用,do ,do withwith常与常与whatwhat连用。连用。即学活练即学活练(4)Last summer I took a course on _ (4)Last summer I took a course on _ poisonous gases. poisonous gases. A.how to deal with A.how to deal with B.what to deal with B.what to deal with C.how to be dealt with C.how to be dealt with D.what to be dealt with D.

37、what to be dealt with A2022-3-216.convenient 6.convenient adj.adj.方便的方便的, ,便利的便利的挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)你什么时候方便开始?你什么时候方便开始? When would it _ When would it _ _? _? (2) (2)下午下午3 3点点5050分的火车你方便吗?分的火车你方便吗? Will the 350 p.m.train _ Will the 350 p.m.train _ _? _? (3) (3)他们邀请他在合适的时候访问他们国家。他们邀请他在合适的时候访问他们国家。 They i

38、nvited him to visit their country They invited him to visit their country _. _.be convenient for you tobe convenient for you tobeginbeginbe convenientbe convenientfor youfor youat a convenient timeat a convenient time2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳 It is convenient for sb.to do sth.It is convenient for sb.to do s

39、th.对某人来说对某人来说某事是方便的某事是方便的sth.be convenient to/for sb.sth.be convenient to/for sb.某事对某人来说是某事对某人来说是方便的方便的 convenience convenience n.n.for conveniencefor convenience为方便起见为方便起见for ones conveniencefor ones convenience为某人方便起见为某人方便起见at ones convenienceat ones convenience在某人方便的时候在某人方便的时候 2022-3-21温馨提示温馨提示co

40、nvenientconvenient表示表示“方便的方便的, ,便利的便利的”时,其主语是物时,其主语是物 不能是人。不能是人。即学活练即学活练(4)If it is quite _ to you,I will visit (4)If it is quite _ to you,I will visit you next Tuesday. you next Tuesday. A.convenient B.fair A.convenient B.fair C.easy D.comfortable C.easy D.comfortable A2022-3-217.share 7.share v.v.

41、分担分担, ,分享分享; ;n.n.一份一份, ,份额份额; ;股份股份 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)如果你没有这样的书的话如果你没有这样的书的话, ,可以和别人合看一本。可以和别人合看一本。 _ if you dont have _ if you dont have such a book. such a book. (2) (2)每一个人都应该有一份食物。每一个人都应该有一份食物。 Everyone ought to have _.Everyone ought to have _. (3) (3)那家公司的股票价格在上涨。那家公司的股票价格在上涨。 _ for that company

42、is _ for that company is increasing now. increasing now. Share with somebodyShare with somebodyhis share of foodhis share of foodThe share priceThe share price2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳share sth.with sb.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物与某人分享某物share sth.between/among sb.share sth.between/among sb.和某人分配某物和某人分配某物share

43、an interestshare an interest兴趣相投兴趣相投share in the joys and sorrowsshare in the joys and sorrows同甘共苦同甘共苦do ones sharedo ones share为为尽自己的一份力量尽自己的一份力量即学活练即学活练(4)Let Harry play with your toys as well(4)Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare,you must learn to _.Clare,you must learn to _. A.support B

44、.care A.support B.care C.spare D.share C.spare D.share D2022-3-218.get sth.across8.get sth.across传达传达; ;使使被理解被理解 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)他不擅长于表达自己的思想。他不擅长于表达自己的思想。 He is not good at _.He is not good at _. (2) (2)他无法将自己的意思传达给观众。他无法将自己的意思传达给观众。 He was unable to _ the He was unable to _ the audience what he mea

45、nt. audience what he meant. (3) (3)老师尽力解释这个问题老师尽力解释这个问题, ,但是他的解释没有被但是他的解释没有被 同学们理解。同学们理解。 The teacher tried to explain the problem,The teacher tried to explain the problem, but his explanation _ but his explanation _ the class. the class. getting his ideas acrossgetting his ideas acrossget across to

46、get across todid not get across todid not get across to2022-3-21帮你归纳帮你归纳get along/on withget along/on with进展进展, ,相处相处get down to doing sth.get down to doing sth.开始认真做某事开始认真做某事get away fromget away from走开走开, ,离开离开get inget in进入进入; ;上车上车; ;收割收割 get togetherget together相聚相聚; ;联欢联欢get overget over从从( (疾

47、病、失望中疾病、失望中) )恢复过来恢复过来; ;克服克服( (困难等困难等) )get out of sth.get out of sth.逃避逃避get throughget through完成完成; ;顺利通过顺利通过( (考试等考试等););接通接通, ,打通打通get sb.to do sth.get sb.to do sth.使某人做某事使某人做某事You should get your friends to help you.You should get your friends to help you.你应该叫你的朋友来帮你。你应该叫你的朋友来帮你。He has got ove

48、r the language barrier.He has got over the language barrier.2022-3-21他已经克服了语言障碍。他已经克服了语言障碍。 If everyone keeps in line,well get through If everyone keeps in line,well get through the Customs more quickly.the Customs more quickly.如果大家都遵守秩序如果大家都遵守秩序, ,我们会很快通过海关。我们会很快通过海关。即学活练即学活练(4)Were going to _ with

49、 some friends for (4)Were going to _ with some friends for a picnic.Would you like to join us? a picnic.Would you like to join us? A.get in B.get over A.get in B.get over C.get along D.get together C.get along D.get together (5)(5)今天晚上我必须认真学习了今天晚上我必须认真学习了, ,因为下周要考试了。因为下周要考试了。 _ _ _ _ DI must get dow

50、n to study tonight,as Ill I must get down to study tonight,as Ill have an exam next week.have an exam next week.2022-3-219.As you know,.9.As you know,.句型句型 As you know,sales of our Snowman ice cream As you know,sales of our Snowman ice cream have increased after repackaging. have increased after rep

51、ackaging.众所周知众所周知, ,在在 重新包装后重新包装后, ,我们的雪人冰淇淋的销售量上升了。我们的雪人冰淇淋的销售量上升了。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P1313) ) 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)众所周知众所周知, ,第第2929届奥运会是届奥运会是20082008年在中国举行的。年在中国举行的。 _,the 29th Olympic Games were _,the 29th Olympic Games were held held in China in 2008.in China in 2008. =_ that the 29th =_ that the 29th Oly

52、mpic Games were held in China in 2008. Olympic Games were held in China in 2008. =_,the 29th Olympic =_,the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008. Games were held in China in 2008.As you knowAs you knowIt is well known to allIt is well known to allAs is well known to allAs is well known to a

53、ll2022-3-21=_ is that the 29th =_ is that the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008. Olympic Games were held in China in 2008. 帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)as you know(1)as you know为为asas引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句,as,as解释解释 为为“正如正如”, ,该非限制性定语从句用来修饰整个句子。该非限制性定语从句用来修饰整个句子。As we all know,America consists of 50 state

54、s.As we all know,America consists of 50 states.众所周知众所周知, ,美国由美国由5050个州组成。个州组成。(2)as we all know(2)as we all know表示表示“众所周知众所周知”, ,表示这一含表示这一含 义我们还可以使用以下句型义我们还可以使用以下句型: :As is known to us all,.As is known to us all,.It is known to us all that.It is known to us all that.What is known to us all is that.

55、What is known to us all is that. What is well known to allWhat is well known to all2022-3-21即学活练即学活练(2)_ is known to everybody(2)_ is known to everybody,Taiwan is a Taiwan is a part of China.We must unify it. part of China.We must unify it. A.It B.As C.That D.What A.It B.As C.That D.What B2022-3-211

56、0.before10.before引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句 Before a company starts making a new Before a company starts making a new product,. product,.公司在开始制造新产品之前公司在开始制造新产品之前,(,(回回 归课本归课本P P7 7) )挑战自我挑战自我 将下面的句子译成汉语将下面的句子译成汉语, ,注意注意beforebefore的含义的含义 (1)Do it before you forget.(1)Do it before you forget. _ _ _ _ (2)It was

57、 a long time before I got to sleep (2)It was a long time before I got to sleep again. again. _ _ _ _趁早动手趁早动手, ,免得忘了。免得忘了。(before(before理解为理解为“在在之之 前前”) )过了很久我才再次睡着。过了很久我才再次睡着。(before(before理解为理解为“之之 后才后才”) )2022-3-21(3)However,before she could think twice,the (3)However,before she could think twice,

58、the water was upon her.water was upon her._ _ _(4)Put that away before it gets broken.(4)Put that away before it gets broken._ _ _帮你归纳帮你归纳(1)before(1)before一词用作介词的用法一词用作介词的用法: :beforebefore作介词表示作介词表示“在在前面前面”, ,表示时间或方表示时间或方 位位, ,也可以表示引申意义也可以表示引申意义, ,与与afterafter相对。相对。 然而然而, ,她还没来得及反应过来,水就逼到了她的身边。她还没来

59、得及反应过来,水就逼到了她的身边。(before(before理解为理解为“还没来得及就还没来得及就”)”)把那收好,以免砸碎了。把那收好,以免砸碎了。(before(before理解为理解为“以免,以免,不然不然”) )2022-3-21She knelt before the fire to warm herself.She knelt before the fire to warm herself.她跪在火堆前取暖。她跪在火堆前取暖。( (方位方位) )The year before last he won a gold medal,and The year before last he

60、 won a gold medal,and the year before that he won a silver.the year before that he won a silver.他前年赢得一枚金牌他前年赢得一枚金牌, ,大前年赢得一枚银牌。大前年赢得一枚银牌。( (时间时间) )The question before us is a very difficult one.The question before us is a very difficult one.摆在我们面前的问题是个难题。摆在我们面前的问题是个难题。( (引申意义引申意义) )beforebefore作为介词作


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